• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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5: Grizzly Encounters

Colonel decided to go after the focusing crystal himself, having previously made purchases from Grizzly Slash for Repliforce. He knew how to approach the arms dealer in order to get the best deals. Not only that, he could carry a great deal of credit chips on his person without compromising armor or maneuverability. With how long he'd had the Hikari Antibody installed, he also had the best chance of keeping control of himself if he became exposed to the Viral Energy, which was why it was himself, X, Zero, and CiCi on these missions.

As Colonel beamed onto the back of a long truck convoy, he glanced around at the dark, rocky terrain, overshadowed by the purple clouds of Viral Energy blanketing the sky. He frowned, putting his hand to his head. "HQ, this is Colonel. Why have I not been teleported straight to Grizzly Slash's warehouse?"

"Sorry brother!" Iris replied quickly, sounding somewhat distracted. "There is a great deal of Maverick activity in the area, and it's confusing the signals. You'll need to stop the trucks' rampage in order to get into the warehouse safely."

"Understood!" Colonel replied, leaping into action. Drawing his beam saber, he immediately began to dash from linked truck to linked truck. The mechanloids running amok aboard the trucks fell to a single swipe of his saber, barely slowing him down. At the front of the first set of linked trucks, the drive car had run amok, the blue power core in the front pulsing with the haywire energies.

"Ground Crush!" Colonel proclaimed, leaping into the air to slam his saber full force into the power core, splitting it in two. As the linked trucks began to explode, Colonel leapt to the next set.

The next truck had a rogue taxi on board, which took two swipes of Colonel's saber to fall. Another Ground Crush split that truck's energy core, allowing Colonel to dash ahead. The same with the truck following it.

The next truck was much larger, several levels of platforms to clamber around on, lined with spikes in several places. Ignoring most of the side paths, Colonel dashed through, cutting his way past the enemies as his dash thrusters kept him going for the full time, enabling him to clear the wide gap to the lead truck of that convoy in one leap.

When he destroyed the truck, however, the next truck convoy began to explode as well, forcing him to keep moving as fast as he could. He cleared through the next two truck convoys with dashing jumps, pausing only long enough to grab one of the newest generation sub-tanks, which was sitting at the front of the last exploding truck.

When he got to the front of the next truck, however, he was forced to leap for safety as another truck slammed into the front of it. After escaping the head on collision, he landed in the caverns that led to Grizzly Slash's secret warehouse. He was about to continue, but paused as one of his new pieces of equipment began to beep.

Prometheus had informed the Maverick Hunters when he'd dropped off the tech he'd brought for Octavia that there would likely be Light Capsules with new tech for X scattered about near where they needed to go for the tech to upgrade the Enigma or the shuttle. Since there wasn't time to have X go to every area, Prometheus had provided a mobile data storage unit to Colonel, so that the Light Capsules would respond to him and let him download the armor programs. He only provided the one, as the Capsules already would respond to X, Zero, or CiCi...though he didn't know why they responded to CiCi.

For Colonel's assistance, the device also alerted him to when he was near a Light Capsule, allowing him to locate them easier. The beeping signaled him to the Capsule directly above him, which opened when it recognized his access codes.

"X, these are...you aren't X," Light finished, staring at Colonel. "Where did you get those access codes?"

"Prometheus gave me a device to collect armor programs for X," Colonel replied, holding out the device. "He said it had the proper access codes hard coded into it."

The hologram stared at the device for a time, then sighed ruefully. "I understand the urgency that makes this necessary...but he could at least have stopped by personally to tell me he was handing out access codes!" Shaking its head, the Light hologram locked eyes on the device. "At least it's efficiently designed..."

With that said, the capsule downloaded the program into the device directly, the energy shooting into the device from the red focus crystals at the top of the capsule. "This program is the leg part for the Falcon Armor," the hologram explained. "I have created two armor sets this time for X, and it is my hope they will aid him through these troubling times. Tell X that all four program parts for either armor will need to be acquired in order for the armor to be activated."

"Understood sir!" Colonel replied, saluting as he put the device away.

With that, the hologram shut down. Colonel then returned to the narrow pathways, making his way through to Grizzly Slash's office, a large cave within the caverns.

As was his preference, Grizzly Slash dropped down from the ceiling. "It's been a while, Colonel..." he growled out, his voice deep and raspy, clenching his jaws as though struggling to control himself.

"Are you alright, Grizzly?" Colonel asked worriedly. "You seem unwell."

"I've...I've been infected..." Grizzly growled out. "...badly..."

"But...but there were no Virus Clouds in the area!" Colonel insisted. "I didn't even need the Virus Buster!"

"That's because...I absorbed them all..." Grizzly managed to say through his clenched teeth, his eyes narrowed to slits. "There were...many innocent...Reploids in the area. I helped them...evacuate to the...shelter down below. I shielded them...with my body. I'm...not going to...keep control...for much longer..."

Colonel closed his eyes. "...I understand, old friend," he murmured softly. "Smokey would be proud of you."

Grizzly Slash chuckled. "That old fool...he believed in me right to the end didn't he?" He opened his eyes, revealing solid red pupils surrounded by violet corneas, an abnormal coloration for him. "You need the...focusing crystal. The Virus...it tried to make me...smash it. It's...in the main...warehouse. Please...before you take it...put me offline...before I hurt...anyone..."

Colonel nodded, extending his beam saber. "...understood," he stated firmly.

Grizzly Slash managed one last smile...and then his will failed him. His eyes flashed completely violet as the virus claimed him, and then turned blood red. With a bestial roar, he began his attack, leaping towards Colonel while swinging his clawed gauntlet arm.

Colonel quickly dashed backwards, his saber at his side as he charged energy into it. He'd developed a new technique during his sparring sessions with Zero, and he felt it would be best to use it here. He just needed to charge enough energy into his saber, and he'd be able to finish Grizzly off painlessly with one blow.

Grizzly lunged forward again, and Colonel dashed around to behind him. He could tell the virus didn't have complete control of Grizzly Slash, as he wasn't using his full arsenal. A few more evasions and he'd have enough energy.

Once his blade was fully charged, he waited for Grizzly to lunge towards him again...and he lunged in. "Zantetsuken!" he roared, sweeping his sword out as he dashed by.

When he landed on the other side, he heard Grizzly chuckle. "You...you've gotten better..." Grizzly muttered, his eyes once more back to normal. "I...didn't have to...hold it back so much..."


"Sorry I...wasn't man enough...for Iris..." Grizzly's whole body sparked. "Is...is she happy?"

Colonel nodded. "She is. Zero's made her very happy."

"Wish I'd...known she'd got someone..." Grizzly barked out. "Would have...Scott Pilgrimed that...pretty boy..." Finding the notion hilarious, Grizzly began to laugh.

That laughter was the last sound he made as his shattered plasma core erupted, leaving him a smoky ruin. His weapons program downloaded into Colonel's hard drive, a last gift to an old friend.

Colonel took off his hat, placing it over his metaphorical heart as was the human military custom. "...rest well, my friend," he murmured, before dashing into the warehouse for the focusing crystal.

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