• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Sister Showcase

Day 2 of the festival was still underway. The afternoon has yet to end.

While everypony, human and Pokemon enjoy themselves, the princesses want in on the fun as well. For Luna, she wanted to experience this festival the most. She even prepared herself for this day. However, due to her never being to an event that takes place during the day and how she's more accustomed to nighttime events, she didn't know where to start. Her partner Darkrai was in the same boat. He was just lurking in the shadows, unsure of what to do. Luna was unsure of what to do. Which attraction should she even try?

"Let's see. Lopunny's Dance Inferno perhaps? No. I am abysmal at dancing." Luna placed her hoof on her chin. "Perhaps I can have a go at Tangrowth's Swing-Along? Maybe."

"Stuck thinking Luna?" Just then, her older sister came up to her, seeing her in a state of thought. "You really don't know what to do at a festival, huh?"

"You said that all I had to was enjoy myself. But just thinking about how to enjoy myself is a struggle in its own? It wasn't this difficult back at Nightmare Night. Why now?"

"This is your first-ever daytime event, Luna. And your first ever festival. It is reasonable to have no clue where to start. Considering you are a princess of the night."

"You're always active in the day, sister. What can I do?"

"Don't worry. As your older sister, I can help you get started. Although..." Celestia turned over to a stand where there were tons of cakes. "That does look promising..."

"Focus! You have to guide me!" Luna snapped her out of it.

"Oh! Right! Ahem. How about we try the relief zone. That's a great spot to get started. There will be a number of Pokemon for you to see. Come on." Celestia started with the relief zone, leading her sister there. Darkrai followed suit, hoping to get some enjoyment with Luna.

Over at said relief zone, Fluttershy was there, hanging with the Victini she met yesterday, feeding it macarons, its favourite food. The Victory Pokemon had spotted Celestia and Luna arriving as it hid via invisibility

"Oh? Good afternoon Princess Celestia. Princess Luna." Fluttershy turned to them, waving.

"Fluttershy. What was that?" Luna asked, referring to Victini.

"What was what?"

"That orange thing. What Pokemon was that?"

"Oh. That's just Victini. It hides if somepony new comes along. You can come out Victini. The princesses are harmless."

"Tini?" Victini revealed itself, hiding behind Fluttershy and poking its head out.

"A Victini? Here?" Darkrai said.

"You know of this Pokemon as well Darkrai?" Luna turned to her partner.

"Indeed I do. Victini is what others describe as ultimate luck. It can grant true victory to anyone it shares its infinite energy with. Doesn't matter who they're up against. I can't believe there's just one here."

"A Pokemon that grants true victory? Amazing. Pokemon are truly capable of anything and everything aren't they?" Celestia walked up to Victini. "Hello, Victini. My name is Princess Celestia. And this is my partner Passion. A Kirlia."


"And I am Princess Luna. This is my Darkrai."

"Victini?" Victini flew over to Passion, greeting her as well. "Vic."

"This truly is a relief zone, sister. It feels so...calm here." Luna said.

"I know right? It's a bit further away from the festival so the noise isn't as present here. That's why you'll find mostly Grass, Bug, Normal and Flying Type Pokemon here."

"I still feel as though we are making zero progress right now. This is a nice place and all but... I want to be active in the festival. Fluttershy. You are a pony who was once unnaturally shy. Perhaps you can assist us?"

"Me? Oh. I suppose I could. Though, I'm not great at festivals myself. I mostly come along to see the animals. And for this case, I came to see the Pokemon only. But the relief zone is apart of the festival. So why not try relaxing with the Pokemon?"

"Relaxing with the Pokemon?" Luna looked over to the Pokemon in the zone. "Very well. I shall do my best. With that Pokemon over there." Luna pointed her hoof at a group of Ludicolo.

"Oh? Those Ludicolo? They love to dance joyfully. Especially in a festive tune. So they're obviously very energetic today. Although, maybe too energetic."

"I am sure I can handle some dancing Pokemon, Fluttershy," Luna replied, walking over to the Carefree Pokemon. She was unaware of how hyperactive these Pokemon can get. "Ludicolo is it?"

"Ludi?" The group looked over at her. "Colo!" They ran over towards her, ready to get her involved in the fun.

"I am here to- WOAH!" She was grabbed the Pokemon as they started to dance around with her. The tune they were listening to was being made by a Chimecho and a Gossifleur. Luna was being spun around by the Carefree Pokemon as they performed surreal dance moves that only they could ever pull off. "I am the princess of the night! I will not be- Ugh...I feel dizzy."

"I should've warned her about how energetic they can get when they dance with others." Fluttershy said.

"It's fine Fluttershy. I think she's enjoying herself." Celestia looked over to her sister as the Ludicolo were tossing her around by picking her up.

"I'm going to be sick..." Luna's eyes were moving about as the Ludicolo placed her back down. It seemed like the dancing had stopped. "Ugh..." Luna felt wobbly as she was struggling to keep her balance. She held her head with her hoof, still trying to recover. But it wasn't over. The Ludicolo broke into dance once more. This time they used Grass Knot to grab onto Luna, forcing her into dance once more. Ludicolo are known for making anyone dance, even if they aren't willing to. "Tia! Help!"

"Alright. I think that's enough." Celestia used her magic to teleport Luna to her as her sister was shaking. Luna hid behind Celestia, scared of the Ludicolo.

"That wasn't very nice of you, Ludicolo. I know you love dancing but you need to know when to slow it down." Fluttershy scolded the Carefree Pokemon.

"Ludi. Ludi." They had apologized to her and Luna.

"They said they're sorry, Princess Luna."

"C-Can we go somewhere else?" Luna stammered.

"Alright. Let's go. Thank you very much, Fluttershy." Celestia carried her sister as she waved goodbye to Fluttershy, Victini and the Ludicolo.

The relief zone wasn't for Luna. Maybe not in the day with Pokemon like Ludicolo around. But there were still many other choices. Right now, Celestia had her eyes set on the cake stand. She wanted to eat as much as she could but her sister came first.

Passion hopped off Celestia's head as she noticed something that caught her eye. "Kirli! Kirlia!"

"What is it Passion?" Celestia asked her Pokemon.

"Ki." Passion pointed at what looked to be a small Pokemon Contest. Similar to the contests found in Hoenn, Sinnoh and Kalos.

"A Pokemon Contest? Could it be that you want to try one?"

"Kirlia." She nodded.

"So. That's what interests you, Passion. What do you say, Luna? Is a Pokemon Contest okay for you?"

"As long as there is no aggressive dancing involved. How about you Darkrai?" Luna turned to her partner.

"Contests aren't for me. I think I'll watch that tournament over there." Darkrai shifted to the shadows, heading towards the Pokemon Tag-Team Tournament.

"His loss. So Passion. Are you sure that you're up for a contest?" Celestia looked down at her partner. Passion nodded her head instantly. She may not be adept or expert in a contest, but she wanted to try it. "Alright. We'll do it. I think I have a good grasp on it ever since we saw one in Lilycove City." Celestia walked up to the stand where the contests were being held as she was met with the assigner.

"Oh. Are you here to participate in the contest too?" The lady asked.

"Yes. This is my first time along with my Pokemon and-"

"First time? Oh, then we'll have to put you through a test showcase."

"Test showcase?"

"Right! If this is your first time, then you must be put to the test. We will have our workers guide you on what to do and so on. If that is okay with you."

"I suppose so. Practice makes perfect after all."

"Splendid. Now, what is your name may I ask?"

"Princess Celestia."

"P-P-Princess Celestia?! I-I didn't know you were the princess! Please forgive me!" The lady bowed continuously as she kept apologizing.

"No need for that. I'm ready to practice."

"Right! Ladies!" The assigner called for the workers to prepare Celestia and Ralts. They had arrived beside her, equipment and all. "First you and your Pokemon will need a motif."

"Motif? What do you mean by that?"

"All coordinators have a certain motif for their Pokemon. There's mystical if you want your Pokemon to focus on moves that are more on the magical and relaxed side. Fairy, Psychic and Ice moves are good for that. Then there's flashy. That's for moves that are all about being showy. Electric and Fire moves are popular when it comes to being flashy. Or you can go for a duo motif. If you have more than one Pokemon, you can have them partner up and perform moves together. There are a lot so here's a list." The lady handed Celestia a list of motifs that coordinators use.

"My. There are a lot of options aren't there?" Luna peeked at the list. "Do you suppose mystical is for you, sister?"

"Hmm...I'll choose the mystical motif. It fits my Passion. Does that sound good Passion?"

"Kirlia!" Passion raised up her arms in agreement.

"Wonderful. Please make your way to the waiting area." The workers had all grabbed Celestia and Passion, hurrying them to the waiting area. There, Passion was given clothing fit for a Kirlia. Celestia as well. She was given a coordinator dress fit for a pony. Especially one as tall as her. It seems like the other world had prepared for something like this. Celestia was given a dress that matched the colours of her Pokemon.

"Oh! I almost forgot about Luna!" Celestia exclaimed. "I was supposed to help her with getting used to a festival."

"No need to worry sister." Luna's voice reached her as she was in the area as well. "I will also join in this contest!"

"You too?! You're going to use Darkrai?"

"Oh no. Darkrai isn't interested in this at all. I'll just decide to use two of my Pokemon. My Frillish and Cherrim. The duo motif is my decision."

"Wait. Does that mean we'll be competing against each other then?"

"Perhaps. And if we do, I shall make sure to come out the victor. It has been a while since we have competed, sister."

"Yes...a while." Celestia was reminiscing the times' Luna became a bit too competitive and the fun they'd have would end in rowdy chaos. Remembering this made Celestia gulp. But maybe after all those years in the moon, Luna's competitive spirit might've diminished. Hopefully.

Luna was given a dress which was a mix of her Frillish's blue and her Cherrim's colour patterns. The two sisters were ready to practice as an instructor came in. "Okay. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna right. Even if you are new to Pokemon Contests, have no fear. With my teachings, you'll be mastering contest skills in no time! Now. You have a Psychic-Fairy-Type, Princess Celestia. Those are a fan favourite since they can pull off the more dazzling tricks. And you Princess Luna have A Water-Ghost and Grass-Type. Those are good for tricks that really bring out the colours of the area around us. Possibly even a rainbow. So, we'll start off with simple move mixing. Princess Celestia. Try and see which of Kirlia's moves can mix very well."

"Alright. Passion knows... I believe it's Stored Power, Teleport and maybe Psychic? I don't really know her moves that much to be honest." Celestia laughed as Passion sighed. "But you can show me your other moves, Passion. What else do you know?"

"Kir." Passion put her hands together, forming in them a bolt of thunder. A small spark of it even.

"It seems your Kirlia knows Thunderbolt. What's the 4th move then?" The instructor asked.

Passion then conjured up something else in her hands. This time it was a spark of flames.

"That seems to be Mystical Fire. Seems like your Kirlia has a fine selection of moves."

"Strange how Pokemon can only learn 4 moves though. And odd limitation." Celestia pondered.

"Not quite, princess. Pokemon can actually utilize more than 4 moves, it's just that in the spirit of battle, 4 is a perfect balance. They rarely use more than 4 moves in battle and they only use more when they're in the wild and free. Perhaps maybe your Kirlia can make the choice of using some extra moves it may know."

"I think we're fine with 4 for now. So how about we try mixing Mystical Fire with Stored Power? What will that make?"

"Well...I've never seen Thunderbolt and Mystical Fire being used as one. Why don't we see the result?"

Passion heard them and decided to go for it. On one hand, it conjured up a bolt of thunder and the other some flames. The two elements were formed on both sides as Passion gently moved them together. Even she wouldn't know the result. Would it cause a massive explosion or something worse? Once they merged, Passion ended up forming the union of Plasma. The same union that Reshiram and Zekrom both hold.

"Oh! That's a nice result! Plasma! In all its surging glory." The instructor raised his glasses.

"Amazing, Passion. You've created plasma! It's such a rare form of energy here in Equestria. We've never even seen it for centuries." Celestia said.

"Kirlia!" Passion raised her hands up, feeling proud. However, that excitement ended up dropping the plasma as it hit the ground. Everyone in the area gulped as the plasma set off, causing a power surge to shock them all. Celestia and Luna's ethereal mane had been messed up. Now they had a rugged appearance and the instructor was twitching uncontrollably. Plasma is a powerful force of energy. It's no wonder why only Reshiram and Zekrom can wield it.

"Well... now we know the result." Luna coughed some smoke.

"We can work on the plasma part. Right Passion?" Celestia held Passion up.


So the instructor ran the two princesses through the basics of contests. Passion had tried the plasma trick once more but this time with more caution. Just creating tiny bits of it would do. Luna's Frillish and Cherrim were learning how to cause a beautiful nature effect with their moves. They tried using Hydro Pump and Magical Leaf, but Hydro Pump was a bit too aggressive as it broke through the leaves and the walls. Needless to say, there were many attempts, but it was fairly easy to get a good grasp of contest moves. These were just the simple steps after all.

"Alright. I think we've made some sweet progress. Now it's time for the showcase. A contest battle between you two."

"I was waiting for this. Prepare to be stunned sister!" Luna exclaimed.

"Looking forward to it." Celestia laughed nervously, still worried about the competitive spirit coming back.

"Time to get on stage, princesses. The crowd is waiting for this next showcase." The assigner came into the waiting area to announce the next contestants. The two sisters went along with their Pokemon. Once they went past those curtains, they were met with ponies who gathered here to see this. Equestria hasn't been introduced to Pokemon Contests yet. BigTime Ben is working on that though. So this is their first-ever contest. Lucky for Celestia and Luna, this was just a small showcase, so nothing major was involved, along with zero judges. But Luna was determined to win either way. Celestia stood at the right side while Luna at the left. Both were ready.

"Alright. You may begin at any moment." The assigner said to them from behind the curtains.

"Allow me. I'll show you just how skilled we can be." Luna stepped forward. "Cherrim. Sunny Day." The first command was given off. Cherrim tapped into the sun's energy, gathering solar energy in it. It had intensified the sun, making it extra sunny. Celestia looked up, seeing this. This was her first time seeing a move like that. Pokemon can control the sun as well? They really CAN do everything. "Now Solar Beam. And Frillish. Hydro Pump." With the sun intensified, Solar Beam, a move that normally takes a while to charge became instant as Cherrim fired it into the air. Frillish followed with Hydro Pump. The same move that was absurdly strong and broke through the wall earlier, however, due to Sunny Day being active, it was weakened, making it less destructive. The two ranged moves merged together, forming a spiral of elemental energy. Once they became one, they scattered, forming raindrops that were rainbow-coloured.

"Woah. Rainbow Raindrops? That's amazing!" A pony exclaimed.

"Yeah! And new!" Another shouted as the crowd were greatly impressed. The raindrops hit the stage, causing a rainbow texture to form everywhere, even landing on the ponies, making their mane rainbow-coloured for a short while. Celestia was also impressed. She didn't see that coming. How was she going to beat that? Luna had a wide grin, knowing she pulled off something stunning indeed.

"Your move, sister."

"Right. My move. Okay, Passion. Let's do our best, okay?"

"Kirli." She nodded to her.

"Merge Thunderbolt and Mystical Fire." Celestia was going for the plasma tactic from before. Passion merged the two destructive elements together, forming the surging plasma. Everypony leaned in as this was their first time seeing plasma as well. It looked like a much more cosmic form of lightning. "Toss it in the air!" Passion then shot the plasma ball into the air as it was affecting the raindrops as well with all the sparks surrounding it. This was causing the raindrops to had plasma surround them, creating another new sight. "Now teleport and do the same from above." Passion had suddenly teleported above the plasma, merging the two moves again to create the energy source once more. She dropped the plasma ball onto the other one as they had combined.

The combination of the two plasmas had kindled an effulge of friction. The result of this merger was actually causing the rainbow-raindrops to stop in place. Almost as if the intensity of the plasma was causing a gravity field around them. Celestia was surprised, just like everypony else. It was so surreal that everyone else at the festival stopped what they were doing to take a look at this.

"Oh my Arceus. She just stopped those raindrops!" A man exclaimed.

"How is that possible?!" A pegasus bellowed.

"Passion. Are you holding it all with Psychic?" She asked her partner. But Kirlia shook her head, denying it. "Hm. Well then...try and release it by using... Stored Power." Passion generated a white ball of energy that contained a chunk of psychic power. She dropped the ball in the plasma fusion, and what followed next was marvellous.

The psychic energy had split the plasma as predicted. But it also created a pulse of a high deluge that made the Rainbow-Raindrops scatter. But not scatter as in they fall all over the ground. Instead, they rotated and in the skies, almost as if they were ignoring the natural law to fall on something. Everyone watched as these Rainbow-Raindrops were flowing across the skies, like a flock of birds flying together. They flew with the clouds as the sun rays reflected off the drops, creating a beautiful luminance of lights that shined across all of Equestria.

Luna and everyone were perplexed. They just saw something that they had never seen before. And that made them all applaud, giving Passion and Celestia a large congratulations from each side of the festival. "Sister. That was incredible!"

"Thank you, Luna. Sorry if I upstaged you."

"Nonsense! I could never think of something like that! You are the benevolent ruler of Equestria for a reason. Nopony can do the things you do. Especially with your Pokemon. And you showed me how fun a festival can be if I just go along with it. You're the best sister a pony could ever ask for!" Luna hugged Celestia. That competitive spirit was taken out by sisterly love as Celestia put her hoof around Luna's. Darkrai arrived as he saw the raindrops as well.

"That was unbelievable. I suppose contests aren't that bad after all." Darkrai said.

"In that case, we'll have to get you signed up and lend you a suit." Luna teased.

"I will wear nothing of the sorts!"

Celestia, Luna and their Pokemon laughed at Darkrai's response. The festival will carry on. The afternoon is reaching its end anyways as the Pokemon Festival continues.

Chapter 98 End!

Author's Note:

Pokemon Science is freaky

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