• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Day 2: Otherworldy Intervention

Day 2 of the Pokemon Festival is here.

And without hesitation, some ponies, humans and Pokemon who had slept through the night came out to continue the festival, some heading to other locations to enjoy it. Today, the attractions and activities had refreshed with new ones coming in. The Machamp Strength Test was gone but the Lopunny Dance Inferno was still here due to popularity. The newest activity was actually a small mini-tournament assembled by BigTime Ben. This is the one that Ash has been looking forward to.

"Okay. Is it ready, Gothitelle?" Ben asked his Pokemon, checking his notes.

"Gothitelle." The Astral Body Pokemon nodded.

"Nice. Let's get this started. I know I'm excited too."

Gothitelle used her psychic prowess to raise up a banner that said 'Pokemon Tag-Team Tournament". Seeing this drew the attention of all trainers. If there's one thing a Pokemon trainer loves, it's a good battle. Ash, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo walked up to it, anticipating it.

"That first day was worth the wait!" Ash exclaimed.


"Mhm! This'll make some good practice, right you four?" Rainbow Dash looked to her Pokemon as they nodded.

"Would it be okay if I partnered up with you two? Please?" Scootaloo looked up at Ash and Rainbow Dash. They were both her idols and role models so she wanted this badly.

"Sure. You can team up with us." Ash agreed along with Rainbow Dash nodding her head.

"Really? YES!" Scootaloo jumped up for joy as she was flying for a short bit. "I won't let you two down! Right Ponyta? Pachirisu?" Scootaloo looked over to her Pokemon.



"Wish me luck, girls." Scootaloo then turned to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

"Good luck Scootaloo!" Both of them said.

The way this tournament was going to go was simple. Three trainers make up a team and compete against each other to win in different brackets. Some more experienced than others, but that's why they formed teams. Mostly to have the better trainer protect them.

"Alright, Gothitelle. Bring it up." Ben said. Gothitelle had raised up a stage from the ground. Ben had managed to find a way to implant an arena underneath Canterlot. And what a stage it was. Perfect for three trainers and their Pokemon to stand in. It did take up a lot of space, but that was mostly to make sure that the trainers don't get harmed when the Pokemon are pulling their moves.

"Hey, Jade. Wanna watch this? You'll get to see a Pokemon Battle!" PInkie said to the impassive Jade Skies.

"Pokemon Battle?" She said with a monotonous tone.

"Yeah! They're the best! Just watching them gets your blood pumping!" PInkie dragged Jade over.

While the tournament was about to start, Twilight and Cadence had just woken via Celestia.

"Did you two rest well?" She asked her fellow alicorns as the books they were sleeping on fell on their heads.

"Ugh...mhm." Twilight shook her head. "Is it the second day already?"

"Yes, it is. There's a Tag-Team Tournament about to start and it's grabbed my attention honestly."

"Tournament? Where?" Cadence rubbed her eyes, looking around. "Did we fall asleep here all night?!"

"Yes, Cadence. You still have a lot of the festival left to go. So no need to worry."

"Princess Celestia!" Shining Armor entered the library, here to talk about Chrysalis's capture.

"What is it Shining Armor?"

"You must see this. We've captured Chrysalis."

"Huh?!" All three princess's said as Twilight and Cadence perked up.

"I was as surprised as you three. It happened last night, where Pikachu managed to defeat Chrysalis." Shining Armor was explaining it to them whilst they were walking down to the dungeon. "In a short amount of time too."

"Impressive. I don't think even I could have done it that quickly or easily." Celestia commented. They had reached the Canterlot Dungeons, and there she was. Queen Chrysalis. Chained up so she doesn't try anything. She heard the sounds of ponies coming closer as she raised her head up, seeing Celestia, Cadence, Twilight and Shining Armor. "So she really is here."

"Celestia..." Chrysalis said with scorn in her voice. "Don't think you can keep me locked up in here forever."

"Chrysalis. Your punishment for your crimes is long overdue by now. Putting Shining Armor under a spell and trapping Cadence down at the caves and now doing the same to Ash and Rarity is unforgivable." Celestia spoke.

"Feh. Spare me the scolding. What do you even have planned for me?"

"You're already in the dungeon. Your punishment is to be locked in here for 23 years. I will be somewhat lenient towards you since you do this for your hive and want them to live. But your actions are unacceptable."

"23 years will go by with haste for a changeling such as myself. And after I'm free, I'll feed on everypony's else's love. Even your love for Cobalion."

"Princess Celestia. You're in love with Cobalion?" Twilight looked up at Celestia.

"N-N-Nevermind that!" Celestia was flustered as her cheeks turned red. Now Twilight knew about it.

"Hah! Not so honest about it are you Celestia? No wonder you were defeated by me back then, my love is more honest than yours." Chrysalis teased.

"M-Moving on! Stay here and perhaps you'll learn from your actions!" Celestia walked off, now struggling to get Cobalion out of her head as Chrysalis laughed.

"Just you wait. I'll get out of here sooner than you think. And maybe I'll take Shining Armor for myself once more."

"Hmph! You wish! Let's go." Cadence walked off, not wanting to hear more from Chrysalis. Twilight and Shining Armor followed suit. The Changeling Queen knew that she wasn't alone in this. Adagio was still around.

Back outside, the tournament was underway. Ash, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo's turn was up next. They had decided on which Pokemon they'd use for their first match.

"I'm going with Riolu first." Ash said.


"Whirlipede for me."


"Then I'll choose my Ponyta."


"You three ready?" Ben asked the three of them.

"Yep. All set." Ash replied.


"You sit back and watch for now buddy." Ash picked up Pikachu, setting him down. The human and the two pegasi hopped on the stage with their Pokemon beside them. They were going up against 3 human trainers who looked experienced themselves. Scootaloo was obviously the weakest link in this, but she didn't care. She got to battle alongside her idols.

"Alright. You six know the rules by now. One Pokemon only for this bracket. You have 20 minutes. Even if one of your Pokemon faints the other two can continue until the rest faint. Now, the other side, you may bring out your Pokemon." Ben explained, pointing at the opposing team.

"Let's go Ledian!"

"I'm going for you, Frogadier!"

"Show them your stuff, Whimsicott!"

The three opposing trainers sent out their Pokemon. Fairly fast and nimble ones too.

"Good luck you three!" Pinkie Pie cheered from the crowd while having her hoof on Jade.

"Battle start!" Ben gave the call as he backed away, not wanting to get caught up in the imminent chaos.

"Mind if I start us off? Whimsicott! Tailwind!" A female ace trainer made the first move. She made her Whimsicott kick up a powerful Tailwind that was blowing towards the direction of the opposing trainers, starting to push them back as Ponyta's flaming mane was flowing in the wind.

"Trying to slow us down? We'll see about that! Riolu! Vacuum Wave!" Ash followed suit by sending his own wind. Riolu pelted waves of vacuums towards Whimsicott, hitting the Windveiled Pokemon square in the face.

"Whirlipede! Rollout on Ledian!" Rainbow Dash went next as Whirlipede started to roll towards Ledian, but the Tailwind was preventing it from moving at quick speeds.

"Ledian! Stop it with Comet Punch!" Ledian was ready to strike the Curlipede Pokemon back with a hard-hitting attack.

"Intercept with Force Palm!" Ash shielded Whirlipede by making Riolu rush in, getting in front of Whirlipede. Riolu's palms clashed with the Five Star Pokemon as a flurry of 5 punches were matching with the palms, stopping it from hitting Whirlipede as the Emanation Pokemon jumped out of the way. Whirlipede hit its mark, throwing Ledian off guard thanks to Riolu.

"Frogadier! Hit that Ponyta with Water Pulse!" Frogadier made its move next. It conjured up a pulse of water, shooting it towards Ponyta."

"Oh! Ponyta look out!" Scootaloo gasped, realising she was in this as well. She was getting too caught up with Ash and Rainbow Dash's moves. Ponyta responded by quickly galloping away from the Water Pulse. "Okay uh... Use Flame Charge!" Ponyta's turn to attack was here as it galloped towards Frogadier with flames surrounding it.

"Dodge it and use Water Pulse once more!" Frogadier easily avoided Ponyta's Flame Charge as it was ready to hit its mark this time with Water Pulse.

"Use Pin Missile on Frogadier!" Rainbow Dash had saved Scootaloo by having Whirlipede shoot down Frogadier with Pin Missile.

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash!"

"Whimsicott! Magical Leaf!" Whimsicott had sent mystical leaves that pelted towards the three Pokemon.

"Use Poison Sting to get rid of them!" Whirlipede had used its poison to melt away the leaves that were thrown at it and the others.

"Jump up and use Vacuum Wave!" Riolu jumped over an incoming leaf as it was ready to attack from a distance up in the air.

"Stop Riolu with Bounce!" Frogadier bounced up into the air, ready to hit Riolu. The Emanation Pokemon looked up as he was hit in the head, sending him back down to the stage. He had luckily recovered though. "Now Double Team!" Frogadier had created fast-moving clones that were beside it.

"You use Double Team as well!" Riolu did the same as the stage was now full.

"Ledian! Air Slash!" Ledian sent slashing waves of wind with its four arms towards the opposing Pokemon team. The slashes had managed to hit away some of the Riolu clones.

"Now's my chance to do something. Ponyta use Ember on that Whimsicott!" Ponyta spat out a burning Ember that was about to hit Whimsicott. However, the Windveiled Pokemon had seen it coming since it was moving so slow, so it just avoided it easily without any effort. "Oh come on!"

"Don't worry Scootaloo! We'll help you get some hits in! Riolu! Force Palm on Frogadier!"

"Frogadier, stop Riolu with Water Pulse!"

Riolu ran in with energy surrounding his palm. Fragodier put its arms forward as a pulse of water was swirling in its frog hands. Riolu thrust his palms forward, hitting the Water Pulse he also made contact with Frogadier's hands.

"Hit Riolu with Supersonic!" Ledian flew behind Riolu who was still pushing back the Water Pulse. The Five Star Pokemon was ready to blast a loud sound wave towards the Emanation Pokemon who was currently busy at the moment.

"No, you don't! Pin Missile!" Rainbow Dash attempted to stop Ledian.

"I don't think so. Whimsicott! Energy Ball!" Whimsicott intervened by conjuring a ball made out of pure earth energy. Energy Ball hit Whirlipede which made its Pin Missles fly all over the place. Riolu had managed to push back Frogadier but was then hit by the Supersonic and Pins. But Ledian was also struck by some pins as well since they were frantic. Scootaloo saw an opening. This was her chance to get a hit in!

"Flame Charge!" Ponyta was now much faster thanks to Flame Charge granting speed every time it's used. Rapidash dashed forward, striking Whimsicott square in its puffy cotton body. The Fire Horse Pokemon dealt major damage considering the typing of the Windveiled Pokemon. "Yes! I got a hit in!"

"It isn't over yet! Frogadier! Bounce!" The Bubble Frog Pokemon took the skies once more.

"We'll hit that frog out of the sky! Pin Missile!" Whirlipede sent more pins as they pelted towards Frogadier!

"Ledian! X Scissor!"

"Riolu! Force Palm!" Both Pokemon went towards each other, connecting their physical moves. Riolu managed to overpower Ledian as the Force Palm broke through the energy of X Scissor, hitting Ledian in the face as he launched the Five Star Pokemon back, making it faint.

"Whimsicott! Use Poison Powder!" Whimsicott was about to spread some poison to harm the opposing Pokemon around the area. The Tailwind was still active so it could easily blow their way.

"Don't think so. Vacuum Wave!" Riolu turned around, hitting Whimsicott with a quick wae wind that stopped it from releasing Poison Powder. "Now's your chance Scootaloo!"

"Oh, right! Ponyta Flame Charge!" Scootaloo perked up, giving the command as Ponyta galloped forward towards Whimsicott, but Frogadier got in the way.

"Water Pulse!" Frogadier was ready to blast Ponyta point-blank.

"Rollout!" Rainbow had intervened by making Whirilipede crash into Frogadier, sending the Water-Type flying as it had fainted. Ponyta had hit its mark as the flames engulfed Whimsicott, sending it rolling across the arena. The impact had made Whimsicott faint as all 3 of them were down and out.

"All 3 Pokemon from the opposing side are unable to battle! Which means the victors are Ash, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo!" Ben declared.

"We won! We actually won! I knew we'd do it with you two on my side!" Scootaloo hugged both Ash and Rainbow Dash.

"Yeah. But save up that energy for the next bracket we're in okay?" Ash said as picked Scootaloo up.


"See Jade! Wasn't that amazing?!" Pinkie looked over to the deadpan pegasus.

"It was... interesting."

"I know right?! I bet you want to get into it too!"

"I don't know if I want to." She replied looking down.

"Well, you'll get into it slowly. Come on! Let's go and find Twilight." Pinkie walked away, dragging Jade with her.

Ash, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo had taken a break since their next match would come once 12 other trainers finish their battle. They sat down to eat some caramel apples that they brought from the apple family.

"You know. When our turn is up, we should try using our Electric-Types each." Ash recommended.

"Only Electric-Types?" Rainbow looked to Ash. "How come?"

"Well, if you didn't know... when Electric-Type Pokemon join forces their power increases faster than any other Pokemon. They gather the most energy out of all 18 types, making them dish out some quick damage if needed. All that electricity just bounces off each other like crazy. If we combine Pikachu, Luxio and Pachirisu's electricity together, we can deal some sweet damage early on."

"That does sound pretty good, ya know." Scootaloo looked up at him.

"Yeah. Great idea Ash!"

Ash finished the last of the caramel apples as he hopped off the seat.

"Where are you going?" Scootaloo asked.

"I'll be right back. I saw some tasty soda inside that I wanna try." Ash ran off with Pikachu, heading for Canterlot indoors.

Adagio, who was doing her best to be stealthy was snooping around Canterlot indoors. Nopony in Canterlot really knew who she was except for Ponyville. But she couldn't be too careful. She was quietly trotting about until she ended up coming across Twilight who was alone. Twilight turned around to see Adagio, standing right there in the open. "Adagio?!"

"Twilight Sparkle!" Adagio growled.

"What are you up to now?"

"I don't have to tell you anything. But you should already know that it involves you being ruined!" Adagio ran off as Twilight chased after her. Ash who was holding a can of soda looked over to his left, seeing Twilight chasing down Adagio through the halls.

"What the?"


Adagio ran into a resting room, hoping to get away from Twilight. Once she got there, she stopped near the mirror that led to another certain world. Twilight followed her inside, cornering her. "Alright, Adagio. That's enough from you. You've already caused a lot of trouble before. I can't let you stir up more chaos, even in this festival."

"I don't need to hear your goody-two-shoes chatter! I swear I will find a way to ruin you!"

Ash had barged into the room, seeing the two of them stare each other down. "When did Adagio get here?"


"Ash. Don't worry. I got this." Twilight's horn started to glow. Adagio had to think fast. Despite her thirst for revenge, she was no match for alicorn magic. And she had still be turned into an Earth Pony. But revenge does prepare you at times. In Adagio's mouth, she held another magic item which she had to get her dirty little hooves on to find. It looked like a jar of some sorts. "What is that?"

"You don't need to know that. What you do need to know is that it's gonna quell all my anger and revenge for you!" She slowly backed away, but what happened next, she didn't see coming. She accidentally fell into the gateway which was cleverly disguised as a mirror.

"W-What the?!" Adagio screamed as she was pulled inside. Twilight, Ash and Pikachu had gasped seeing what just happened.

"She passed through the gateway!" Twilight ran to the mirror.

"Gateway? That's a gateway?" Ash pointed at the mirror.


"Yes, it is. It leads to another world where I've been to before. There, I became a human myself. Sunset Shimmer's also on that side. If Adagio's gone through, who knows what she's going to use that jar for. We can't let that happen!"

"Wait. You're gonna go through there?"

"Of course. Adagio knows that world too. And now that she knows that this mirror leads to the next world...I have to stop her."

"Aren't you gonna get the rest of our friends to help?"

"It's not a good idea to have all 6 of us there. It'll upset the balance if all of us meet our other world counterparts. But you're not from my world Ash. You can pass through with me!"

"Going to another parallel world? Hmm... We gotta make this quick. Don't wanna be left out of my next tournament match."


"We'll make it as quick as we can. Now. Let's do this." Twilight put her hoof into the mirror as she was ready to pass through. She went inside, crossing over to the next world. Ash and Pikachu did the same, taking a deep breath as their bodies were pulled in as well.

Passing through, Twilight could feel that same flow she did the first time she passed through. Once she landed on the grass of Canterlot High School, she familiarized herself with this place. It had been a while since she had been to this other world and her now human body needed some adjusting. "Alright. We're here. Wait a sec..." Twilight thought for a second. What would Ash and Pikachu look like if they came through here? She turned around to see the result. And through the gateway...

Ash looked the same. So did Pikachu. They weren't originally from Twilight's world. So in the end, they're unaffected.

"Aw. Disappointing." Twilight sighed. "But at least you two are here now."

"Woah. Twilight. You're a human in this world?! What about me?!" Ash looked at himself, not seeing any change. "Aw, man. I was kinda hoping we'd look different in this world too, huh Pikachu?"


"But I'm still taller than you in this world it seems." Ash laughed as he looked down at Twilight. Who was slightly shorter than him.

"Alright, don't get cocky, Ketchum. We need to find Adagio. And my guess is that she's headed for the school. She's also got a vendetta against the counterparts in this world."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!"


Speaking of said school, Adagio still had to keep a low profile. Difference between Canterlot and Canterlot High is that everybody knows who she is here. After the whole Battle of the Bands event that occurred the last time she was here. "I can't believe I'm back here of all places. But who'da thunk that mirror was a gateway to this world? That actually works in my favour. As well as this." Adagio held the jar in hand, grinning as she remembered what the sales pony told her when she bought it.

"That jar over there is a Magic Siphoning Jar. The name speaks for itself. Open it up and siphon up all the magic in the area and you can transfer it all to you. Don't matter what pony race you are."

"If this little thing works just like that amulet I stole... then my magic will be back in no time. I just have to find one of those Rainbooms to sap it out of them." Adagio peered out of the corner, hoping that the coast was clear as she snuck into the back of the school.

As for the front, Ash, Twilight and Pikachu entered it. The trainer and his Pokemon looked around, seeing how everyone were humans like him. It was bizarre for the eyes, especially since some of the humans resembled ponies he knows. "This place is weird..."


"I was confused too. Although I kind of freaked out seeing myself in... this." Twilight looked at her hands.

"I could've sworn I saw someone that looked like Big Mac."

"That's the thing about this world. It's the exact opposite of ours. So everypony I knew back in Equestria is also here. These are all their counterparts."


"My friends are probably hanging around... in here!" Twilight opened the door to the Gymnasium and she was right. They were all here. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer were all in here with other people. "Hey, everypon- I mean everybody!" Twilight yelled as they all turned to her.

"Twilight!" Pinkie dashed over to her. "Good to see you again! Why are you here? Is there another threat we gotta blast with music?"

"Something like that. I'm here because Adagio's still around, up to something again."

"The girl from the Dazzlings? She sure is persistent." Rarity said.

"Hold on...Twilight. Is that Ash and Pikachu?" Sunset pointed at the two of them.

"Oh, hey Sunset!" Ash waved as did Pikachu.


"Uh yeah. I brought these two along because they don't affect this world since he's not originally from the parallel earth."

"Oh. Phew. I panicked for a second." Sunset wiped the sweat off her forehead. "So. Where is Adagio?"

"That's why we came here. We don't know where she could've run off to."

"Well, we'll get searching. Everyone else here knows what she looks like. So it can't be too hard." Applejack said.

"Oh my gosh! What is that?!" Fluttershy had gone over to Pikachu. "I've never seen this Pokemon before!" She had grabbed his red sacs.

"Wait don't-" Ash tried to warn Fluttershy but it was too late.

"PIKA-CHUUU!!" Pikachu ended up shocking everyone in the entire gymnasium in response, making it a repeat of the first time Fluttershy and Ash met in the other world.

"Oh... shocking." Fluttershy coughed out smoke.

"Ugh... You know about Pokemon in this world too?" Ash questioned.

"Well... only a small bit. Sunset is the only one who has a Pokemon. The rest of us are kinda clueless still as to what they are." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Well, you gotta see my world someday. It's a blast!" Ash exclaimed.


Adagio who was snooping around wasn't exactly doing the best job of being stealthy. Her movements just made her seem more suspicious as everyone instantly recognized her. She held the jar in her hand, preparing to siphon all that sweet magic inside once she gets the chance. Until, one person walked up to her.

"Aren't you that Adagio girl from the Dazzlings?" He asked.

"What about it?" She turned to him.

"Well, your singing sucked back there when it suddenly became awful... but I gotta say it was pretty good earlier on."

"My singing sucking was not my fault!" Adagio erupted as she ripped the lid off the jar as it suddenly started to drain all the concealed magic inside of him. He felt his body grow weak, confused as to what was happening. Adagio looked at the jaw and saw magic sparkles inside of it, indicating that magic had been contained. "This is interesting...it works on you too huh?"

"W-What did you do...?" He said weakly.

"So... you don't know that you and everyone else have magic inside of you? Pathetic." Adagio walked off as she looked inside of the jar. She figured that now would be the best time to see if she can regain magic like the pony said. She opened up the jar, placing it near her face as all the sparkle and magic dust flowed towards her since she was the holder of the jar currently. Once she felt it all over she decided to give it a try. Singing. She let out a single word, and that word managed to make her utter a melody. It was faint but it was there. Adagio gasped as a wide smile appeared on her face. A semblance of her voice was returning to her. Which means that her magic as well.

"Oh yes. This is perfect." She held the jar up. She was about to go on a frenzy.

Chapter 95 End!

Author's Note:

About time Equestria Girls's world also included in this someway.

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