• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Overpowering Dragonite

Outer Space. Galaxy Tower.

The Rift has already made large moves while possessing Galaxy Master. Already, he has kept Celestia, Luna and Cynthia occupied while defeating Applejack and Apple Bloom, who were both trapped in space, outside the tower.

"Heatmor..." Fainting and dropping to the floor was a Heatmor. Ash and Twilight had come together to defeat it and Shiftry. Sent by the Rift to capture Ash, it was a total failure. Once these Pokemon were defeated, their bodies suddenly turned into stardust.

"What the...?" Ash and his friends witnessed how Heatmor and Shiftry became stardust, dispersing and flying away. "Stardust? What's up with that?"

"They only fainted. I've never seen that happen to a Pokemon before." Fluttershy added. "And they look so familiar when they float away like that. Do you think it's the Rift?"

"It's exactly like the Rift's signature particles. It might have something to do with this mess." Twilight was already leaning towards the possibility of the Rift being the cause of this and she would be right. She just needed to be there to fully confirm it. "The rumbling hasn't calmed down though. Sounds to me like it's only getting worse. But are you sure it's not Galaxy Master, Ash?"

"I know it. But...if it is him, then it's gotta be the Rift who's with him, no doubt." Ash kept his optimising and good faith in his own creation. He believed that all of this commotion would never be caused by Galaxy Master unless he was facing villains. But there were no villains here.

Ash went ahead, wanting to see the truth for himself. Fluttershy grabbed her Xtransceiver, hoping to get in contact with any of her friends. But alas, when selecting Pinkie's Trainer ID, nothing happened. There were no responses. She then tried Rainbow Dash and even then, there weren't any responses at all. The same went for Applejack and Rarity. All of them did not answer.

"Nopony's picking up." A worried Fluttershy uttered whilst zooming through the air behind Ash and the others. If only she knew Applejack's current position. Even the amazing hearing of Audino wouldn't help in this case considering where she was currently located.

When moving through the hallway, the effects of the Rift's attack were starting to appear frequently. Dozens of dents and cracks could be seen as well as smoke even. But the further they went, the worse the destruction appeared, meaning that the source was probably nearby.

Outfit Room.

"What's all this noise?" Over at the Outfit Room, Rarity and a few others were checking out Galaxy Master's outfits. Unsurprisingly, they all turned out to be the same outfit that he wears, showing that there was only one style.

But this viewing was interrupted once the commotion started to spread. Rarity, Sweetie Belle and a few other ponies took notice before then hearing footsteps. Heavy footsteps to be exact. Even on this soft floor, these footsteps were threatening as they were getting closer.

Sweetie Belle stayed close to Rarity once those footsteps got closer with a heavier force each time. The room started to tremble. The outfits immediately fell over, prompting Derpy to catch one of them.

The cause of this terrifying and foreboding sound was none other than Dragonite.

Or rather, Galaxy Master's Dragonite. The Dragon Pokemon kicked the door down with brute force, sending it flying. Rarity pulled Sweetie Belle out of the way, saving her from the incoming door of cosmic metal. It was a splendid save as the door crashed into the walls, leaving a powerful dent.

"Dragonite!" Controlled by the Rift, Dragonite was now here, attempting to track down Ash, only to find this group.

"Oh, hey, Dragonite. You scared us there." A pegasus said, believing this to be Ash's Dragonite as to her and practically everyone else in Equestria, Ash's Dragonite is the most known Dragonite. "But uh...what's with the tantrum stomping?"

"Drago...!" Veins appeared on this Dragonite's head. This was a stark contrast to Ash's Dragonite as these veins started pulsating with full-on aggression. It took one step, fine with attacking other targets that weren't Ash. After all, the goal of the Rift was to target everyone and everything Ash loved.

"That's not Ash's Dragonite!" Rarity was the first to realize this. Ash's Dragonite had a familiar disposition that made her feel like a welcoming gentle force. This Dragonite was more of a foreboding threatening force. Rarity, fully cautious and thinking about the safety of her little sister, already used her magic to hold out a Poke Ball.

Everypony else backed away slowly so as to not provoke such a menacing Pokemon. It didn't help that the pupils of this Dragonite were sharper than the average Dragonite. Steam came out of its nostrils as it wasn't exactly mad. It was just hostile and aggressive.

"Dragonite!" Dragonite came flying in, spreading its wings out before then using Dragon Claw, targeting the first pony it saw. In this case, it would be Sweetie Belle.

"I think not! Ampharos!" Rarity saw this coming, using her magic to launch the Poke Ball. Out of it came Ampharos.

"Ampharos!" Intercepting Dragonite was Ampharos. He would guard Rarity and Sweetie Belle by taking the Dragon Claw directly. "R-Ros!" He was slashed once by the ferocious claw of Dragonite but endured either way.

"I'm not sure who's Dragonite this is...but all that anger in its eyes means that it could care less about who we are or why it's here." Rarity added. "But not to worry. Staving this Dragonite away is all we need to do."

"What about everyone else? If this Dragonite was moving around, don't you think it was the cause of all that noise?" Sweetie Belle asked, thinking about everyone else. "What about my friends?! Are they okay?!"

"That's a good question. One of you should go and check at once!" Rarity turned to face the other ponies who were still stunned upon witnessing Dragonite.

"I'll go!" Diamond Tiara raised her hoof, offering to do so since most of Sweetie Belle's friends were also her friends.

"So will I!" And the same went with Silver Spoon who was always with her.

"Not with all that noise, you aren't. Not without someone older. Like me." Grinning was Lyra, having the full confidence in protecting these two, only to be shaking inside, fearing Dragonite and what else could be causing all this noise.

"Doesn't matter, honestly." Rarity sighed. "Just go."

"Dragonite!" But Dragonite heard enough chatter. It came here for conflict as it unleashed a bellowing roar that grabbed everyone's attention. The force of this roar caused a wind pressure to keep everyone steady only to them push some of them back.

After hearing their conversation, there was one thing Dragonite certainly wouldn't let them do. Leave. The only exit to this room was right in front of the Dragon Pokemon and it was going to keep it that way as it immediately went for a Hyper Beam to deliver the next attack.

"Oh my! Quick, Ampharos! Dragon Pulse!"

"Ampha!" Quickly, Dragon Pulse held his breath in, gathering his hidden Dragon blood and converting it into energy. Before Dragonite could use Hyper Beam, Ampharos was quicker, unleashing Dragon Pulse. "Ros!"

"D-Dra!" Dragonite was hit out of Hyper Beam, unable to use the attack as it received a super-effective blow. However, instead of being launched like most Pokemon, Dragonite simply slid back a few inches. It didn't move at all from the door at all and neither did it look too phased by Dragon Pulse.

If anything, that only aggravated it.

"Oh." Rarity pulled back, already seeing that this Dragonite could be a hassle. "No need to worry though! Let it have a taste of Dynamic Punch, now!"

"Ampha!" Attempts would be made to force Dragonite away from the door just to give everyone a shot at leaving scot-free. Along came Ampharos with most of his strength coming to his arms, focusing on brute strength to try and push the Dragon Pokemon further.

"Dra!" Dragonite received a slug to the face by Ampharos' Dynamic Punch. This attack would do two things. Deal damage and even spread confusion if it connects. And indeed, it did connect as the Confusion Status rushed through Dragonite's head. Its eyes squinted before having its perception alter.

"Ros!" Another Dynamic Punch came in, socking the Dragon-Flying-Type a second time. But upon being struck and confused, Dragonite got everyone's hopes up. Not even a minute had passed and already this Rift-Controlled Dragonite had an answer to the confusion before it could mess up its performance. Once Ampharos delivered a Dynamic Punch, Dragonite retaliated in the best way possible.

By moving its head forward, Dragonite headbutted Ampharos with a vicious force that was enough to create a slightly visible shockwave. This was also a way to remove the confusion as this heavy blow prevented it from fully processing. "Dra!"


"Ampharos!" Rarity gasped as Amphars launched by this headbutt. He was sent directly to Rarity's direction, potentially harming her if something wasn't done. Quicky, Rarity used her magic to telekinetically hold the Light Pokemon before he could reach her. He barely managed to catch Ampharos as the body still connected, knocking Rarity over.

"Dragonite!" Boasting its strength, Dragonite cried out while spreading its wings to show dominance, especially against an opponent who was on the floor.

"Rarity! Ampharos!" The little alicorn screamed after her sister and Ampharos received friendly fire. Phione quickly bounced over to check up on them both in case they needed healing. Dragonite was only inches away from Sweetie Belle and Phione who were focused on the downed duo, prompting it to go for an immediate grab.

"Sweetie Belle!" Saving her before the worst could happen, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon launched their Poke Balls, knocking Dragonite in the head.

This was followed by the emergence of Liepard and Glameow, slashing at Dragonite to gauge some distance. "Liepard!"

"Gonite...!" But that only irritated Dragonite some more as it viciously glanced at them both right after it received that claw swipe. In response, it swiped at them as well but with Dragon Claw, which proved to be greater in power. Both Glameow and Liepard were immediately sent flying as if they were nothing in the face of this Rift-Controlled Dragonite.

"G-Glameow!" Glameow got the worst of it, tumbling while Liepard barely managed to slide on the floor. Silver Spoon caught Glameow whose body jittered from Dragonite's Dragon Claw. At least they gave Rarity and Ampharos enough time.

Chiming was Lyra, sending out her Mime Jr who was immune to Dragonite's Dragon Claw and had the typing that was perfect for slaying Dragons.

"Mime Jr! Dazzling Gleam!"

"Mime-Mime!" Fighting back against Dragonite's assault Mime Jr released a flurry of rainbows that grabbed Dragonite's attention. The Dragon Pokemon raised its arms up, blocking the rays as super-effective hits kept coming.

And yet, Dragonite wasn't anywhere close to leaving those doors. Everyone would chime in to do what they could to take this rampaging Dragon down. Sweetie Belle unleashed her Meowstic into the fray as did everyone else with their signature Pokemon AKA their aces and the ones they believed to be their strongest.

"Paralyze that Dragon! Zap Cannon!" Rarity yelled, figuring that slowing Dragonite down was the key. And in this instance, droves of attacks would reach Dragonite.

"Liepard, Dark Pulse!"

"Meowstic! Psyshock!"

"Glameow! Shadow Ball!"

"Ampharos!" And many more attacks were called out. All together, from a far distance, everyone attacked Dragonite, starting with a pulsating ball of lightning leading the way. Streams and orbs were thrown, all enough to reach Dragonite with this radius. How would the Dragon Pokemon respond to this?

"Dragonite!" Dragonite would respond in kind. With Hyper Beam, of course. It built up the beam while also allowing the attacks to reach its body. Hyper Beam would take some time after all. Zap Cannon hit its mark, immediately paralyzing the Dragon-Flying-Type. This was then followed by other attacks that set off multiple colourful combustions.

And surprisingly, Dragonite took them all. Instead of being thrown off its balance by charging Hyper Beam, it managed to keep the energy this time. And without even waiting for the smoke to clear to reveal its current status, Dragonite merely unleashed the attack without wasting any time, sending a gigantic beam of Infinity Energy that was wider than everyone's moves combined.

"!" Rarity's eyes shrunk and became somewhat hollowed out. Quickly, she attempted to put up a protective barrier upon seeing the beam. Ampharos, who was in front of everyone else, attempted to take this attack head-on with Dragon Pulse, but it was too late.

Hyper Beam reached them too soon, engulfing Ampharos first while crashing into Rarity's barrier. The impact consumed the rest of this room in mere seconds, reaching even the clouds while somehow still staying away from the door.

"A-Aaaaah!" The sounds of everyone screaming came from this room right afterwards along with the flash of light from Hyper Beam. Dragonite watched as the explosion from Hyper Beam went off, consuming the room with nothing being spared except for the doors.

The sound of those screams were lost among all the other commotion happening everywhere else. It fit right in with the Rift's assault.

Pegalysium. Pegalysium Capital. Sky Monarch. The Pokemon Festival. Afternoon.

"So, it's a structure in space. Wonder how that's possible...Even for where we live." King Paramount said. Thanks to the telescope, they were able to make out just what this figure in the sky was.

"The Mural also shows a few familiar faces, your Majesties." Tip-Off brought the mural over, showing Paramount and Luminary just what the next part of the mural showed. Ash, Twilight, Celestia and a few more could be seen in the style of this mural. Their appearances were still recognizable even in different styles. "It tells a story of what happens in that structure in the sky."

"With how it looks...are they inside that thing?" Luminary observed. "It looks like they're facing off against someone who possesses Rift Magic. Possibly at this very moment."

"I tried piecing it together, your Majesties. A lot of it makes sense but there are a few things I've yet to decipher. It might be because it's so far out of our reach. What shall we do?"

"We owe Princess Celestia and Equestria a lot. If they're in trouble...then I see no issue in chiming in. They've saved our nation twice now. While we won't be saving theirs...why can we not pay them back?" Paramount didn't bother to ponder about it. His immediate decision was to assist them.

"The problem is getting up there, darling." Luminary nudged him. "How do we possibly get up to outer space? Let alone breathe up there?"

"Hmm...That is troublesome." This was something not many had a response to "What to do..."

"Flying up there would be dangerous too because of how different space is to the sky," Luminary added. "But there's also that gateway the mural showed us. Where will it show up, Tip-Off?"

"I haven't yet found out, your Majesties. It could appear anywhere but it will most likely be a new one since the mural shows it appearing next to the structure. And the structure certainly doesn't look like it's going anywhere."

"Then, we should ask for help from another source." Paramount stood up tall. "We cannot ask Princess Celestia since she's up there at the moment. But we can ask someone else."

"Ah, her! The Changeling Queen Chrysalis!" Queen Luminary already knew who King Paramount thought of. The other important leader from Equestria was available and exempt from space, leaving them to ask her for help. It was back to Equestria as their Pokemon Festival Fun was still being paused just to help their neighbouring nation from below.

It was time for them to repay the favour.

Outer Space. Galaxy Tower. Outfit Room.

"Ugh..." Total defeat. The strength of this Dragonite was overwhelming as Rarity and the others were on the floor, tattered and struggling to move. Dragonite stood tall, emerging victorious.

Ampharos tried getting up, only for Dragonite to step in front of him, intimidating the Light Pokemon. Rarity's barrier absolutely failed to keep them all safe. Granted, it saved them from the full force explosion of Hyper Beam but it didn't amount to anything.

They desired relief no matter what form it came in. They even contemplated giving up completely, there didn't seem to be an end in sight. They paused for a moment and took a deep breath. Perhaps if they could shift their focus away from the pain it'd be easier to manage. It became harder and harder to swallow the pain in their current positions as some of them were unconscious from that explosion.

"C-Curses..!" Rarity growled, trying to use her magic to bring out more of her Pokemon. She still had teammates to back her up. But as it stood now, she lost with her magic unable to grab the Poke Balls with how weak she was. She used all of her strength just to protect everyone and eventually, the fashionista fainted.

"Phione..." Phione had unfortunately been caught in this mess too. Not even he could withstand what had been unleashed. Dragonite then looked down at this specific Phione, knowing his significance thanks to what the Rift has seen.

"Gonite." Dragonite suddenly scooped Phione up with its claws as if he was ice cream, deciding to bring him along. Phione, powerless to stop this juggernaut of a Pokemon, was now Dragonite's hostage.

"No...Rarity...Phione..." Sweetie Belle soon passed out along with others who had some semblance of consciousness before losing it.

Dragonite had seen enough. It knew when it was victorious. "Dragonite!" After claiming victory, the Dragon Pokemon walked off, moving through that door frame everyone tried so hard to pass through. Only Dragonite was allowed to pass through it now after claiming victory and Phione as well.

"Phione!" Phione tried spraying water on Dragonite, only for the water to barely even tickle the Dragon Pokemon. The grip that it had on Phione was also monstrous, preventing him from doing much.

"Pharos...!" Angered by this, Ampharos gazed at Dragonite, upset that he couldn't stop the Dragon Pokemon at all, resulting in his friends ending up in this state. If he could, he would get back up and take Dragonite on again with all he had.

Ampharos tried to get back up to catch up with Dragonite but at this point, Dragonite was already switching from walking to running, continuing to search for Ash Ketchum and the rest of his friends. Ampharos smashed his head on the floor, frustrated that it was taking him this long to get up.

Rarity's group wasn't the only one down on the floor. Galaxy Master ran into more of Ash's friends along the way, encountering them in other rooms. And the outcome was the same. With the Rift being in full control of this unbeatable body, he emerged victorious. Other ponies and their Pokemon were lying down, unable to continue this battle as it was completely one-sided.

"Where is he?" The Rift was still on the hunt for Ash. At least he'll have the chance to see all of his friends defeated. That look on his face will be wonderful, no doubt. But...right now, he's certainly with another group. Splitting him up is what I need to focus on next. Then, I'll have him."

The Rift continued, walking past the downed bodies of ponies and Pokemon. The path to Ash wasn't over yet. He didn't care how many trainers he would have to defeat to reach him. But there were three individuals also on the Rift's mind. Victini, Meloetta and Hoopa.

The Rift couldn't forget about those three for obvious reasons, especially Victini. Though Hoopa possessed the power to summon as many Pokemon as he wanted to just like the Rift and Meloetta's singing was one of a kind, Victini was undoubtedly the greatest of them all solely for his infinite power.

"What if I mix unbeatable with unbeatable?" The RIft chuckled, having a new target in mind before he reaches Ash. "Not a bad idea, if you ask me. Wait for me, Victini. You'll be my true ace in the hole."

"I think not." However, Galaxy Master's words were quickly shut down by someone else. When moving through the hallway and taking multiple turns, he encountered another one of Ash's friends. This time, it ended up being a Sinnoh Elite 4 Member.


Joining here was Sci-Twi, who sheepishly hid behind the Elite 4 Member whilst Spike already started barking, sensing bad vibes in the air. Hisuian Zorua didn't even need to come out of the backpack.

"Bertha..." The Rift said.

"Galaxy Master, correct? Or should I say the Rift?" Bertha held her scarf, gazing at the fictional character with disdainful eyes. "I was expecting to meet him on better terms...but this happens."

"Hmph. You were informed quickly of my true appearance. How's that?" The Rift chuckled. "Did Celestia tell you that?"

"I'm afraid not. It would be this that told me." Bertha then held out one of the Galaxy Master Comic Books. It was the most recent one that was still missing pages. And upon opening it, the recent pages showed the story of what has happened so far in this tower. Especially with Galaxy Master AKA the Rift's appearance.

But there was something different about it. Instead of creating a shot-for-shot accurate version of the true events, the book had altered it. Instead of appearing here with cruel intent, the book framed Cynthia and the others as villainous intruders, just to prop up the fictional character. The Rift could even be seen in the book, speaking to Galaxy Master about what it had witnessed over at its base. Only a bit of it was true.

"Fair enough." Galaxy Master shrugged. "Either way, it matters not who I bump into now. My goal is to make Ash suffer and right now, having his friends be in such helpless and defeated positions will do just fine. Especially when you're involved, Twilight."

"Me?" Sci-Twi gulped, backing up a bit after the words were directed to her. "W-Why?"

"You're also integral in every way. If you're in that position, the reaction from Ash will be too good to witness. But it will only get better when I target closer friends." The Rift continued. "Don't worry. Everything will be back to normal after I'm satisfied with my revenge. So just go along with it and don't try fighting back. You know you can't win with who I currently am."

"You wish." Bertha waed her hand, revealing a Poke Ball. "Is your drive for revenge really this foul? I'll put you down here and now before you can harm anyone else. Twilight Sparkle. You will help me."

"O-Okay, Miss Bertha!" Sci-Twi nodded, agreeing to chime in. While she was intimidated, she wasn't afraid to battle strong opponents anymore.

"Did you not hear me? I'm unbeatable when I'm Galaxy Master!" The Rift laughed. But while he cackled, Bertha put on a smile of confidence. She wasn't worried at all.

"Are you now? The stories say otherwise." Bertha uttered.

"What did you say?"

"I'm just saying. Princess Luna and Darkrai are the exceptions, aren't they? Are you truly unbeatable or are there exceptions that you cannot get past? Let's find out, shall we?" She held the Poke Ball out.

"Old bag! I'll thrash you within seconds!" The Rift roared back as Bertha riled it up. If anything, this is what she wanted. The confrontation up at the Galaxy Tower wasn't slowing down.

Not with Dragonite emerging victorious over one group as well as the Rift plus the various other battles going off that may soon reach their conclusions. For better or for worse as the journey continues.

Chapter 909 End.

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