• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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2: Burning Friendship

Once X and Octavia returned from collecting the upgrade to their dash units, they received the new report of the movements of the last member of the X Hunter cadre, Serges.

"From what we can tell, he's gone to the volcanic zone," CiCi explained. "According to our intel, that's where Flame Stag has made his base."

"I shall go with you," Boomer Kuwanger stated bluntly.

X blinked. "While I'm certain your abilities would be helpful, any particular reason why?"

"Flame Stag is my friend," Boomer Kuwanger explained. "His motivation for joining them is likely similar to Overdrive Ostrich's." He gave X a look. "You were quite brutal with my duplicate in Sigma's Fortress, as you might recall."

X winced. "Fair enough."

"How did the X Hunters get all that footage, anyway?" Octavia inquired.

"Probably Serges downloaded it while he was working on Zero here," Kuwanger explained logically.

Octavia scratched her chin. "...I suppose that makes sense."

"Good luck!" Alia called out from her post at the nav-comp.

Once the trio beamed in, they found themselves outside the volcano with a large mosquito shaped robot flying around. Boomer Kuwanger blurred out for a brief time before blurring back in. "Here," he stated, handing over a sub tank. "It was directly above us. You will need it more than I."

After making their way into the volcano, the magma started rising up, forcing them to climb quickly. Octavia called Classic and clung to his back, letting him triangle jump up the narrow walls, quickly pulling ahead of both of the others. Spying a Heart Tank as she went, she dashed off Classic to collect it before grabbing hold of him for the rest of the way out. Boomer Kuwanger exited next, followed by X. All three made it out unscathed.

Once the eruption died down, the trio continued onward. Utilizing another mosquito bot, they opened a path to where scans indicated Serges was based.

Serges stood atop a mobile platform. "You're performing much as I expected, X," he stated calmly. "A pity. I'd hoped there would be more progress. Still, it should be enough."

"Enough for what?" X demanded angrily. "Why did you steal Zero's parts?"

"I thought you were going to fix him!" Octavia demanded.

Serges smirked. "I'll make a deal with you, X. Fight me one on one. Beat me here, and I'll return Zero's part. Beat me a second time later, and I'll answer your questions. However, if Octavia or anyone else interferes, you get nothing."

X stared Serges down for a time, then nodded. "Octavia, Boomer Kuwanger, stand down. I'm handling him myself."

Nodding, Octavia stepped back. Boomer Kuwanger took longer, but eventually he did as well. "Where's a popcorn vendor when you need one?" he asked rhetorically.

Classic howled, and a compartment on his back opened, revealing a clear plastic tube. Loud popping sounds could be heard from within, and the tube slowly filled with fluffy whiteness.

"That addition came with the Classic Adapter, didn't it?" Serges asked, his voice somewhat different.

X paused. "How do you know about that?" he demanded.

Serges smirked. "I already told you what you have to do to get answers, X."

As X leapt into battle, Varia beeped an alert to Octavia. "Serges is correct. The popcorn maker was added to Classic's systems with the Classic Adapter. ...also a disco ball, dance lights, and a music player."

"Is he a war machine or a dance machine?" Boomer Kuwanger asked idly, chuckling.

After a time of battle, Serges handed over the stolen part...which was in his hat. "Better than I expected, X," he stated before beaming out.

X stared at the part nervously, confused about just what was going on.

Not long after that, the trio - Classic had returned to base on Octavia's instructions - reached Flame Stag's chambers.

As they came in, Flame Stag leapt down. "X!" he roared. "You'll pay for what you did to-"

"My brainless copy?" Boomer Kuwanger interrupted. He stepped forward calmly.

Flame Stag stared. "But...but you joined Sigma of your own will! You said it was logical!"

"I was mistaken," Kuwanger replied.

"No!" Flame Stag roared. "You're never wrong! You have to be the-"

Boomer Kuwanger blurred behind Flame Stag and backhanded him in the back of his head, laying him out face first in the dirt. "Calm down," he stated bluntly. Picking him up, he threw him over his shoulder. "Raspberry mint lemon frozen yogurt for you." He glanced at Flame Stag's hooves. "Then we get you a pedicure. When was the last time you got your hooves treated? They're close to splitting. You're unbearable when that happens. I have to gag you to stop your whining."

Flame Stag blinked in surprise...then hugged Boomer Kuwanger, crying his eyes out. "Boomy!" he bawled. "It is you!"

"Stop that," Kuwanger grumbled. "People will think we're dating or something." He promptly beamed the pair of them out.

X and Octavia just stared. "Well...that happened," X said finally.

Back at the base, X dropped the last of Zero's parts off with Dr. Ciel. "Can you fix Zero with these?" he asked hopefully.

"I can try," she replied. "To be perfectly honest, his tech uses systems that I just can't wrap my mind around. There are even some dormant systems that were the basis for how I designed Varia, since they seem built for that type of energy. I can put all the parts together and hope for the best, but that's really all I can do at this point."

X shrugged. "Do what you can, Doctor. If nothing else, I can beat some answers out of Serges next time I see him."

"Daddy!" Octavia whined. "I'm tired! Can I have a bedtime story?"

X chuckled as he scooped the unarmored filly into his arms, Varia orbiting around them both as Classic walked to heel. "Alright, Octavia. Now...what story shall I read you tonight?"

Dr. Ciel chuckled as she watched the odd group walk off...almost complete.

Author's Note:

I loosely based my interpretation of Boomer Kuwanger and Flame Stag's relationship off how I relate to one of my oldest friends, who goes by Dragonzero77 here on fimfic.

...oddly enough, on Skype he goes by Zero-kun.

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