• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Magic of Love

Empress Twilight's World.

The final moments are approaching. Celestia's side and Empress Twilight's side are feeling the pressure on each other. And right now, one massive ally had shown up on Celestia's side. Discord.

Immediately, Discord pulled the first soldier he spot, bringing her close to his face and crimson pupils as he had one question that he wanted to be answered immediately.

"Where's Fluttershy? She's better not be hurt in any way."

"I-I-I don't know!" The soldier squealed as she flailed her hooves aggressively. The rest of the soldiers then turned their weapons, aiming them at the Spirit of Chaos. "Put me down!"

"At least tell me where your Empress is. I have a score to-" Before Discord could finish his sentence, a magic ray had hit him right in his stomach. "Yeowch!"

"Fire!" A pony cried out as multiple magic rays were sent Discord's way.

"Oh, please." Discord sighed as he snapped his fingers, turning the magic rays into porridge and the weapons into styrofoam, making them useless at the moment. Everyone on Celestia's side cheered for Discord as they knew they had essentially won with him here.

But the Empress' forces weren't going to let that be so easy. From behind, more magic rays were being shot at Discord as some were even rained down from above. Some of the robots flew towards the Spirit of Chaos, aiming straight for him.

"Oh!" Discord had almost been hit by a magic ray as he separated his body, causing it to miss. But there was the problem of the rays coming his way and the various robots. Discord then noticed that right through the roof of the palace, two dragons flew out. Reshiram and Zekrom.

Immediately after they burst through the ceiling, they went straight down, re-entering the palace and continuing their fight. Discord felt like he was bound to waste a ton of time asking, so he just went for Fluttershy and the Empress himself if he knew where they were.

He saw Adagio and Pheromosa, noticing that they had Pyrestar and the Elements of this world. And of course, this world's Fluttershy. Element of Kindness. But, Discord knew that this wasn't his Fluttershy yet he still felt an immense amount of anger, especially considering what the Empress did to him.

And just like that, he had vanished with a white blink. But, he left a parting gift. With another snap of his fingers, he turned this whole outside brawl into one big tea party.

Everyone was immediately seated on hundreds of seats, wearing fancy clothes while also having cups of tea on the table for them. Even in their favourite flavours. This whole battle had been paused by Discord by ease as everyone looked around. Most of them were greatly confused by this. The sudden pause was surprising. Even a giant like Machamp was seated. However, this will most likely not last once everyone gets back into things.

"That's something..." Brawly looked at his suit.

"Eugh..." Roxie grimaced as she wasn't a huge fan of foo-foo dresses. And Discord just had to give her some. Plus, she wasn't fond of tea either. It's not her thing."

"It seems that he has managed to pause this whole battle at the moment. The weapons are now nothing but styrofoam." Cynthia observed.

"He changed it that easily? Amazing..." Roxanne gawked.

"Hmph. That should give us loads of time. Come on. Let's hurry and find that jar." Adagio spoke to Rarity's Pheromosa. Thanks to Discord, the vehicles had been rendered useless and the robots were now as fragile as bubble wrap. With that, the Lissome Pokemon rushed off, beginning her search for the stolen Magic Siphoning Jar.


Canterlot Palace. Hallways.

But, while the ponies, Pokemon and some humans are having a scuffle, the changelings were taking a different approach in assistance.

Within one of the vehicles, an armoured pony had entered it from the back door, appearing before their followed armoured equines. The same went for every other vehicle from behind. They played it quiet and cool when approaching the vehicles. Nopony knew that they were changelings but they did notice a giant C on their armour.

Because of this, they had no only tricked the Empress' forces, but while using their magic to knock them out, they took control of some of the vehicles they had jumped into. Now, most of the vehicles were being controlled by changelings in disguise instead of ponies.

With that, the changelings caught some of the Empress' forces off guard as their own vehicles were attacking them. It wouldn't be the first time. Up in the sky, James and Team Rocket were currently riding on one of the ships that the Empress' side owns, attacking other ships in the air.

Aside from that, there was also Chrysalis and her new appearance. A form that had always been hiding within her from the beginning but had yet to be truly revealed. But, thanks to some of the magic from the Magic Siphoning Jar, this form had shown itself at last.

As for Chrysalis herself, while everyone else was battling, she chose to take the approach of helping others. Many of Celestia's soldiers had taken horrible damage and injuries during this whole battle between two sides. She would guide them all to safety and hopefully find a Travel Sphere to get them out of here.

"Ugh..." One pony groaned as she was buried underneath a ton of rubble. There were hazards everywhere. Whether from Reshiram and Zekrom still having their battle, Mew's Genesis Supernova, or even the battle against Empress Twilight, the destruction was too much for her and everypony else buried underneath massive rubble to handle.

That's when Chrysalis found them. By using her magic, she moved the massive rubble away, allowing the buried ponies and Pokemon to witness the light and Chrysalis's beautiful face as they had been saved from being eternally buried within this palace.

"Here. I've got you." Chrysalis grabbed the hoof of the buried pony while using her magic to grab the rest of the ponies and Pokemon. She helped them up from the ruined floor while also using her healing spell on them to restore their wounds. Thanks to her amplified magic, the healing process was much faster than ever now.

"This way," Chrysalis spoke to the injured ponies and Pokemon with the assistance of Ribombee. Other changelings were beside her, mesmerized by their Queen's new appearance. They weren't expecting to witness this appearance and were wondering if they could have a similar appearance to her.

They couldn't help but continue gazing at Chrysalis' appearance. A lot sure has changed with the changeling species overall ever since Ghetsis destroyed the first hive and Ash came into Chrysalis' life. There was no telling what else might happen next. But one thing's for sure, none of them wanted to go out in this world at all.

When moving through the hallways, Chrysalis and the ponies and Pokemon she had rescued came across a large pathway of fire, most likely from either the Empress' flaming mane or some Fire-Type attacks. Either way, there was an obscene amount of fire just paved everywhere. This fire was essentially blocking any access to the rest of the palace, making the chances of escaping more difficult than they already were.

But, Chrysalis had faith in her abilities to get past such an obstacle. And she certainly had faith in her amplified magic that's for sure. She stood firm while everyone stood behind her. Chrysalis then closed her eyes, allowing her new form and increased magic to take the wheel.

A beautiful light blue aura with some green sparkles could be seen flowing from Chrysalis's horn. Even in this new form, traces of her original green magical colour could still be seen. It wouldn't be Chrysalis without green after all. The light flared from her horns as she created a tidal wave of magic. But not one that was aggressive as a tsunami. One that was as calm as gentle water.

And just like gentle water, coming across a ferocious fire, it calmly removed the furious flames, eliminating them from the walls and floor without having to resort to anything equally destructive. But not only did it eliminate the fire, but it also transformed it into water. And this was something that Chrysalis was surprised by herself.

She didn't expect her to turn the fire into water. She scrunched her face before looking up at her horn as everypony and Pokemon clapped at how impressive that was.

"Well then...Um...L-Let's keep moving, shall we?" Chrysalis spoke as she and the group landed on the small lake of water made by her magic. The water even felt good to walk on too. Everything about it felt pure.

Along the way, Chrysalis would use her magic to try and get rid of any hazards in the way. And each time she used her magic, she made them pure. Gentle as they can be. A large piece of rubble was immediately turned into nothing but leaves and more, flames were turned into water.

Speaking of paper, those Paper Creations made by the Empress were still running rampant across the palace. However, a majority of them had been destroyed thanks to Mew's Genesis Supernova. So now the Paper Creations were running low on paper in this entire palace to rely on. If they're fully destroyed, that's it. There's no regenerating.

And still running from the paper creations while also fighting back at them was Starlight's group. The entire group was tired out of their minds from all this running and moving across both worlds. They were finding it difficult to keep up and fend off the paper creations. They just wanted to rest and have this all be over at this point.

And joining up with Starlight's group was Fluttershy's group and the residents of Ponyville as they were searching for a way out of here. Thanks to all of that destruction, escaping has been made tougher. Chrysalis was able to sense the two groups in a way she never expected.

She could feel their heartbeats. This was something Chrysalis could never do before in her life. Feeling multiple heartbeats from a distance was entirely new to her and a bit perplexing as she gasped, putting her hoof on her chest. This odd sensation seemed to grow the closer the heartbeats came.

That was because, within her peripheral, Chrysalis had spotted the two groups meeting up at one single location together after all their running.

"Oh! Queen Chrysalis?!" Starlight gasped as they all came to a screeching halt. Reuniting with most of their friends wasn't even the main focus it was Chrysalis' appearance. "Is that you?!"

"C-Certainly is. Hello~" Chrysalis waved over to Starlight and the others.

"Oh. I dig the new look." Rainbow Dash nodded in agreement. "Blue always looks cool, doesn't it?"

"Wait. What about every other changeling?" Goh pointed at the rest of the group. "Why aren't they any different?"

"Maybe it's a Queen exclusive thing?" Pinkie Pie spoke.

"We can theorize about it later! Those paper monstrosities are still approaching!" Rarity cried out as Ampharos, Haxorus, Goodra and Salamence were still fending off the paper creations, taking them out as fast as they could. Knowing that they were running low on paper, the Paper Creations improvised with their approach. Instead of blowing themselves up to waste paper, they all layered pieces of paper onto each other. By layering and wrapping the paper, the creations gained thicker armour. An armour thick enough to take a hit from the opposing Pokemon attacks.

"Haxo!" Haxorus looked up as he attempted Close Combat on the fused paper creature. But his attack only slightly dented the thick armour of the paper creature at best. Afterwards, the creature swatted Haxorus away, causing an explosion with one of its papers. "Xorus!"

Haxorus and the rest of the Pokemon backed up as the creature then flared its paper body, ready to send a heap of paper cuts that would do more than just leave a small mark on them.

"You don't have to waste your efforts anymore, you four," Chrysalis spoke as she flew over to the four dragons. Now that she could see what her magic could do in this form, she had some more confidence in her abilities. The Changeling Queen stood before the paper creation as it had unleashed billions of paper that all had the capability to cut right through steel. And it showed when major parts of the palace walls had been cut off by the movement of the various papers.

Chrysalis held her breath in, using her magic and emanating that light once more. Out of her horn came a wider beam this time as it almost pushed Chrysalis herself back. The beam was wide enough to fully capture all of the pieces of paper that came her way including the giant paper creature.

One-touch and the whole creature and its billions of paper had been engulfed by Chrysalis vibrant blue and sparkling green magical aura as the room had been lit up. And once the connection had been made, the paper creature was met with the effects of Chrysalis's new magic.

The creature was unable to move as the light from Chrysalis' blast faded away. It was like its whole body had been paralyzed or frozen from the inside and outside. But, the reason for this was different than just paralysis. Everyone noticed that the creature was changing shape. And not in the usual way in which it uses the paper to transform into various creatures and objects. It was changing shape uncontrollably while also reverting to its original form.

A tree.

The effects of Chrysalis' magic had purified the paper creature so much that it had reversed into what paper originally comes from. Even though the Empress did not use a tree to cast the spell. Everyone became starstruck as they witnessed a hardwood tree appear, sticking its roots through the palace floors. The creature was no more. It was now just one big tree just sitting there.

"Woah! How'd you do that?!" Scootaloo gawked.

"I didn't think that would happen...Wait." Chrysalis was then putting together how her new magic works. It started with her turning the fire into water, then the rubble into leaves and now paper into a tree. "Does my magic purify by any chance?"

"You tell me?" Starlight responded.

"At least that takes care of that." Rarity sighed. "But we'll still need a way out of here. And Ash, Twilight aren't with us right now."

"Yeah. Where'd they go?" Spike looked around.

"They didn't get captured did they?!" Fluttershy gasped.

"No way." Applejack shook her head. "Like Ash would let that happen."

"Change of plans!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "We find Ash and Twilight and then we high-tail it out of here!"

"Audino! Please try and see if you can hear Ash, Twilight, Pikachu, Eve and Togekiss anywhere!" Fluttershy pleaded to her partner.


"Slurpuff. Get to sniffing." Pinkie Pie sent out one of her Slurpuff.


"You too, Stoutland." Mayor Mare looked to her own partner. "Try and-"

"Audino!" But just then, Audino made a loud shout, alerting everyone.

"What?! H-Have you already found them?!" Fluttershy translated.

"Dino!" Audino shook her head. She hadn't heard Ash or Twilight, she did hear something fairly important in its own right. The Hearing Pokemon pointed up north, showing everyone what she had heard and what was coming into view.

"They have the jar?!" Fluttershy repeated.

"Who has the jar?" Spike looked to Fluttershy.

"There! Them!" Fluttershy eventually saw what Audino had heard as everyone faced her direction, witnessing a group of the Empress' forces holding the Magic Siphoning Jar with them.

They were obviously sending it towards the Empress. After stealing it from Adagio, they weren't being chased down by anyone considering Adagio and Pheromosa were the only ones knowing about the jar at the moment as they were trying to get it back themselves. However, Adagio and Pheromosa were a bit occupied at the moment.

"Oh yeah!" Rainbow Dash shot up.

"Wait! What happened to Pheromosa then?! I swear if they did anything to her...!" Rarity grizzled her teeth while also fearing for Pheromosa.

"Hm?" The soldier holding the jar noticed how Chrysalis and the others were staring at them within his long hallway. All of the other soldiers widened their eyes, realizing that the opposing side had caught in the act, holding the most important item in this while invasion.

So they kept moving, deciding not to engage with the opposing forces and to only bring the jar to the Empress. Now, of course, Chrysalis and the others weren't going to let this happen. If the Empress retrieves the magic within the jar, the difficulty of all of this would just spike even further.

"After them!" Chrysalis ordered as everyone followed her lead.

Throne room.

Speaking of the Empress, she and Celestial-Gardevoir were in the middle of a red-hot feud. Immediately, Celestial-Gardevoir hovered over the floor before soaring towards the Empress, having two Thunderbolts in her hands.

The Empress smiled in her slightly new look before allowing Celestial-Gardevoir to get close. That's when Celestial-Gardevoir suddenly moved too fast. Faster than she expected. There was still one major problem. Celestia and Passion still didn't have full control over this kind of power yet.

By moving too fast, Celestial-Gardevoir almost rammed into the Empress, which would be a good thing either way. Even the Empress was stunned by how fast she moved as she put up a protective shield. Celestial-Gardevoir crashed into the barrier uncontrollably, causing a giant shockwave that blew away the pillars like they were dust in the wind while also pushing the Empress back a bit.

"Woah!" Celestial-Gardevoir said whilst flying back.

"Hah! I thought you were a genius?! You're deciding to challenge me at your best and yet you haven't controlled something like this yet?!" The Empress laughed at the fused Alicorn-Pokemon. "Oh, Celestia. You've made it too easy for me now!"

"Tch. Just watch. Passion and I can learn as time goes on. That is what we do best!" Celestia scoffed as she recovered by sliding on the floor. She then attempted to use Thunderbolt again, this time from a faraway range instead of just moving forward.

One usage of Thunderbolt and a gigantic bolt o lightning equal to that of a storm came bursting out, ripping the carpet and the floor apart from its aggressive magnitude. The Empress' eyes flared red as she created a scarlet flare of magical lights. These magical lights continuously went off in the form of magical explosions as they cancelled the bolt of lightning out.

Afterwards, Celestia approached the Empress again, but this time with a slightly better handle of her movement. It was still rickety either way. Flying and running next to her were Darkrai, Absol and Togekiss as they were going for Poison Jab, Night Slash and Sky Attack while Celestia and Espeon went for Dazzling Gleam.

The Empress then manipulated the floor itself, summoning spurts of red hot flames. Absol had cut through the flames with his horn, bypassing them as he then swung his horn at the Empress. The alicorn and the Disaster Pokemon clashed horns as the Empress' horn was suddenly incredibly hot, causing Absol to wince a bit. "S-Sol!"

Darkrai manipulated the shadows while also evading the spurt of flames. He sent the shadows towards the Empress, summoning giant shadow claws to try and hold her down. The Empress, after pushing Absol and Togekiss back with a magic pulse, then illuminated her body up with that same red light, causing an outburst of magic that had eviscerated the shadows, tearing them apart. They also blew back the Dazzling Gleam rays that came her way.

And speaking of the shadows, the Empress then cackled as she used a spell to turn the whole room into nothing but pitch-black darkness. Shadows swept the throne room as Celestia and the others were now in an area where there was nothing but black. They couldn't see anything or the Empress as she had vanished once the shadows arrived.

Except for Darkrai.

This was his forte. The Pitch Black Pokemon immediately narrowed his eyes, searching for the Empress within this field of darkness. He saw something purple and red move swiftly within the shadows. Something that no one else could keep up with but him. Although, Absol and Celestia could to an extent do so. Absol thanks to his Dark-Typing and Celestia for her heightened senses in Celestial-Gardevoir.

Darkrai then saw a giant pillar of red magical energy fly from within the shadows at breakneck speeds. He then countered it with Dark Pulse, putting his claw out and summoning an orb of darkness. Everyone else had delayed reactions as they didn't see the pillar coming. Only Darkrai.

Another scarlet pillar of magic came shooting out of the darkness, this time multiple from various sides. Everyone was bound to be hit by these attacks. So in response, Darkrai used Dark Pulse, spinning around with it as he managed to stop each pillar from all sides with his spinning approach.

More kept coming as Darkrai kept defending everyone with what he had. He had also pushed some of them out of the way while blocking out the scarlet rays too. If one got too close, Darkrai would just put his arms together and bock the rays. They did sting for certain.

The Pitch-Black Pokemon then smashed his claw onto the floor, manipulating the darkness that surrounded everyone from all sides. With his manipulation, Darkrai had actually absorbed the darkness, adding it onto his own strength as the Empress had been revealed.

Afterwards, both Twilight and Luna turned around, shooting their magic together. The Empress flared her eyes once more, blowing the magic away. Once again, they flared again as those magic flares appeared around her younger self and the others. They had been struck by repeated explosive outbursts, causing them to scream and tumble on the floor.

The Empress laughed as she then stomped her hooves on the floor once more, causing those red magical lights to emerge from there. Celestial-Gardevoir then put a shield of magic around everyone, utilizing Celestia's magic instead of Passion's Pokemon moves.

The rays burst out of the floor like geysers and volcanoes as they struck Celestia's shield. Celestia then exerted some more magic into the shield, blowing away the red erupting pillars and even the Empress herself. The Empress hissed as she then ascended into the air. With her mane sparking, she sent those magical flares once more around her opponents.

This time, they transformed into rings. Doughnut rings to be exact. These rings instantly wrapped around Twilight and the others, squeezing them together with a tightening grip. They groaned as the Empress then cackled, utilizing another one of her spells.

While they were held in place, she had used her Bone Spell to try and pierce right through them. Seeing the approaching bones, Togekiss used Dazzling Gleam, creating a rainbow shield while Darkrai manipulated the shadows. Large shadow claws got in the way of the bones, knocking them aside while Togekiss' rainbow shield blew the bones away as she expanded it.

After being freed, Luna flew forward, using her magic to slice the incoming bones in half while approaching the Empress. The Empress then utilized her Hair Spell once more, making her hair as hard metal as she swung it at Luna.

The Moon Princess smirked as she suddenly teleported away. And swapping in her place was Celestial-Gardevoir who also smirked, grabbing the Empress' hair. The Empress growled as she immediately set her hair on fire, but Celestia quickly retaliated by using Mystical Fire on her hands while holding the Empress' mane.

Two intense flames met with each other as Celestia swung the Empress around, smashing her through the pillars and parts of the wall. The Empress winced as Celestia sped up with her spinning, showing no signs of slowing down. The Empress even crashed into the bones that she had made.

Afterwards, Celestia let go of the Empress, flinging her. That's when she and the others performed a unified attack from afar while the Empress was being sent flying.

Darkrai and Absol used Dark Pulse, Espeon and Togekiss used Dazzling Gleam, Ninetales used Mystical Fire, Cinccino used Focus Blast, Twilight and Luna both used their magic and Celestia ended up using Plasma Bolt. Each attack had been unleashed in perfect unison, racing towards the Empress.

The Empress' eyes widened as she snarled at the incoming attacks, unable to think of something quick enough to counter this. Thus, she had been hit by them, receiving and a multitude of explosions that blew away most of the throne room.

Everyone lowered their attacks as some of them breathed in and out from putting in so much effort. Not even just in this battle, but ever since this whole invasion started in the first place.

"D-Did that get her?" Twilight panted.

"Yes. But she's still standing after that." Celestia observed, sensing the Empress magic from afar. Hurry. Let's get going. And try not to bump into Reshiram and Zekrom along the way."

Celestia and the others followed the trail of destruction that their moves had been. This was unfortunately not over. But after an attack combination as huge as that, they must've made some huge progress.

Speaking of Reshiram and Zekrom, Ash was tasked with calming Zekrom down with his Aura. He followed the two Dragons and their battle, avoiding every obstacle and hazard that they had made from continuously fighting each other.

Reshiram and Zekrom then both crashed into each other once more with Giga Impact and Bolt Strike, obliterating at 30 rooms in the process. Lightning sparks flew out from the collision that Ash and Pikachu avoided by either moving to the side or using the hazards as shields.

"Reshiram!" Ash looked to the Vast White Pokemon, grabbing his attention. "Let me try and snap Zekrom out of it! I can use Aura to do that!"


"Is that so? Very well. I am counting on you to free him of this."

"Got it!" Ash nodded as he took an incredible leap of faith. He ran upon a large destroyed platform with Pikachu, using it as a means to jump higher. And jump higher he did. He held onto his hat tightly while Pikachu landed on his shoulder. And speaking of landing, with enough distance and thanks to Zekrom's gigantic build, Ash was able to land right on the Deep Black Pokemon's back.

Zekrom turned around as he was met by a surprise attack from Reshiram. A Dragon Claw to the face. Zekrom staggered from that Dragon Claw as Ash then put his hands onto Zekrom's back, readying the process of breaking his rampage.

"Here goes!" Ash took a deep breath as he allowed the Aura to flow through him naturally. The Aura then started laminating the Dragon of Ideals, immediately interacting with all of the Mega Evolution energy being stored inside of him.

Zekrom roared as he flew forward with a burst of speed, bashing Reshiram through a wall while also interrupting Ash's focus and balance.

"W-Woah!" Ash cried out as he and Pikachu held on tightly to Zekrom's back.


After breaking through the walls, Zekrom then spun around in the air, trying to remove Ash and Pikachu off of him. And it worked. Since Zekrom's body was scaly holding onto tightly was a bit of an issue as compared to a Pokemon with fur. Ash and Pikachu had been dropped off by Zekrom as they hit the ground, landing on their backs.



Zekrom then grabbed Reshiram by the face, dragging him against the walls of the palace. Reshiram growled before blasting Zekrom away with a Fusion Flare from his mouth, knocking the Deep Black Pokemon back. Zekrom went flying through a multitude of rooms, destroying objects, furniture, inventions and more that was inside. Ash and Pikachu got up as they followed Zekrom alongside Zekrom.

"Hop on!" Reshiram lowered himself while flying next to Ash and Pikachu. The Trainer and Pokemon nodded in understanding as they hopped onto Reshiram's back, taking a temporary ride with the Dragon of Truth.

Reshiram then ascended, flying through the massive walls made by all of this destruction that they had caused. They spotted Zekrom in the distance as the Vast White Pokemon sped up.

Zekrom roared as he charged right at them with Bolt Strike. Reshiram was ready to do the same with Giga Impact until Ash saw that doing so wouldn't help and would just further prolong this battle.

"Reshiram! Don't clash with him! Dodge!"

"Understood." Reshiram understood Ash's approach as he immediately boosted to the side, evading Zekrom's Bolt Strike instead of engaging with it.

Zekrom immediately turned around, chasing after Reshiram, Ash and Pikachu at top speed while also summoning lightning bolts from the skies above.

"We'll have to knock him out as fast as we can if I want to use Aura! Reshiram! Hold him down with Dragon Claw!" Ash commanded.

The Vast White Pokemon spread his wings out, ready to grab Zekrom with his claws as Ash took out another Poke Ball. Within this Poke Ball, he then sent out another Dragon in the form of his Dragonite.

"Dragonite! Hold Zekrom with Dragon Claw!"

"Dragonite!" Assisting Reshiram, the Dragon Pokemon and Vast White Pokemon both collectively placed their claws onto Zekrom's head and stomach. Reshiram took the head while Dragonite took the stomach. Zekrom had been stopped in place as Ash then ran up Reshiram's back, approaching Zekrom.

"One more time!" He exclaimed, appearing on Reshiram's head before placing his hand on Zekrom's own head. Yet again, he let his Aura out, coating it around himself and Zekrom. This time, Zekrom was being kept in place by two opposing Dragons.

The Deep Black Pokemon then lit his body up with Fusion Bolt, summoning 200,000,000 volts around his body, shocking Ash, Dragonite and Reshiram each, trying to break their focus. Ash growled as he closed his eyes. He started trying to endure the electricity while keeping his hands firmly on Zekrom.

"Y-You won't get me!"

"Pika!" But Pikachu saw an opportunity. The Electric Mouse Pokemon remembered the first day that Zekrom's lightning affected him when arriving at Unova.

Now it was time to have it affect him once more, this time with a different result. The Electric-Type then ran up Reshiram's back while allowing the volts from Fusion Bolt to pass through him. Pikachu emptied his natural Electricity while allowing a new vessel to enter him.

"Pika-Pika-Pika-Pika!" Pikachu's voice echoed throughout the palace as his electricity intensified, growing to a gigantic degree than normal. The Electric Mouse Pokemon then lunged into the air, unleashing an extra-large Thunderbolt. One the size of Zekrom himself.

"Woah! Pikachu?!" Ash looked up at his partner.

"Pikachu!" Once releasing Thunderbolt, his electricity output matched that of Zekrom's as he struck the Deep Black Pokemon with 200,000,000 volts himself. Zekrom cried out as his Fusion Bolt focus had been broken.

"Awesome!" Ash gave a thumbs-up as he continued to use the Aura. His Aura had finally fully covered Zekrom's body, further keeping the Dragon of Ideals in place.

Zekrom roared as Ash's Aura glowed a vibrant colour. By interacting with the Mega Evolution energy within, two powerful forms of Infinity Energy began going back and forth together, trying to gain the advantage. And within it was also Ghetsis' dark aura from before the Empress' influence.

Ash had to combat three powerful forces at the same time with his Aura. And it was proving to be a challenge. The Aura around him intensified like a typhoon as he and Zekrom were both feeling the pressure. Zekrom himself was beginning to surround himself with more electricity. This time with his strongest move.

Bolt Strike.

The electric generator inside Zekrom's tail starts to spin and glow light blue with electricity. Zekrom then clenched his fists as his body became surrounded by yellow electricity with large yellow lightning bolts coming off of it as well. The lightning bolts pummeled onto Dragonite and Reshiram, blowing the Dragon Pokemon back.

"Dra!" Dragonite cried out after being blown back. Reshiram himself had been forced off of Reshiram from the lightning bolts coming out. And Zekrom hadn't even fully used the move yet. Just the aura of it.

And speaking of Aura, Ash yelled at the top of his lungs as he bypassed the electricity running through him, choosing to ignore it and have only his Aura on his mind. Ash's Aura grew as he was putting everything he had to try and break this control. But he wasn't going to do it alone.

Coming out of his own Poke Ball by himself was Lucario. The Aura Pokemon chose to assist Ash by adding his own Aura onto Zekrom.


"Lu!" Lucario responded as he nodded at Ash. The Trainer and Pokemon then worked in unison, merging their Aura while the Staff of Sir Aaron started reacting to both their Auras.

Ash and Lucario's eyes then flashed as their Aura grew large enough to cover the whole room. And with that combination, three volatile energies with Zekrom had been blown back by the combined Aura. Not just that. The aftermath also blew Ash, Lucario and Zekrom away.

Zekrom's rampaging sense had bee decreased to a massive degree. His glowing purple eyes were slowly reverting to their usual red, but some of them influenced energy from the Empress was still inside of him. The Aura had worked but it wasn't enough to get rid of every single one.

But that didn't matter as Reshiram could finally end this now that Zekrom was weaker. The Dragon of Truth used his own strongest move.

Blue Flare.

Reshiram's eyes flashed blue the skies and atmosphere shook as if they were being threatened. The Vast White Pokemon then fired a powerful stream of light blue flames from its mouth at the Deep Black Pokemon.

This azure flame melted the room and floor, surpassing the heat of the sun and matching one of a blue star. Zekrom's eyes widened as he had been struck by the gigantic flame. A blue sphere covered him, growing to the point where 50% of the palace had been blown sky-high or even melted away from Reshiram's attack.

The forces outside had tossed away the tea equipment made by the Discord as they witnessed this large blue explosion almost hit them. They all collectively distanced themselves away from the explosion as the palace was now missing half of it thanks to Reshiram.

Reshiram's mouth was smoking blue after using Blue Flame. He closed his mouth as the dust settled. Ash and the others looked ahead to see the status of the Deep Black Pokemon.

And there he laid. Zekrom had been defeated. He was unable to fight back. Mostly because he was finally free from the rampaging control, back to his original senses. The Dragon of Truth flew over to the Dragon of Ideals to see for himself.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Yes. Did you have to blast me with such force though? You're just as crafty as my world's Reshiram." Zekrom smiled before having Reshiram help him off the floor.

"Phew...That takes care of that." Ash sighed.


"I apologize for the trouble that I've caused." Zekrom gave his apology. "Allow me to make it up to you by ending this invasion with you all."

"Sounds good to us!" Ash gave a thumbs up.


Now with Zekrom as an ally, albeit a bit injured, this invasion was certainly going to change in favour of Celestia's side. Without a doubt. However, before Ash and the others could get moving, Ash's Aura picked up on someone arriving here. A very familiar feeling.

One that was full of chaos. Ash knew exactly who this was.

Meanwhile, with the Empress.

After being struck by a combined attack such as that, even she couldn't help but stagger and feel perplexed in the end. She had crashed into a wall, nearly falling through a massive hole that led to the next floor. Her body was smoking as parts of her regalia had been shattered.

"Kh...Curse them...!" The Empress growled as she stood up from the floor. "If I was at full strength, this would be the end of them for certain!"

She shook her head, shaking the pebbles of the rubble off her while wiping the dust away. She sighed as she was thinking of a new approach. That's when, through the large hole, she spotted something of great importance.

The Magic Siphoning Jar.

More importantly, her soldiers were holding them whilst escaping for Chrysalis and the others. The soldiers were using everything in their arsenal to fend off Chrysalis' group while they were being pursued by them.

Chrysalis used her magic to blow away any magic ray that was sent her way while the Pokemon themselves using their own attacks. The soldiers passed the jar around like Hot Potato, making sure that no one on the opposing side could get it.

The soldiers also made large hazards to block off their enemies via the destruction of the room. As if it wasn't destroyed enough from all of this. But through it all, Goodra would just break through the rubble with Fire Punch.

"Aha!" The Empress flew through the massive hole, heading over to Chrysalis' group. "You!"

"Oh! Empress!" The soldiers noticed the arrival of their ruler.

"Give the jar immediately!" Empress Twilight let out a devious grin as she used her magic to hold the jar in place.

"I think not!" Chrysalis spread her beautiful wings out before flying towards the Empress herself. Empress Twilight's eyes shifted towards Chrysalis' focus as the Changeling Queen had shoved the Empress aside. The concentration on the jar had broken as the soldier continued to hold it.

"Chrysalis!" The Empress snarled before using her blazing mane to whack Chrysalis aside. Chrysalis screamed as she was sent through the rubble while hitting the walls hard.

"Chrysalis!" Fluttershy and the others gasped as the Empress then turned her attention to Fluttershy's group. Immediately, Empress Twilight descended to the floor, causing a slight tremor as everyone had been stopped in place.

She then saw that one of her soldiers was approaching her with the jar. She would try once more to use her magic and grab it. But, acting quickly, Rarity used her own magic to zap the Empress in the face.

"Gah!" She cried out, putting her hooves on her face before barking at Rarity. The unicorn shuddered and let out an innocent smile from her sneak attack. Chrysalis got up from the floor as the soldier then threw the jar towards the Empress from a long distance.

"Empress, catch!"

"Yes!" The Empress immediately bolted off the floor at high speeds, flying towards the jar. But also flying towards the jar was Rainbow Dash. She got in the way of the Empress as they both had their hooves out.

"No, you don't!" Rainbow Dash cried out.

"Move!" The Empress then slapped Rainbow Dash's face, sending the pegasus aside as she continued to go for the jar.

"Goo!" Goodra used his horns, swinging them about as he whacked the jar away from the Empress, further keeping her away from the object of power.

"No!" The Empress roared as she blasted Goodra square in the chest with a beam of magic, knocking the Dragon Pokemon over. She then continued to pursue the jar as her soldiers also went for it.

"Salamence!" Salamence also soared towards the jar, using Flamethrower to block the Empress' path. The Empress scoffed as she used her magic to blow away the flames.

"Drea!" Just then, Trixie's Misdreavus appeared in her face, using Astonish to try and startle the Empress.

"You think that scares me!" The Empress blasted Misdreavus away, sending the Screech Pokemon to the floor. Trixie gasped as she quickly rushed to her partner after seeing her harmed.

"Not my Misdreavus!"

"All of you stay out of my way!" The Empress then used her bone spell, summoning giant bones from the floor to try and restrain Chrysalis and her group.

But, Chrysalis used her magic against the bones when they approached. When firing a beam of magic onto them, she immediately turned all of the bones into tiny rocks, negating them from causing major harm.

"Cinder!" Cinderace used Quick Attack to run past the Empress and her forces, approaching the jar. The Empress hissed as she used Construct Spell to manipulate the floor.

The floor had suddenly erupted, transforming into one big claw as Cinderace had been pushed back while also blockading the pathway towards the jar, except for her soldiers.

"Lopunny!" But along came Lopunny, smashing her foot through the giant claw, much to the Empress' chagrin. Before she could do something to try and stop Lopuny, along came Chrysalis, blasting the Empress away.

"Curse you all!" The Empress shouted as she slid on the floor. Lopunny had then knocked out all of the soldiers that were near the jar with her swift and heavy kicks. The Magic Siphoning Jar rolled on the floor, nearly falling through a giant hole and towards the next floor.

"Leavann!" One of Rarity's Leavanny still had some energy left in her as she used String Shot, sending a fast-moving line of silk that had latched onto the jar. "Vanny!" The Nurturing Pokemon then retracted her string as it would seem like she would successfully obtain the jar.

But the Empress wouldn't let that happen. In a fit of rage, she unleashed one behemoth of a magical field while yelling at the top of her lungs. This magical field expanded with a furious gale, eclipsing the whole area with a paroxysm. Chrysalis instinctively put up a protective shield around her, shielding everyone as much as she could.

Hundreds of rooms had been blown sky-high as only 20% of the palace remained at this point. Everything was falling apart with little signs of things recovering.

Chrysalis' shield shattered from the field expansion as she couldn't fully protect everyone. Thus, they had all been blown away by the magical pulse. The string of Leavanny had also been destroyed, releasing the jar

Afterwards, the Empress breathed in and out, descending to the floor. The jar rolled on the floor as a soldier had picked up the jar, holding it in his possession while standing next to another soldier.

"Ugh..." Chrysalis groaned along with everyone as they were all on the floor from that magical pulse. Chrysalis slowly got up as she saw that one of the troops had the jar, much to her dismay. "No!"

"Good!" The Empress then teleported to the two soldiers, with a horrifying smile on her face. And just to make sure no one would try anything, she used her magic to sprout up thick bones and large walls made from the floors she manipulated. She added multiple layers to them, just in case.

"Well done you two." The Empress sighed as Chrysalis immediately started doing what she could to break through this blockade. Chrysalis blasted a hole in one of the walls as everyone looked through the hole while trying to break the blockade. "Open it and bring back what is left in it."

"Um..." The soldier shuddered.

"What? What is it? I said open the jar!" The Empress exclaimed.

"Z-Zorua use Fury Swipes!"

"Zoru!" Just then, the second soldier had transformed into the Tricky Fox Pokemon Zorua, startling the Empress. "Rua!" The Dark-Type then summoned sharp claws, swiping the Empress and scarring her eye in the process.

"GAH!" She cried out after having her eye clawed and scarred. It was then revealed that this pony was actually Thorax and his Zorua.

"Thorax!" Chrysalis smiled.

"You little...!" Further enraged, the Empress then blasted Thorax with a magic beam. The changeling and his partner had been blown back by the magic beam, hitting the walls and hard rubble made from all the destruction. But still, he held onto the jar.

"No!" Chrysalis gasped.

"Give it here...!" The Empress snarled while approaching Thorax, making thunderous hoofsteps. She tried using her magic to drag the jar, but Thorax wouldn't let go.

"I won't!" Thorax refused to give the jar up.

"You ignorant, changeling!" The Empress raised her hoof. "Unfortunately for you...the jar is unbreakable! But you aren't!" With that threat, Empress Twilight thrust her hoof down, aiming to crush Thorax with it.

"Don't!" At the top of her lungs, Chrysalis blew away the blockade faster than anyone could as she soared towards Thorax's location. The Changeling Queen had personally taken the blow of the hoof, having her sides be stomped into."Ugh!"

But even after being struck, Chrysalis found the strength to push the Empress back while also falling to the floor next to Thorax and Zorua.

"C-Curse it all!" The Empress roared after being blown back.

"Queen Chrysalis!" Thorax and the other changelings cried out.

"A-Are you are alright?" Chrysalis looked at Thorax and Zorua as they both nodded in confirmation. "That's good. Ow..."

"Drat...Every last one of you...Why is it that it is specifically this world that's such an annoyance! The others weren't this troublesome!" The Empress got up from the floor as she removed her dress while approaching Thorax and Chrysalis. "Ah. No matter. Just like every other world, you'll lose. And I'll win."

"Ah...Maybe not this time." That's when a familiar voice responded to the Empress. And before she knew it, the jar had been taken from Thorax in the blink of an eye.

"What?! It can't be!" Turning around and looking behind her, the Empress was met with the sight of the one she turned to stone just hours ago. The Spirit of Chaos himself.


"Discord!" Fluttershy had a wide smile on her face while getting back up.

But he wasn't alone. Arriving at the scene, or at least, bringing help along with him, Ash, Celestial-Gardevoir, Twilight, Luna, their Pokemon and even Reshiram and Zekrom were here.

They stood before the Empress, standing together as one allied force while Discord twirled the jar around. Everyone had hopeful smiles meet their faces all at once when seeing this massive group.

"Zekrom?! You've betrayed me?!" The Empress growled.

"I was never meant to be yours, to begin with. I belong to Hilda."

"This is the end, Empress Twilight." Celestia declared. "I can safely say that you've lost."

"No, I haven't!"

"Oh, just a moment." Discord snapped his fingers as he remembered to turn all of the Empress' weapons into nothing cotton candy while also making the armour of the soldiers as soft as feathers. "Almost forgot to handle the rest."

"Oh. Well then now you've lost." Celestia nodded.

"This can't be how it ends..." The Empress said to herself, beginning to panic. But that's when she remembered the words of Skyblue Shine.

"And even if we do end up losing, we can come back stronger from this with our next possible invasion. Better than ever and more than prepared for their world."

"Yes. It's not over. I still have more on the way." She grinned, knowing of her backup forces from other worlds and parts of Equestria. "I refuse to lose. I can't lose!" Then let out a burst of red energy, preparing to finish this whole feud in one final attack.

The magic she was exhibiting was so strong that everyone couldn't help but shudder. Even Discord was intimidated as he wobbled about, almost dropping the jar. Everyone could tell that she was going to end this with one large hurrah.

"What is this magic pressure...?!" Even Celestial-Gardevoir couldn't help but tremble as everyone was losing their balance from this. It felt like the world itself was shaking.

The Empress then turned to face everyone as all of the magic power she exuded all came into one spot. Right into her horn. A horrible howling sound could be heard as the Empress pulled her head back, unleashing the biggest magical beam she's done so far.

It raged through the ground, having the same destructive capability as even Mew's Genesis Supernova. Everyone watched as this red and purple beam came flying over.

"If she wants to finish it then so be it!" Celestial-Gardevoir put her hands together, using the strongest move that she had. Plasma Bolt.

"Pikachu, Thunderbolt! Lucario, Aura Sphere! Dragonite Hyper Beam!" Ash commanded.

"Pika...!" Pikachu and the rest of Ash's Pokemon were prepared to push this attack back as far as they could. The same went for Reshiram and Zekrom who were about to use Blue Flare and Bolt Strike to stop this beam.

Twilight and her own Pokemon did the same with their own attacks and magic and even Discord chimed in. He wasn't quite used to something like this but he was doing his best. His best was actually just him breathing out of chaos magic. In every situation, he can't help but add his own style to it. Luna and Darkrai poured what they had as well.

The beam got close as everyone unleashed what they had, entering a beam struggle with the Empress. Rainbow Dash and the others chimed in too. Even though they were exhausted, they still had something to give. Salamence used Hyper Beam, Goodra used Ice Beam, one Leavanny used Energy Ball, Audino also used Hyper Beam and so on. Those that could continue put their own energy into it, taking part in this struggle.

"Thorax...Everyone. Listen to me." Chrysalis spoke to her changelings while grunting and getting back up. Her sides were in pain at the moment. "I'm not the only one who can appear like this. You can do the same. After seeing what my magic does and receiving all of this magic, I've realized what we need to do. We need to use the full scope of our magic. We need to fully accept love."

"Accept it?" The changelings all looked at each other while the beam struggle was tearing this place apart.

"Yes. We didn't fully understand it before. Then we manipulated it in the wrong way. And now we've found it. All we need to do now is use the full capabilities of it. Release your love immediately. Think of what you love!" With one order, all the Changelings then nodded in understanding, including Thorax.

All at once, they thought of the things they loved. Before, they didn't love that much. But thanks to Ash, Pikachu, the Fairy Pokemon and Fluttershy, that wasn't the case anymore. They now had something they truly loved. And with that, they were able to unleash the hidden and latent love that was being kept from them for so long.

Out of their chests, bright light's flared out in various colours as the changeling all ascended. Just like Chrysalis, they unleashed what they had before, transforming their bodies in the process. The light rays they summoned all merged into the shape of a giant heart.

This large heart flew towards the Empress, attacking her from behind instead of the front. And the Empress certainly couldn't do anything about that. Her eyes turned to the side as she sensed something powerful coming her way. If she tried to stop it, she would risk being hit by all of the other attacks. For once, there was nothing she could do.

"No...NO!" She yelled in frustration and anger as the last thing heard from her at the moment was the collision of two powerful combined forces crashing into her like a magnet.

One explosion emerged. Just one. No more. Despite there being so many attacks in that one instance. Everyone's eyes widened as a sparkling light covered the whole vastle. The explosion then transformed into something gentle and pure. Something that couldn't harm anyone. It transformed into a bright and calm light that could cause no damage. At least, not to friends.

The light spread out, covering everything as it reached past the skies and eclipsed the entirety of Equestria, making a beautiful sound in the process.

The aftermath was stunning. The whole palace was gone. Everything had stopped. The Empress forces had been defeated. And out of the rubble was the Empress herself.

She hissed out of rage, still having some power left in her surprisingly. She was ready to go another round despite all of this. However, when breaking out of the rubble, she was met with an intimidating sight.

Ash and everyone were still here as they had been healed from the looks of it. Most likely from the light. Not only that, but the changelings themselves had new appearances. Much like Chrysalis, after showing all of their love, they had become their true forms. Colourful in every day. A bit too much saturation though.

"Impossible...If you're in those forms...then that means you're from that point in time..." The Empress said under her breath.

"We win!" Ash grinned.


"I suppose you couldn't handle all of our love, could you?" Chrysalis spoke, standing next to her changelings in their new forms. "We've discovered the Magic of Love. Something that you'll never achieve or remember."

"Why you...You...!" The Empress growled as she lit her horn up with magic. Everyone was ready to go another round with her if that's what it takes

"Empress!" But, now awake, Skyblue Shine had arrived, holding a Travel Sphere in her hooves. "We need to leave, immediately!"

"Never! Not until I make all of them pay for what they've done!"

"Empress, please! Remember? We can always try again! It's not worth risking your further defeat here, Empress!"

"But..." Empress Twilight panted while looking in the eyes of Celestial-Gardevoir. Speaking of which, Celestia and Passion had finally separated after exuding too much energy. They were now separate once more. But they still had those serious looks in their eyes like fire.

The Empress saw that she was greatly outnumbered at this point. There was no use in engaging any further. With a heavy heart, she accepted this defeat. Skyblue Shine saw this as she opened the gateway to another world immediately.

"This isn't over! Do you hear me?! The next time we meet, no more miracles will come your way!" The Empress gave her parting words as she and Skyblue Shine teleported instead of walking into the gateway. Afterwards, it had closed.

And that was the end of the invasion.

"Oh, thank Arceus it's over!" Everyone sighed as they all fell on their backs, tired out of their minds. After all of that hard work, battling, moving, taking damage, jumping, flying etc, it had come to an end.

Celestia's side were the victors as they all started laughing together. And why wouldn't they? After something so intense they could just laugh in victory.

"Mosa!" Pheromosa arrived, hugging Rarity by picking her up. Rarity was just as happy to see her Pokemon again.

"Pheromosa! Oh, my sweet little Pheromosa, I was so worried!" Rarity nuzzled the Lissome Pokemon. And with Pheromosa were the Elements of Harmony of this world and Pyrestar. They too had been healed by this powerful light.

More importantly, the Princess Celestia of this world had approached Ash and the others after their victory. Adagio shook the dust off of her as she was relieved it was all over.

"All of you. I don't know much we can thank you all. But I must say..that was something." The second Celestia nodded.

"It certainly was, wasn't it?" Celestia nudged Luna. "But..now what will you all do in this world?"

"Will you stay here?" Luna asked.

"This is our home. But most of it is still controlled by the Empress. She'll return most likely, less pleased than before. We'll have to find our own way of sorting everything out. But, with you all, we now have great allies to help us. I shall spread the word across this Equestria and let everypony know that the Empress has lost.

"And we have a lot of work to do ourselves." The Fluttershy of this world said. "A lot of time has been taken away from us."

"A shame." The Rarity of this world sighed. It was true. So much of their life has been taken away because of the Empress. The rest of the world had been shielded from them. Their freedom was robbed.

"Oh. That's not a problem." But Discord had the answer to that. With a zap from his fingers, he struck the Elements of Harmony, shifting them all at once.

With just one zap, Discord had reverted them all to a younger age. An age identical to the ones of the other world. They gasped before looking at their new but familiar looks. Those white streaks and wrinkles were no more. They were now younger and full of energy once more.

"Okay. This totally works too." The Pinkie Pie of this world nodded as her smile returned to her face, beaming like the sun.

"So...what about the jar then?" Spike turned to the Magic Siphoning Jar.

"Discord. Retrieve all of the magic given to us except for our own." Celestia and Chrysalis looked at the Spirit of Chaos.

"Are you sure? Having all of that magic would make everything easier, wouldn't they?" Discord nudged them both, suggesting that they keep the magic for themselves.

"It is tempting...but no." Celestia shook her head. "They have original owners after all."

"Fine. Suit yourself." Discord opened the jar, aiming it at the Ruler of Equestria and Changeling Queen. The jar immediately acted like a black hole once more, pulling in all of the magic originally stored within it in seconds. Discord made sure to close it at the right moment when the last ounce of magic was remaining. With that right timing, he closed the jar as Celestia and Chrysalis had only their original magic essences with them.

Noticeably, Chrysalis still kept this purity form. Even without all of that magic, this is the result of her showing all of her love. Who needs tons of magic when you have something like love.

"So. How about we head home?" Ash suggested.

"Yeah. Home sounds nice right about now." Twilight nodded.


Canterlot Castle. Late Afternoon.

After it was all over, a medal ceremony took place. And it was for practically almost everyone since they all took part in helping stop this invasion. They all stood firmly ner Celestia's throne as Celestia herself was handing out medals to thousands of them.

Ash looked at the medal holding it while Discord couldn't help but gawk at it. Ever since Tirek, he wanted a medal of his own. Now he had one. Good on him.

Pikachu and the Pokemon were given medals that fit their size. Machamp had finally reverted to his original form as he flexed his muscles when receiving the medal. Even Team Rocket received some. Although Celestia was unfamiliar with them, she appreciated their help.

"Who are they again?" Celestia asked Luna.

"Team Rocket. Wait till you see their little poses..." Luna giggled quietly.

"Well. I can safely say we've all done a great job today." Celestia said whilst placing a medal on herself. "We've all fought hard, gone practically all over the place and even found a new kind of magic. Magic of Love, right?"

"Mhm." Chrysalis nodded in agreement with Thorax and the other changelings.

"There are still threats out there that we'll need to watch out for and prepare ourselves for. The world is massive. Not just our world but other worlds too. I hope you'll all help in facing these threats. Together as one." Celestia gave her final words as everyone chattered or applauded in agreement.

And they'll certainly face it together. Without a doubt. With all that they had to offer, the future for them was looking brighter than ever as the journey continues.

The Rift's Plane.

"My oh my. The timeline's been drastically changed. I didn't plan for this to happen. But I can't wait to see what else emerges from this."

With Ghetsis and Empress Twilight, no two different worlds.

After their defeat, they retreated to separate worlds, lowering their heads while sitting on other thrones. The two rulers growled as they emanated a black and dark aura from their bodies as they said these words together without even being in the same location.

"Ash Ketchum..."

"Princess Celestia..."

"𝕴'𝖑𝖑 𝖌𝖊𝖙 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖇𝖆𝖈𝖐 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘!"

Chapter 468 End.

Author's Note:

Welp. That's it for Season 6. It's time for the next one.

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