• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: Sister my sister

Canterlot Nursing Room.

Obsidian has infiltrated the castle, planning to use Celestia to unleash Lunar Ire once more.

Right now, Luna has come face to face with Obsidian, aiming to stop him from causing any more damage. The two of them had stared each other down.

"We'll make this quick. Dusknoir, Shadow Ball." Dusknoir had conjured up a ball out of shadows in its spectral hands.

"Darkrai. Prevent it with Dark Void!" Luna commanded as Darkrai stopped the Shadow Ball with Dark Void, cancelling them both out.

"Use Will-O-Wisp on the floor." An insane command. Dusknoir had dropped ghostly flames on the floor, causing the entire room to catch fire. Luna, Celestia and Passion gasped as everything around them was burning. Obsidian merely smiled at all of this.

"Sister!" Luna called out to her sister, trying to get close to her.

"Nuh-uh. Dusknoir, grab Luna." Dusknoir had sent out extending its arms, ready to grab the princess of the night, however, Darkrai had stopped its arms by using Ice Beam, making the Gripper Pokemon pull its arms back.

"Focus Luna! Or else your sister will be in more danger!" said Darkrai.

"R-Right. Darkrai! Place them to sleep with Dark Void!" Darkrai conjured up another Dark Void, tossing it. Obsidian told Dusknoir to use Protect in order to stop it.

"Now send Darkrai flying with Thunder Punch!" Dusknoir zipped forward, striking the Pitch Black Pokemon as it had launched Darkrai out of the nursing room, flying through the walls.

"Oh no! Darkrai!" Luna cried out. Dusknoir had then grabbed a hold of Luna, having the alicorn in its clutches. "Unhand me!"

"Stay put, princess. Alright, Hypno. Let's continue our work-" Obsidian's sentence was cut off by Luna blowing Cofagrigus away with a magic pulse. The entire nursing room was falling apart easily, making it even more dangerous. The fire caused by the Will-O-Wisp was spread across Canterlot and fast.

Darkrai got up, recovering from the Energy Ball as he quickly hovered back to his trainer.

Luna had gone in front of her sister, casting a barrier to protect them both. Passion huddled up to Celestia, terrified of the situation. Celestia kept Passion close to her as Luna was doing her best to protect them both. The fire was closing in on them as well. That's when Luna sprouted up an idea.

"Let's hope this works." She used her magic to grab one of her Pokeballs out of her room, sending out her blue Frillish as it was standing outside of the nursing room. "Frillish! Put the fire! I beg of you!"

Frillish heard its trainer's cry. It nodded in response. The Floating Pokemon had used Water Gun to push back the Will-O-Wisp's flames. Obsidian turned around to see Frillish there.

"Hm? Butt out. Dusknoir. Grab that Frillish." Dusknoir went to grab its fellow Ghost-Type but once again, it was stopped by Darkrai used Ice Beam once more, this time freezing Cofagrigus. "WHAT?!" This caught Obsidian off guard. Luna then saw an opening, dropping the barrier as she had knocked out Hypno with a fairly weak magic beam.

Obsidian himself was now in a rough spot. "Well then. This wasn't the result I was expecting."

"I cannot begin to describe the punishment I will give. For threatening my sister when she is weakened... and planning to unleash Lunar Ire out of me once more! And almost burning down the castle!" Luna's rage was building up. But it was enough to slowly bring out Lunar Ire. Celestia gasped, seeing the Sorrowful Rage magic rise up.

"Luna! You're losing your temper! Calm down!" Celestia pleaded. Luna held her head, pushing back Lunar Ire.

"This is bad. Rift! Get me out of here!" Obsidian had decided to make a retreat, returning his Pokemon to their Pokeballs as he disappeared into cosmic dust.

"Gone." Darkrai said. "And the flames have been put out thankfully. Good work Frillish."


"Sister! Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine, Luna. If you weren't here, who knows what would happen next."

"If I am not here at all... something terrible could happen to you. I cannot let you out of my sights anymore. You are vulnerable, sister."


"Nothing is safe for you anymore sister. Not with a pony like Obsidian around. He could come back at any moment and cause nothing but trouble. And bring out the worst version of me."

"Luna. I'll be fine. I may be vulnerable, but I have Passion with me here to protect me."


"No! First, you were gravely injured by Hydreigon, and then you were almost hypnotized into heading back to Ghetsis. Your life has been in too much danger. Too much for me to ignore. I will stay here by your side and protect you."

"But who will watch over the kingdom, Luna? You can't stay here forever."

"I know, it needs a ruler but... I don't want to see you getting hurt anymore, sister." Luna sat down, sulking. Celestia didn't know what to do in this situation. She feels like it is partially her fault for going to Ghetsis, but she couldn't sit back and watch him humiliate and overtake Saddle-Arabia. Even though he has already conquered it.

Celestia then decided to take a big risk. She got off the bed, feeling the pain strain her. Passion held her but the sun princess had kept on moving. She then went over to her younger sister, giving her a hug.

"You don't have to worry anymore, Luna. I'll continue to rule Equestria." She said with a smile on her face.

"But, Tia! You're still injured. You can't-"

"It is my duty. I cannot distance myself from my subjects. Even if I am in pain, they still need me. They still need us." Celestia stuck to her word. And the moment she said those words, the Boundless Cutie Mark started to glow for a bit. Celestia looked at the infinite mark along with Luna.

"What is happening, sister?" Luna gasped.

"I don't know. This is new to me." The Boundless Cutie Mark had suddenly shown Luna's Cutie Mark, making it a bit more visible in the endless sea of marks.

"My Cutie Mark. It's more visible now? How is this possible?"

Celestia began speculating on what this meant. Then she had a theory.

"Maybe... this Cutie Mark acts up when I say or do something specific? Perhaps it also involves the pony that I am interacting with."

"You think so, Tia?"

"It's just a theory. But this Boundless Cutie Mark has many more mysteries." Celestia then walked out of the nursing room, heading to the balcony. Luna chased after her sister, who was walking ever so slowly, obviously wanting to avoid any more pain.

Celestia stood at the balcony, looking down at Canterlot. A pony noticed Princess Celestia. In all her glory.

"Look! It's Princess Celestia!" That pony made everypony else look. There she was. Still hurt but alive. They all started to cheer and cry after seeing their beloved princess again. Celestia was happy to see them all as well. She hadn't seen this many ponies in days.

"Hello, my beloved subjects. I'm back." Those words she said just made them tear up even more. Their princess was back and she was glad to be back as well. "As you know, I suffered a terrible injury last week. Even I was afraid that I would not make it. But here I am. I will still be here for all of you. Everypony. Even if my own life is on the line, I will stay with all of Equestria forever. That is my duty as a princess. Princess of Equestria."

Luna watched as they gave praises to her older sister. But this time, there was no jealousy involved. This time, it was happiness. Happy to see her sister once more. But even then, the thoughts of Ghetsis still roamed in her head.

Celestia returned inside, ready to sit on her throne.

"Sister." Luna had stopped her with her tone changing.

"Yes, Luna?"

"What if... we can't win against Ghetsis? What if the great disaster ends up overcoming us all? I don't want to lose you again."

"I understand Luna. Even I am terrified. Ghetsis is truly a force that nopony can predict what he'll do next. But still... that doesn't mean we should give up. Our world, the Pokemon world. They both will have no future if Ghetsis is not stopped. If he and his entire kingdom are brought down, then we will all have a future to look forward to."

"You're right. You're the best sister!" Luna hugged Celestia as their conversation had finally come to an end. Darkrai, who was watching all of this even felt a bit emotional, even if you couldn't see it in his intimidating eyes. Passion had also overseen this. In her mind, she was wondering she was enough to protect Celestia. She barely managed to protect her from Cofagrigus, how would she fare against Ghetsis then?

"Are you afraid?" Darkrai asked Kirlia.

"Kirlia." She nodded.

"I know. I can tell. To be honest with you, even I'm a bit nervous."

"Kirli. Kirlia."

"That won't stop me of course. I'll protect Luna no matter what. But about you? Are you sure you're ready to protect Celestia?"

What Darkrai said made Passion think. There was only one possible way of her being able to fully protect her beloved trainer. By evolving into her final evolution. Gardevoir. Only then will she be able to stand up to Ghetsis's Hydreigon.

Hours had passed and the news of Celestia recovering had spread across Equestria. This made everypony ecstatic and joyful.

"Princess Celestia is back! Woohoo!" A pony yelled.

"I totally knew she was gonna wake up soon. Yep. Totally."

"Do you think that hole's gone though?"

There was constant chatter going on, making Ponyville more lively than ever. Twilight already knew that Celestia was awake, but to see everypony aware of it made her feel at peace a bit. She looked outside as she saw the sun setting, showing that Celestia had really returned.

"I'm glad everything's returning back to normal Spike. But I still can't get the bad memories out of my head."

"I know how you feel, Twilight. What happened last week still has me shaken up too."

"Once this is all over... I wonder what happens next? What do you think?"

"Probably another bad guy will come along. But we don't have anything worry about. We've got each other and our Pokemon. Right Goomy?"


"You're right Spike. And I have the best friends anypony could ever ask for. Good night Spike." Twilight turned off the lights as she, Spike and Goomy clocked out for tonight. Waiting for tomorrow to come.

Night had arrived. It was raining outside, pouring heavy rain as well. And standing near Twilight's window was an unknown figure. Thunder flashed as it revealed to be Adagio, wearing a hood.

She had quietly broken inside Golden Oaks Library, ready to continue her revenge.

"You're going to pay, Sparkle. Oh, you WILL pay." She stood over Twilight holding up a sack fit for a pony as she foalnapped Twilight.

Now the young alicorn was in Adagio's grasp.

Chapter 75 End.

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