• Published 11th Aug 2015
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Melody of the Future - Tatsurou

Megaman X raises an infant Octavia Melody in a world of human, Reploid, and Maverick conflict.

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X and Zero sat together with Signas as they went over the reports of the aftermath of the latest incident, making a careful check over everything that had happened. "Fortunately," Signas finally spoke up once all the damage had been gone through, "most of the damage of this last event was collateral. It will be incredibly expensive to repair and rebuild from this, and will likely take years to accomplish, we will be able to recover fully."

"And what of the casualties?" X asked softly. "Surely we weren't so lucky there. That would be unbelievable."

"Actually, we appear to have lucked out there, somewhat," Signas explained. "Human casualties total less than 50, and in all cases it was a result of the humans in question simply not being physically capable enough to survive the strain of the evacuation. Protocols for incidents of this level were well thought out and served their purpose excellently. And the Reploids built by Gate proved especially helpful in dealing with the situation due to their higher resistance to Viral infection."

X let out a sigh of relief as he sat back. "Well, that's good news."

"And Reploid casualties?" Zero spoke up, looking rather sorrowful.

"Unfortunately, we didn't fare as well there," Signas admitted. "Somewhat in excess of 1000 Reploids are confirmed deceased as a result of these events, with nearly twice that many still unaccounted for. Search parties have already been dispatched in the areas where the missing were last seen, but..." He shrugged his shoulders. "Hope's not high in regard to that."

"Considering the size of the incident, those are frighteningly low casualty numbers," X spoke up. "While each loss is painful...it could have so easily been so much worse."

"Indeed," Signas confirmed. "My initial estimates of what casualties from this incident would be numbered easily half the human race and three quarters of all active Reploids. Even 'doing our job right' doesn't account for all of that. It almost seems like, somewhere, a god was watching over us."

Zero shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah..."

"We have many names to remember," X murmured softly. "Skiver, Duff McWhalen, Izzy Glow, Grizzly Slash..." He sighed, hanging his head. "So many heroes lost, both the big stories and the small ones..."

"We can't turn back time, X," Zero offered sadly. "No matter what we do, those we've lost can't come back."

"...actually..." Signas began cautiously.

X and Zero's heads snapped up quickly. "Signas...what do you know?" X demanded intensely.

"It's a message I received from Gate," Signas explained. "He's long been doing research into the science behind RDNA as part of an ongoing project that he's been working on since he completed his education and study of Dr. Light's works. Everything he's created since have been offshoots of that initial project. And...he thinks he may have discovered something...unique."

"Go on..." Zero offered, his eyes narrowing.

"RDNA is used by Reploids to let their auto-repair systems fix any damage to their bodies, as well as define how all their systems work," Signas explained. "Gate's work has been in, for lack of a better explanation, mapping the Reploid Genome. Analyzing how it works, its relation to human DNA, how it replicates itself, how Hunter Variable Weapon Systems create subweapons, how the end result can occasionally create code mutations whether Virus related or not..." Signas drummed his fingers as he thought over how best to explain this next part. "He believes that, if the circumstances are right...having the proper RDNA codes available can also be used to raise the dead."

In the silence following that statement, one could easily hear a pin drop. Eventually, X spoke up. "It wouldn't work," he stated simply. "You might be able to recreate the body, but the mind, the soul...that would be gone. All you'd be left with is a pale echo. What purpose could that possibly serve?"

"Actually...Gate thinks Zero might be the key to clearing that hurdle," Signas clarified.

"How, exactly?" Zero demanded, his voice somewhere between cautious and hopeful.

"Of all things, the Virus," Signas continued. "Apparently, part of what the Virus does when it infects a Reploid is consume the core persona. And since so much of the behavior of the Virus can't be explained by normal science, he believes part of its nature to be spiritual. As such...he'd like you to help him with this experiment, Zero. He believes that when you absorbed all the Viral Energy from the planet, you also absorbed the Virus that had infected - amongst others - Izzy Glow, Grizzly Slash, Duff McWhalen, and Skiver. We know you absorbed Duff McWhalen's Virus for sure, from your own account of events. And the RDNA of those four is available for experiments."

"So...Gate wants to find out if their minds - their souls - are also inside me?" Zero clarified. "And...try to transfer them into new copies of their bodies?"

"That's correct," Signas explained. "He admits that this idea is based less in science and more in speculation, theory, and plain faith. However..."

"Tell me when he needs me," Zero stated flatly, getting to his feet. "I'll see what I can do about getting ready."

"Are you sure, Zero?" X asked worriedly. "There's...there's no telling what the results of this will be."

Zero shrugged his shoulders. "They didn't deserve to die the way they did. If we can get those heroes back, if there's even a chance...I have to try."

X sighed softly. He'd seen this starting back when Zero had apologized to Sigma, and it just kept going. Now that Zero knew the truth of his origins and why he was built, he felt personally responsible for everything that had happened in the 'Maverick Wars', and seemed determined to do whatever he could to fix the damage that had been done, any way he could. "Just...don't get your hopes up too much," X cautioned.

"And here I thought you were the optimist of the pair of us?" Zero teased, smirking.

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