• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,278 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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8: Four-saken, part 1

With how strong the four S Rank Hunters were now, it was quickly decided that the best course of efficiency was to send each of them after one of the four remaining Mavericks. As such, X went to Troia Base, Zero to Pitch Black, Axl to Primrose, and Octavia to the Metal Valley. CiCi did her best to keep track of all four...though it still didn't take long.

As X arrived at Troia Base, he took in his surroundings. As it was originally a training base for Hunters, he was unsurprised to find clearly defined paths in inactive virtual space. He was certain he'd be dealing with more than that as he went, so he moved forward to the first area, knowing he'd have to clear each one to proceed.

Each chamber contained a VR warp that placed X in an area where he had to destroy a few drones in order to make it to the next chamber, with the path determined by how quickly he completed each trial. With the v3 Ultimate Armor, this went by quickly enough he barely had time to examine each virtual area before he was already moving forward.

At the seventh of nine virtual environments, however, X found himself confronted by Vile. Vile laughed as he warped in. "Why don't you just give it up already-"

"Vile, for killing the leader of the Maverick Hunters on top of all your other crimes, a 'Kill on Sight' order has been issued for you," X interrupted bluntly. "So I'll give you the same choice I've given everyone who has chosen of their own free will to try and destroy this world as it is. Surrender or die."

Vile stared at X for a time, then laughed. "See X? That's the same thing I've said since the beginning! We were built to destroy!"

"I never denied it," X pointed out bluntly. "But we were also built with the capability to choose what to destroy, and what not to destroy. I choose to destroy threats to my children. That's you."

"I'm looking forward to-GYAGH!" Vile's exclamation of delight was cut off as X fired a focused laser shot, severing his arm at the joint. "You shot my arm off!"

"It's only a flesh wound," X taunted.

"I don't even have flesh!" Vile snapped angrily, clutching the stump. "You're insane!"

"Little bit," X agreed with a grin. "But all the best people are."

Snarling in fury and a touch of fear, Vile warped away.

After that, it didn't take long for X to get to the center of the base. The only odd point was when the virtual space he was sent into had him facing a small red and white robot-simulant with hedge clippers on its head. However, it went down quickly as it - much like everything else he'd faced on this trip - was unable to even damage him. Between the boosted defense of the Ultimate Armor and the halved damage of the Icarus aspect, everything he'd encountered fell under the damage threshold that was negated by the Hermes aspect. As a result, that left him with a clear path to the center, where the 'Maverick' waited.

The Reploid known as Optic Sunflower was roughly humanoid with a green body and a sunflower-shaped head. He addressed X calmly, with a somewhat sing-song voice. "X, if you've come this far, you must have some inkling what's going on."

"You've chosen of your own volition to seek the destruction of the world," X deduced logically. "All of you have, and nothing I say will convince you to stop or surrender."

"Indeed," Optic Sunflower agreed. "The same is true of all of us."

"That makes you all an active threat to my children," X concluded. "Since I have the choice of kill or capture...Shinku Hadouken!"


As far as last words went, those were somewhat disappointing. Still, the blast proved as effective as the Light hologram had promised, with Optic Sunflower being obliterated before X's eyes.

True Dark, true to its name, was swathed in darkness. Zero, in his shining white armor and bright blue hair and glowing saber, stood out like a sore thumb. However, he didn't let this slow him as he charged through, using his own light to guide his path. The enemies he encountered were shredded in single strikes, making the physical devices of the security - electric barriers and spinning fans - the most dangerous part of the journey, though more frustrating than dangerous.

Even with those obstacles, it didn't take Zero long to reach the innermost chamber of the base, where Dark Mantis waited. He was a purple and black insectoid Reploid, with large blades on both arms and bright purple wings on his back. "So this is where you tell me to surrender or die, hmm?" he asked calmly.

"That's right," Zero confirmed, charging his buster, keeping it to a low level charge rather than high level.

"My Master wanted you on his side once," Dark Mantis observed. "I find it highly ironic that parenthood has brought you closer to what he saw as your true Maverick nature than everything he ever tried to do."

"And that's what he always overlooked with me," Zero commented dryly. "Maverick behavior means going against your role and the laws of society...but my 'destined' role is to decide whether or not this world needs to be destroyed. So yes, in essence, my job is exactly what you all are doing...when it is time."

"And now is when you tell me it is not yet time, and I choose to accept and live, or reject and die," Dark Mantis concluded.

Zero nodded in confirmation, waiting for the answer.

"I choose to die," Dark Mantis stated bluntly. "If the time is not yet to destroy and rebuild this world, then there is no place for me. My purpose is destruction. Destroy me."

Zero was silent for a time.

"You hesitate, because you do not like killing in cold blood," Dark Mantis observed. "I cannot directly threaten your son, Omega, as he shows every sign of being even stronger than you, though still lacking control. So I will say this." His eyes hardened. "If I survive this day, I will not rest until I can kill Iris before Omega's eyes-"

Zero's buster snapped up. A power chord echoed as he fired.

...he stared at the hole that had been carved through the base, and the bits and pieces of Mantis' broken body that had been outside the blast radius, falling to the floor. He thought about why these Reploids were so dead set on either winning or being killed...especially once they knew that the Hunters wouldn't hesitate.

...he didn't like any of the answers.

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