• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: A love-filled departure

The secluded village 0:00.

Along came midnight. And with that, the fifth day had finally come, closing off the fourth day which lasted longer than the previous days.

The ponies, Pokemon and even changelings were fast asleep at this time. The changelings had never slept with other species before so this was the first of many. One individual who was more asleep than anyone else was Anthophila who dozed off earlier than everyone. She was fast asleep in Dragonite's arms.

But not everyone was asleep at this time.

Chrysalis was one of them. She couldn't sleep for a few reasons. One major reason was because of Ghetsis and Empress Twilight. Mostly Ghetsis. Despite this moment of happiness that had graced her and the changelings, she was still cautious to an extreme.

All she could do was look out at the night sky, wondering what her future may be. Another reason for her staying awake was that she was planning to talk to Adagio about their plan to siphon Empress Twilight's magic. Now that she knows about their plan, the two of them would need a massive overhaul.

And another reason was on the more hopeful side. Concerning Ash. After Ash promised that he would deal with Ghetsis and Empress Twilight both, a ray of hope sparked up in Chrysalis. She had faith in Ash that he'd avenge some of her fallen changelings who had perished because of Ghetsis.

And the final reason involved experiencing what true love actually feels like. Time with Ash has exposed Chrysalis to the true nature of love itself.

Speaking of Ash, he was still awake alongside Pikachu as they both approach Chrysalis who was gazing into the night sky, zoned out.

"Can't sleep?" Ash said.

"Hm?" Chrysalis turned to him. "No, not at all." She shook her head. "A few things are keeping me up."


"But, I shouldn't worry about them too much. Especially when I know that there's a way to fix all of this. What was that you said earlier? You'll smash them flat?"

"Sure will." Ash sat down. "If I can reach them, ya know. Twilight's teaching Cold so that he can tap into this Rift magic. That way, we'll be able to pass through gateways to other worlds."

"That's nice. I hope you do it soon because...I fear that Ghetsis will...No. He most certainly will come after me once he has accomplished his goal."


"It could be argued that betraying him wasn't the wisest decision but...Involving myself with someone like him would just further endanger us all. You understand, right Ash?"

"I get ya." Ash nodded. "It's just like the same decision N made back then."


"I just hope it can be done in time. They already know of my betrayal anyway." Chrysalis sighed. "Our world may never experience a threat as dangerous as those two combined."

"No need to worry." Ash suddenly said. "You're not alone in this. Everyone back at Ponyville, Canterlot and the Crystal Empire are just as determined to protect their world."

"Pikachu!" Pikachu climbed up on Ash's shoulder.

"You know what to say, don't you?" Chrysalis laughed as she saw how much hope and confidence Ash could spark up in someone with just a few words. "Before the changelings...or rather I should say, my children leave, I should speak with Adagio first. Our plan will need an overhaul."

"You're in luck. Adagio's not too far away from here. She's at Manehattan right now." Ash pointed north.

"Good. And after that, we'll be on our way. And that one location you mentioned might be the perfect place to start our new hive. Faye Mountains, was it called?"

"Mhm." Ash nodded. "It's a pretty neat place to be. But then again, a lot of areas in this world are neat to be in."

"Pika..." Pikachu jumped off Ash's shoulder, laying on his back as he looked into the night sky.

"Anyway." Ash yawned. "I'd better clock out for the night. Hang in there, Chrysalis."

"Wait, Ash. Before you sleep..." Chrysalis stopped him.


"I was wondering. If there was a possibility that it might happen...would you consider me a friend?"

"You don't have to wait for that to happen." That reply from Ash made it clear and confirmed that Ash did in fact see Chrysalis and every changeling as a friend.


"Hm. I should've seen this coming..." Chrysalis smiled. "And here I was worried that friendship would be the end of my species. Turns out it was something else entirely. But you don't want to hear me sulk and brood, do you?"

"Let out what you feel. Makes it easier to get stuff off your chest." Ash replied as he stretched his arms. "Anyway, I'm beat. Let's clock out, buddy."


The two of them decided to rest by a tree since all the beds here were occupied. But with their many adventures, sleeping outside near a grassy area, especially one with trees is something they've adapted to.

Chrysalis watched the duo doze off with Ash resting his head on a tree and Pikachu laying on his best friend's lap. And just like that, with the two of them in a perfect position, they dozed off, falling asleep for the night.

Now it was just Chrysalis on her own. But eventually, someone like her will feel the need to go to sleep. And that time was now. If she were to travel to another land for a new home, she would need all the sleep she could get, especially considering how eventful and long the fourth day was.

But Chrysalis didn't sleep on her own. Instead, she went over to Ash and Pikachu, deciding to sleep with them. She felt more comfortable around Ash and Pikachu after how much they've helped her in just one day and a few hours.

When the morning comes, she'll have to depart from them. But not before chatting with Adagio about their plans. But while everyone sleeps, Twilight took a peek outside the window of a house, spotting Chrysalis lying next to Ash. The sight of it didn't sit too well with the young alicorn. For obvious reasons. But luckily for Twilight, Chrysalis would be leaving soon anyway.

Manehattan. 7:00

After a long and well-deserved sleep, Ash, Twilight, Chrysalis and the changelings were approaching Manehattan. However, the changelings were still not beloved by the rest of Equestria. So heading into the Pokemon Festival with that many ponies could spark up some problems.

So, Chrysalis decided to talk to Adagio in private instead of out in the open. Adagio herself wasn't too busy today besides hanging out with her sisters while Sunset attaches herself onto Adagio like glue. Although, she was also planning on heading somewhere else with her sisters today, potentially.

"Make this quick. I've got a lot I want to do with my sisters. Plus, that Sunset Shimmer's starting to creep me out." Adagio spoke to Chrysalis in a back alley.

"Right. Right. I just wanted to tell you that our plan will need a complete overhaul." Chrysalis replied.

"An overhaul? What? Is the siphoning jar not enough?"

"No." Chrysalis shook her head. "We will still need the jar. It can come into great play later on."

"Then...What part of the plan needs an overhaul?"

"I regret to say this, but Ghetsis and Empress Twilight know of our plan. Especially the jar." Chrysalis revealed the news to Adagio.

"They found out?!" Adagio jerked back. "Urgh! It was probably those annoying spycams..."

"Our approach needs to change. Which is why I am requesting that we both come up with a new plan that could help us stop both of them. Any possible ideas?"

"Well...Yes, I've got something You're not gonna like this but...it involves working alongside Canterlot and ponies. That Queen Pyrestar pony and I had a chat and-"

"That's fine." Chrysalis was alright with that which made Adagio freeze.

"...I beg your pardon?" A confused Adagio tilted her head.

"Working with them is completely fine. They're aiming to stop the same threat we're fighting against too after all."

"Uh..." Adagio stood there with a befuddled look on her face. "Y-Y-You're okay with working with the ponies...? Where did this come from?!"

"It's a bit of a long story. Point is, I am willing to work with anyone. We're all against one or rather two common enemies who are great dangers to our world. So we will need all the help we can acquire."

"Tch. Guess that rules out any issues."

"This new plan...how does it play out?" Chrysalis asked as she was curious.

"Alright. Listen up." Adagio moved closer to Chrysalis as she was ready to tell her everything that Pyrestar gave to her.

Meanwhile, Ash was waiting for Chrysalis to finish up so he could say his farewells to the changelings when they head off to the Faye Mountains as their new home. Along with one extra thing that he had to do before they left.

But in the meanwhile, Ash and Twilight noticed how Pinkie Pie was dashing around, carrying large presents in her hooves with her Slurpuff's and Spinda's helping out. She seemed to be in a hurry.

"Pinkie Pie. What's wrong? Is it about your Pokestar movie?" Twilight flew over, asking her.

"Oh no. I dealt with that already. This is something bigger! My friend Danyelle over at the Pokemon World's got a birthday today! And I can't be late! Have I got everything?"

"Looks like a good amount of presents." Ash looked at a tower of gifts. "She's gonna have a lot to open."


"Oh no, silly." Pinkie appeared behind Ash. "Some of these are for her Pikachu, Tessa. It's just enough!"

"More than enough..." Twilight gulped as she saw how the presents looked like they were going to topple.

"All I gotta do is head to Kanto in Vermillion City, celebrate her birthday and it'll be back to the festival." Pinkie squeed.

"Hah...Hah..." All of a sudden, Barry walked over to Ash as he was in a state of exhaustion. His knees were weak, his hair was messy. Messier than normal anyway and he looked like he had the soul sucked out of him. Cilan was supporting him so that he doesn't faint. "Finally."

"Oh, hey Barry. You look out of it." Ash said.

"Yeah..." Barry nodded as he breathed in and out. "Boy. Those attractions really know how to put you through the wringer."

"Maybe going above 100% of your effort in such a small attraction might not be the best idea." Cilan laughed as he patted Barry on the back.

"Man. I kinda wanna see what attraction you were in!" Ash grinned.


"You do that." Barry sighed. "Phew. The attractions weren't this tough during the first festival back at Canalave City. Talk about a difficulty spike."

Just then, when Barry uttered those words, Ash, Twilight and Pinkie Pie all had their ears on high alert as they simultaneously froze, glaring at Barry.

"Wait. Did you say back at Canalave City?" Twilight raised her hoof at Barry.

"Yeah." Barry nodded. "Last year's festival had easier attractions back at Canalave City."

"Hold on!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "You mean the festival isn't just limited to this world?! It's in the Pokemon World too?!"

"I-I thought you guys knew!" Barry stammered.

"We've been missing out!" Pinkie screeched. "There could be a bunch more stuff waiting for us in the Pokemon World we haven't seen yet! More attractions! More-" She was starting to hyperventilate.

"Let's not panic, Pinkie!" Ash picked Pinkie Pie up, calming her down. "We've got 2 whole weeks remember? We're not even done with the first week yet."


"R-Right..." Pinkie slowed down as she nodded gently. "2 weeks...It's fine. Even if the Pokemon World's got a lot of places...a ton of places."

"There's still a lot of time to experience a plethora of them," said Cilan. "And even if you can't experience them all, you can always look forward to the third festival. No rush."

"Right. No rush. But I need to get that birthday done first!" Pinkie gathered all the presents around her. "I've gotta get going. I'll meet you guys at uh...Where's the nearest gateway to Vermillion City again?"

"Well...Canterlot connects to Pewter City which is close to Vermillion City and Professor Cerise's lab is there too." Ash replied. "So we'll meet up in no time."

"Gotcha! Slurpuff! Spinda! Time to go!"

"Slur!" All the Slurpuff's said.


Pinkie and her Pokemon rushed off as they were in a hurry to get to Vermillion City as soon as they can to celebrate their friend's birthday before it's too late.

Meanwhile, Ash and Twilight had new plans. After learning about how the Pokemon World is experiencing the Pokemon Festival as well, they just had to check it out for themselves. A change of plans had been made.

And speaking of a change of plans, Adagio had finished explaining everything Pyrestar told her to Chrysalis. Everything from start to finish. And from what Chrysalis heard, most of it seemed to involve the Pokemon as they were going to play a big role in all of this when the day of the invasion comes along in just 2 months.

"That plan...it might actually work." Chrysalis nodded. "It is a bit risky, I'll admit."

"All plans are risky." Adagio scoffed. "As long as it works and those two are dealt with, that's all that matters."

"And we'll play our part as well." Chrysalis pointed her hoof at herself. "Well. I've said everything I needed to say. It's time we made our departure." She looked back at Anthophila who was chewing on Chrysalis hair.

"Right. You do that. Good luck with reaching your new home." Adagio replied as she and Chrysalis made their departure from each other.

They might not see each other for a while. The changeling hive no longer exists and Adagio knew the exact path and directions needed to reach it. Now it was just a wasteland. The Faye Mountains were new to Adagio and their whereabouts were unknown to her for now. But their departure wasn't happy, sad or bittersweet. It was just neutral at best.

But one departure, in particular, wasn't neutral. Something greater than that. Once Chrysalis met up with the changelings on the outskirts of Manehattan, they were ready to leave.

But not before Ash came running over as he had to say his goodbyes. "Wait up!" Ash exclaimed.

"Hm? Ash?" Chrysalis and the other changelings turned to face him.

"Papa!" Anthophila giggled, flailing her hooves towards Ash's direction.

"Too close!" Ash came to a screeching halt.

"Come to say your farewell?"

"Mhm!" Ash nodded. "Made it just in time too. But I know Anthophila's gonna be sad when she leaves so...I'll give her this to remind her of me." Ash removed his right glove as he revealed his friendship bracelet which was next to his Dynamax band.


"Here." He took off the friendship bracelet from his hand as he walked over to Anthophila, placing it on her horn. "Keep this. So that you're never away from me." Anthophila blurted random words as she looked up at the friendship bracelet that was now around her horn.

The golden aura of the sun beamed on the bracelet, giving it its extra shine as it illuminated the shadows with a radiant blaze.

"Gehehe!" Anthophila clearly enjoyed it a lot despite how small it was. "Papa!"

"Take care." Ash patted the changeling baby on the head, giving his farewell. "All of you. Good luck along the way."


"Thank you, Ash. And we'll certainly have a safe trip to the Faye Mountains. After all. We have her by our side." Chrysalis turned to Ribombee who decided to come along since she had grown attached to Chrysalis.


"I know you will. Safe trip everyone!"


With that, they each waved goodbye to each other, giving their farewells. Anthophila was the one to give off the most waves with her hoof flailing around at hyper speeds. Normally, she would break into tears. But the bracelet that Ash gave let the baby changeling know that he's always close to her.

"You gave up your friendship bracelet?" Twilight's voice reached Ash's as it was revealed that she had heard their small conversation and farewell. Along with Celestia, Luna and their parents.

"Yeah. But it's fine. Pinkie made a spare just in case." Ash replied.

"That was some excellent kindness there, Ash Ketchum," said Eventide.

"That changeling baby was so adorable!" Sunlight gushed.

"Can we still trust them?" Luna asked, cautious of the changelings.

"We sure can." Ash nodded, giving perfect assurance that there would be no need to worry.


With the changelings on the way to their new home, the fifth day of the Pokemon Festival is in full swing now. The knowledge about the festival also occurring in the Pokemon World had caused some changes to be made.

Pinkie Pie had already left to celebrate her friend's birthday in Vermillion City. All the while, Ash had decided he wanted to check out the Pokemon World's version of the Pokemon Festival. All the while, he wished the changelings good luck on their journey. He knows they'll make it to the Faye Mountains safely.

Rainbow Dash had just finished up her training with her Pokemon after so long. Now she was ready to head somewhere else at the festival before she soon found out that the Pokemon World is taking part in the festival as well.

This grabbed everyone else's attention. Especially Fluttershy, who is always ecstatic to go to the Pokemon World. Needless to say, many of them were excited alongside Adagio who rarely gets excited.

It didn't take long for Pinkie Pie to reach Vermillion City and her friend. All of her Pokemon from her Delphox, Litten, Heliolisk, Flareon, Pidgeot and Pikachu had all received gifts from Pinkie Pie as she made sure to choose the right one for the right Pokemon.

As for everyone else, they were off to experience the festival in new locations. The decision to go to the Pokemon World had been made. Mostly by Sunlight who was the most intrigued by it while Ash recommended Sinnoh as a good place to start. But staying here in this world a bit longer wouldn't hurt anyone.

But not all is well. After all, J is still out there. Even with her retreat, she was still persistent in her goal. She may be low on resources and equipment, but she is still a force to be reckoned with. One who can easily get back on her feet at any time.

The fifth day had a strange energy behind it. One that was more energetic than the fourth day. Whether it meant that it was fast or slow was still a mystery and something that had yet to be experienced as the journey continues.

Chapter 324

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