• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Doughy Visitor

Equestria. Ponyville. The Pokemon House. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

"Hi, everyone! I'm back!" Returning to the Pokemon House to see all of her wonderful friends was Fluttershy. Welcoming their caretaker back, the Pokemon and animals swarmed in Fluttershy's direction. She was tackled and pounced on by all kinds of Pokemon. Big and small. The same went for Audino, Raboot and Bayleef who received equal love.

They were waiting for Fluttershy to return eventually after what they went through. Fluttershy already knew thanks to what Princess Luna and Nightmare Moon shared. Angel Bunny appeared in Fluttershy's mane, already being the first to reach her before the Pokemon or any other animal could.

"I know, I know. It's great to see you all again. And in one piece too. Not quite done with the Pokemon Festival though." Indeed. Though she returned, there was still more of the Pokemon Festival left. She just felt like coming back here.

That went for her friends and a majority of Ponyville. They recently finished their trip to Pegalyisum and the Ethereal Pavilion. Home sweet home for them and complete happiness for all the beasts. Krookodile also felt at great ease when seeing Audino. "I'll get you all your favourite foods. I know you've missed them." Now that she was back, Fluttershy would make meals for all the Pokemon here.

But for so many Pokemon and animals, that would take a lot of time. Thankfully, Fluttershy was experienced enough to handle this. Being a Pokemon caretaker meant that she could handle as many Pokemon as she possibly could. Which was a lot. She went into a cottage, bringing out a special fragrance. This fragrance had a unique scent that could only be picked up by the Pokemon and animals

The delicious scent flowed through the air, bringing bliss to the Pokemon. All their eyes would have the same expression. Even those that could barely emote would melt from joy. Of course, Fluttershy also had some Pokemon that could help with her cooking, making the process faster as well as Team Rocket, who kept the Pokemon House safe from any further threat. In just 15 minutes, she made dozens of meals, catering to various Pokemon and animals with different tastes. She served them up.

"Sorry for leaving you all to handle everything that happened." Fluttershy apologized to Team Rocket. "But you could've just called me."

"Called you?" Team Rocket said in unison, confused by her words. Never before had they called her despite their time being here.

"Oh, right. You have Rotomphones and I have an Xtransceiver. I can still pass my Trainer ID to you." To make things easier for everyone, Fluttershy would share her Trainer ID. She trusted Team Rocket that much. By this point, they've stuck around so much to the point that Fluttershy felt like they were a part of the Pokemon House.

Once everyone got their fill, they could rest with full stomachs. Fluttershy fed them well to the point where they would stay in these blissful states for a while. But that didn't mean she would leave just yet. Although this second week was about to end, the third week was on the horizon.

Fluttershy kept this fragrance around which was within an incense, making sure that all the Pokemon here were steady. It was successful as there weren't many movements. Their positions perfectly represented how satisfied they were. Even the uncomfortable positions looked comfortable.

"There we go. Isn't that better?" Fluttershy said. "Now...I just have to fix the Pokemon House a bit. We aren't short on time here."

Thanks to the Matori Matrix, the Pokemon House received some damage, destroying the homes of different Pokemon. Team Rocket attempted rebuilding it earlier but they still weren't done. More work needed to be achieved. But with Fluttershy here, repairs could go smoothly.

And of course, assistance from her friends. Ash, Pikachu and Applejack would come by to help repair the Pokemon House, putting the Pokemon Festival on hold just to help a friend. The rest of Applejack's family would chime in with Machamp being the fastest worker out of all of them. His four arms were both mighty and swift as he even decided to show off to his fellow Fighting-Types. Of course, Fluttershy would also be repaying the favour to Twilight.

After entering that spaceship, the alien language was nigh-impossible for almost anyone to understand. But with Pheromosa being able to read it, Fluttershy having the skill to translate Pheromosa's words and Twilight. Cynthia plus Sci-Twi writing down the right words and symbols, they could understand this otherworldly language. And most definitely, anyone else once they share it.

But before that, during the rebuilding process, the scent of this fragrance attracted more Pokemon from afar. Fluttershy made it a bit too potent. Slightly far from the Pokemon House, some woods, lakes and forests could be found, housing other Strange and Wonderful Creatures. Fluttershy herself has already been there. She could see a tide of Pokemon approaching as this would increase the capacity of the Pokemon House if they chose to stay and live here. And that would only mean more mouths to feed.

"Oh my...that's a bit too many. I may have gone overboard." Fluttershy scrunched, terrified by how she managed to attract this many Pokemon.

Luckily for her, with Granny Smith being present, her old age helped her handle this massive crowd. She came prepared. Machamp, Sceptile and the Golett would reveal bags that held various apple pies. This would relieve Fluttershy's worries immediately.

The pies all had their own unique scents despite being apples. But there were enough unique apple combinations to be varied in taste. Noticeably, one Pokemon strayed away from the scent of the pies and instead focused on the powerful fragrance coming from Fluttershy's cottage.

This Pokemon became undetected within the crowd due to its small size. Then again, most of the Pokemon were small but the bigger ones would mask their appearances.

"Phew..." Relieved that everything was being sorted out around the Pokemon House, Fluttershy took a moment to lie on her couch before she would head over and help Twilight. At this moment, Twilight was most likely writing down the words she already knew. "Ash...I'm a bit exhausted. Could you finish things from here?"

"Sure thing. Need something to eat too?"


"No. Not right now. Not until I'm ready to head to Twilight's place. Or Manehattan. Ooh, I hear there's something delicious there this year."

"That's why we're heading there next. There's an eating contest coming up too and we're gonna try and win that!"


"That's nice. Just don't go overboard you two. But I suppose that's your speciality. Especially if you're faced with any sweet, right?" Fluttershy slumped her head on the side of the couch after responding. "Maybe I should take lessons from Pinkie Pie and make cakes for all the Pokemon here as well..."

"Dough." A voice was heard within the room where Fluttershy rested. It mentioned something about dough. That oh-so-soft piece of ingredient that is responsible for so many tasty pastries.

"Yes, dough. But when I was a filly, I made a huge mess so I never tried making cakes ever again. But my mom can. I should bring my parents over here one day." Fluttershy answered, not yet clicking that it was not Ash or Pikachu's voice. None of her Pokemon mentioned it.

"Fi." Another voice came through. It had the same pitch as the one that mentioned Dough. Not only that, but it had a fermented scent about it.

"Hold on..." Fluttershy quickly clicked with these words. She found out that this was a new voice from a new entity. She raised herself from the bed, looking at the floor. Right then and there, she and the others saw the Pokemon responsible for that fermented scent.


"Oh! Who's that Pokemon?!" Ash's eyes opened up as a brand new Pokemon that he has never seen before graced his presence. This required the Pokedex as always.

"Fidough. The Puppy Pokemon. Fidough ferments things in its vicinity using the yeast in its breath. The yeast is useful for cooking, so this Pokémon has been protected by people since long ago."

"It is new!" Amazed, Fluttershy accidentally fell off her couch from pure excitement. A new Pokemon, especially a small one, was always bound to capture her heart. "It's a new dog as well!"

"Fidough, huh?" Ash gazed at the dex entry. "Talk about timing. We were just talking about food."


"Hello, little one." Fluttershy shimmed toward the Puppy Pokemon Pokemon, kneeling to reach its level. Her eyes were lit up. "What brings you here?"

"Dough." Fidough swayed its head to the right and then to the left. These movements indicated that it was searching for something due to how it appeared within Fluttershy's home. No other Pokemon had entered. The Puppy Pokemon would then sniff the air, sensing the incense.

Its own fermented scent would end up overpowering the incense that Fluttershy placed. And it didn't take long for it to be sensed by others.

"Pi? Pika...!" Pikachu was the first victim. His eyes widened before then falling off Ash's shoulder.

"Ah! Pikachu! Are you alright?!" Ash gasped, facing his best friend. Pikachu landed upside his head from that potent whiff. But, it didn't look like it was horrid. Instead, judging by that satisfied look on Pikachu's face, it was wonderful.


"Audino..." Audino fell flat on her face as if she was a plank of wood, becoming the next victim. Next was Raboot and finally Bayleef.

"Fidough." The fermented yeast was only increasing in potency. Prior to Fidough's arrival, it was fairly weak but over time, it grew to the point where any Pokemon that sensed it would fall over.

"What a powerful yeast!" Fluttershy gushed before looking outside. The yeast reached a point where it affected all the Pokemon outside. They were already satisfied but this yeast only elevated the joy in their hearts. Alas, this meant some of the Pokemon would stop working.

"Machamp..." Machamp looked like the happiest Machamp in the world, dropping planks of wood in response to Fidough's powerful presence. All of Applejack's Golett, her partner Sceptile and Delta Riolu would stop what they were doing entirely, postponing their work. Even an automaton such as Golett was unable to ignore this.



"Sceptile? Golett? What's up with you two?" Applejack wondered, ceasing her own work just to react to her Pokemon.

"Hey. Are ya doing alright?" All of Apple Bloom's Grass-Types were hit hard by this. Noticeably, all the Grass-Types received the most out of this. Bayleef looked like she passed out. As did every Grass-Type. That yeast was especially effective on them.

"Ah...wonder what Fluttershy added?" Meowth was hit next, slumping on a destroyed tree while dropping some seeds meant to grow new trees.

"No time to rest!" Jessie exclaimed. "We're not even halfway done here!"

"Ri...Riolu!" Noticeably, Delta Riolu grimaced at this scent. He put his paws over his nose, feeling somewhat uncomfortable. He reacted differently compared to everyone else. The same went for the other Dark-Types here. To get away from the scent, Riolu scampered away. But that yeast wasn't slowing down for anyone due to how far it was going.

"Yeesh. That's strong." Ash gazed at the results of Fidough's yeast. He didn't find it hard to believe this. Fairy-Types are known for their small size yet powerful effects. Ash even had Pikachu, who was in the Fairy Egg Group and was a tiny Pokemon that packed quite a punch. "But uh...isn't that gonna slow down all the rebuilding? Dragonite and the others are down and out too."

Ash pointed out how most of the Pokemon were unable to do much now. His Dragonite, Lucario, Sirfetch'd, Dracovish and Gengar all found themselves reacting differently. Dragonite had a smile on her face, Sirfecth'd fell on his shield, Dracovish's face was hard to read but it was definitely on the ground, Gengar was feeling a bit woozy from this and Lucario...didn't react at all.

His ability Inner Focus wouldn't allow him to lose focus. Alas, the same couldn't be said for Delta Riolu who ran up to his Sinnohan Variant. "Lu?"

"Rio!" Riolu grabbed Lucario's leg, seeing that he wasn't bothered or affected by the scent. Sadly, staying by Lucario didn't automatically mean the scent would vanish. He didn't have Inner Focus after all.

"Oh. It is getting to everyone." Fluttershy soon saw how it slowed down all the work. "But it's still so adorable. So what did you want, Fidough?"

"Fi." Its attention was drawn to the incense that Fluttershy made. The Puppy Pokemon jumped frantically, eyeing down the incense as was it clear that it wished to have it.

"Oh, this? You want to get rid of what's around you?" Fluttershy translated. "Ah, I get it. You're not too fond of having everyone react to your presence like this, right?"

"Dough." Very much so. That aggressive nod was confirmation of that. While producing fermented yeast from its breath was natural for the Fidough species, it was clear that it wasn't meant to be at this level to the point where any Pokemon who reacts to it essentially becomes unable to do anything unless they had a way to resist or ignore it, just like Lucario's Inner Focus.

Knowing this, Fluttershy poured all the incense onto Fidough as it came out as a liquid. The Puppy Pokemon's power yeast presence was quickly overlayed and drowned out by the incense. Just what it needed. With a satisfied sigh, Fidough wagged its tail.

"Fidough!" It jumped for joy before running around Ash and Fluttershy's legs. Pikachu would slowly recover from this powerful scent, blinking for a bit. He needed to recollect himself for a moment, especially Bayleef, who would take longer.

"Rest there for a bit, buddy." Ash would let Pikachu rest, rubbing his stomach.


"Sounds like it wasn't meant to be so potent. Something must've happened to make Fidough's yeast so strong. Where'd you come from, Fidough?"

"Fidough! Fi!"

"Southwest from here, hm? I don't know any gateways from the southwest. Only the one that leads to another part of Kanto. What about your region? I doubt I've seen enough of each region's Pokemon. Are you from the same region as Slurpuff?"

"Dough." Fidough couldn't answer that. It knew the direction of its home but not exactly which region it comes from. Most Wild Pokemon couldn't tell which region they originate from. Only where it is unless someone mentions the region name or they end up with a Pokemon Trainer.

"No clue...Well, it's fine! Welcome to the Pokemon House! You're the newest Pokemon here. It's been...I think 7 or 8 months since a new Pokemon has shown up." Fluttershy greeted the Fairy-Type. "You're welcome to hang around here and come and visit from time to time."

"Yeah. But...it's not in the best state right now." Ash chuckled, referring to the destruction of the Pokemon House. "It still looks pretty nice even when wrecked. And we're still patching it up. Want me to wake you up until it's done, Fluttershy?"

"Nope. I'm perfectly awake now! And it's all because of this little guy!" Elated, Fluttershy would pat Fidough on the head. She found the right spot to pat it as the presence of this Puppy Pokemon removed any exhaustion she had. All she needed was the appearance of a new Pokemon.

"Would Flutterkan want more of these?" Hoopa, who appeared from underneath Fluttershy's couch, questioned. He caught Ash and Pikachu off guard with his surprising entrance.

"No, it's fine Hoopa. I wouldn't want to drag them away from their homes. Plus...I could try and find more Fidough and other Pokemon that might be around their habitat. Hopefully, Audi and the others don't pass out from the yeast. But they wouldn't do that on purpose, isn't that right?" She then rubbed Fidough's belly, already bonding with the Puppy Pokemon.

"Fi! Fidough!" And Fidough certainly felt this bond. It already grew fond of Fluttershy who helped sort out its problem and knew the right spots to scratch, rub and pet it.

"Hmm...Might be from Galar." Ash believed that Fidough could originate from Galar. He had heard about a Pokemon that was relatively sweet that comes from the Galar Region. Fidough could be that Pokemon. "Alright! Galar's up next!"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu, finally revitalized, jumped back on Ash's shoulder.

"Go on and play with everyone, Fidough. You'll love it here. Oh and I should probably get to Twilight right now. Ash, can you and everyone look after things while I'm gone?"

"Got it." Ash and Pikachu would take it from here. Fluttershy could trust them both with all her heart. And I something potentially goes wrong, the rest of her friends will be here to prevent it. "This place will look brand new in no time!"


Twilight's Castle.

Over at Twilight's Castle, Twilight returned with Cynthia and Sci-Twi. For the first time, Sci-Twi would witness her counterpart's own castle. How lucky was she that she was friends with a princess, a king, more princesses, champions and so on? Sci-Twi could only spiral her eyes around the large castle. Fluttershy would show up as Rarity was already there waiting.

The main translator Pheromosa was already out of her Poke Ball. To kill some time, she would swap accessories with Cynthia for some glamour points.

"So um, since we're counterparts, do you think I'll get a castle of my own?" Sci-Twi asked her pony counterpart.

"Mmmm. Uhh...Maybe?" Twilight wasn't sure about that. The Human World wasn't exactly crazy about magic or even princesses. "We'll see. Anyway. We have a ton of books from that spaceship we can work with." Stacked up behind and beside them were all the glowing floating books from the alien spaceship. Thanks to Hoopa, a majority of them were sent here to study.

"Will we need this language at all, darling?" Rarity questioned, wondering if this language would be of use one day.

"Maybe. Pheromosa and the Ultra Beasts won't be the final alien encounter we have. I can guarantee that with how vast the universe is." Twilight responded. "If we can meet with those aliens up in the stars or even if they're somewhere here on Earth, best learn what they speak."

"What if they already know since they're so smart and have been living here for so long?" Cynthia then brought a staggering possibility, making Twilight and everyone pause. "And if so, wouldn't this be a waste?"

"Uhh..It..." Twilight wasn't sure how to answer this.

"Just kidding. Maybe. Wouldn't hurt to try though." Cynthia laughed, making the Princess of Friendship sigh.

"Okay...Let's get started. Pheromosa. You can pick out the first one."

"Mosa!" Pheromosa already had one in mind. She grabbed the first book that caught her attention. This book had a crackle of blue and gold energy coming from it, yet it didn't hurt to hold them at all. "Pheromosa..."

"This one says, the Legend of the Dragon from Beyond the Stars." Fluttershy translated. "Oh and other cryptids."

"Oh! That's the one we need!" Twilight exclaimed as this would relate to the giant Space Dragon that was seen in the flashback. More of the past could be uncovered in some way since the story cut off. The book would open up as Twilight, Sci-Twi and Cynthia were ready to jot down everything they could.

Rarity wouldn't do much. She would just stay back and let them get to work while she does her own thing. Knowledge of this alien society would continue to be discovered and deciphered. And right now, the Space Dragon that absorbed the Sun was up first as Fluttershy spoke the first sentence.

"During the daybreak of the first era..."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 954 End.

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