• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Stairway to the Cosmos

Author's Note:

Managed to get that chapter out after all. Sweet.

Equestria. Ponyville. Carousel Boutique. Day.

"Phi...Phi..." Asleep during the day was Phione. While everyone was out and about, enjoying everything that the sun had to offer, Phione was asleep. In a deep sleep too. One that could not be interrupted by various noises,

"I'm heading to the Pokemon School now this Tuesday." Rarity spoke to Sweetie Belle. "Take care of Phione, would you? And stay safe.

"Okay!" Sweetie Belle raised her hoof. "I've got an evolved Prinplup and other Pokemon to help me out so it'll be all okay!" She and Rarity bid their farewells equally as Rarity was off to the Pokemon School for the day.

It would be just Sweetie Belle, her Pokemon, Opalescence and Phione. Sweetie Belle had the house all to herself. Not uncommon ever since the Pokemon School was made. And she would never find boredom with the existence of her many friends. Pony or Pokemon.

However, minutes after Rarity left and Sweetie Belle was about to train with her Pokemon for the next contest, Phione had awoken. Not by the surrounding noise, but by something else.

The blessing of Arceus.

In his mind, Arceus' voice could be heard. Her cry echoed through as he was sending a message to the Water-Type. Her task to help find Jirachi was still active.

"Phione!" And she had the first sign of what to do. She woke up instantly, alerting Sweetie Belle and the others with her cry.

"You scared me..." Sweetie Belle sighed with her heart skipping a beat. Upon awakening, Phione already gained guidance on where to go. She hopped on the floor, quickly heading for the entrance. "Where are you going, Phione?"

"Phi! Phione!" Phione waved her arm around, rapidly explaining everything to Sweetie Belle. Except for the massive flaw of her being unable to understand Phione. at all. Not everyone could translate Pokemon.

"I don't get what you're saying..."

"Phi." Phione felt like she couldn't continue wasting time. She had then hopped out the window, cracking it as Sweetie Belle screeched. This damage was seen as severe. Mainly in the eyes of Rarity when she returns.

"Gaaah!" Sweetie Belle went over, picking up the pieces of shattered glass as there was a Phione-shaped crack in the window. "Oh geez...Uhh...!" Sweetie Belle looked through the shattered window, noticing how Phione was going off on her own. "Can some of you stay behind and help repair this?"

"Meowstic!" Meowstic would gladly take that task along with Plusle and Minun. Repairs would be done by them. Even if they had no clue how to repair a window.

"Thanks, you two! Prinplup! Teddiursa! Come on!" Meanwhile, Sweetie Belle would bring Prinplup and Teddiursa along, giving chase to Phione. They rushed out of the door as Phione kept bouncing to travel as there wasn't a sea or ocean for her to use at all. The fastest way for her to travel was obsolete, however, her guidance would push her to go great distances.

The Pokemon House. Day.

"Hah..." Zecora remained at the Pokemon House as Fluttershy had gone to the Pokemon School. Even Team Rocket were absent along with their Rocketship. They were all elsewhere along with a majority of Ponyville's residents who had more to learn about Pokemon.

Zecora had only the Pokemon, but they were great company. However, the reason for Zecora's sigh was tied to the Everfree Forest and how she missed the home that she made there. "You all continue to make for some great company every day. But my home in the Everfree, how I wish once again I could stay."

The Pokemon understood Zecora's feelings. The longing feeling to return to her home. Zecora, while she liked the company, preferred the solitude and small company of the Everfree with just herself and her Pokemon. But, the self-restoration of the Everfree continued with slow progress.

"Phi! Phione!" Appearing at the Pokemon House was Phione. She hopped all the way over to this location, using the trees as a boosted method. Zecora watched as Phione had some decent airtime before landing right next to the pond where the rest of her fellow Water-Type Pokemon resided, causing a splash.

"What Pokemon are you?" Zecora leaned in. "A Manaphy evolution, I can get from you. Especially with all of that blue."


"Phione! Wait!" Rushing over here and catching up with Phione was Sweetie Belle and her Pokemon. Thankfully, Phione wasn't that fast without any water to use. "You gotta slow down. You crashed through the window and left without saying much."


"Anyway...Why did you want to come here?" Sweetie Belle asked with Meowstic dropping her and Teddiursa. "It all looked so urgent."

"Phi. Phi-Phione!" Once again, Phione spoke rapidly to Sweetie Belle, but the communication barrier between Pokemon and other species was still prevalent as always.

"I still don't get what you're saying..." Sweetie Belle sighed. "What happened to that telepathy from before?"

"Hold on there, Sweetie Belle." Zecora stepped in. "Allow me to translate what Phione wishes to tell."

"Oh? Y-You can speak Pokemon?"

"Fluttershy taught me during my time here. I've picked up a lot of methods ever since last year." Zecora winked, revealing that she also shared the rare skill of communicating with creatures that only seemed to exist with Fluttershy. Her time here at the Pokemon House had allowed her to learn these tricks.

"Phione. Phi-Phi." Phione faced Zecora, telling her everything she needed to know. Sweetie Belle sat down, awaiting the translation.

"So, it's the guidance from Arceus that called you here. The first step in keeping our worlds more than near."

"Arceus?!" Sweetie Belle gasped. "Oh, so it's finally happening?! Did Phione find a way to keep our worlds connected?!"

"Not yet, I'm afraid. But his guidance gave one useful method, starting with I and Jade."

"Jade? You mean..." Sweetie Belle thought of the only pony in Ponyville named Jade. Jade Skies. "That Jade? W-What's she gonna do?"

"Phi! Phione!"

"Arceus had mentioned a stairway to the celestial skies." Zecora then raised her head. "A way to reach Jirachi that goes beyond the skies. Multiple forces must come together. Starting from my stripes to a feather."

"Stairway to the celestial skies? Space? Wait a second!" Sweetie Belle's head then shot directly at Phione. "Phione! Wasn't that one of the ideas that you came up with back at Canterlot Castle? Are you actually gonna use that one?"

"Phione." After nodding, it was confirmed. That idea, which seemed ridiculous when first mentioned, was now considered in the end. "Phi-Phi." She continued explaining what else Arceus had told her in her sleep.

"Out of all options, Arceus had chosen the staircase. One so high that it goes into Deep Space. Princess Celestia has also taken that same approach to mind and had it declared. She is also part of the plan, as Arceus had shared."

"So they're doing the same thing too, huh? But how are we gonna make something that big? I mean, a staircase to space seems pretty big." Sweetie Belle spread her front hooves to show the sheer scale of a staircase of that length. "And tough. I mean, can we even breathe in space?"


"Multiple forces of magic and energy must come together for the staircase to emerge. I, as a Shaman, have access to magic that can make that merge." Zecora stood up. "We should get to Jade and soon to Canterlot. You wish to keep everything connected as soon as possible, do you not?"

"Yeah, I do! Let's do it!" Sweetie Belle had no complaints. If it meant finding Jirachi quicker, then they were going for a staircase no doubt. But of course, they would need some power behind it to make it happen.

And the first two forces that were revealed to make it happen were Zecora and Jade Skies. One that has access to Shamanism and one that holds Rift Magic.

Over at SugarCube Corner, Jade was present as ever, playing around with the Cake Twins. Although, they were playing around with her, was the correct term. Jade sat there and let the children play around with their Plusle and Minun respectively as Pound Cake latched onto Jade's feather.

Entering the building were Sweetie Belle and Zecora, meeting with the deadpan Rift Pegasus. "Hey." Jade greeted. "What brings you two here?"

"Hey, Jade. We just came here because well...it's a big deal. A super big one."

"How big?"

"The connection of worlds is what it's all about." Zecora stepped forward, revealing the reason immediately. "It can't get bigger than that reason, no doubt."

"Oh. Did you find a way?" Jade's attention had been fully grabbed as her existence was also tied to all of this.

"Mhm. WE need different kids of magics to make something to reach Jirachi. A staircase. A space staircase!"

"Space staircase?" Mr and Mrs Cake poked their heads through the door, hearing this insane idea with their very ears.

"Arceus told Phione. We need some of Zecora's magic and your magic to do it. Phione hasn't told us what else we need but I bet it's a lot." Sweetie Belle giggled. "And you've got Rift Magic in you, so that's a big bonus."

"Why didn't you go to Cold Colt then? He knows how to use his magic more than me."

"That-" After being given that question, Sweetie Belle paused before she could give out a full sentence. "Huh...That's a good question. How come you didn't think of Cold Colt first, Phione?"

"Phi. Phione!"

"Phione thought about Cold Colt too, of course. There are many others who will be involved in this plan, especially with ponies that have a cosmic-kind of force."

"That's not many then." Jade stood up with Pound Cake still hanging onto her wing. "It's just me, Cold, Emerald and Obsidian. Cold's still learning with his magic. I don't know how to use mine. Emerald's lost a lot of hers and Obsidian's working with Ghetsis and the others. Are you sure we're needed?"

"If Arceus has given guidance that connects to you, then it must be true." Zecora had no doubt about Jade and the others, even with their limitations.

"What Zecora said." Sweetie Belle slid over. "We're going all in. Princess Celestia's already planning on making that staircase! And I bet once it's done, we'll all get to walk on it! Still don't know how we're gonna breathe in space."

"Hm. Okay. I don't know how to use my magic but if Arceus is choosing me, then I'm in." Jade was all in on this plan. Plus, it would also mean that her chances of existing in this world along with her fellow Rift companions would increase.

"Great! We'll go and get Cold too, of course!" Sweetie Belle giggled. "So, Phione. Who's next to get?"

"Phione!" Phione jumped up, facing Zecora and letting her know who else was needed for this staircase.

"It seems the involvement of Aura is a large factor in all of this. Added with three types of emotional magic." Zecora translated. "If I had to guess with the last two, perhaps Princess Luna is the one we must choose."

"Oh. I get Aura. Ash and Applejack can do that. But Princess Luna? What does she have again?"

"Her magic is the most tied to her emotions out of anypony in Equestria," said Jade. "The first was when she became Nightmare Moon. And the second is with that whole Lunar Ire thing."

"She has absolute control over both emotional forms of magic. Both had originated from something vengeful or tragic." Zecora replied. "The third could be related to the Magic of Love. Held by two that we know of."

"The only ones who have that are Princess Luna and um..." Mrs Cake chimed in, trying to think of the second individual holding the Magic of Love.

"Queen Chrysalis. That's who it is." Mr Cake managed to finish her sentence.

"Her and maybe all of the Changelings. Unless there's another emotional magic we're forgetting, that should be all of them. Wish I had all that magic to feel emotion." Jade lowered her head.

"Princess Luna it is then!" Sweetie Belle raised her hoof, holding Jade's head back up. "Come on! We're going to Canterlot next! Wait till Rarity hears about all of this! She'll love it!"

It was off to Canterlot. But not before grabbing the second Rift Pony Cold Colt and of course, Ash, who resided at the Pokemon World on this shining day. Cold Colt usually stays in two places. Twilight's Castle to be taught by Twilight or Sweet Apple Acres, where it was his home.

Sweet Apple Acres.

In this instance, Sweet Apple Acres was the place to be. Cold Colt, as always, was doing his best to impress Apple Bloom as hard as he could. Even using his Rift Magic to bring over items that he believed would work.

"How do I look?" He used his Rift Magic to give himself a suit. But it was a tacky one as Cold Colt didn't quite form the perfect and dapper suit that he wanted. "Aw..."

"Pfft!" Apple Bloom laughed, mainly at Cold Colt's tacky attire. Cold Colt pulled up the massive polka-dot patterned bowtie on him, feeling embarrassed. "You don't look boring, that's for sure!" Apple Bloom found some amusement in it.

Arriving here, Sweetie Belle was already talking with Ash through the Xtransceiver. She, Zecora and Jade let him know all about what was going on and what was needed.

"Huh. So you need all of that for a giant staircase?" Ash spoke. "Okay, I gotcha. Sounds like we're bringing in one big team to make this happen. Love to hear it."


"For something that big, it needs to have a lot." Jade leaned in. "Phione might have more to tell us on who we can have help make this staircase. Oh, and Sweetie Belle was wondering how we're going to breathe in space since Jirachi's mostly there."

"AH, you'll need space suits for that!" Ash snapped his fingers. "Over at Alola, Sophocles also wishes to go to space. He'll definitely have some space suits for you all to wear. Hopefully, they're pony-sized."

"A space suit..." Sweetie Belle gawked, imaging what a spacesuit could look like. Especially on her.

"Hey, Cold." Jade alerted her fellow Rift Pony. "Sorry to interrupt your failed suave."

"Gee...No problem." Cold Colt pouted as Jade unintentionally taunted him.

"But we'll need you for something. It sorta has our entire existence on the line."

"Entire existence?!" Cold Colt was so alarmed that his suit had burst into ripped pieces. "Is it the Unown again?! Are there more coming?! Is there a super-sized Unown we don't know about?!" Immediately, he started thinking of the worst possible things when being told about existence.

"Ah, it's just Jirachi," said Sweetie Belle as she hung up on Ash. "We're gathering a lot of our friends to make something special happen. We're making a staircase to space!"

"All with different magic to make it happen. You and I will Rift Magic. If I can figure that out soon. Queen Chrysalis and Princess Cadence will use their Magic of Love while Ash and Applejack will use their Aura. Zecora's magic will be added into the mix and Princess Luna also has something to give. Three things to give, I mean."

"Oh. This is serious. Not Unown serious, but still. Is this gonna be where we finally find Jirachi?" Cold asked.

"Maybe not instantly. But enough to shorten the time we have to find it. Wherever it may be. Are you already in?"

"Yeah, I am!" Cold Colt didn't need to hear anything else. He was in. "How are we gonna do this? Do we gather some stuff? Go on a big adventure to collect some rare objects to make it happen?!"

"Not at all, my cosmic colt." Zecora went up to him. "All we need is a magic union as powerful as a lightning bolt. We have a lot to do. Especially helping Jade improve."

"Oh. Right. My magic. Uh..." Jade scratched her mane, giving off an unchanging expression. "I'll see what I can do when we get there. Let's just head to Canterlot now. But is there anyone next, Phione?"

"Phi! Phione!"

"Celestia herself can help with the union, as to be expected. But the next magic that can help is one that is all about being destined." Zecora translated as this one seemed to be cryptic. More so than the others.

"Destined?" Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Cold Colt both said, trying to figure out which one that would be. They thought of the different magics that they had learned about that could relate to it.

"Destined. That would be Destiny Magic. Wouldn't it?" Jade caught on quickly. "This union involved Pegalysium too?"


"Just how many do we need." Cold Colt asked as at this point, the numbers could keep on piling. "Oh, but wait! Prince Shooting Star doesn't have Destiny Magic anymore! He lost it not too long ago. I don't think he's ready yet."

"He still has it in him. But he can't tap into it anymore. Not until he can find himself a new way to shape his destiny." Jade replied. "It couldn't have come at a worse time."

"That's a bummer. We'll be missing one." Sweetie Belle pouted before facing Phione. "Say, Phione...Why'd it take you until now to do this? Why did Arceus tell you now?"

"Yeah. We could've done it when we brought you back here." Apple Bloom went over. "Maybe we'd have that staircase now and all that!"

"Phi. Phione." There was a reason as Phione aimed her arm to the skies, prompting everyone to look up. But there was nothing there. Just the sun and the clouds along with a few Flying-Type Pokemon soaring about. "Phi." Phione then closed her eyes as she could feel the aura of Arceus once more. The almighty light of Arceus spoke to her, letting Phione know more as this knowledge was passed to Zecora, who would also pass it on.

"According to Phione and Arceus, the way to Jirachi is tied to the alignment of the stars. Unlike on Earth, Jirachi cannot be reached or found when this afar. The stars must be aligned correctly with a visible impact. 7 stars to be exact. Today, they will spark the beginning of that creation. And when another day comes, we will have our elevation."

"Uhh..." The three foals uttered, trying to understand those last few words.

"She means that it's only gonna work well if the stars are in the right place." Jade simplified it for them. "Today's the day that they're starting to move. And next time, whenever that is, they'll be in the place that we need to be. And then we'll get out stairs to space."

"So we're not even gonna finish the whole thing today?" Sweetie Belle pouted.

"Better than waiting for nothing." Jade shrugged. "If we can get a base of it done or a good length, that could be good enough for now. Let's hurry to Equestria before this day ends."


Once they went over to Canterlot, with Ash and Pikachu tagging along, they approached Canterlot Palace. There, they had shared all that was needed to be said to Princess Celestia and Luna.

Applejack had been grabbed from the Pokemon School promptly as she was greatly needed. The stars in the skies could not be seen unless it was nightfall. But they couldn't afford to wait for everything to turn dark, risking this valuable day from leaving this year.

Quickly, the other royalties had been called for. All except for Shooting Star, who could not tap into the Destiny Magic anymore. At least not yet. They all met up at Celestia's throne room, right at a perfectly large roundtable for all of them.

They gathered up at the roundtable after being told of everything. Sweetie Belle sat back as she couldn't do much in this instance. She was only Phione's caretaker in all of this.

"Alright then. Arceus told you that we have to make the base of stairs on this day, Phione. So let's not waste it. Funny how we had the same idea." Celestia giggled. "It's a ridiculous plan but a fun one."


"If we're making a staircase to space, then where should we properly aim it?" Cadence asked. "It won't be a twisting staircase, will it? Or a straight one?"

"Judging by what Arceus shared about those stars, it needs to be in between them. That must be where Jirachi is laying." Luna replied.

"Yeah. That would make sense. And the 7 adds up too..." Ash put his finger on his chin, recalling something crucial at a fitting time.

"Do you know something about those stars, Ash?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah. They call Jirachi a few things. Like the Wish Maker. But they also call it The Seven Stars of Dreams, Jirachi. Guess it must sleep between them. Wonder what it's like to sleep next to some stars?"


"Inbetween the stars it is. Let's make this first day count. Everyone. Hooves and hands together. Celestia stood up tall as they were all prepared to make this happen. With Zecora and the other equines standing in a bipedal position, they held their hooves out, connecting them. Ash simply held his arms out, holding the hooves of Celestia and Zecora.

Joining them was the boosted assistance of Ash's Lucario, who had connected his paws with Applejack and Chrysalis. And the final touch came from Phione. She jumped into the middle of the group, landing in the centre of the roundtable. Phione would shine. Both figuratively and literally as her body was radiating a golden light.

The Light of Arceus.

Once they were all connected, the union that was spoken of could begin. Phione started using the Light of Arceus as the main source for all other energy sources to be poured into. Already having a good grasp at what they specialize in, with some even being masters of it, Ash, Celestia, Cadence and everyone utilized their energies that started flowing out of them. Jade tried getting something out, but it wasn't working. Only Cold Colt could use it right now.

The Azure Radiance of Aura. The Shining Light of Celestia. The Emotional Flow of Luna, Lunar Ire and Nightmare Moon. The Warm and Embracing Magic of Love. The Mystic and Secretive Shamanistic Magic. And the Cosmic Power of Rift Magic. They all came together, surrounding Phione. All of them had their eyes and mouths open with their respective colours glowing out of them.

The golden light affected these various energies, responding to them perfectly. Upon taking some time to feel them, the Light of Arceus had then started constructing something out of thin air. Right outside the castle.

Everyone in Canterlot, from the ponies who lived here, the students within the Pokemon School and even the teachers had their attentions' grabbed to look outside. They witnessed something being materialized out of a golden light. The stairs that they spoke had been made. Rather, the base of it. The golden outline of this staircase appearance's with particles flowing out of it. Its height of it was taller than Canterlot Castle and even broke through some of the nearby clouds. Not quite tall enough to reach the cosmos yet.

Ash and the others did their job as their energies faded away. Afterwards, they collectively looked outside, witnessing the staircase that they made as Phione's body had stopped glowing.

"There," said Celestia. "The start of our way to Jirachi. I believe we shall call it the Cosmic Stairway It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

"Wow..." Sweetie Belle was in absolute awe.

"That'll do." Ash nodded in approval.


They had done it. After making the Cosmic Stairway, at least the outline, they had future work ahead of them. Phione had fallen asleep after using the power of the Arceus. Sweetie Belle went over, picking up the Sea Drifter Pokemon. "She fell asleep all of a sudden."

"It must've been using the power of Arceus." Luna walked over. "I can imagine that using it for the first time with all of that would tire it. Take good care of her, Sweetie Belle. Aside from Jirachi, you have the Pokemon that can help keep our friendship alive."

"Phione stated that there would be more. Shooting Star is one of them and soon, Jade." Celestia turned to Jade. "For now, we'll continue to work on that staircase overtime until the second big moment for us to extend in further. Jade. I hope that you can know how to use your magic by then."

"Mmm. I'll try." Jade bowed her head.

"I hope that Shooting Star finds shape his own destiny in time. After that, we can all finish it. But thank you all for your hard work. You may now leave. Until next time. Whenever Phione and Arceus will call for us." Celestia called this meeting to a close as everyone had done their job.

The staircase was now permanently there, unfinished. and only a golden outline. But it was a start. Sweetie Belle carried the sleeping Phione home as eyes couldn't be taken off of the Cosmic Stairway.

Ash wondered if he could step on it. But with how there was nothing solid available, it was best to just wait for it to finish being built. Soon, the stairway would reach between the 7 Stars.

Where Jirachi lay.

Ponyville. Carousel Boutique. Afternoon.

"Meowstic..." Meowstic breathed in and out as she, Plusle and Minun managed to repair the window. But with the cost of the boutique's tidiness. A heaping array of glue was everywhere as Meowstic currently dropped a bottle of it.

Sweetie Belle returned to see the total mess as Opalescence was stuck to the walls thanks to the glue while also having her fur frizzled. Electrical shocks could be seen coming out of her, giving a good idea of the event that happened here. As for the window itself, it could look better but at least the shards were back. Albeit unkempt with Meowstic being disappointed with the result.

"Oh. W-Well...At least you tried." Sweetie Belle chuckled, knowing that Rarity was going to be agitated by this. She hoped that it wouldn't be too serious. Sweetie Belle returned her partners before having Prinplup use his sharp flippers to slice the glue off of Opalescence.

Opalescence closed her eyes, but thankfully, Prinplup's precision was nothing to doubt as the cat had been dropped being caught by Teddiursa. Sweetie Belle and the rest of her Pokemon would then start cleaning up. They may be unable to hide the destruction of the window, but everything else could at least go.

"Phione..." Phione snored as Sweetie Belle placed her in her own room, allowing Phione to rest in her bed. The Sea Drifter Pokemon had small golden lights flash from her faintly whilst snoring. It was unknown if that was Arceus sending another message. But right now, Sweetie Belle chose to let her rest, closing the door.

"Sleeptight, Phione."

The next major step in finding Jirachi was underway. A massive golden stairway that would lead to the cosmos. Formed together by various forces that have had time to build up thanks to recent events. Now, they waited for the next time they were needed once the stars were aligned right. The quest to Jirachi was not over yet as the journey continues.

Chapter 726 End.

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