• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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3: Back and Forth

As everyone at Maverick Hunter HQ prepared for the expected conflict, the command cadre all waited on CiCi's return. While CiCi had assured them that she would be immune to any effect the Neural Computer might have, with how long she'd been gone they had begun to wonder.

Nearly a month after she was sent out, she finally returned...in her tiniest size inside a shipment of bananas. The poor supply clerk was going to have nightmares about banana spiders for weeks.

"Are you alright, CiCi?" X asked as she calmly returned to her post. "What happened?"

"Sorry for taking so long to return," CiCi apologized. "I'm afraid I blew my cover as a 'peaceful inspector'."

"What?" Zero demanded. "How'd you do that?"

"I'm...afraid I lost my temper," she admitted sheepishly.

As Octavia giggled, X sighed. "Report," he directed. "Start from the beginning."

CiCi nodded. "I managed to get in easily enough. They were eager to have anyone stop in for a visit...and I'm afraid I noticed one or two Hunters there as well, so our security may be compromised. They were even happy to let me examine the Neural Computer. Once I was there, I was able to determine that our suspicions were unfortunately correct. The Neural Computer doesn't just suppress Maverick behaviors as it claims. It's broadcasting a signal that allows the one in charge of it to directly command any Reploid or mechanaloid affected by the signal. I was able to determine, however, that X and Zero's brains are incompatible with the signal...but for differing reasons."

"What do you mean?" Zero asked in confusion.

"I took simulations of your brain waves with me," CiCi explained. "While the simulation of X actively repelled the signal...the simulation of Zero corrupted the signal around it. I think it would be best if Zero did not engage any Reploid under the signal's control unless absolutely necessary. There's no telling what would result."

"Understood," X agreed as Zero cursed under his breath and kicked at the wall, upset at being sidelined.

"What did you mean about losing your temper?" Octavia asked curiously.

"Well...when Dr. Doppler was going on about how his computer would bring about a 'true utopia', acting as though he expected me to be in full agreement..." CiCi glanced away, seeming...embarrassed? "He...got a little fresh with me..."

Dead silence greeted that statement. Eventually, it was Varia who broke it. "How?" she demanded awkwardly.

"As Octavia has not yet reached sexual maturity, I'd rather not say," CiCi replied evasively.

"I'd honestly rather not know," Zero mumbled under his breath.

"And...you lost your temper?" X asked.

"Yes. It was a minor thing. I don't know why they blew it so out of proportion." While CiCi's words were calm, she refused to look at anyone with any of her eyes.

"CiCi," Alia demanded, "what did you do?"

"I...may have ripped Dr. Doppler's arm off and threatened to shove it so far up his ass he'd have to open his mouth to wave before using him as a bludgeon to smash his own neural computer," CiCi admitted. "Just a little bit."

Zero burst into laughter. "Yes, I can't imagine why he might blow that out of proportion," he quipped, sarcasm heavy in his voice.

"I know, right?" CiCi complained. "He's a Reploid, it reattaches! What's the big deal?" As dead silence greeted her question, she blinked. "Oh. Sarcasm. Still need to learn about that. Anyway, I was able to analyze the signal from the Neural Computer enough to make a design for a unit to counteract the signal."

"You can neutralize the signal?" X demanded eagerly.

"Only on a unit-by-unit basis," she explained. "I can work with Lifesaver to make a device that, when attached to a Reploid under the signal's influence, will neutralize the signal's effect on them, restoring their original brain wave patterns. It will take...a day to start manufacture. Maybe two."

"Get to work on it, then," X ordered. Nodding, CiCi made her way to the medlab. "In the meantime, Zero, Octavia, and I are going to see what we can do to put a spoke in Doppler's plans."

"Good luck," Alia called out as the trio made their way out.

It was only a few hours later, when the group wasn't even halfway to Doppler Town - the teleport network for the area had been disabled - that they received emergency communication from HQ.

"X!" Alia called out over the communicator. "We're under attack! I repeat, HQ is under attack!"

"We're on our way!" X replied as the trio turned around to race back.

Upon their return, the trio saw that aerial bombardment was the primary problem, as bee shaped dropships were firing on the base from the air, as well as bringing in more of Doppler's forces. "Any ideas how to fix that?" X asked, revving up his Ride Chaser.

"Well...we could do something totally insane and awesome?" Zero offered.

"Good idea!" X agreed, sending his Ride Chaser into a crazy jump.

"Yahoooooo!" Zero called out as he followed.

X, Zero, and Octavia all leapt off the Ride Chasers at the apex of the jump, letting the vehicles smash into separate dropships, causing them to explode and crash. X and Zero both clung to another one, which went down after X damaged it with rapid fire shots from his newly modified buster and a slash of Zero's saber. Octavia had grabbed hold of another one and cut off the propeller to crash it.

"Whoo!" Zero called out as they landed. "That rocked!" He glanced around. "X, I'll take the guys out here. You see what you can do inside."

Nodding, X led Octavia into HQ, the pair of them blasting away at the mechanaloids that attacked them. Each of them went down to a single charged shot fired at the right time, and X and Octavia had gotten very good at their timing.

Before long, they found another Maverick Hunter, a purple armored humanoid. "Mac, where have you been?" X demanded. "You went on assignment a month ago!"

Mac said nothing, but opened fire. X and Octavia both dodged to the side, much to Mac's surprise. "Wha?"

"Assigned to the Doppler Town investigation," Octavia replied as she opened fire, knocking Mac off his feet with the two consecutive blasts. "Which meant we knew you were compromised." Dashing forward, she delivered a strong uppercut to his chin, slamming him against the wall and knocking him out.

"Let's keep going," X replied. "We need to get through and take out the big ones."

The largest Maverick proved to be up on the roof, a massive Mechanaloid with spike ball arms. Octavia dealt with it quickly by slamming her improved beam saber sub weapon - with the new busters, the blade could be kept out for much longer - straight into its head, causing continuous damage until it exploded.

Alia's voice came over the communicators. "HQ is secure! All Hunters, return to Comm Central for debriefing and planning the counterattack!"

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