• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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2: Make the Mavericks Fall

The next beam in left X and Octavia at the bottom of a long tube. Climbing to the top, they found two warp pads, one to the left that was broken, and one to the right that was intact. Having nothing else to do, they took the one on the right.

This left them in a room with eight more warp pads. "Looks like it's time to face copies of the Mavericks," X stated calmly.

"Can I take some on myself?" Octavia pleaded.

X leaned back, scratching his chin in thought. After a time, he smirked. "Shoryuken," he replied jokingly.

Octavia glared at him flat-eyed. "Dad, it's only funny the first time."

X promptly blew her a raspberry, only to receive one in kind. Laughing, the pair split up to take out the eight Mavericks faster. As each one went down with a single Shoryuken - and X and Octavia both proved skilled at delivering such an attack at the right time - it did not take long. When all eight Maverick copies were destroyed, the room began to explode, and Sigma's voice came over the communicators.

"It has been a while, X, Octavia," he growled out.

"What?" X demanded, shocked. "Sigma?"

"It seems those X Hunters failed after all," Sigma continued. "But don't worry. Someone else is waiting for you..."

Octavia gasped. "Uncle Zero!"

"Not exactly," Sigma cackled before cutting communications.

X and Octavia immediately beamed out to the final segment of the Fortress.

Beaming into the final segment of the Fortress, the pair charged straight forward, blasting away anything that got in their path. Seeing a security area with searchlights, they moved carefully to avoid being detected while blasting away indiscriminately at mechanaloid enemies. While normally Octavia would have commented on the incongruity of successful sneaking while blasting everything in sight, she was too concerned about Zero to comment.

Eventually, the pair made it to a large square room. As soon as they entered, the doors on each side sealed. Sigma entered silently, his body different than before. His new body was much stockier than his old one, and colored yellow, silver, purple, and green, a true eyesore. The real shocker, however, was when Zero, looking good as new complete with all upgrades Serges had lined out, entered in right in front of him.

"Look who I found wandering around X!" Sigma cackled. "My friend here has a small problem with you."

"Zero?" X gasped out, stunned to see his friend glaring at him.

"Uncle Zero?" Octavia whimpered.

"Yes," Zero stated gravelly. "I do have a small problem with you both."

Sigma laughed. "Yes, you see, it seems-"

Spinning around, Zero unleashed two fully charged blasts followed by a sweep of his beam sword - which unleashed an arc of destructive energy as he swung - right into Sigma's face, blasting him against the wall and nearly destroying his new body. Turning back to X and Octavia, he grinned widely. "You're late," he said jokingly.

X couldn't help but laugh as he ran forward. "You always love making those grand entrances, don't you?" he asked.

"Says the Hunter who likes free falling and neutralizing inertia by blasting the target!" Zero countered as the pair clasped hands.

"Uncle Zero!" Octavia called happily, lunging forward to glomp him. "Best Christmas present ever!"

"Christmas present?" Zero asked in confusion.

"CiCi says you really are Santa Claus!" she squealed happily.

"...ho ho ho?" Zero offered in confusion.

"Why, Zero?" Sigma demanded as he staggered to his feet. "I know the truth...you're destined to...follow me-"

"Fuck destiny," Zero replied, leveling his buster.

"Zero!" X called out, shocked.

"X, she's practically a senior citizen by the numbers," Zero countered. "We stopped needing to watch our words around her 40 years ago, all appearances to the contrary."

"And while you're arguing, Sigma's getting away," Octavia pointed out.

Setting Octavia down, Zero quickly opened a hole in the floor. "He'll be down there!" he indicated. "While you two take him down, I'll take out the main computer." Turning, he headed through the far door.

Grinning, X and Octavia leapt into the hole. After a long fall, they found the damaged Sigma waiting for them. "You two are merely bothersome insects!" he snapped. "It's about time I-"

"Shoryuken!" Octavia shouted out, catching Sigma under the chin with her flaming uppercut. She then dashed through the air back to X's side as Sigma's body exploded.

As the explosion faded, however, a hardlight projection of Sigma's head appeared, green lines marking the dimensions around red eyes. It started moving quickly around the room firing blasts of different sorts.

"Alert!" Varia shouted out. "Viral signal strong! Viral signal will have unknown effect on cybernetic interface of Bio-Metal systems.

X quickly stepped in front of Octavia, shielding her with his body. As the projection came towards them, he found himself shouting, "Piano, Fight!"

Piano beamed in directly above the projection and belly flopped onto it, his massive weight crushing the construct against the floor. As he looked up happily at X, his tongue hanging out as he panted, the computer system just visible in the distance began to explode.

Sigma's voice erupted from the exploding computer. "What? No, seriously, what the fuck? A St. Bernard? I got belly flopped by a St. Bernard? That's how I fall this time? Of all the-" For quite some time, Sigma spoke only in a string of curse words. Eventually, he got himself under control. "HOW?"

"Hard light projections have no true substance," Octavia explained. "A massive physical impact overloaded the computer's systems, rendering it unable to maintain the projection and triggering a systems crash and meltdown."

Sigma was silent for a time. "I'll make sure to take that into account for our next meeting," he growled at last. "Next time, X...next time."

"Ruff-uf-uf-uf-uf-uf!" Piano laughed, rolling onto his back playfully.

As Zero rejoined them, the trio - along with Piano - beamed out to safety.

Landing on a nearby beach, the group watched the exploding fortress. "So..." Zero began. "Other than the whole second Sigma assault, what have I missed? When did you get a dog, X?"

"Dr. Light made him for me," X explained. "He's my support unit-"

Classic suddenly beamed in and tackled Piano, leading to the two of them romping about in the surf.

"The wolf's mine!" Octavia said happily. "Stole him off Sigma, and now he's my support unit, complete with an adapter to become superpowered armor!"

"Dr. Light's still working on mine," X explained.

Zero stared out at the two canines. "...I want one..." he whimpered.

Somewhere in cyberspace, the echo of a certain mad scientist started muttering curses about 'ungrateful robots'.

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