• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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7: Family and Friends

With Tornado Tonion in custody, the Radio Tower control systems were restored. Once the system finished rebooting and HQ restored their connection, they'd be able to contact X, Alia, Zero, and Iris readily enough. While they waited for that, Octavia decided to see how much Axl knew. "Tonion mentioned a Professor," she pointed out as they took a lunch break in the cafeteria. "Any idea who that might be?"

Axl shook his head as he chewed a couple of his fries, taking a sip of his milkshake to clear his throat. "No. I never met anyone like that back in Red Alert." He took a bite of his burger to give himself time to organize his thoughts. "Though, I can think of one thing..."

"What's that?" Octavia asked curiously as she stabbed up a bite of her salad.

"Before everything started...going wrong," Axl explained, "Red asked me to give him all the R-DNA data I'd collected. Not long after, Red and the others started getting some major upgrades, and they started acting funny. But no one in Red Alert knew how to manipulate R-DNA data like that. That must be the work of this 'Professor', and he's probably doing a lot more than just upgrading them. It's probably why they're acting different."

Octavia sighed as she continued to eat. "That sounds like a familiar strategy," she murmured softly. "Someone offers what a group of Reploids desperately want, only for the Reploids to end up Maverick pawns. Sounds like this Professor is using Sigma's old strategy."

"Sigma?" Axl gasped out, shivering. "But...he was destroyed after the Eurasia incident, right? X and Zero totally eradicated him, no trace left! And the virus isn't even around anymore..."

"That is what everyone is certain is true, yes," Octavia agreed tacitly.

"You...don't sound sure," Axl offered worriedly.

"Let's just say I prefer to keep a few paranoid suspicions up my sleeve, just in case," Octavia explained. "I'd rather be pleasantly surprised to discover the boogeyman no longer exists, than unpleasantly surprised when he shows up."

"I...guess that's a valid way of looking at it," Axl admitted.

"Finish your meal," Octavia encouraged him. "We should be getting in contact with Dad and Uncle Zero soon. You really want to meet them, right?"

Axl promptly began to stuff his face, making Octavia roll her eyes.

When the signal got through to X and Zero, the Hunters discovered that the by now legendary pair were already on their way back, having gotten suspicious about the communications malfunction. Zero and Iris had apparently supercharged a Ride Chaser for long distance ocean travel, and were within minutes of reaching the primary dock of the HQ. The only message from X, however, was a request to get a runway free.

As it turned out, the main runway ran right next to the dock, and it was a simple matter to clear both for the returning Hunters. As they waited, Octavia turned to take a perch on Axl's shoulder, only to pause and tsk. "Look at your face!" she chided.

"What?" Axl demanded in confusion. In his haste to finish his meal to meet his idols, he'd managed to spatter ketchup and other sauces all over his face and helmet.

Shaking her head, Octavia pulled out a napkin and licked it. Climbing up to Axl's shoulder, she proceeded to wash his face clean. "You really should eat more neatly," she scolded irritably.

Axl struggled a bit against the cleaning, but eventually subsided. "Yes, Mom," he complained testily, not noticing the thoughtful look that crossed her face when he said this.

The Ride Chaser that came in carrying Zero and Iris was no surprise to anyone. The craft coming in with X and Alia proved to be more surprising, however, as it was an antique biplane, the only electrical signal being from its passengers. While most of those watching the landing stared in shock as X and Alia stepped out of the plane once it came to a halt, Zero shot his friend a thumbs up.

"X!" Signas called out as the four approached. "What were you thinking flying an antique like that so far?"

"When communications dropped, I assumed there was some sort of electronic interference," X pointed out as he walked Alia over to Iris so the pair could direct the luggage and souvenirs wherever they felt they needed to go. "Figured the only safe way to get back was a vehicle that didn't use electricity."

"I didn't know you could fly one of those old things!" Zero proclaimed, stunned.

X looked back and forth a little guiltily. "Don't tell Alia...but until today, neither did I."

Zero burst into peals of laughter as he playfully slugged his friend on the shoulder. "Looks like Tavi's got someone for us to meet," he pointed out, gesturing to where the little pony was sitting on the shoulder of an unfamiliar Reploid.

Nodding, X walked over, holding out his arms to catch Octavia as she leapt across the distance to hug him. "Missed you too, Octavia," he said warmly.

"Come here, you!" Zero interrupted, pulling Octavia out of X's arms to cuddle her. "Who's this?"

Axl stepped forward nervously. "X, Zero, it's just such an honor to meet you both! I've read about all your exploits, and I've dreamed of being as great a Hunter as you both-"

X groaned. "Octavia, did you really arrange an introduction for a superfan new recruit?"

"Nope," Octavia corrected. "This is Axl. He followed me home, and I'm keeping him."

X smacked his face with his palm as Zero burst into laughter. Axl stomped his foot. "Octavia! It's bad enough you riding around on me and telling me to 'mush' or 'giddy-up'! I am not a pet!"

"No, you're my son," Octavia corrected, "so respect your elders."

As several of those near enough to listen underwent an epic spit-take, X, Zero, and Axl all stared at Octavia, blinking. "Uhh...Tavi?" Zero spoke up finally. "I don't think that's-"

"He has no idea where he came from or why he has strange abilities no other Reploid does," Octavia interrupted. "We bonded rather strongly on first sight, and the Light hologram knows something, but would only beg for me to keep him close and take care of him. Besides, he already called me Mom."

"That was-I mean-GAH!" Axl screamed out in frustration.

X, meanwhile, burst into laughter. "Can't argue with that logic," X admitted. "After all, it's how I wound up with you, Octavia." Turning to Axl, he held his arms wide. "Come on, Axl. Give Grandpa a hug."

Axl blinked, stunned. Piano - who had just finished greeting Alia - nudged the youngster into X's arms. Suddenly, the boy was up to his ears in family, and he didn't know how to handle it.

Signas stared at Alia in disbelief. "Alia...you just got back from nearly three years vacation for your honeymoon. Just what sort of leave could you possibly need to apply for now when you just got back?"

"Medical, technically," Alia replied, a soft smile on her face.

"Medical?" Signas asked, confused. "Are you damaged? Ill?"

"No, nothing like that," she corrected. Her hands went to her lower abdomen. "It's just that there isn't protocol in Maverick Hunter regulations yet to apply for maternity leave."

Signas stared, blinking. "You mean...more mini-Xs running around, like Octavia?" As he tried to process this, he handled it the only way he could.

He fainted.

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