• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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Axl shook his head in wonder as he carried Octavia through the streets of Giga City. Entering the city had proven easier than he could have dreamed. All it had taken was leaving his Hunter issued guns behind, and one look at Red's Scythe strapped to his back had waived the pair of them past just about all security. Of course, Varia floated around Octavia's head rather than being in armor form, but she could don it at any time if there was need. Apparently, Giga City's notorious passion for celebrity vigilantes was no exaggeration.

Axl and Octavia had wandered from facility to facility within the city like tourists, looking at anything they could check out and eagerly investigating any possible lead as far as finding Axl's capsule. So far, they'd come up empty as far as those leads, though the actual tourist aspect of visiting the city had been enjoyable. They'd already seen three shows, visited several museums, and enjoyed a few good meals together. Octavia, of course, had drawn numerous young females as being 'absolutely adorable', and Axl had drawn just as many for his apparent celebrity.

...which made it really unpleasant for Axl that Octavia was wearing a shirt that said 'Wanna Be A Grandma', and had insisted Axl wear one over his armor that read 'Single But Looking'. He'd gotten more contact numbers for young - and not so young - women over the past day than Mechanaloid kills on all his Hunter missions put together. The Temporary Memory of his cybernetic brain was being strained to retain them all...not that he had any intention of keeping them. He didn't want a girl to go for him because he was a celebrity...or because she thought he was desperate.

...much to Octavia's frustrated chagrin.

"At least call one of them?" Octavia whined hopefully.

"No, Mom," Axl groaned. "I'm not going to call any of those girls."

"But I thought you liked blondes, and there were quite a few-"

"I'm not here to get hitched, whatever our cover story says!" Axl growled angrily. "We're here to look for clues about my origins! And I'm not going to call a girl who gave me her number written on her bra or panties!"

"Not even the least bit curious how she got them off without disrobing?" Octavia teased. "She wasn't wearing a skirt, after all-"

"Mom!" Axl groaned, burying his face in his hands as they stopped outside what looked like an old laboratory. "Can't we go back to looking into Copy Chip research? We can think about my future after we finish discovering my past, okay?"

"You won't find anything like that here," a gravelly voice spoke from the shadows, immediately drawing attention. "That research has been discontinued, and everything about it is boxed up somewhere."

Axl and Octavia both spun towards the source of the voice. The quality of it had been familiar, and the shadowy figure standing under an overhang only enhanced the resemblance, especially when light revealed the shape of the helmet and the all covering cloak. "Sigma?" they both gasped out, Axl yanking out his scythe even as Octavia lifted her hoof to Varia.

The figure lifted a large hand. "Peace. I'm not the Maverick you mistake me for, though I take no offence." He stepped out into the light, revealing his full figure. He stood easily as tall as Sigma's original body, with energy pylons extending in all directions from his shoulder pauldrons hidden under his cloak...though the design showed they were energy vents rather than collectors. Similar protrusions marked the back of his helmet, and his face was mostly concealed. A friendly, gentle grin was visible. "After all, the resemblance was intentional in the basis of my design."

Octavia's glance quickly caught a different Greek letter on the figure's helm. "Epsilon, I presume? Why would you be deliberately designed to resemble Sigma?"

Epsilon nodded, confirming the deduction. "Because when I was first being built, I was meant to be a counter to Sigma, based off his original specs upgraded with modern and recovered pre End Times tech. After all, one fights viruses with anti-viruses, bacteria with antibiotics, one sets a thief to catch a thief..."

"So who better to catch a rogue Commander unit than one built just like him?" Axl asked, shifting back into a neutral stance, though he still held the scythe. "Forgive me if that doesn't fill me with equanimity."

Epsilon glanced between the pairs' shirts. "Given part of my entourage, Axl, you shouldn't be calm."

"What do you-"

"Oh my," a throaty, feminine voice purred. "Looking are you?"

The womanly figure that stepped out from around Epsilon could politely be described as 'overripe'. The red and pink armor fit her full figure like a second skin, though her helm hid her hair completely, and the positioning of coloration made the look more suggestive than battle ready. Her blue eyes locked on Axl as she sauntered up to him. "See something you like yet, boy?" she purred as she hovered into the air, bending over towards him as crimson wings spread from her back.

Axl backed up several steps. "I-I need an adult."

The woman chuckled throatily. "I am an-"

"No you're not, Ferham," another gravely voice stated as a third figure stepped out of the shadows. This one was armored in black and gold, with long spiky white hair flowing back from his black helm. It completely concealed his face for a single eye, and the mask was marked with lines. "You're an overgrown adolescent who likes to pretend she's in charge. Now leave the poor boy alone."

"You can be such a bastard, Scarface," Ferham grumbled as she floated back from Axl, much to his relief. "Why'd you have to spoil my fun? I love it when they squirm."

Epsilon chuckled softly. "Perhaps you would join me for tea, Miss Light?" he asked softly. "I'd be curious to know what brings two S Rank Maverick Hunters here so unofficially. I might be able to assist...and in return, you might be able to assist me."

Octavia tilted her head carefully. "I suppose tea wouldn't hurt," she offered noncommittally. "Just keep your cougar off my son."

"What did you call me?" Ferham demanded angrily, an energy whip appearing in her hands.

"Would you prefer 'dominatrix slut'?" Octavia countered coldly. "That was my first thought."

"Yes, actually," Ferham purred, causing Scarface to face palm. "That title's much more fitting."

Hoof met face. "Ugh..." Octavia groaned, already feeling a headache coming on.

Author's Note:

New Fan art by CaioCoia for a scene from this chapter! Enjoy!

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