• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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5: Welcome to the Jungle

CiCi braced herself as she came out of her warp outside the jungle facility. Despite her best efforts, she still landed in a shallow pool of water. Grumbling under her breath, she quickly clambered out, not really liking the feeling of being only partially submerged. It always gave her weird thoughts, even more so since she inhabited her Reploid body. She carefully scanned the area, taking in the Virus levels, the damaged fences, and the vastly overgrown plant life. She could tell there were a lot of Maverick Mechanaloids...but her scanners already showed no civilians present, and signs of evacs having been done previously. "That's...different..." she murmured as she made her way towards where her sensors indicated the Orbiter Engine was stored.

Much to her frustration, a large portion of the early path had knee-high pools of water, which she'd have to wade through if she fell off the platforms. Thankfully, the platforms were easily graspable, and she could pull herself from one to the other readily. To her surprise, despite the high Viral readings, Virus Clouds were somehow prevented from forming. Curious but unable to determine more, CiCi moved past the pools of water to an underground segment.

The walls were covered in deadly spikes, but vines stretched back and forth rising up the tube that was the forward path. CiCi readily grasped the vines with her tentacles, pulling herself upwards and eating the occasional Maverick Mechanaloid who was stupid enough to come too close. Once out of the tube, CiCi moved forward past a giant robotic flower, simply ignoring it as she continued as it wasn't a serious obstacle for her.

As she entered a tunnel, half-plant half-machine spears erupted from the ground and ceiling in an attempt to block her way, but she was able to squeeze around them without problems, and broke those that grew too thickly together. A turn deeper into the ground proved similarly simple to progress through, though the robotic flowers proved more frustrating as some extended spears like she'd dealt with previously and others launched tiny bug-like Mechanaloids. She ignored those that could be avoided and destroyed those that could not.

A wide gap into the depths proved the next obstacle, which she was able to cross via the wires stretched across it, evading the spiked bots that moved back and forth on the wires in an attempt to knock her off. Halfway across the pit, she paused. Directly above her was a Light capsule, but there weren't any wires or vines leading up to it, and the walls were covered with spikes.

"Hmm...let's see..." After staring at the conundrum thoughtfully for a time, she decided to attempt an idea. Gripping the wire with only one tentacle, she let the rest of her body mass stretch out into the pit below. Once her tentacle was at full extension, she began to swing back and forth until she gained enough momentum to be spinning a complete circle. Once she was spinning fast enough, she released to propel herself upward...only to splat against the ceiling. "...ow..."

"Perhaps you can stick the landing next time?" the Light hologram suggested jokingly.

CiCi peeled herself off the ceiling and glowered at the hologram. "Since you have some idea what I am," she grumbled, "you could at least show some proper respect, if not the fear most humans do when confronted with one like me."

"And I might, if not for two things," the hologram replied. "One, I'm a control program designed to resemble a human and operate based on his personality. I'm not actually a person. Two, I have access to Hunter HQ security feed, and it's hard to fear Octavia's favorite plushy."

CiCi's eyes narrowed to slits as her tentacles writhed, the only way her body could represent blushing. "Just...just give me the armor program already," she grumbled.

The hologram chuckled. "This is for the Leg part of the Gaea Armor," Dr. Light explained. "The armor overall is designed to be heavily defensive, and thus is not very mobile, and can't use special weapons. However, it can cling to walls without sliding, and takes no damage from spikes."

"If you make another model like that, I'd suggest giving it a way to more rapidly gain altitude," CiCi offered. "Like a way to instantly launch to the ceiling of a room and cling there?"

"I actually have an armor like that in the databanks already," the hologram explained. "If the situation presents itself that requires it, I'll send out the capsules for it."

When the hologram vanished, CiCi downloaded the program before continuing on. The path beyond the pit was very straightforward, allowing her to reach the control room with ease.

As she entered, she spotted Axle the Red leaning against the far wall, his green plant-like body relaxed, his red bloom unfolding on his head. "What do you want with me?" he demanded defensively.

"Nothing," CiCi replied. "I'm here for the Orbiter Engine."

"What are you, a thief?" Axle demanded, his voice somewhat petulant. "Go home, before I call the Maverick Hunters!"

"I am a Maverick Hunter!" CiCi snarled.

"No you're not," Axle countered, his voice suddenly changing to dead serious. "You're just using them to accomplish your objectives. It's only coincidence that their objectives and yours align so well."

CiCi paused as she saw the energy gathering around 'Axle'. "So I was right," she murmured. "Another one of us..."

"Got it in one, Cuku," 'Axle' replied with a laugh in his voice.

CiCi's eyes widened. Only one person ever called her that. As she saw 'Axle's green body turn yellow, she knew she was right. "...Hasta-kun?"

Hasta flipped upside down to float in the air. "The one and only!" he teased happily. "Glad to know you didn't forget me when you went swanning after that mortal."

CiCi let out a frustrated groan. "You know I never saw you that way-"

"And neither did I!" Hasta replied. "I only acted like I did because of how much your Dad and mine hate each other, and it drove them both straight up the ether!"

CiCi chuckled at the memories of those instances. "So...your Dad sent you here, then?" she asked, readying for battle.

"Oh, he sent me in a long time ago!" Hasta replied. "For 'Web Man' to infiltrate and investigate the pony element, he needed a human 'maker'. And, much to my surprise, it takes a lot less energy to maintain a manifestation in this plain of existence if you're willing to assume a local form and leave most of your power in the other dimension...and all it takes to keep it that way is a robot willing to endlessly chant the right spell. Found one scheduled for demolition and made him the deal of keeping him active if he kept the chant running in the background of his programming. Then when all these upgrades became available, he became my vessel. Nice guy, if a bit loopy."

"Fits you perfectly," CiCi replied. "So...are you acting on your father's orders, then?"

"Fuck them!" Hasta spat out. "This world is far too interesting to just wipe it out. But don't think I'm on your side either." He floated up to the ceiling. "Go ahead and take the Orbiter Engine. I'm just going to enjoy watching the chaos unfold. Let's see what tricks she had up her lab coat sleeves." With that, Hasta vanished.

Frowning, CiCi moved forward to collect the Orbiter Engine, unsurprised to find a weapon chip for Axle's special weapon atop it. She couldn't help but wonder what he had planned. She wasn't about to take his word for it that he just wanted to watch.

Still, she was on a time clock. She could always come back and grill him - figuratively or otherwise - later.

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