• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,281 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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CM: Light in the Dark

Exploring the third floor went rather quickly after that. The only obstacle involved searching through a few defunct mechanaloids to find some electrical components to repair the elevator controls so they could go deeper. However, actually managing the repairs proved to be no small feat, and one the group decided to delay once they found the locked door the Gimialla Key opened.

Stepping inside, they found the halls behind the door patrolled by Silver Mettaurs, Gold Mettaurs, and Mettaur Gigants. The Gold and Silver Mettaurs were no different from others they'd encountered, saved that the metals salvaged from them were much more valuable if they were acquired undamaged, and they had a tendency to run. The Mettaur Gigant, on the other hand, was a gigantic Mettaur that simply stood where it was and blocked nearly all incoming fire...until Spider swiped an energy capsule it was holding. At that point, it started attacking ferociously, making it incredibly difficult to take down.

Eventually, the group found their way to a back corner of the mine passages, leading to a stone wall that looked...off. Massimo carefully rapped on the stone with his knuckles, then frowned. "This...feels like metal," he pointed out idly. "Why does it look like stone?"

Curious, Zero approached, only to flinch back, his white armor blazing as he reached for his saber. "There's a great deal of power back there," he spoke up warningly. "We need to be careful."

Octavia carefully stepped up to the wall...only to leap back as a beam of light shot out from it to lock onto her.

"Equine lifeform detected," a computerized voice echoed. "Analyzing...species match confirmed." The beam then swept over Zero. "...Ether user confirmed. Safe zone designated. Disengaging Sleep Mode, opening cockpit."

Before their eyes, the stone wall began to unfold, revealing a metal wall beneath it. The wall then split down the middle, pulling back to reveal an interior chamber blazing with the white light of Ether. The light slowly faded, revealing a shining figure with huge clenched fists, hefty build, and glowing blue eyes. He blinked as he took them in, slowly turning towards Octavia. After another blink, he spoke in an oddly choral voice. "You are not Vinyl Scratch."

Octavia's eyes widened. "You...knew this...Vinyl?"

"But Vinyl was from before the End Times!" X insisted. "That's nearly 300 years ago!"

"X, that comp said he was in stasis," Zero pointed out.

The figure blinked. "...I see. She was right that the world had changed drastically. Computer, how long until repairs are complete?"

"Error: repairs cannot be completed," the computer declared. "Damage caused the ship to discharge vast majority of Ether stores into surrounding rock upon crash landing. Stasis was initiated until volatile Ether Crystal concentration dropped to safe levels. Self-motivated space flight only option. Estimated time to return destination: three days. Round trip total based on estimation: 50 years."

The figure's eyes opened wide. "I..I've been down here for 50 years?" he gasped out in shock. He buried his face in his hands. "Oh...Roll is going to kill me..."

"...Roll?" X asked curiously, feeling the name was important somehow.

"...long story," the figure replied. "I am..." He paused. "I suppose I am no longer Duo or Trio at this point anymore...you can call me Gemini."

"Where can we find...Roll?" X asked hopefully.

"Mars," Gemini responded readily. "And that's where I need to go now. Let's see...ah, I can still do that, and it's a clear path..." His entire body suddenly converted into Ether, and he shot up through the rocks above without disturbing them.

Spider stared up with the others. "...well...that was different..."

"But confirmation of my thoughts," Octavia spoke up. "Ether Crystals and Force Metal Ore...are one and the same. The power of Force Metal is Ether."

"And Ether is what played a big part in turning robots into Reploids, and Reploids into Terrans," Zero added. "Meaning Force Metal, the latest form of Ether, is the key to future robotic evolution."

"Which means...Epsilon is right?" Massimo asked in surprise.

"Indeed," Octavia confirmed. "Which means our further missions must be finding which members of Epsilon's organization are loyal to the man or to the ideal, eliminating those like Shadow who only care about power, and then finding a way to endorse Epsilon's endeavors without causing a furor back at HQ."

"That's going to be hard to explain to Chief R," X observed worriedly.

"One two three, not it!" Spider called out quickly.

"Not it!" Zero spoke up immediately.

"Not it!" Massimo bellowed.

"Not it!" Octavia called out.

"Not-dammit!" X growled irritably.

With nothing left to do on the third floor, Spider hotwired the elevator controls and got them down to the fourth floor. There, a door was sealed with three elemental circuits connected to Globs - spherical enemies based off Yellow Devils, but composed entirely of elemental energy - in the corridors to either side. It didn't take long to destroy them and thus break the seal, allowing them entrance into the final control chamber.

Once there, a soft laugh greeted them as a figure floated down. The figure's main body was composed entirely of elemental energy, and six hands floated independently around it. His legs were golden, and his facial structure showed inspiration from Egyptian Pharaohs, especially around the chin and headdress. "So, you've finally made it here," he chuckled wickedly. "You...made rather short work of Shadow. A pity, I had thought the Supra-Force Metal the Commander gave him would have given him some chance...but in the end, he was merely power hungry after all. Though you will find no more Supra-Force Metal here."

"Considering two of our number can access the energy directly from FM Ore, I don't think that's a concern Incentas," Octavia spoke up calmly as she stepped to the front. "Tell me...is power what you crave as well?"

"No!" Incentas proclaimed angrily. "I have been evolved by the power of Force Metal! My body almost completely transcends the need for physical matter! I am a living example of the proof of the Commander's philosophy, and as long as I can do good for the cause, I shall remain ever vigilant to the Commander and his will!"

"In that case, could you give him a message from me?" Octavia asked sweetly. "Tell him that he's right. Security Delta Theta."

Incentas blinked in surprise. "Uh...yeah, I can do that," he allowed finally. "...anything else?"

"Can you leave me an RDNA sample for Axl?" she asked sweetly.

"Sure," Incentas confirmed, taking an armor chunk off his leg and leaving it behind as he teleported out.

"...that was anticlimactic," Spider observed dryly.

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