• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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8: Growing Power

X and the group decided to wait until the manufacture programs had finished producing the new armor units before heading out to do battle with the next follower of Sigma. This gave the group time to visit with the youngsters and the mothers, to remind themselves of what they were fighting for and why they were willing to bring so much power to bear.

As the group got ready to leave, however, CiCi had a complaint for X. "You need to keep better control of your kids," she grumbled, holding little Maka and Shadow up in her tendrils. "I caught them messing with the armor manufacture programs."

Hearing this, X crossed his arms angrily as he stared down at his kids. He first turned to Maka, being the more forward of the pair. "Explain."

The blue haired little girl huddled in her bright blue onesie, the glasses on the bridge of her nose(1) shifting until she pushed them back up. "I was just looking at the Hermes and the Icarus, muu," she whimpered softly, letting off a quiet noise at the end of the sentence as had become habit. "They sounded so cool..."

"If you were just looking, why were you accessing the manufacture programs?" X demanded softly. "You could have seen the specs in the database."

"Grandpa worked hard on these, muu," Maka pointed out quietly. "But you're going to use the Ultimate...it didn't seem right, muu." Her eyes lit up happily. "So I put them together, muu!"

"...she did what?" X managed to ask CiCi.

CiCi examined the data. "Well I'll be. Ultimate Armor v3. The Plasma charge shot now also unleashes a tri-laser blast, charge speed maximized, damaging energy field generated while jumping, all damage halved, damage below a certain threshold negated entirely, increased jump height and dashing speed with invincible dashing...and X Drive, Giga Crush, and Nova Dash all available." She turned two of her eyes towards Maka. "How did you manage all that?"

"Daddy's second and third power cores are active, muu," Maka pointed out. "All that energy's gotta go somewhere, muu." Her eyes lit up. "Oh, and I designed a new insta-kill move for nee-chan! It works with her Ult 3, muu."

X looked over the specs. "Hmm...Tatsumaki Senpukyaku...balances on her horn and spins with all four leg busters, creating an electrical whirlwind that sucks the energy out of anything caught in it, using that energy to rip them apart..."(2) He rubbed his chin. "But if she's balanced on her horn, isn't she upside down? Shouldn't it be the Spinning-"

"Tatsumaki. Senpukyaku. Muu!" Maka insisted, pouting up at her father and shaking her small, balled fists.

X chuckled softly. "Very well. I must say, not bad." He turned to Shadow. "And you?"

Shadow glanced away, saying nothing. Then again, he rarely spoke as it was.

"He was upset cousin Axl doesn't have a one-shot move like you, Uncle Zero, and nee-chan, muu!" Maka explained.

Silently, the silver haired boy pointed to the program he'd made for the Red Scythe, showing how it could draw power from Axl's amplified A-Trans tech to amplify its cutting power to split a target in half in one strike.

"Looks like you sired a couple of tech geniuses," CiCi observed. "The manufacture is complete. Why don't you all put these new upgrades to the test? You're heading to Booster Forest next, right?"

"Might as well," X observed. He gave Maka and Shadow a look. "But we'll be talking about asking permission when I get back."

The four arrived at the top of a city completely overgrown by the woods. X and Octavia were both in their v3 Ultimate Armors. Zero had once more activated his Binary Ether Core, turning his armor white and his hair blue. Axl also had his alt-specs to amplify his Change ability, changing his black and red armor to white and blue...oddly enough, the same white and blue Zero sported.

"So, we going to see how much damage we can do like this?" Axl asked as he drew his guns.

"I'm looking forward to it, personally," Octavia observed, flaring the wings of her armor as she felt the power in her helm's crystal horn.

"Guess it's going to be my turn to try and keep up with you guys," Zero joked as he ignited his beam saber.

"Let's go!" X ordered, leading the way forward.

With the four of them so amplified, they were able to tear through the few Mechanaloids guarding the path without even half trying. X's charged shot - which could be fully charged in as little as two seconds now - eradicated nearly anything it hit, and anything still standing after a hit from it was surrounded in a plasma field that continued to tear away at it. Axl's Change shot was far more damaging, allowing him to collect Change data much more quickly. Between those, Zero's supercharged saber, and Octavia firing her own tri-laser, quite a few of the defending Mechanaloids began diving for cover the moment the four came into sight. The combination was so effective they actually chose to leave a Ride Armor they encountered behind as it actually slowed them down.

"I'm beginning to think the four of us together are too much for anything we'll face here," Axl observed.

"Two might even be pushing it," Octavia offered, giving X a look.

X frowned. "...if the Maverick here proves to be as helpless against the four of us as everything else, I'll consider letting us each take on one of the remaining four."

Before long, they reached the Maverick defending the place, a large panda based humanoid reploid built like a tank. "Do you all know what rockets like what were built here were first used for?" he asked softly.

"I don't think we care," X stated softly. "Bamboo Pandamonium, you are under arrest for breaking the laws of this world. Surrender or die."

The Reploid blinked in shock. "...what?"

"You're a New-Gen Reploid," Zero explained. "That means these actions are your own choice. So choose."

Pandamonium sneered. "You don't scare me-"


"Crimson Slash!"

"Sonic Slash!"

"Tatsumaki Senpykyaku!"

By the time the attacks had finished, there wasn't even enough left of Bamboo Pandamonium to create a weapon program from. X blinked for a time. "Okay, we each take one of the remaining four solo."

(1) The glasses were for a vision problem Maka had inexplicably developed, though detailed examination showed it would naturally correct over time. Axl theorized that it had developed specifically because glasses made her more adorkable.
(2) When I was planning out the super upgrades X got last chapter with a friend on the phone, I promised him I'd give Octavia this technique. Forgot when I wrote the chapter, but added it in here.

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