• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A world of ink. Yes really.

Author's Note:

Today I found out that in Pokemon Masters that Ghetsis does indeed have a right arm. But you never see it because it's behind his back at all times.

Still gonna keep it missing in the meantime and bringing it back for future reasons.

Frenzy Forest. Afternoon.

Adagio was ready to enter the ink bottle. Of all things. But not without a reason. Her sisters had been pulled into the bottle after the ink had consumed them, turning their bodies into ink droplets. She had to save her sisters and eventually, reach Livadi for some revenge. This was her bottle after all.

However, before she could do so, she knew that the bottle was just sitting out there in the open, unguarded. So whoever finds that bottle can grab it and take it anywhere. She would need assistance and for someone to guard it. Luckily, there was one individual in this forest in who she could trust.


Adagio had gone to Delphox's hut, explaining everything to the Fox Pokemon. She gave her the bottle, explaining how her sisters were in it and she was the one who needed to rescue them.

"Keep watch of this. Don't let it get out of sight at all." Adagio said.

"Delphox." Delphox understood clear as day what she needed to do. She promised Adagio that she would keep the bottle safe. And that was a relief for Adagio.

After that, Adagio faced the bottle, having her magic surround it. She also covered Kricketot in this golden aura as he was coming along with her, always staying by Adagio's side to the bitter end. And with the usage of her magic, a bright light exuded out as Adagio and Kricketot had vanished.

A world of ink.

Adagio opened her eyes to be met with an odd landscape.

"So this is inside the ink bottle? Here I was expecting all darkness." Adagio spoke as she was currently met with an assortment of colours of all kinds. Different from the ink that she had seen on the outside. "Aria! Sonata! Where are you?!"

She called out for her little sisters in this liquified world. Kricketot did the same with his cry. "Kricketot!" But there was no response from them yet. Adagio was already starting to fear the worst. But she kept her hopes up. She believed she could find her sisters.

Adagio started moving across this world of ink. Moving on it felt like moving on water itself. But a bit rougher and stickier. Traversing through it was going to be difficult. However, since Adagio was born and raised in water, she would get used to it. But, it was too uncomfortable for her taste so Adagio used her magic to levitate as she would rather do without a sticky surface.

By levitating through the air, she could have a higher view Not that it mattered. This world had no bottom from what she could tell. Or limit to the very top aside from maybe the bottles entire build.

However, she did eventually find life here. Up ahead. But it wasn't her sisters. Instead, it was a group of random people and Pokemon. Some Pokemon Trainers and their Pokemon were present here.

"Hey!" A young man waved at Adagio and Kricketot. "Over here!"

"Hm?" Adagio raised an eyebrow after spotting the group. If there was life here and a group, she might find her sisters. She immediately teleported in front of them. "This is a good sign. Hopefully."

"Oh. Did you get dragged in here too?" A young woman asked. "So sorry this had happened. She played us all for a fool in the end."

"Yeah...A fool..." An old man sighed before lowering his head. "Still looks beautiful either way. Hehehe!"

"I didn't get dragged in here. I let myself in here with magic. I'm here to get my sisters and leave once that's done. Where are they?"

"Oh...you mean those two ponies who just got here?" The young man said.

"Yes! Them! Where are they?"

"Bit too far from here. They fell at a far distance in all of this ink. Right now, their bodies are being adjusted so that they can fully live here."

"What do you mean by that...?" Adagio froze for a moment.

"When we all came here, we were doused in strange ink so that our bodies would be nothing but ink. We're barely solid anymore. And we practically live here and are unable to live like normal people ever again. If we come out of the ink bottle, we'll be nothing but liquid, unable to do anything." An older woman shrugged. "The same could happen to your sisters. Nothing but gel and solution."

"Why would she even do this? What's the point?"

"Pokemon Black Market. Plus, some of us are from fairly wealthy families or have some sort of fame so we'd obviously go for a high price. I myself am a baron if you must know." The old man said. "I can't leave all of my wealth out there whilst being stuck in this world of ink."

"Some of us are here due to her having spite. All I did was say her clothes were tacky..." The woman sighed. "And maybe more than that..."

"Where's this dousing thing then?! And...how long have you all been here for?"

"3 weeks." They each said.

"The dousing pool of ink is just up north. You'll notice a large fountain of purple ink when you get there." The old man showed, pointing his finger in the far distance. Adagio narrowed her eyes as she knew where she needed to be. "But, it won't be easy. You'll have to get past Livadi's Malamar if you want to save them."

"Fine by me. Sonata. Aria. Wait for me."

"Wait!" A young girl interrupted Adagio before she could head off. "Y-You'll get us out here, right?"

"Mmmm..." Adagio paused, looking the little girl in the eyes. She wasn't planning on doing anything about the humans and Pokemon trapped here. However, after seeing her little innocence and the pleading nature of everyone else here, Adagio grit her teeth while closing her eyes. She groaned for a bit before deciding on something. "Fine! I'll get you all out of here!"

"Woohoo!" The young girl cheered.

"But we'd still be liquid once we're freed. How are we to live normally? Or even do anything at all?" A woman asked. "We still need to be solid again."

"I-I'll let Celestia or...someone figure that one out!" Adagio stuttered before heading off to rescue her sisters.

She made her way towards the fountain of ink whilst also preparing herself for Malamar. Wherever it may be. Kricketot waved goodbye to the people and Pokemon by popping out of Adagio's massive mane.

The Dousing Pool.

Speaking of which, Sonata and Aria were indeed present there. A massive pool of ink with various colours existed within this area. It was without a doubt, the largest source of ink in this bizarre Inkscape. Sonata's eyes were starting to open. But Aria was already awake minutes ago before Sonata awoke.

"What...?" Sonata groaned.

"Finally wake. Geez, you're slow." Aria's voice could be heard as Sonata looked to the side. She noticed that her second oldest sister was currently restrained by what seemed to be a cocoon of ink. Sonata gasped before realizing she was restrained by this ink cocoon herself.

"H-Hey!" Sonata cried out as she started moving around. But as she did so, she realized that breaking free was not possible at the moment. Only her neck and head were free from this ink cocoon. "What is this stuff?! What's going on?!"

"Ask that guy." Aria nudged her head up ahead. And right up ahead was the Pokemon of Livadi. Malamar. The Overturning Pokemon was currently using its tentacles to gather up different colours of ink while facing away from the two of them.

"Oh right. We got caught by ink. What was up with that?" Sonata asked.

"No idea. But I can't get out of this stupid ink cocoon. How is ink even this thick?" Aria groaned.

"Malamar." The Dark-Psychic-Type turned around as it had selected light purple and blue inkblots, holding them with its telekinetic hold. They fitted Sonata and Aria's colours perfectly. Malamar then smirked, giving off a devious grin as it hovered the blots of ink over them.

"Whatever you're gonna do, you'd better not!" Aria roared. "Or else I'm gonna turn you into sushi, ya hear-" Her rant and threat soon stopped as Malamar dropped the blots of ink onto the two sirens due to their fur colour.

Once dropped, the colours had overlapped over the black ink, replacing it with more vibrant colours. It seemed harmless at first as Sonata did like the view of the new ink colour. It matched her own fur colour.

However, that wasn't all. Malamar then picked them up with its tentacles once again, ready for the Ink Dousing Process. The Overturning Pokemon brought them towards the fountain as Aria and Sonata started writhing around to try and break free. However, Malamar's grip was certainly strong enough to keep them in place.

"Grr...!" Sonata growled as she rotated her body around in the cocoon. But even slipping out of it wouldn't do. So, she went for a risky attempt. One that she would most definitely do. Sonata had opened her mouth, grabbing some of the blue ink with it as it was now within her mouth. "Mmm!"

"Ew!" Aria grimaced as even Malamar was thrown off by that action.


"Ptooo!" But it had a reason. As a sneak attack, Sonata spat out the blue ink as it had struck Malamar in the eyes.

"M-Malamar!" And it was a success. As if the Overturning Pokemon wasn't thrown off guard already. But that one distraction allowed Sonata to do something. Malamar's grip had weakened as Sonata rolled out of the tentacles. Aria was also dropped by this weakened hold of appendages.

Sonata rolled as hard as she could as she had bashed her body onto Aria's body. "Ow!" Aria cried out as she started rolling as well. However, her rolling was faster than Sonata's due to how much force was put in. "Ooooh...Sonata!"

"Worth it-" Sonata chuckled before having her body lifted suddenly. Malamar recovered quickly from that as the Dark-Psychic-Type wasn't too amused with what Sonata had done. The Overturning Pokemon's eyes glowed dark purple, gazing into Sonata's own eyes.


"Hehehe..." Sonata let out a nervous laugh before noticing how much danger she was in now. "Help!"

"Popplio, if you can hear me...!" Aria groaned, trying to reach her partner. "I need your help!"

But Popplio did not emerge from the Poke Ball. Mostly because she was unable to do so. The ink was blocking her exiting since the saddlebag Aria had was also covered in ink.

Malamar exacted revenge on Sonata by using Psychic to toss her around. The Overturning Pokemon slammed Sonata into a solid ink wall, causing it to crack with some ink flying out.


"Sonata!" Aria growled before trying her best to break free. Nothing was working against this ink cocoon. So, the best thing to do was improvise. Even if she couldn't break free she could still move. Aria stood up as she lunged over at Malamar.

"Mar?" Malamar held Sonata up with Psychic before noticing the arrival of Aria. Before it knew it, Aria had bit onto Malamar's head. She stuck to that sushi threat, biting into the Overturning Pokemon like she would with actual sushi. "Mar!"

Having ink in its eye and being bitten all happening in the span of a few seconds. Malamar cried out as its Psychic hold on Sonata had been weakened as well. Aria made sure to get some deep bites in with her teeth.

She is a siren at heart. And while she may not have her usual sharp fangs anymore, she certainly had the biting strength as compensation. Sonata did the same. After being freed, she lunged forward and bit on Malamar's leg, further harming the Overturning Pokemon.

"Sonata, you dunce! Go find a way to escape!" Aria cried out while still having her teeth sink into Malamar. Even with her mouth a bit full, Sonata could understand her.

"What about you?!"

"Adagio said that the older sister puts the younger sister before everything else!" Aria growled as Malamar tried using Psychic to pull her off. But, Aria wasn't letting go. She made sure her teeth stayed there. And with Malamar pulling, that only made the injury worse. Malamar quickly realized that was a bad call. So, a change in pace was needed.

Sonata started hopping away, however, Malamar turned to face her. Instead of using Psychic on Aria, why not on Sonata who wasn't biting onto her. Aria wouldn't allow that either. The second older sister switched from biting the head to the next best thing.

The beak. Without any remorse or hesitation, Aria dropped herself. But getting a bite in at the right time for her to stay hanging. And with a hard bite to Malamar's beak too.


One common thing about Psychic-Type Pokemon is that they needed absolute focus to do amazing things. If not, then there's not much they can do. It's why Dark-Types are immune to them due to their dark thoughts and the same goes for Bug-Types who can irritate Psychic-Types with their endless buzzing.

And getting bit in the beak is probably the same feeling but worse. Sonata had slid down a flowing sea of ink, using it as her getaway. Aria had successfully protected her little sister. And that was all she needed to see.

Malamar was beyond irritated as it had used Flamethrower on itself, igniting its body with flames. That prompted Aria to finally let go. And right on time for Malamar to grab her with Psychic, quickly switching away from Flamethrower. Aria was now helpless once more.

But that didn't matter as long as Sonata was safe.

Unfortunately for Aria, she was then tossed into the pool of ink, unable to do anything to stop it. She closed her eyes as she allowed herself to fall. She made a fairly big splash as her body sank into the pool of ink.

Malamar held its beak whilst Aria was within the pool. It had tears come out of its eyes as that bite from Aria was super-effective. No Fairy or Bug-Type move will ever come close to the sheer pain that Malamar was currently feeling.

After a few seconds, Aria emerged from the pool. The ink coating she had on her before had dissipated, freeing her. The process was over as Aria realized her freedom.

"Hah! Sucker! I'm all free now!" Aria chuckled before deciding to try and push Malamar. But as she did so, she noticed that she went through Malamar. Mainly her hooves. "What the?!"

Indeed, Aria's body had now been liquified. No longer solid like it used to be as Malamar stood there. Aria froze for a moment, quickly realizing what had just happened to her. Malamar chuckled, knowing that it was indestructible against everything that Aria could do to her.

"In that case..." Aria had a last-ditch effort. Popplio. While the saddlebag was also affected, the Poke Ball wasn't since it was safe from the ink. "Popplio, come out!"

"Popplio!" Emerging out of the Poke Ball was the Sea Lion Pokemon herself. Popplio was currently the only one who could interact with Malamar since she hadn't been affected by the ink yet.

"Popplio. Be careful not to get anywhere near that pool of ink, okay?"


"Malamar." Malamar looked unbothered by Popplio emerging in front of it and facing it down. This isn't the first time it has been challenged to a battle in this world.

"Popplio, use Hydro Pump!"

"Popp...Lio!" The Sea Lion Pokemon opened her mouth before launching a high volume blast of water with great pressure by it. Malamar swayed its body to the side, easily avoiding the Hydro Pump with little effort. Afterwards, the Overturning Pokemon zoomed in with a Brutal Swing.

"Mala!" Its appendages were coated in a dark red aura as Popplion looked up, still having water come out of her mouth.

"Dodge, Popplio, quick!"

"Mar!" But it was too late. Malamar had swung its appendages violently, knocking the Sea Lion Pokemon back. And of course, it had knocked her into the direction of the ink pool.


"Popplio, no!" Aria cried out.

"Lio!" But Popplio quickly recovered in midair as she used the strength of Hydro Pump to keep herself airborne. The high volume blast of water acted as a rocket for her as she ascended higher into the air.

"Good stuff! Now use Hyper Voice!"

"Popplioooo!" Out of her mouth, a horribly echoing shout in the form of white soundwaves came flying out the Sea Lion Pokemon's voice.

"Malamar!" Malamar responded by using Psycho Cut. By using its appendages, the Overturning Pokemon had cut the sound waves in half with tearing blades of Psychic Energy. "Mal..."

"It isn't over yet! Aqua Jet, go!"

"Popp!" Popp then descended before lunging towards the Dark-Psychic-Type with an aura of water, moving at high speeds. Malamar used Brutal Swing, violently throwing its appendages at the approaching Water-Type.

Popplio's aura and head had clashed with Malamar's dark-coated appendages. The Sea Lion Pokemon and Overturning Pokemon had been pushed back by their collision as Popplio continued to use Aqua Jet.

"Zigzag around, go!"

"Popplio!" Popplio then moved to the side, attacking Malamar on its left. She picked up some more speed each time she used Aqua Jet.


"Lio!" Popplio then started moving in a zigzag pattern, striking Malamar at unpredictable positions. And she kept doing this until she had Malamar on the ropes.

"Mar!" Until Malamar turned things around. But instead of using a Pokemon move on Popplio. It had used the ink itself. From around the world ink, Malamar had sent a stream of ink to come to its aid.

"What the...?" Aria noticed tendrils of ink coming this way under Malamar's control. "Popplio, look out!"

"Lio?" Popplio soon noticed what Aria had noticed. She was now a target of ink. The ink tendrils raged forward, threatening to either drag or consume her.

"Hydro Pump!"

"Popplio!" As a quick counterattack, Popplio had used Hydro Pump, sending a massive stream of water. It was strong enough to fight back against the tendrils of ink as they had cancelled each other out.

However, one tendril of ink sneaked up from behind, emerging from below Popplio and grabbing her tail. Right where Malamar wanted her.


"Popplio, get out of there with Aqua Jet!"

"P-Popp!" Popplio groaned as she attempted to use the speed of Aqua Jet to zoom away. However, it wasn't working. Now that Malamar had her trapped, the Overturning Pokemon sent more ink to attack. This time in the form of whips.

Popplio had been whipped by a barrage of solid ink whips. All the while, having her body restrained and unable to act or dodge. Aria tried to help, but it was in vain. When she got in front of the whips, she just had them go through her liquid body. She was currently useless with her current state.

Afterwards, the ink then raised the Sea Lion Pokemon, aiming to drop her into the Dousing Pool. Soon, Popplio would become noting but ink, making her unable to fight back against Malamar as the Overturning Pokemon chuckled menacingly.

"Think think...!" Aria was thinking as hard as she could. A way to prevent this. She then decided to try the one trick that Ash had taught everyone in Ponyville. "Here goes...Popplio! Spin with Hydro Pump!"

The Counter Shield. That was the answer to this problem.

"Lio...!" Even though she couldn't break free from the ink, just like Sonata before, she could spin around it. But that didn't guarantee her victory. However, Hydro Pump was a different story.

By spinning around with the powerful Water-Type move, Popplio summoned a massive, violent and frantic flurry of water, moving around like a whip. Just like the tendrils. Malamar backed away as the Counter Shield threatened to hit it as well. And it was a success, one of the frantic moving Hydro Pumps had destroyed the ink that held her.

Popplio was now free.

"Looks like your ink isn't strong enough to surpass Hydro Pump! And if that's the case...Popplio! Use Hydro Pump on the pool!"


"Mala?!" Malamar realized how big of a problem that would be if Popplio was to flood the pool. Hydro Pump could most definitely obliterate the Ink Pool. The Overturning Pokemon made its way towards the Sea Lion Pokemon while riding on a sea of ink. "Malamar!"

"Knew you'd get fussy about that. Turn around!"

"Lio!" With a surprise attack, Popplio had turned around, unleashing Hydro Pump towards Malamar instead of the pool as the Overturning Pokemon would expect. And a successful surprise attack at that.

"M-Malamaaaar!" Malamar had been sent flying after being blasted by a huge volume of water launched under great pressure. The Overturning Pokemon went flying into the distance as Aria laughed at its failure.

Popplio still went through with the process of using Hydro Pump on the pool. The Sea Lion Pokemon unleashed the stream of water that had entered the Dousing Ink Pool. And just like what Malamar feared, with Hydro Pump being the only thing to counter the ink, the blast of water had obliterated the ink pool.

"That's what I like to see!" Aria cheered as Popplio cheered alongside her.

"Popp! Popplio!"

"Come on. Let's get moving and find Sonata. There might be a way out of this place." Aria got moving as Popplio started swimming in the ink to move around. "Or maybe...Adagio's found a way already."

And as for Malamar, it had crashed into a solid wall of ink from being blasted that hard. The Overturning Pokemon recovered as it had noticed the destruction of the ink pool in the distance. "M-Mala...!"

This is was bad news. Mostly for its trainer. And speaking of its trainer, Malamar sent a Psychic pulse that moved through the ink world and into reality to try and reach its trainer.

And reach it did.

Over at Konikoni City, Livadi had received the communication pulse from far away. Even when she wasn't at Frenzy Forest in Equestria. After receiving it, Livadi gasped with shock.

"It's been destroyed?!" She growled. "Ugh...It's fine! I'll make another one next time. In the meantime, I'll head in there and help you. Before those ponies end up ruining everything else."


As for Adagio, she was still heading north for the pool, unaware of its destruction. She was hoping her sisters had been dipped in it yet. However, as she was flying, she noticed something in the distance.

Sonata could be seen. Still inside of the cocoon since she has yet to be freed from it. "Sonata!"

"Adagio! Over here!" Sonata jumped whilst in the cocoon raising her voice. Her big sister appeared in front of her via teleportation. No time to waste with flying.

"Are you okay?! Have you been dipped yet?! Where's Aria?!"

"Dipped? No idea what you're talking about. But Aria's way back there. Dealing with that freaky Malamar. I don't know what else is happening there."

"So you haven't been dipped yet. Good. Hold still for a bit." Adagio moved back for a moment before locking her eyes onto the cocoon. Sonata stood still, not moving a muscle. Then again, all she could do was hop, roll and wriggle so there wasn't much movement at all.

Adagio used her magic to slice up the ink like butter. What a success. The ink cocoon that held Sonata had been removed with a perfect middle slice, causing it to drop. Sonata was free.

"Alright!" Sonata spread her hooves out. "Who knew ink could be so uncomfortable when in it?"

"You said Aria was up north, right?"

"Adagio! Sonata!" But they would have to wait any longer. Swimming towards them was their other sister Sonata alongside Popplio. Sighs of relief were met with Adagio as she was glad that both her sisters were okay.

"Aria!" Sonata lunged forward for a hug. But as she went for that hug, the youngest sister had phased through her second older sister with ink gushing out. Sonata then fell flat on her face. "Huh...?"

"Yeah. Sorry about that." Aria shrugged. "Found out what that pool was all about."

"Aria. You were already doused?" Adagio went up to her little sister.

"Yep. Now I'm all ink. Well, except for Popplio. You did an awesome job dealing with Malamar and destroying that pool too, girl."


"But now I can't do anything." Aria went to touch Adagio, only for her hoof to deform into ink before growing back. "This totally blows."

"That Livadi wanted this from the beginning," Adagio growled. "But I'm getting you all out here. Hopefully, Celestia knows of a spell for this. In the meantime, you're unaffected Sonata, so I'm getting you out of here."

"No way. I'm staying with you until we figure this out." Sonata shook her head.

"Are you crazy?! Even if the pool's destroyed, there's no telling what else is in this world."

"But we stick together, right?" Sonata gave a sunny and innocent smile that had gotten to Adagio, much to Adagio's chagrin. "And I don't wanna risk losing you two here at all."

"Which is why you three will stay here as long as I wish!" Just then, responding to Sonata's beautiful words was someone of beauty but with a not-so-beautiful heart.


She had shown up in this world as she had said earlier to Malamar. And lo and behold, she was also riding on a sea of ink. She had indeed learned magic, for being a Team Plasma member. It wasn't just Ghetsis who had magic as a source of power.

The three sisters, Kricketot and Popplio watched as the beautiful trainer had arrived with her arms crossed, acting like she owned the place. And she certainly did. Livadi had a few things she wanted to do to them each. And most definitely, nothing pretty as the journey continues.

Chapter 530 End.

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