• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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CM: Enemy Contact

As X and Zero reached the roof, they gathered themselves defensively as they walked out, keeping their eyes out for Shadow or any Maverick activity...or any other combatants they had to worry about. Fortunately, Shadow was in plain sight. "Are you okay, Shadow?" X asked quickly.

"Yeah..." Shadow responded carefully, pointing towards another part of the roof. "But look."

Following the gesture, X and Zero caught sight of a Reploid who closely resembled Sigma, though with a different Greek letter on his helm. X quickly recognized him from what little information they'd managed to get. "Epsilon?" he called out in shock. After all, it didn't fit any patterns they knew for the head of any hostile force to meet face to face on the first engagement.

"Indeed, it is I," Epsilon responded calmly. "Epsilon, Rebellion Army Commander."

"Rebellion Army?" X asked in shock as Zero shifted to take point, with X and Shadow behind him to attack from range.

"That is what we must call ourselves," Epsilon allowed. "What we hoped to achieve, the government of this City will not allow. As only here can our goals be achieved, we are left with no choice but to rebel, and make our goals be reached."

"And you just came out to greet us?" Zero asked playfully. "How genteel of you."

"But of course," Epsilon agreed. "It's only polite when you yourselves come here against the will of the City government that I - who am also engaging in such outlawed activities - greet you personally. I am pleased to see that the Hunters send their best...a high compliment."

"Well, as long as you're being polite, what exactly is it that you intend?" X asked calmly.

"Evolution," Epsilon explained simply. "The details beyond that are lengthy, and difficult to explain when an air of suspicion hangs over the conversation."

"Rumor has it something called Force Metal has been weaponized," Zero stated firmly. "That's the objective of our investigation. Know anything about it?"

Epsilon sighed softly. "Yes. I am your objective."

"Then you understand why we can't exactly act peacefully here, right?" Zero continued, hand reaching for his saber. "We have our orders."

"I understand all too well," Epsilon agreed as he braced himself. "It would be a wasted effort to ask you to change sides at this point."

"I don't suppose you'll consider surrendering peacefully?" X asked hopefully. "Three against one isn't exactly favorable odds."

Epsilon smiled softly. "If the odds were three against one, it wouldn't be favorable...especially if two of the three were the two of you. However, that is not the odds." He lifted one hand, and Shadow placed his energy blade alongside Zero's head in response. "Shadow is a believer in our cause, a member of the Rebellion Army."

X and Zero glanced at each other. "Two on two still isn't favorable for you," Zero stated firmly, readying himself to charge.

"Show the Commander some respect!" a female voice commanded from the air as a crimson, winged female descended from the sky, an energy whip in her hand. A tall Reploid wearing a mask stepped out from behind the pile of rubble immediately to one side of Epsilon, and a fat green Reploid floated down from the sky, laser cannons floating around him.

"My Elite subordinates, Ferham, Scarface, and Botos," Epsilon introduced the figures. "Still think the odds are against me?"

Zero grinned widely. "Why don't we find out?" he asked eagerly as he leapt forward, getting out of range of Shadow's blade even as he drew his own.

Before anyone could take further action, Shadow bent forward and fired off a charge from the heavy rifle on his back, slamming into Zero's back and sending him flying off the roof of the ruins. The blast also knocked out Zero's transmitter, so X lost all ability to trace him once he fell out of sight.

"Zero!" X called out in shock and fear, before turning back towards Epsilon. "Do you think I'm going to simply stand for that?" he growled, readying himself for an intense fight.

Epsilon, however, was frowning angrily at Shadow, though he schooled his expression as he turned back towards X. "An accident caused from an overzealous subordinate," he allowed as Ferham and Scarface floated to his sides. He then rested a hand on each of their shoulders. "I hope this doesn't lead to you taking a canter to a conclusion."

X froze. He instantly caught Octavia's 'safe word', but wasn't sure what to make of how it was used here. All he was able to determine was that he plainly didn't know enough of the situation to take action. He frowned. "It's too late for that," he offered. Lowering his buster, he fired off a fully charged blast right at his feet, creating a huge smoke cloud to disguise his leap off the building.

He had to find Zero, Octavia, and Axl. Until he found them, he needed to gather allies, find a base of operation...and survive. Those were his primary objectives now...with only one of any higher priority.

Epsilon had put his hands on Ferham and Scarface. Based on the code of Octavia's 'safe word', that meant those were the only ones Octavia vetted through Epsilon, and the only ones that had Epsilon's complete trust. His distaste at Shadow shooting Zero off the rooftop suggested that he didn't have complete control of the traitor Hunter. But Octavia and Axl were aware of Shadow being on the Hunter roster before they took their vacation.

X had to reach Octavia and Axl...before Shadow did.

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