• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Day 5: Head in the game

Day 5 of the festival had arrived.

Ash, Twilight and the others were headed back to the Crystal Empire to continue their unfinished fun. They haven't really gotten the chance to fully enjoy themselves, not after what happened yesterday. Speaking of yesterday, everyone had ended up seeing the portals to various multiverses, pop up. They had also seen the one where Ghetsis had conquered, and how he threatens to conquer their world as well, expanding his Harmonia Kingdom rule. But the one that couldn't really leave Twilight's mind, was the universe where she saw herself as a tyrannical ruler. One that had an entire fleet of spaceships behind her. She only thought those existed in those silly comics that Spike reads. But in alternate universes, anything is possible. Twilight was on the train, worried about that version of her. But what about that alternate Twilight? What is occurring in her universe?

The universe where Twilight reigns supreme of even the cosmos.

The empress of the universe, Twilight Sparkle sat down on her throne which was located in space via a floating empire. It was clear that this universe's technology had far exceeded that of even magic. But, magic was still essential here. Empress Twilight was currently thinking about universal travel. After hearing about it, she yearned for an ability like that. If she was to continue her conquest, it wouldn't hurt to even conquer other universes. Both she and Ghetsis shared a similar goal. Total domination over everything.

Her entire empire floated in the grandiose scape of the universe. She already established her rule over her Earth. Everypony on Earth served under her, even the alicorns. The Celestia, Luna and Cadence of this universe were now degraded to just lowly servants who serve beside Twilight. Luna was her royal advisor while Celestia ended up being given the role of a maid. As for Cadence, she was tasked with keeping watch of the prison cells, making sure nopony that Twilight deemed as traitorous would try and escape.

As for her friends, she found no use for them. Instead, they were locked up in the intergalactic prison for attempting to try and stop her. Twilight in this universe was already an alicorn, so they barely stood a chance, but not only that, the reason why and how she was capable of achieving a feat this grand is due to what happened at a certain point in time.

In this universe, Chrysalis, Tirek and a pony by the name of Cozy Glow ended up forming an alliance to get their revenge on Twilight. Their source of revenge was the Bewitching Bell that Grogar owned. Ultimately, they were overcome by the magic of friendship, however, the Rift had intervened, causing Twilight to instead, take the bell for herself. Because of this, all the magic, including Discord's chaos magic had been transferred to Twilight. It was this moment in time were Twilight's motivations had been shifted. All those friendship lessons she had taught everypony and all the friends she had made meant nothing now. Once she had all the power, she immediately overtook the entirety of Equestria. Soon her intelligence was heightened, causing her to be able to build space ships and advance technology further.

It wasn't long until she managed to conquer her own universe, and eventually reaching space. She ordered everypony to build her empire, establishing her absolute rule over every single creature. It wasn't just limited to Equestria. Even the lands were Tirek hailed from were overtaken by the tyrannical alicorn.

She was no longer the Princess of Friendship. Not anymore. Instead, she became Empress Twilight Sparkle. And her empire was known as Twilight Imperium. And her total rule meant a whole new look. Her appearance had changed greatly. Her mane was now the same ethereal mane as Celestia and Luna. Not only that, but she was the same height as Celestia now. Her empress attire was a dark purple robe that had her Cutie Mark on the sides along with regalia that illuminated a purple glow. She really went all out for it.

"Universal travel. Perhaps there is a spell that can allow me to do so." Twilight spoke. She used Discord's chaos magic to try and summon a portal to another universe, but to her surprise, nothing happened. It seems as though the Rift, who she was aware of had blocked her from casually travelling to other universes, forcing her to find another way. "Tch. How annoying. The Rift decides to change my motivations in order to obtain all this power, yet he denies my access to other worlds. No matter. I'll find a way eventually." She used her chaos magic to teleport a multitude of books in front of her as she started reading. "Let's see...universal travel." She ended up easily finding a page where it describes Planewalking. "Aha. Planewalking. The magic to move between other dimensions and realities. It seems my studies aren't over yet."

Back to the other world, Twilight still continued to think about the tyrannical version of herself she saw. Seeing it made her realise that Equestria will have to deal with a plethora of threats. Adagio is roaming around, Ghetsis has already established control over Saddle-Arabia and is aiming for everywhere else, and there is also the looming threat of Starlight Glimmer who she has not seen ever since. And Twilight isn't even aware that Chrysalis had escaped from the dungeon thanks to Colress. Needless to say, Equestria's threats were larger than they have ever been.

"Twilight?" Fluttershy suddenly spoke to her, snapping her out of it. "Are you alright? You're completely zoned out."

"Eevee?" Her Pokemon, Eve looked up at her.

"I'm fine. Just thinking about some stuff. But, I'm kind of curious about one thing..."

"Yes?" Fluttershy leaned in.

"Why are you two still here?" Twilight turned to Cocoa and Rosestar, who haven't left this universe yet.

"Well...we had a chance to go back...but Cocoa here insisted that we stay around until the festival ends." Rosestar sighed.

"If we just leave without being there on the last day, it'd be so underwhelming. You get what I mean right?" Cocoa said. "And besides, we'll just get Cold Colt to send us back when we ask Victini for help, no biggie."

"Yeah. But uh, please don't use me as a personal ride." Cold Colt uttered.

Suddenly, the train came to a halt, stopping all of a sudden.

"Why'd we stop? And can trains just suddenly stop on the tracks?" Twilight asked.

"Uh. Small issue everypony. It seems we have a bit of a problem in the middle of the train tracks." The Conductor popped his head out of the door.

What the problem was...a flock of Wooloo were resting on the train tracks. The reason why the train stopped is because a Snorlax was with them, resting as well. Twilight and the others looked outside to see this sight.

"Are you serious?" Rainbow Dash said. "Fluttershy. Can you tell them to buzz off?"

"I'll talk to them." Fluttershy fluttered out of the windows to try and talk to the resting Pokemon. "Um, excuse me. Wooloo? Snorlax? I hope you don't mind, but could you please move? Our train has to get somewhere and so does everypony."


"Oh. You've found a perfect place to take a nap? And you don't want to give up this special spot that you've been searching for a while now?"

"Loo.Wooloo." The Pokemon nodded their heads.

"Hm. Okay, I see. And I guess I can't convince a Snorlax to move, even if I gave it my all. Well then, maybe you could rest here for a bit and when you're ready to go, we can continue our train ride? Please?"


"You will? That's great!" Fluttershy fluttered back to the train, ready to inform them all. "They said that they've been looking for a perfect spot to rest at for a while now. And this spot is the perfect place to rest. They'll leave once they're fully satisfied."

"Okay. But what about the Snorlax then?" A pony asked.

"Ooh. I'm afraid I can't do anything about that. Nopony or Pokemon is getting a Snorlax to move from its resting spot.

"So what, we're stuck here until they're satisfied?" said Rainbow Dash.

"That's right. But I can bet it won't be too long. Probably an hour or two."

"Even to my own kingdom?" Cadence spoke. She was on the ride as well since she was returning back to the Crystal Empire. "Oh well. I guess we can wait for them to finish their nap."

"It's not so bad. We could use some rest and relaxation. Especially after the past few days." said Rarity.

"Wait!" Pinkie Pie gasped. "That means we're gonna have a train sleepover! Even though it's not night, but still!"

"Hold on...Staying in here with all of you for an hour?!" Aria winced. She wasn't up for this.

"It's gonna be fun right, Aria?!" Sonata smiled along with Pinkie Pie. The unenthusiastic siren shook her head, denying the inevitable fun.

"I'm off to see what kind of food this train has." Cocoa hopped off her seat as Rosestar followed her, just in case nothing goes wrong.

"If that's the case, then how about we let the Pokemon run around for a bit." Ash let his Riolu, Farfetch'd, Gengar and Riolu out of their Pokeballs as everyone did the same. "Have fun, you guys. In the meantime...Let's kick back, relax and take a load off us."

Riolu and the other Pokemon besides Pikachu and Eve ran off to do whatever they want inside the train while time passes by.

"We're not just gonna stay here and do nothing, are we? Come on, there has to be something we can do to pass time." Rainbow Dash flew up.

"Glad you asked, Rainbow Dash. I always have a contingency for every situation. Especially one like this." Twilight had used her magic to bring out what appeared to be a board game box with Pokemon on it. "Behold. I got this from when all of Ponyville attended the trading event. It's called Pokemon: Horrors and Heroism."

"Oh. Just like Ogres and Oubliettes?" Spike said. "I have a whole set if you didn't know."

"You want us to try this, darling?" Rarity asked.

"Mhm. I'm not the biggest board game fanatic, but this piqued my interest. Plus, from what the human told me, it teaches you even more about the Pokemon World. And I haven't even scratched the surface of Pokemon, no matter how many books I borrow. So what do you say?" Twilight gave off a wide grin.

"Well. If you're excited to try it, then we'll give it a go too. Right everypony?" Fluttershy looked over to the others. Rainbow Dash looked somewhat interested in it, Pinkie Pie was up for any kind of fun, Rarity thought that this a bit out of character for her, Applejack was willing to try and so were Cadence and Ash.

"Great! I did the honour of going through the instruction manual and its pretty complex. Just how I like it." Twilight used her magic to remove the cover of the box as it revealed a large game board that took up a lot of space. The whole board was designed in a sort of ancient and medieval-style setting. It even went the extra mile by having interactive caves, castle and other fun pieces to mess with. "Pretty wide right?"

"Very wide. This is the most detailed board game I've ever seen." Spike gazed. "Some human just had this?"

"Well, he said it came straight from Accumula Town and then it was passed down from region to region, city to city. So this thing's been around a lot. And apparently, everyone who's owned it gave it away...like they didn't want it at all." Twilight explained.

"Wonder why anyone would wanna give up something like this so casually?" Rainbow Dash wondered. Once she placed her hoof on the board game, something unexpected occurred. A flashing image of what appeared to be a Dusknoir had shown up. And in an instant, Ash, Twilight and the others felt their bodies being sucked into the board game.

Sonata and Aria had witnessed this, but they did not bat an eye. Not at all. And their Pokemon, other than Pikachu and Eve were completely unaware of this since they were running about in the train.

Twilight's eyes were closed for a small bit. She was still recovering from being pulled into this board game. The first thing she saw was an entire grassy plains landscape. As green as it can be. She stood up from the ground, looking at her hooves. Everything was still there, but something was different. It felt like she was wearing something, but she couldn't picture what.

"Twilight? You okay?" Applejack's voiced call for her. She turned around to see her friend. She looked the same but she was wearing what seemed to be the robe of a Decidueye. She had the quills and everything.

"Applejack. What are you wearing?" Twilight asked.

"I...don't know. What are you wearing actually?"

What Twilight was wearing, she had a dress that resembled the colours of the Legendary Pokemon Xerneas. The Life Pokemon. Not only that, but she was also wearing a crown that resembled Xerneas's antlers. Everyone else was wearing something that was similar to a certain Pokemon.

Fluttershy had a dress that was of a Gardevoir, Rarity a Milotic, Rainbow Dash a suit of a Greninja, Pinkie Pie who for some reason was in a Bewear suit rather than a dress, cloak suit or a robe, Spike with an Axew gear, and Cadence who was wearing a dress that resembled her signature Pokemon Sylveon. They all had Pokemon-themed outfits.

"Oh. I can see why no one wanted this board game anymore." Twilight sighed. "So it just pulls anypony in?"

"Just like what happened with that Power Ponies book, right? All we gotta do is finish this one and we're home free. Should work the same." Rainbow Dash said.

"I don't know about you all, but I think I might like this. Just look at how fabulous I am." Rarity was in awe at her Milotic dress. She had no idea that her Feebas can evolve into this beauty of a Pokemon. "What about you, Ash?"

Ash wasn't wearing anything Pokemon themed, instead, he was wearing a simple blue hero outfit that resembled that of an Aura Guardian a small bit along with a red cape. Not only that but he was given a sword and a shield. He still kept his hat though. His Pikachu on the other hand remained the same along with Twilight's Eevee. "I like it as well. Check it out." Ash was getting a good look at his outfit. "Am I meant to be someone?"


"I think we all are," said Fluttershy. "I can see Princess Cadence is her Sylveon and Rainbow Dash a Greninja. Although I don't recognize the other Pokemon. Mostly because I haven't seen them yet.

"So...if we're in this board... What are we supposed to do even?" Rainbow Dash wondered. Her answer given by a thunderstorm that struck in the far distance. Against all odds, there was a dark castle up ahead. They definitely knew what they had to do now. Defeat whoever the big boss of that place is. "We've got this. We conquered Power Ponies, so this'll be a cinch!" Rainbow Dash was ready to fly, but she just suddenly realised she couldn't. Her wings were gone. "My wings! Where'd they go?!"

"Oh, dear. Mine are gone too. Fluttershy looked at herself.

"I've only got my horn!" Cadence exclaimed. "And you too Twilight!"

"Huh?! But why?!"

"I think the board game changes us based on what Pokemon you all are. The Pokemon that you all resemble obviously can't fly. Although, Gardevoir kinda can a small bit." Ash explained.

"How are we gonna make any progress without our wings then?!" Rainbow Dash groaned. But to her surprise, she was surprisingly nimble and fast in the Greninja suit. She took one step and immediately she went from the ground to a tree. "Oh. That answers my question. I'm as fast a Greninja now? Oh, that's pretty awesome."

"I can still use my magic, actually." Cadence showed some sparks in her horn. "So, we still have something going for us."

"Well. Let's get moving. The sooner we finish this game, the sooner we can get back to the festival. Hopefully, the Wooloo and Snorlax have moved by then." Twilight started to walk off as everyone else followed with her. The distance from here to the castle seemed fairly fair.

Everywhere they looked they could see Pokemon about in the plains. Fairly standard stuff considering this takes place in the world of Pokemon. But more than that, it takes place in the earlier years of the Pokemon World.

The first place they came across was an old town with your standard villagers residing in it. Along with some Pokemon beside them. Oddly enough, these villagers, despite being in ancient times, seemed to have some modern equipment with them. More specifically, glasses, a Pokedex and a Pokeball. Objects that did not exist in the earlier years of the Pokemon World.

"That's strange. Why do they have such advanced equipment in this town? I thought this was meant to be accurate to the history of Pokemon?" Twilight wondered.

"It's just a board game, Twilight. Probably just there for fun." Spike said.

Just then, one of the humans saw Ash and the others, running towards them like crazy. The look in his eyes seemed like he had gone crazy as he had bags under them. "Oh! Thank Arceus! Are you here to save us?!"

"Uh...I think? What happened?" Ash asked.

"We've been trapped in this board game... for so long... so so long." He got on his knees.

"Wait! You're from real life too?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Every single one of us in this town have been sucked into this world. All of us fell for that seller. He was so convincing."

"So that explains the Pokedex and other stuff. How long have you been in here?" Twilight asked.

"It's only been 4 months actually, but it feels like it's been an entire year or two. Time is weird in this world."

"We've been trying to get out of here by attempting to complete the main objective of this board game." A woman walked up. "But we can't get past that." She pointed over at the castle. "Dusknoir Castle."

"Dusknoir Castle? So a Dusknoir's behind this?" Ash said. "That explains the flashing image."

"How could a Pokemon do this, actually?" Rarity asked.

"Dusknoir has the abnormal power to drag and pull anyone into other worlds. It always goes for the spirit world but I guess this one just decided that it wanted to bring others to a game world instead." The man explained. "Please stop Dusknoir. I'm missing out of my favourite show!"

"And I have a deadline to attend for work! I may already be way behind it by now!" The woman groaned.

"Alright. We'll get everyone out of here. All we have to do is just get to Dusknoir, defeat him and we're home free." Ash commented.

"Not that easy. Dusknoir's got defences all over the place. I should know." A man revealed some injuries on him as bandages were wrapped around his arms and legs. "You won't just get through it all willy-nilly. If you're not careful, Dusknoir and his Pokemon goons will send you flying out of that castle in no time."

"Got it. We'll be careful. Let's get moving, everypony." Twilight nodded her head as they continued their quest towards Dusknoir Castle. The humans and Pokemon were patiently anticipating their victory and their freedom.

At Dusknoir Castle.

The Gripper Pokemon sat down on its throne, overseeing the newcomers to his game world.

"Newcomers? It seems that this world is becoming more and more populated. Does that make you happy Kathleen?" Dusknoir suddenly spoke as it turned its head to a little girl who was looking out the window. She had frilly red hair and a dress that was made out of nothing tattered leather.

"I love it Dusknoir! They look the most promising. Can we make the challenges more fun? The last ones were pretty boring." Kathleen said.

"I will. I'll make sure that you are satisfied." Dusknoir levitated off its throne as its gripping hands emanated a purple aura. The area around the group was slowly changing. Out of the earth, itself emerged a dungeon. Just out of the open. Here in this world, Dusknoir had all the power. Even creation.

The group backed away as this behemoth of a dungeon was blocking their pathway to the castle. The only to get there is to make their way through it all.

"A dungeon? Where did it even come from?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Please do not tell me we have to through...there!" Rarity winced at the damp dungeon. It had an uneasy atmosphere just oozing out of it.

"It's blocking our way, so we have to." Applejack went ahead, looking deeper inside of the dungeon. "What's even in here?"

Her answer came in the form of some hostile Pokemon. Specifically some Golbats and Zubats. And like every other Golbat and Zubat, they do what they do best. Continuously attack anyone in sight. They immediately went towards Applejack, ready to use Poison Fang. Applejack gasped as she ran away from the Bat Pokemon.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Ash commanded Pikachu to stop their movements by shocking them all with Thunderbolt. One hit and they were all down. Seemed like it would be the end of it, but another group of them came along, this time unleashing Air Slashes against the party.

"Even in Pokemon form...I hate bats!" Applejack bellowed as she suddenly shot out an arrow from her robe, hitting a Golbat out of the air. Those dresses and robes weren't just for show. They possessed the moves and talents of the Pokemon they are based off.

"Woah...Applejack. You just shot out arrows!" Ash said.


"I did...How in tarnation...?" She looked at herself, seeing if there was something in her.

"Does that mean that these aren't just clothing?" Rainbow Dash wondered. She remembered how she moved at quick speeds on foot, even without her wings. The Greninja suit may have taken her wings away, but they kept her speed and added it up to the natural speed of a Greninja. The rainbow maned pony took another step as she was on the walls, hanging upside down. "Oh, awesome!" She dropped down from the walls, sending a group of Zubat's down with her by placing her hooves on their wings.

"Oh! So that's what these are." Cadence was getting it too. Since her partner Pokemon was a Sylveon, he had a pretty good idea of what moves she can pull off. Her first move that she pulled off was Fairy Wind. A flowing gale of fairy magic blew towards the Bat Pokemon, pelting them with tiny little specks of fairy dust.

"What could I possibly do with this? I mean it's fabulous don't get me wrong..." Rarity commented. She was met with a Golbat that flew right in front of her face. Rarity let out an ear-shattering scream of terror, but that scream had unleashed a Disarming Voice that sent the Golbat and the others flying. "Oh. I mean to do that!"

"I don't know about you girls, but this stuffed bear costume is the best!" Pinkie was constantly in a bipedal stance due to the Bewear costume. But this costume shared the same overwhelming strength as the actual Pokemon. Any Zubat's that got near were immediately knocked out in one hit by a mere arm swing of Pinkie's paws.

"Oh so cool!" Ash was amazed by what he was seeing. "Man, I wish had some sort of clothing to let me do that."


"We have to get going! We can't stay around dealing with these Golbats and Zubats forever!" Twilight exclaimed as she blasted down some of them with some standard magic. The party decided to advance further, heading deeper and deeper into the grand cave, leaving behind the Bat Pokemon.

As they went further in, they noticed that the caves had special gems that were glowing and emanating all across the walls, ground and even inside some rocks. They had reached the more rich area of the cave. Rarity gasped as she dashed over to the gems.

"Rubies and sapphires! Diamonds and pearls!" She was ready to pick up all the gems in here. "I should visit Pokemon caves more often!"

"I wonder which region this used to be in the past? Sinnoh? Hoenn? Kalos?" Twilight theorized. "Whichever one it was, they could make a profit out of this."

"Makes you wonder who that Dusknoir is? Maybe it's an old Pokemon Folklore," said Fluttershy.

"So these clothes...they give us the moves and talents of Pokemon?" Spike looked at his Axew gear. "How come they stopped using these?" He looked up at Ash.

"I didn't even know they existed. Even when I travelled back in time to help Arceus I never saw any special clothes." Ash replied.

"Wonder why we became these Pokemon specifically? And what Pokemon am I even meant to be?" Twilight asked Ash.

"Oh, you're Xerneas. The Life Pokemon."

"Life Pokemon?" They all stopped once Ash said that.

"It's exactly what it sounds like. A Pokemon that gives eternal life." Ash nodded. "And looks like you ended up getting clothing based on it. Lucky."

"A Pokemon that grants you eternal life? How wonderful that must be." Rarity commented.

"Pokemon really can do everything, huh?" Twilight looked up. The party eventually reached a new area, hidden in the caves. If they were to get out of here, they had to complete this section.

And in the section was a good old fashioned dungeon boss. An Onix.

"Onix!" The Rock Snake Pokemon cried out. It smacked its tail on the ground to cause an intimidation factor to them all.

"An Onix?!" Spike exclaimed.

"Even it won't let us through. Don't worry everypony." Rainbow Dash stepped forward. "I've got the type advantage. This'll be a walk in the p-" Before she finished her sentence, Onix sent her flying with a Gyro Ball. This was a dungeon boss for a reason, and with Dusknoir in control, this won't be easy at all.

Chapter 104 End!

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