• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 14,293 Views, 5,559 Comments

Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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3: Charge of the Light Brigade

With the new coordinates in hand, X, Octavia, and Zero beamed into Doppler's Fortress at the outermost point to work their way in towards the central chamber where the Neural Computer was stationed. The first area had purple walls, and a robotic junkyard could be seen behind gratings in the walls.

"Creepy," Octavia muttered, shivering.

"Let's go," X ordered. "We need to finish this."

"My trigger finger's itchy," Zero muttered. "I've barely gotten to shoot anything this entire war."

X rolled his eyes at Zero's statement, but Octavia giggled. He then led the way in.

The enemies they encountered at first were nothing new, and the path was quite straightforward...up until they reached a passage with a spiked roof over pits. "Why would anyone put spikes that high up?" Zero muttered. "Who'd be stupid enough to jump that high?" Shrugging, he leapt over the first pit.

As the group approached the second pit, the spiked roof descended over one of the platforms, leaving barely enough room to pass under it.

"...and suddenly this passage is a lot more unnerving," X muttered.

"I'll go first," Octavia offered. "Spikes don't hurt me, and I can quick merge with Classic if I fall into the pits."

Unable to argue with that, X and Zero let Octavia lead the way. As expected, the spikes in the ceiling descended above her, but always left just enough room to pass underneath them unharmed. "This almost seems like a skill challenge rather than an actual attempt to kill us," X muttered, wriggling his hands inside his busters.

"Makes me nervous, too," Zero agreed, his hand unconsciously going to his beam saber.

Heading upward, the group found a narrow passage they had to climb, where the wall sections moved to crush them at each point in alternating directions, too fast for Octavia to use Classic to zoom past. The trio had to climb as fast as they could, barely making it to the ladder past the last segment. Zero actually wound up on his back as his trailing hair got caught by the last section.

"Very. Funny. Tavi," Zero growled out as Octavia giggled at the conundrum. Chuckling himself, X used his beam saber to sever the caught hair as close to the wall as possible, allowing them to move on. Much to Zero's relief, he'd only lost five millimeters of hair. His relief set Octavia giggling again.

Not far beyond that, they found a large compactor room with a spiked ceiling guarded by a mechanaloid in a canine-head-shaped armor. As it approached them, the ceiling began to lower.

"There's something on the other side of the room making the ceiling drop!" Zero called out.

"I'll take care of it!" Octavia shouted, dashing under the mechanaloid.

While X and Zero blasted away at the guardian, Octavia reached the other side. Finding a turbine lowering the ceiling, she switched to Triad Thunder. Charging up, she leapt, slamming all four hooves into the machine as she released the charge. It exploded in a burst of electricity which also happened to damage and temporarily immobilize the guardian.

"Good job!" X called out as he dashed up to her after finishing off the guardian.

"Not bad, Tavi," Zero added with a grin.

As they progressed through the next area, X's radar went off. "A Light Capsule?" he asked, surprised.

"He must have the super-power chip and the Piano Adapter ready!" Octavia offered happily.

Grinning widely, X quickly led the way to where he'd detected the capsule, another pink one. As he approached, it opened.

"I have perfected the chip to enhance all your parts," Light explained as X approached. "Designing it to work with the Piano Adapter was a great idea on Octavia's part, and that is also ready for installation. However, I would suggest saving the first use of the Adapter for an enemy you intend to fully obliterate. Its power is immense." With that, the hologram vanished.

X stepped into the capsule, and the light flared as the upgrades were installed. Varia also flashed, her coloration changing to gold. Octavia glanced at the change. "...I think this looks better on X than on me," she muttered.

"New capacity available," Varia intoned. "Continuous charge shot available. Double Air Dash available. Defensive energy shield amplified. Energy regeneration subroutines available. Defensive energy can now be regenerated while not moving. This can also be used to fill Sub Tanks."

"Useful," X commented as he stepped out of the capsule, his armor now golden.

"Whatever you say, Super Sayian," Zero joked, earning a light punch on the arm.

Returning to the path, the trio cleared their way through the remaining enemies, climbing up the final segment to reach a sealed door. Passing through it, they encountered a massive mechanaloid that looked not unlike the head of an elephant attached to a rocket platform. It shot bullets at them from its trunk from a high altitude, while a junk chute dumped chunks of mechaloid onto a conveyor belt below.

"We have to get past that thing!" X barked out.

"There's an open door right there," Octavia pointed out logically.

Glancing at each other, X and Zero shrugged, following through the open passage, leaving the mechanaloid to defend its post inadequately.

Several minutes after they left, the mechanaloid stopped moving. Glancing down, it double checked to make sure no one was there or around, then wiped its forehead. "I can't believe that worked!" it muttered as it promptly fled the fortress. It wasn't about to stick around when the A class Hunters were there to obliterate everything in their path. It wasn't stupid.

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