• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Battle in the sky

The Board Game World. 12:20.

Shifting away from the Sky Borealis where Ash, Twilight and the others were busy dealing with the Bisharp Pirates, one other individual or rather, two individuals had been pulled into this world by interacting with the board game.

Big Macintosh and his Machamp, of course.

However, just like Twilight and her friends, when being pulled into this world, Big Mac's appearance changed greatly. Not only that, but his Machamp wasn't present here. And that because of one obvious reason.

Big Mac had become a Machamp as he was waking up.

"Ugh..." He groaned as he sat up from the ground. He seemed to be in a forest instead of the usual starting place of the board game which is a standard grassland area.

By opening his eyes, Big Mac was already lost and confused about where he was. He could obviously see this was a forest but that still befuddled him. He was also curious about where Machamp was.

"Machamp? You there?" Big Mac asked, unaware of his current condition. "Machamp!" He continued to call out for his partner.

Big Mac would soon come to find out what had happened as he scratched his head. And with that single scratch, it hit him. His head didn't feel like his hair anymore. Neither did his hooves. In fact, he didn't have hooves anymore.

With his brain being put on pause and his eyes slowly moving up to see what he scratched his head with, Big Macintosh was finally aware of what he had become. From the muscular arms and the 5 fingers, he found out that he was a Machamp.

"Ah...! AH!" Naturally, he panicked and screamed. Having a new kind of body akin to that of a human along with four arms would terrify anyone who isn't used to this at all.

Big Mac's screaming echoed throughout the forest, alerting some of the Pokemon there, who were very curious as to why there was a random Machamp screaming in the sky. But his screaming alerted someone else who was in this world.


"What are you screaming on about?" Discord teleported above Big Mac. "I'm a bit busy here. So I need absolute silence during my work."

"D-Discord?!" Big Mac fell on his back.

"Oh, it's you. Applejack's goliath brother. Not used to having some of these?" Discord held a Machamp arm in his paw which freaked Big Macintosh out since he thought that his arm had been ripped off. But it was just a random Machamp arm.

"D-Did you do this?!"

"Pssh. This world? I wish. This has always been a cursed board game that sucks up any poor sucker that gets their limbs on it. But I am guilty of this." Discord wiggled the Machamp arm around.

"I gotta get out of here!" Big Mac stood up.

"And miss out on all the fun your sisters and friends are having here?" Discord had grabbed Big Mac's attention.

"Applejack? Apple Bloom? They're here?!"

"Off to see a friend. But right now, I wouldn't say they're in the best situation." Discord made some binoculars appear in front of Big Mac, allowing him to view from afar.

As Big Mac grabbed the binoculars, Discord raised his head high, showing him what was occurring in the sky. Currently, a sky battle was happening. But not a traditional sky battle in which two Pokemon who can fly go against each other, instead, the Noir Pride Ship and the Dark Steel Ship were battling it out in the sky at this very moment for control over the Sky Borealis.

"Hm. Doesn't look too good does it?"

"Nope!" Big Mac shook his head as he tossed the binoculars aside. "Hold on ya'll! I'm coming!" Like the big brother he is, Big Mac got a move on as he was worried about the safety of his little sisters.

"You go on then, champ." Discord was currently wearing some construction gear. It seemed that he had plans for this world since it had really grabbed his interest when Ash and Fluttershy gave him a suggestion to come along. "You know...this place isn't half bad. Now, where was I?"

The Sky Borealis. 12:30.

The battle between the Noir Pride and the Dark Steel was currently raging on with explosive steel spikes and ghost-powered cannonballs being fired from both ships.

The spirit of Dusknoir that dwelled inside of the ship was putting up a great fight against the Bisharp Pirates and their versatile ship while the Sky Borealis was still trapped via the Virulent Steel chains.

The Bisharp Pirates could see that the Noir Pride was persistent and their explosive steel weapons might not be enough to fully take it down since the cannonballs were equally as strong as their steel.

"That's some ship!" Bisharp smirked.

"Some ship!" Chatot repeated.

"Harden the ship up!" Bisharp ordered.

"Aye captain!" The crew members all said as they changed up their battle strategy. Over at the Orlop, the lowest deck of the ship, a Meditite pulled on a large lever by using its Psychic mind to do so.

This lever would act as the method of giving the ship some high extra defence akin to that of Bisharp himself. Once Meditite used its mind to pull on the lever, the ship began to change in texture.

Starting from the back, the oak wood around the ship was being overtaken by a hard metallic substance that started spreading like a virus at lightning speeds.

Very soon, the Dark Steel had lived up to its name as the entire ship was now made entirely out of steel. More specifically, Virulent Steel. The same exact steel that was also highly durable and apart of the chains. With this massive increase in defence, the Ghost-cannonballs weren't as effective anymore. Upon contact, they barely managed to damage the ship, even when the Ghost energy erupted out of it after the explosion.

With the cannonballs no longer dealing that much damage, the Dark Steel had a major advantage as they were now the ones coming out on top as the steel spikes had been enhanced because of the ship's hardening. Now the spikes were strong enough to really leave an impact on the Noir Pride. And of course, they were packed with Virulent Steel as well.

"Oh my! The cannonballs aren't working as much anymore!" Fluttershy gasped.

"Darn it! There has to be a way we can help!" Ash began shaking the Virulent Chains, frustrated that nothing was breaking or melting it at all.

"It won't burn at all!" Scootaloo said as she and Spike were trying everything to get past these chains. "What do we do?!"

"My Iron Tail won't even work!" Pikachu said as he kept trying to break through the chains with Iron Tail. Thankfully, Iron Tail was a Steel-Type move, so the Poison didn't reach Pikachu.

"Come on think..." Ash was digging deep in his head, trying to find a way to break everyone free of the chains and help the Noir Pride.

Then it hit him. Years of experience can always benefit someone. And Ash is just one of those many examples of a seasoned trainer.

He looked over at Pinkie Pie specifically and hatched an idea.

"Pinkie!" Ash called for Pinkie.


"Turn into a Ghost-Type and phase through the steel!"

"Huh?" Pinkie took one second to receive those words. "Oooh! I get what you mean!" She understood what Ash was getting at as she transformed herself into a Shuppet.

It was true that not even a Fighting-Type or Fire-Type could even hope to breakthrough or melt the Virulent Steel. However, at the end of the day, the chains are physical solid objects and if there is one major advantage that all Ghost's have is that they can phase through any physical matter with their intangibility.

And that's exactly what Pinkie Pie did. By becoming a Shuppet, she phased right through the Virulent Steel chains, escaping them Sky Borealis as she could finally move around freely.

"I'll head on board to see if I can find Dusknoir..." Pinkie Pie whispered, not trying to grab Bisharp's attention. Luckily, Bisharp was focused on the Noir Pride and Fluttershy with her Audino feelers could pick up on it.

"Okay...Good luck." Fluttershy nodded as Pinkie Pie flew off.

But, she was in hot water right now. Because the steel spikes were still being fired from the ship with constant explosions going off. So for Pinkie Pie to even reach the Dark Steel, she would have to evade the spikes and even the Noir Pride's cannonballs.

Luckily, Shuppet is a relatively small Pokemon so it wouldn't be too much of a problem and she still had her intangibility to rely on. However, the spikes and cannonballs were moving at high speeds and the explosion of Ghost energy from the cannonballs will most certainly affect her due to its wide radius.

"Wagh!" Pinkie Pie screamed as she was almost grazed by a passing steel spike. She would have to avoid more than just one as they were flying by like lightning.

As for the Noir Pride, despite it taking a beating from the enhanced steel spikes, it wasn't going down so easily. However, if this keeps up, the Noir Pride will surely be the first ship to fall in this sky battle.

So, the ship decided to change its approach. There was no way its Ghost cannonballs were breaking through the metal of the Dark Steel. However, sometimes the best form of attack is using an opponents' own attack against them.

Since the Noir Pride was essentially just Dusknoir in the form of a ship with its spirit lurking within, this meant that it carried its traits. And one of those traits is what Dusknoir is famous for.

The cannons inside of the Noir Pride retracted as the Ghost cannonballs had stopped firing at the Dark Steel. This made Bisharp curious as he was wondering why the ship had stopped attacking them.

The holes inside of the Noir Pride stayed open because it was soon revealed that it had a second weapon source that complimented the Gripper Pokemon Dusknoir.

Out of the holes, shadow hands came flying out as they resembled Dusknoir's hands. These Ghost hands passed by Pinkie Pie who watched them fly by while leaving a shadow trail.

These Ghost hands then grabbed onto the steel spikes that were heading towards the Noir Pride, gripping onto them like how Dusknoir grips onto its foes.

"Oh!" Bisharp's eyes widened as he did not see this coming. Neither did Pinkie and the others who were witnessing this sky battle.

But it went a step further. The shadow hands threw the steel spikes right back at the Dark Steel at full-force, using their own weapons against them.

And of course, the steel was sharp enough to pierce through the Dark Steel as they were made from the same substance after all. One of the spikes ended up stabbing into the holes where the spikes would come out, plugging it.

"Oh! It's plugged some of our holes, captain!" A Nidorina said.

"This ship's not just alive...it's smart. I like that!" Bisharp cackled.

"Now's my chance..." Pinkie Pie saw that there were fewer spikes flying out of the ship this time and no cannonballs. This gave her a better chance at making it onto the Dark Steel.

Pinkie advanced as she used intangibility to avoid some of the remaining spikes. With Shuppet's small body, she was able to move at a nimble pace as she either swayed, ascended or descended to evade the spikes.

Finally, thanks to the Noir Pride's efforts on plugging the holes, Pinkie Pie was able to reach the Dark Steel Ship. But she didn't enter on top. Instead, she passed through the lower decks, trying to act stealthily so that no one spots her.

The Berth. The sleeping and living quarters below the main deck or built-in bed on a ship where the pirates rest for the night after a hard day of work.

Pinkie entered here instead as no one was resting here at the moment since they were all too occupied on battling the Noir Pride. A perfect opportunity to sneak in.

Once inside, Pinkie immediately turned herself back into a Mew as she was ready to search for Dusknoir.

"Dusknoir! You in here?!" Pinkie Pie called for her friend, hoping for a response. But so far, she didn't receive one. So Pinkie decided to venture in the Berth to find Dusknoir, if he was in this part of the ship, that is.

The aura the ship was giving off just radiated menacing vibes. A hollow and eerie sound echoed through Pinkie Pie's ears. It was almost as if the ship was telling her to leave.

While Pinkie Pie was floating through the Berth, she could hear the battle happening outside as the Noir Pride was still sending some of the spikes back at the Dark Steel. Each tremble made Pinkie Pie pause before continuing to float on.

To really know how fierce this battle was, one of the spikes managed to travel straight through the Dark Steel almost hit Pinkie Pie as she squealed. The spike that nearly hit her travelled through the entire ship, flying off to who-knows-where.

Seeing that she had almost been taken out by that passing steel spike and that she was in enemy territory while a ferocious battle in the sky is raging on, Pinkie knew she had to get a move on fast and find Dusknoir.

Meanwhile, back outside, Bisharp could see that the Noir Pride might end up emerging victorious if they keep following the same approach. A change in strategy was needed.

"Feh! Latch the chains on that ship!" Bisharp order.

"Latch!" Chatot mimicked.

With that order, the crew members who were operating the equipment switched from the spikes to the chains. The spikes were no longer being fired from the ship which prompted the Noir Pride to keep its shadowy hands on hold, for now, anticipating the next attack. Although, the hands still had some steel spikes in their grasp as they were using them as extra weapons.

It wouldn't have to wait much longer as the same Virulent Steel spikes that latched onto the Sky Borealis were sent towards the Noir Pride as well.

Naturally, the Noir Pride was ready to grip onto these chains to prevent them from restraining. The shadow hands managed to catch some of the chains, but not all of them.

The chains that managed to get past the hands had latched onto the Noir Pride, just like how they latched onto the Sky Borealis. The chains had hit the parts of the ship that were already damaged as the Noir Pride was starting to weaken little by little.

"We've got you right where we want you..." Bisharp muttered. "Now! Ascend at once!"

"Aye, captain!" The crew members said in unison.

The plan was simple. Restrain the Noir Pride. With the Dark Steel now latching onto the Noir Pride with its chains, it had both the ship and Sky Borealis in its clutches.

However, the Noir Pride wasn't giving up so easily. It still had some chains and spikes being gripped by its shadow hands. It wouldn't allow the Dark Steel to hold it back.

"Seriously?!" A Wartortle gasped. "Those were all of our chains! That ship is-"

"Excellent!" Bisharp interrupted. "This is what I need!"

"What I need!" said Chatot.

"That ship...it wouldn't hurt to add to our fleet actually..." Bisharp smirked as he chuckled. He was truly impressed with how the Noir Pride acted. It was almost as versatile as his own ship, perhaps even on the same level or more. Having a ship like that would make them stronger than ever.

But while Bisharp was thinking of adding it to his fleet, the Noir Pride was about to pull off a highly risky move. The ship was fully aware of the chains inside of it as it had a functioning mind somehow.

With enough time, the ship had finally figured out how to free the residents of the Sky Borealis. It did this by using the shadow hands that had the spikes in their grasp and throwing them directly at the chains that held the Sky Borealis.

Bisharp gasped as he saw the spikes travel at blinding speeds, moving in a different direction that wasn't aiming at their ship. In just a few seconds, the steel spikes had connected with the chains, exploding upon contact when hit.

The steel spikes were potent enough to actually rattle the Virulent Chains. But it didn't actually break through the chains. The ship knew that and that is why it actually threw the spikes at the chains to weaken them instead of breaking them.

The chains had been chipped with slight cracks forming around them. It was a clear sign that the steel spikes from Bisharp's ship were the ace in the hole.

With the chains weakened, they were no longer in perfect condition as they were now at a much weaker state than they were before.

"That ship's a pretty fast adaptor..." Bisharp looked over at the Sky Borealis and the Noir Pride. Now that the Noir Pride knew of a way to break the chains, Bisharp decided not to use the spikes any further. The Noir Pride will just capitalize on it and simply free the Sky Borealis.

"What do we do now captain?" A Sneasel asked.

"Hold your fire." Bisharp stepped forward as Chatot flew off his shoulder. "I'll be commandeering that ship..."

Bisharp decided that the only way to stop the ship from attacking was to control the entire ship itself. So, he went over to do just that by jumping high into the air.

The Noir Pride could tell that Bisharp was heading straight for it, so as a defence mechanism, it used its shadow hands to try and stop the Captain from landing on board.

But Bisharp had his own counter in the form of Night Slash. With his bladed arms being surrounded in dark energy, Bisharp slashed the shadow hands each time they even got near him. Left and right, up and down, Bisharp's precision was immaculate with heavy focus.

With the NIght Slashes fending off the hands, Bisharp had landed on board of the Noir Pride, commandeering it for himself.

"Now then!" He bellowed. "I'd like to see what you have in-"

Before Bisharp could finish his sentence, the ship continued with its efforts of stopping Captain Bisharp, even if he was on board. The Noir Pride decided to flip itself upside down which obviously shocked Bisharp as he didn't expect that.

"W-Woah!" Bisharp's eyes widened as he had been outplayed by a ship while he was currently falling through the air.

"CAPTAIN!" The entire crew yelled in unison as they witnessed their captain fall.

"N-Not bad... you accursed ship!" Bisharp paid his respects to the ship as he fell through the clouds. With their captain falling through the sky, the pirates immediately ceased attacking the Noir Pride as they focused on getting their captain back.

The Dark Steel Ship was angled downwards as they were going after Bisharp. If it were to move, the Sky Borealis along with the Noir Pride will be dragged along because of the chains.

"Now's our chance!" Ash saw that the chains were weak because of the Noir Pride throwing the spikes onto them. He took the opportunity to try and see if he could break through them as they are now.

Ash put his hands together, creating a blue ball of energy in between them. This wasn't the first time he had ever conjured up a ball of aura, but it would certainly be the first time he's fired one.

Ash then fired the Aura Sphere from his hands as he was pushed back by the strength of his own attack. The Aura Sphere travelled at Mach speeds as it made contact with the Virulent Chains. Thanks to the Noir Pride's actions, the Aura Sphere actually managed to break through the chains, obliterating them into nothing. Now there were open spots for them to freely move in.

"Yes, it worked!" Ash cheered.

"Wait, really?" Spike turned to the chains as he decided to try and use Flamethrower to see if the chains would melt this time. Lo and behold, when he breathed those scorching flames onto the Virulent Chains, they melted apart. "Oh, great!"

"In that case..." Rarity started going wild as she used destructive legs to kick each of the chains apart. Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash and Pikachu started doing the same with Ember, Steel Wing and Iron Tail.

All the while, the Dark Steel Ship had found the right angle as it was ready to fly off. However, the Noir Pride wouldn't let that happen as it used its shadow hands to grab onto the ship, holding it in place. The crew turned to see how the hands of the Noir Pride were restraining them in somewhat cruel irony.

With the ship restrained, that gave Ash and the others plenty of time to continue destroying the chains that were holding down the Sky Borealis.

"What about the chains underneath?!" Sweetie Belle asked. "They haven't been hit by the spikes!"

"She's right. They're still in perfect condition!" Rarity replied as she broke some more chains.

"Then we'll break them ourselves!" Ash turned to face the Dark Steel Ship and the Noir Pride.

"What do you mean by that, Ash?" Fluttershy questioned. "You're not going to try anything daring again, are you?!"

"No need to worry! I've got an idea! But it involves us getting on that ship. Sweetie Belle. Get ready for another Psychic pulse."

"Okay!" Sweetie Belle nodded in understanding.

"You all go on along." Rarity shattered a chain. "Spike and I can clear out the rest of the chains here.

"Alright! Thanks! Let's go!" Ash was about to yet again perform another risky move like he always does. This time, alongside Rainbow Dash.

Ash and Pikachu jumped on Rainbow Dash's back as she was going to fly over towards the Dark Steel. They were heading into deep enemy territory now as they left the Sky Borealis, heading straight for the enemy ship.

Applejack used the vines of Sceptile to latch onto the Dark Steel Ship as Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Emolga held on to her as a ride. Applejack took off by using the vines as means to propel herself forward while Rarity and Spike continued to destroy the chains with Fluttershy using Refresh to heal Rarity of the poison status each time she hit the chains.

It didn't take long for Rainbow Dash, Ash and Pikachu to reach the Dark Steel thanks to Rainbow's increased flying as a Braviary, so they were already at their needed destination.

Ash and Pikachu jumped off of Rainbow Dash's back as they both readied themselves for a Thunderbolt and Aura Sphere from above.

The pirates all turned their attention away from the Noir Pride and towards Ash and Rainbow Dash who were above them all. Rainbow Dash was going to use Superpower while Ash and Pikachu would use Aura Sphere and Thunderbolt.

At the same time, Ash and Rainbow Dash pulled off their moves, with Rainbow Dash diving down with her talons ignited with energy and Ash tossing a large ball of Aura down. With their combined might their moves connected with the metal of the ship, causing a powerful shockwave that unfortunately, wasn't enough to fully break the metal but was powerful enough to blow the crewmates away.

Sweetie Belle pitched in by using Espurr's hidden psychic abilities to once again send powerful blasts of psychic energy that filled the entire ship with aggressive pulses. Only the Pokemon who were either immune or able to resist the psychic pulses weren't that affected. But the ones who couldn't handle it were temporarily stunned or either blown back by it depending on the type.

Ash and the others then landed as they were all on board the ship with menacing grins on their faces. From how they were smiling, now that they were on enemy territory, they had all the time in the world to just go absolutely wild on this ship. But not too wild. Pinkie Pie is still on here and potentially Dusknoir.

"You're gonna give Dusknoir back to us now!" Rainbow Dash hardened her wings by using Steel Wing.

The pirates, for the first time, were actually showing signs of struggle. Their captain had just fallen off, a ship was currently restraining them, the chains they used to hold the Sky Borealis down had been destroyed and they were now under attack, even though they outnumber Ash and his friends.

But even that number didn't matter since Sweetie Belle's psychic blasts had already dealt with so many of the crew members in just a few seconds.

The pirates decided that if they wanted to get their captain back without any interruptions, they would have to deal with the current situation. Starting with Ash's crew.

Meanwhile, with Twilight, she and the entire navy had felt the tremors of the battle. All this chaos happening up in the sky was enough to make Twilight curious about the current situation as her plans were put on hold.

"A-Are they winning?!" Gumshoos stuttered.

"Hold on!" Twilight quickly ran outside to see what exactly was going on. She was hoping that her friends were succeeding against the pirates and they weren't being beaten in a one-sided match.

By rushing out of the navy office, Twilight Sparkle quickly came to find out that the battle was currently in favour of her friends. She saw the Noir Pride holding down the ship and the spikes with its shadow hands along with Rarity and Spike breaking and melting apart the remaining chains that were right in front of them. Except for the lower ones, that is.

Seeing this made Twilight realize that this is what she needed to motivate the soldiers. The only reason they were really scared of the Bisharp Pirates was because of their nigh-unbeatable arsenal. She ran back inside to break the good news for them.

"Alright, you all! You'd better get those spirits back up. Because we're winning!"

"...We are?" A Swellow said.

"Sure are. My friends have already broken and melted most of the chains! You know...those Virulent Steel chains that were apparently unbreakable?"

"Impossible! We've never managed to overcome them at all!" A Heliolisk shook his head. "Cannons don't even work on them!"

"Well take a look for yourselves and tell me if it's impossible." Twilight led Gumshoos and the entire navy to witness what was currently ongoing.

Once she brought them outside, they were gifted with the glorious sight of Twilight's friends going up against the Bisharp Pirates and actually succeeding. What they thought was impossible, was truly possible. Naturally, their jaws dropped.

"See? Not so unbeatable are they? My friends are limited in size compared to your millions and they're out there doing their best to save this city and rescue another friend of ours. And they were winning too! If they can do it, can't you?"

With those words, Twilight was able to spark something up inside of the navy soldiers who were all so intimidated by the Bisharp Pirates. But seeing Twilight's friends perform actions such as these and considering that they didn't have millions of members, neither were they apart of the navy, made it a bit embarrassing to the actual navy soldiers as their courage had just left them.

But Twilight's words brought that courage back.

The soldiers each looked at each other, knowing that there was absolutely no way they should be outperformed by those who aren't even apart of their navy. The seemingly unbeatable arsenal of the Bisharp Pirates was being counteracted as shown by the steel spikes stabbing into the Dark Steel Ship and the broken chains.

With their courage back, the navy soldiers decided to stand tall and continue fighting for what they stand for as they all faced Twilight and Gumshoos with proud faces.

"That's more like it." Twilight nodded. "Are you all ready to finally put those pirates behind bars?"

"Yes, ma'am!" They all said in unison as they immediately readjusted their armour before rushing off to grab the only ship they had left. It was in poor condition and still being repaired but it was all they could use. And now with their courage back, they were willing to risk everything to protect what they love.

"I don't know how much I can thank you, Twilight Sparkle. Oh, sorry. Princess Twilight Sparkle." Gumshoos bowed his head. "You've sparked up the bravery and spirit within my soldiers once more. I am in your gratitude!" He began tearing up.

"You're welcome, Officer Gumshoos. Now if you'll excuse me. I need to help my friends out." Twilight ran over to her friends.

Back inside of the Dark Steel, Pinkie was still searching for Dusknoir.

He wasn't on the Berth, much to Pinkie Pie's disappointment. So she had to search somewhere else. All the while, a ferocious battle was happening on the ship right now because of her friends crashing down on it.

Pinkie searched many of the compartments from the Orlop deck to the caboose. But so far, she couldn't find the Gripper Pokemon anywhere.

"Mmmrgh...Where is he?" Pinkie Pie grumbled. "This ship's shaking too much and I'm getting super hungry..." Seeing that he wasn't here, Pinkie thought of one possible place Dusknoir might be at.

The Captain's Quarters.

"Aha! Duh!" Pinkie smacked her head. By transforming into a Misdreavus, she phased through the ship once more, this time, heading straight for the captain's quarters.

She still had to keep a low profile, even as a Ghost since this ship was massive with millions of crew members on board. However, thanks to Ash and Rainbow Dash arriving, they were all occupied at the moment.

But, that's exactly why she chose to transform into smaller Ghost-Pokemon like Shuppet and Misdreavus instead of the really big ones that stand out like Chandelure and Cofagrigus.

She was expecting to find Dusknoir in the captains quarters since Pinkie thought it would only make sense that they would keep someone as important as him in a place where another important individual normally resides.

However, when Pinkie Pie got to the captains quarters, yet again, Dusknoir was nowhere to be found. And the room wasn't even that wide or spacious. It was fairly compact and enclosed. This shocked Pinkie Pie as the trail was colder than ever now.

"What?!" She screeched. "He's not here?! Where is he?!"

On the outside of the ship, Ash and the others were currently keeping the pirates occupied by battling every single one of them. They did not care about the number difference whatsoever as they took the risk, despite the potentially disastrous outcome.

Rainbow Dash smashed her wings together by using Superpower which caused a mighty wind pressure that blew away many of the crew members while Ash was keeping most of them away with repeated Aura Spheres.

Applejack used her vines to grab some of the pirates as she swung them around, hitting their fellow crewmates as well while the CMC hid behind Applejack, helping out with Scootaloo shooting Ember from the side, Apple Bloom using Charge and Sweetie Belle used Disarming Voice.

Pikachu spun around, using Counter Shield to fend off any approaching pirates while also shocking them with 100,000 volts in the process.

The ship was being torn apart because of this raging battle as the pirates noticed that their victory was slowly slipping away from them. And at this rate, they wouldn't have the chance to reach their captain.

The jungle. 1:30

Big Macintosh was still trying to find a way to get up to the Sky Borealis so that he could see that his little sisters were alright and safe. But he wasn't getting anywhere since he was stuck on the ground.

He was expecting to just have a fun day during the Pokemon Festival while playing a seemingly harmless board game. Turns out, that's not happening.

"How am I gonna get up there...?" He sighed as he lowered his head. This day had suddenly escalated into something unexpected.

But what was even more unexpected is what fell from above. While Machamp was walking through the jungle, the chains from the Dark Steel that had been destroyed came flying down, crashing near Big Mac as he squealed.

It was raining Virulent Chains as upon contact with the jungle, they immediately obliterated any tree or bush they landed on. Some chains fell on Big Mach but because of his Machamp body, he barely felt it, but he was still concerned.

He believed that things couldn't get more bizarre than this. But to his surprise, but not by much, things did get more bizarre as something else fell from above. And this time, they weren't chains.

Instead, it was Captain Bisharp.

He crash-landed on the ground, causing a mild shockwave that scared away the nearby Pokemon and even caused a wind pressure to almost blast the trees away. Big Mac, however, didn't budge from this sudden crash and shockwave.

"Ugh..."Bisharp stood up after being smashed onto the ground at full-force. It was almost as if he wasn't hurt one bit. "I've still got it."

"Uhh..." Big Mac was so lost at this point. He was at a loss for words. Especially when he just heard Bisharp talk, which he surely didn't expect. But perhaps, with him being able to understand Bisharp, he could ask him questions.

"Hm?" Bisharp turned around, facing Machamp. "What do you want?"

As the journey continues.

Chapter 332 End.

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