• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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Armored Adventures

It was a rather ordinary day at Maverick Hunter HQ. X was helping Zero get accustomed to working with other Reploids...and society in general. Vile had recently gone Maverick, and was the primary focus of Maverick Hunter activities given how dangerous he was. CiCi was performing her secondary duties as a navigator, since she was able to process a great deal more data than most Reploids, as well as handle multiple consoles at once(1). She was also babysitting Octavia, using her tentacles that weren't actively engaged in her duty to give Octavia a little obstacle course to climb through.

Commander Sigma was once again out and about, as he frequently was these days. He was in constant communication with the HQ, so it didn't really matter. Still, it was odd for him. No one really questioned it, though. After what had happened with Zero, it was understandable that Sigma would need some time to sort his head out...especially since Zero had joined the Maverick Hunters.

Most of the other command units - Chill Penguin, Storm Eagle, Sting Chameleon, and the like - were also in base at the moment, coincidentally having a break as they examined the details of various reports and data that CiCi gave them. Seeing how everyone was there, Octavia decided now was the best time to broach something with X. "Father," she called out, leaving CiCi's tentacles to trot over to him.

X groaned as everyone turned to watch. Octavia had been a staple of Maverick Hunter HQ long enough that everyone knew some of her quirks. If she called X 'Dad', she was being playful and just wanted to enjoy his company a bit. If she called him 'Daddy', she was feeling vulnerable and needed comforting. If she called him 'Father', however, then she wanted something...generally something that would give X a headache. As such, everyone but X was eager for the entertainment, and X was dreading what was coming. "Yes, Octavia?" he asked softly.

"I want some power armor, so I can go with you into battle," she stated simply. Another quirk of Octavia's was that she rarely beat around the bush in conversation. She tended to be quite blunt, which had shocked, amused, and occasionally scandalized those she spoke to.

X stared at her in shock. "Out of the question," he stated bluntly. "What if you got hurt? We can't just piece you back together like we can each other. You're too young. It's too dangerous."

Octavia sighed as she sat down, her face assuming a tragic expression. In response, the other Hunters drew nearer. "I suppose you're right, Father," she replied theatrically. "I suppose I shall merely have to continue as I have done so, and sit back here at HQ as you head out on successively more and more dangerous missions, never knowing what it is you're going out to do as the other Hunters seek to protect me from that to keep me from worrying too much, leaving me with only the worry of whether or not you will come back from the unknown.

"And someday you might not come back," she continued, putting one foreleg to her forehead. "A Maverick will get you, or you'll break down, or you'll fall into an abyss where the teleportation satellite network can't reach you...and I won't know. The other Hunters would never want to tell me you had died or were lost...so they'll tell me you were sent on an extended mission, and that I might not see you for a while. And the mission will get extended and extended, no one wanting to tell me what really happened, and reveal how long they've been deceiving me, to protect me..."

At this point, X wasn't the only one looking uncomfortable. Everyone else looked away awkwardly, realizing far too readily that Octavia had read them all like so many books. They were so fond of her, they would do exactly that if something happened to X. They knew it too well. Even Dr. Ciel and Dr. Cain - having entered the room in the middle of that speech - knew just how accurate it was.

"But of course," Octavia continued, "they couldn't leave me without you forever. I'll live for centuries. That's too long to leave me pining for you. So they'll talk Dr. Ciel or someone like her to use everything learned of your blueprints to build a replacement...a Copy X to take your place in raising me. It will - at first - look like you, talk like you, act like you, and will care for me as you do...but it will all be programmed. It won't be genuine, as it is with you...and I'll know.

"But everyone will be watching me, hoping it will be enough. They care so much for me, and they will have done this for me. I couldn't possibly disappoint them..." Octavia lowered her eyes, drawing spirals on the ground with her hoof. "So I will pretend. I will pretend to accept the duplicate in your place. And they will be happy, because they will believe they will have made me happy...but every time I say 'I love you' to that Copy X, it will be a knife in my heart, knowing you are dead and I can not even grieve, for fear of upsetting everyone else who cares so deeply for me.

"And the Copy will know. He will see in my eyes every time I speak that I know he is a fake, a replacement...and it will drive him mad. He is built to be a replacement for my lost Father, and I deny him his purpose." She sighed dramatically. "In all likelihood, he will kill me and resurrect me as a pony-Reploid he can control and will love him...but then I will be as fake as he is...and then he will go Maverick.

"And what fate will befall the world...when they face a Maverick with your abilities, that everyone is convinced is really you because I acted like I accepted it as you, and nothing left to lose or live for?"

"Alright!" X gasped out. "Alright! I'll talk to Dr. Ciel about building you some power armor to go with me on the less dangerous missions! Just...just no more..."

Dr. Cain did his best not to burst out laughing. X's greatest strength - and weakness - was how much he cared. He worried about allies, civilians, and enemies at all times. He had mastered every non-lethal take down method ever created in the hopes he'd never have to kill, but knowing always that he might have to. If there was one thing that might easily destroy him someday, it was his excessively strong sense of personal guilt, his need to take responsibility for things. And Octavia had used that to play him like a cello.

However, Octavia was nothing if not gracious in victory. "Thank you, Father," she said lovingly, taking hold of his arm to pull herself up to kiss him on the cheek. "I knew you'd come around...eventually."

X tried to glare angrily at her...but that couldn't last long against her beaming smile and loving eyes.

Ciel chuckled a bit. "I'll get right to work on designing that armor," she promised. "It might take a while, though. If we want to make it work right, I'm going to have to figure out how that unique energy field you generate works...and that's going to be tough, Tavi."

Octavia smiled beatifically at her. "Quite alright," she replied. "I've learned to be patient."

(1) No one was quite sure how she was able to do this. Much like X and Zero, much of what made her work couldn't be analyzed entirely as data, and she seemed to redesign herself at need. The rest of Cain's team wanted to ask CiCi's creator about this, but he was apparently completely insane. Shortly after CiCi's completion, he was found in his basement at the center of a summoning ritual, his body carefully dissected and spread across the circle, with a suicide note written in R'lyehian. The dissection wounds were, somehow, self inflicted. Translation of the note was difficult, as the scientist in question apparently couldn't spell even in that language, but the words 'eternal vessel' and 'Ancient One' cropped up frequently in conjunction.
CiCi had taken over the investigation into his mental state, at Octavia's suggestion, as she was likely the only one who would be able to understand it. While CiCi always reported progress, there were no new breakthroughs.

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