• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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The Tantabus

Author's Note:

The best part about dream stories is that you can do whatever you want. without any limitations. Well, except the consequences sometimes.

The Castle of the Two Sisters, Night.

Twilight and her friends were rushing towards Princess Luna who was there on her own. Behind her was this strange purple wisp that resembled Luna's Ethereal mane.

" Greetings, Tantabus. I am ready. Do your worst." She spoke to the ominous wisp. The Tantabus emanated a red aura around it as black rays shot towards Luna. The Mane 6 entered, seeing Luna's body inside of a pitch-black orb. From the looks of it, this was similar to how she transformed into Nightmare Moon long ago.

"Princess Luna's turning into Nightmare Moon again!" Twilight spoke.

The maniacal laughter of Nightmare Moon could be heard as indeed, she had returned. In all her glory.

"Yeah? Well, we've got the cure for that!" Rainbow Dash said. All 6 of them smiled as magical rays of light beamed down on them. This ray of light actually transformed them into their Rainbow forms. The same forms used against Tirek. And just like what they did against Tirek, the exact same rainbow beam of magic was released on Nightmare Moon as well, but it seemed to not affect her at first, making her cackle. But that's when something odd occurred behind her.

"Wait! What is it doing?!" Nightmare Moon turned around to see the Tantabus rip through reality itself, leaving. "No! It's gone!" And just like that, the rainbow beam struck her, obliterating all the darkness from within her. Luna had returned to her natural self again. The Mane 6 all gathered around her cheering, but Luna wasn't cheering at all.

That's when it was revealed to be a dream. Luna gasped, waking up from that dream instance. "What? My dream ended... happily? That. Cannot. Happen!" Luna exclaimed.

"Luna! What's wrong?!" Darkrai emerged from the shadows.

"Darkrai! I'm afraid that we might have to work harder this upcoming night!"

"Why's that?"

"The Tantabus."

Over at Rarity's Carousel Boutique, Twilight and her friends were in a bit of a tired state. Well, most of them anyways. Pinkie wasn't.

"Ooh, this is amazing!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Yeah, Rarity. Thanks for setting all this up." Rainbow Dash yawned, tired throughout.

"A grooming day for our pets and Pokemon really was a great idea...Even if some of them don't have fur." Fluttershy said. She was referring to Treecko, Slurpuff and Whirlipede who weren't exactly covered with any form of hair like the others.

Rarity was grooming Opalescence, slowly falling asleep in the process. As she was combing Opal, she accidentally put the comb on the wrong spot, making the cat jump up, sticking to the ceiling with its claws. "Oh, my! Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't get my normal beauty sleep last night..." Rarity yawned as Opal hissed at her.

"You know..." Twilight yawned, brushing Eve, Minccy and Owlicious at the same time. "I didn't sleep well either."

"I'm totally beat too!" Pinkie said, cartwheeling about with Spinda inside her mane. She wasn't tired in the slightest.

"Treecko...Pass me the brush." Applejack requested as she kept on struggling to stay awake.

"Treecko." The Wood Geck Pokemon gave his trainer the brush who was too tired to grab it herself. They were all on the verge of falling asleep until...

"Good morning, Ponyvillle!"


Both Ash and Pikachu woke them all up with their usual thunderous sounds all the way from the outside. The sound of it made them jump in shock. Rainbow Dash accidentally tipped the bucket that Tank and Braviary were both in, causing the water to flow about. "Ugh...guess that woke us up. That's what I get for going to bed early."

"Same here. I even went to bed early last night as well... but then I had a really scary nightmare." said Fluttershy.

"Me too!" They all replied to Fluttershy.

"Uh, only, you know, I didn't think mine was that scary!" Rainbow Dash stammered.

"Well, mine sure was. There was this blue smoke monster and..." The moment Twilight said that they all leaned forward at her with their jaws dropped "What?"

"I dreamt about a blue smoke thingy too!" Fluttershy responded.

"Me too!" Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie all said.

"So what? Probably just a coincidence." Rainbow Dash said, resting on her Braviary's back.

"That's an awfully big coincidence." Twilight picked up Minccy, holding her.

"Huh. I wonder why I didn't have that nightmare. I slept great!" Spike grinned.

"So then, what could've given us all the same nightmare?" Rarity wondered.

"I don't know, but I do know who might. Spike, could you send a scroll to Princess Luna?" Twilight requested.

"Sure!" Spike had a scroll and quill in his claws. "All set!"

"Dear Princess Luna, last night my friends and I all dreamt of a creature made of blue smoke. I'm sure you're very busy, but..." Twilight yawned mid-sentence"...when you have the chance, please let me know if you have any idea what it could mean. Yours...," Yet another yawn. "Princess Twilight Sparkle. You can leave out the yawns." Spike sent the letter to Luna and in the span of one second, Luna opened up the door in a heartbeat.

"Which of you saw the creature of blue smoke in your nightmare?!"

"Wow. That was fast." Fluttershy said.

"We all did." Twilight answered.

"Not me!" bellowed Spike.

"Ugh! We know!" They all said.

"So you've encountered the smoke monster too?" Twilight went up to Luna.

"The Tantabus is a creature of my nightmares. It escaped from my slumbers yesterday."

" But how did it get into ours?" Fluttershy pondered.

"The Tantabus is like a parasite. My dreams must no longer be enough for it. Now it seeks others to infect and corrupt. It must have learned of you six from seeing you in my dream."

"Whoa-whoa-whoa. So what you're saying is... you dreamt about all of them, and not me?" Spike whimpered.

"Uh, so Smokey gave us bad dreams. No biggie." Rainbow Dash brushed it off like it was no big deal.

" I saw that the Tantabus had grown more powerful, but I did not realize that power was enough to enable it to escape my dreams. If its power grows, it could very well find a way to escape into the real world. It could turn all of Equestria into a living nightmare! And it might not stop at our world. It could even reach a point where it can affect the Pokemon World as well!"

"Okay, okay, okay, I take it back! That does sound bad! Really bad!"

"What's this about dreams and nightmares?" Ash entered the boutique overhearing a bit of it.


"Ash Ketchum. Perfect timing. We will need your assistance for this as well." Luna flew over to Ash and Pikachu.


Nighttime had arrived. At Twilight's castle, they had all gathered with Luna. She had brought along Darkrai with her.

"We've prepared everything exactly as you requested," said Twilight.

" Good. As you six slumber here, Darkrai and I will pursue the creature into whichever of your dreams it infests."

"Ooh! It'll be like a princess sleepover!" Pinkie jumped onto one of the beds. Everypony went to their beds along with their Pokemon by their side, who were ready to watch over their sleeping trainers.

"Speaking of princesses, aren't you gonna ask Celestia for her help as well?" Twilight asked.

"There is nothing my sister can do. She has no power in the realm of sleep. Only Darkrai and I can move from dream to dream. I am afraid nopony can help us both tonight."

"Even us?" spoke Applejack.

"Especially you. You have all suffered so much because of me. You need only slumber while I hunt the Tantabus in your dreams. Ash. You know what you must do. Your ability to combat dreams on a spiritual level is what we need to make sure the Tantabus doesn't spread like wildfire." Luna spoke to Ash who was standing outside of the room. "When you are ready, Darkrai will send you to the dream world."

"I got it."


"Ash and I will keep good watch over all of them." Spike nodded.

"One good thing about not sleepin' well last night – shouldn't be too hard to fall asleep now." AJ yawned.

"Are you kidding?! This is so exciting, I don't know how I'm ever going to— " Pinkie ended up falling asleep anyways. Soon, they all clocked out, dozing off as their bodies were being taken to the wonderful world of dreams. Luna's horn emanated, showing that she was ready to go. Darkrai was about to follow her into the Dream Realm as per usual. Multiple small magical lines of light fell upon the ponies, touching their heads. Luna was now connected to their dreams at the same time.

First up was Rarity's dream.

Rarity's dream consisted of...floating dresses?

"Oh, my! This is simply divine! How avant-garde!" She gazed upon the dresses. But what her eyes didn't gaze upon was the Tantabus which took its small wisp form, flying behind Rarity. It ended up travelling through one of the dresses, bringing life to it. A roar was heard as it came straight from the dress itself. The monstrous dress suddenly raced towards Rarity, ready to attack her. " Forget avant-garde! I should have said en-garde!" Rarity responded by blasting away the incoming dresses left and right.

Luna broke out of one of the dresses, revealing herself. "It is here." The dresses only became much more ferocious, tearing apart their fellow pieces of fabric in the process.

"It was such a pretty little chiffon...! What kind of monster would do this?!"

"The Tantabus."

"Then let's stop it."

"No, please! I don't want you to suffer anymore because of me. I will catch it." Luna chased after the fleeing wisp. "Darkrai! Ice Beam!" Darkrai appeared beside Luna, attacking the Tantabus together by shooting beams at it. The Tantabus had managed to avoid them both, escaping to the outside and heading to another dream. "It has jumped into another dream! I am sorry, but if we are to stop it, we must follow it where you cannot. Come, Darkrai!" Luna and Darkrai took their leave.

"Go! I should be able to handle things here." Rarity turned around to see a plethora of dresses roaring at her. "I hope...!"

Next was Pinkie Pie's dream.

"La-la-la-la-la! Whee! Whee, ha-ha!" Pinkie Pie was bouncing from location to location in her dream. From a lush green forest, mystical dusk forest and an area with a giant dragon until she reached a location where Luna was there.

"I followed the Tantabus here. Now I need only find—" Luna was cut off when Pinkie moved to yet another location.

"Sorry, can't help it! An idea pops into my head, it... Ooh, cake!" Pinkie's next location was a room full of cake. Cake, cake, cake everywhere. That was quickly ruined when the Tantabus arrived, infecting one of the cakes, turning it sentient with eyes and arms as it shot icing at Pinkie Pie's face, roaring at the pink pony. "Ew! Cake!" Soon, every single cake began cornering Pinkie Pie to the wall.

Darkrai appeared, freezing some of them with Ice Beam whilst Luna pushed many of them by expanding a magic barrier. Luna noticed the Tantabus escaping into what seemed to be a cake box. She chased after it, but it quickly moved into another location being the Crystal Empire thanks to Pinkie Pie. Luna ended up crashing into the statute of Spike.


"Sorry!" Pinkie Pie squeed. Off Luna and Darkrai went to the next dream. In the meanwhile, Pinkie was off to dream about something else, like ice cream.

Fluttershy was third.

She was having her mane brushed by a giant angel bunny of all things. "Hmm...It's so nice to be the pet for once."

The Tantabus entered Fluttershy's reverse dream infecting both Angel Bunny and all the Pokemon at the Pokemon House at the same time. They had all become monstrous versions of themselves, varying from sharper teeth, claws, to much more intimidating eyes.

"N-n-n-n-nice... giant...Pokemon... evil Angel...!" Fluttershy stammered as Angel and all the Pokemon were about to attack her, but Luna swooped in to save her, placing them both on a tree. "Oh, thank you, princess!"

An aggressive Snorlax bashed its body against the tree that they were both sitting atop on, attempting to bring them down. A flock of Swellow went towards them. Darkrai appeared, blasting the Swellow away with Dark Pulse which scattered across the Pokemon House. Luna pushed the Snorlax back by unloading a constant barrage of magic rays at the Normal-Type. The Tantabus once again made its leave. And yet again, Darkrai and Luna had to chase it down to the next dream it was headed for. They left Fluttershy to deal with the huge array of aggressive Pokemon as she was cornered from all sides.

Up next, Applejack's dream.

She was currently polishing a giant apple from the looks of it. "Now this is what I call an incredible dream."

The Tantabus had dashed around, wilting every apple tree in the area one by one. Luna emerged from an apple, spotting the Tantabus. The Tantabus instantly moved to Applejack's giant apple, causing it to shrivel. Luna pursued after it, but she ended up heading inside of the apple. Now she was in another dream which was the dream of Rainbow Dash, who smashing Changelings about with brute force.

"I can see the Tantabus has already turned your slumbers into a nightmare!" Luna exclaimed to Rainbow Dash.

"What are you talking about? This is my favorite dream!" Rainbow Dash replied, punching her hoof at an incoming Changeling. The Tantabus quickly changed up the location of the dream by sending Rainbow and Luna into a happy, cheery and pretty land with ice-cream trees. Definitely not Rainbow Dash's natural dream. That's when the singing of sunflowers of all things could be heard. Multiple of them had popped up out of nowhere.

"We are such happy flowers

We will now sing for hours

Aren't we unbearably cute?

Watch me solo on jazz flute"

The odd singing sunflower played a jazz flute flawlessly surprisingly. But apparently, this sound was torture to Rainbow Dash's ears as she let out a bloodcurdling scream, unable to handle that sound. Now it was a nightmare for her. Darkrai was chasing after the Tantabus which caused Luna to spot them both, following them.

Finally, Twilight's dream was the next and last one the Tantabus went after.

Her dream consisted of books that automatically fly to the shelves to assort themselves or fly over to Twilight's hoof. The Tantabus made quick moves on the books as well, turning them against Twilight.

"Huh?" The young alicorn turned around to see rabid books after her. She took off, attempting to escape from the assault of flying books with what appeared to be bat wings. That's when she came across the Tantabus which looked to have grown in size. Luna landed in front of Twilight, blasting the Tantabus up close. "Luna!" Luna was managing to crystallize the Tantabus in place. Darkrai showed up to freeze all the books that were about to ambush Twilight from behind. The dreams of all 6 of them had ended due to the Tantabus breaking free of its crystallized self and growing in size. They all gasped, waking up.

"What happened?! Are you guys okay?!" Spike went up to them.

"That... that was terrible! I-I never want to have that nightmare again!" Fluttershy shuddered.

"Me either!" Rainbow shivered, rocking back and forth in the bed.

"But Luna and Dakrai caught it, didn't they?" Spike said.

"I am so sorry, my friends. I failed. It will be back to infect your dreams the next time you sleep."


"Yeah. I reckon I could live without seeing that thing ever again." Applejack shook her head.

"But you will. Again and again, every night, until it grows powerful enough to infect the waking world! After what I did as Nightmare Moon, the fact that I am once again responsible for harming others is more than I can bear." Luna lowered her head.

"It'll be okay! Everypony makes mistakes!" Pinkie spoke.

"As long as none of you dreamt about another pony, the Tantabus remains confined to your dreams. I still have a chance to catch it before it's too late."

" Phew, that's good to hear! Although after you left, I did happen to dream that I was eating a giant ice-cream cone with all of Ponyville while taking a test we hadn't studied for. See, what'd I tell ya? Everypony makes mistakes!"

Which meant that the Tantabus could now infect everyone in Ponyville due to Pinkie Pie's multi-dream.

"But that means the Tantabus could be turning every dream in Ponyville into a nightmare!" said Twilight.

"It is far worse than that. Infecting all those dreams gives it more and more power. Soon it will be able to escape into the real world and infect Equestria with its nightmare plague! And then both worlds will be endangered by it!"

"Then you must let us help you stop it before that happens!" Rarity requested.

"But how? The Tantabus was able to escape Luna and Darkrai when it only had six dreams it could get to!" Fluttershy replied.

"It is true. With so many dreams to hide in, I do not know how Darkrai and I can catch it."

"Hmm..." Twilight thought for a second until she sparked an idea in her head. "What if everypony in Ponyville were having one dream?"

"I... can create shared dreams, yes, but for so many ponies at once? I have never done anything like that. The amount of power it would take..."

"Then I'll lend my power in order for you to do so." Darkrai flew over to her.

"Thank you Darkrai. All of you. I will do anything to end this, including accept your help. I cannot allow the Tantabus to escape into the real world. All of you must now go back to sleep and hope that I can create such a dream. That involves you and your Pokemon. And you as well, Ash."

"Alright." Ash sent out all of his Pokemon to help. "Time to clock out, all of you."


Now it was more than six going to sleep. The Pokemon, Spike and Ash had now dozed off, ready to enter the shared in order to deal with the Tantabus. Darkrai poured all of his power into Luna, fueling her. The princess of the night was emanating a bright and beautiful light that scattered many light lines that spread across all of Ponyville. These light lines attached to everypony and Pokemon in Ponyville. Soon, a bright light engulfed Ponyville, showing that Luna had managed to share their dreams.

And the result? Everypony was confused. How was it that they were all dreaming together? Flying muffins could be seen in the night sky with a few earth ponies flying about as if they were pegasi. Some Pokemon imagined themselves their final evolutions or they just dreamt of their favourite food.

Mayor Mare backed up as she bumped into what appeared to be a giant Derpy with a giant Wooper sitting on her back. Derpy apparently meowed at her whilst Wooper made a sound equivalent to Machamp apparently. Lyra and BonBon had become conjoined, Berry Punch detached her head and used it as a balloon, Scootaloo's Ponyta was eating its own fire mane, chewing on it as if it was a biscuit, some Pokemon from the Pokemon House had built a tower of Pokemon with a Rattata sitting at the top with a crown made out of gold. It was just a sight to behold honestly.

"Princess Luna did it!" Twilight exclaimed. This amalgamation of dreams was kind of creeping Applejack out until Big Mac arrived.

"Big Mac! Boy, I'm glad to see somethin' familiar!" But what she saw was only 99% familiar. Because Big Macintosh had a unicorn horn now. He utilized the horn, shooting out a speaking apple.


"PONIES" Luna called out for all of them.

"Princess Luna!" Many ponies went over to Luna, bowing down to her.

"There is no time for bowing, my friends! There is something coming, something terrible! No, it is already here!" Along came the Tantabus, much larger than it was before. Everypony started to panic and scream that the monstrous manifestation of darkness floating towards them. "I am so sorry! I brought this upon you! But I will end it now!" Luna blasted at the Tantabus in hopes of finishing it off. But the best she could do was slightly push it back. The Tantabus made its move, chasing after everypony in hopes of corrupting their wonderful dreams.

"Princess, what's wrong?!" Twilight and the others ran up to her.

"Even with Dakrai...It... is taking all my strength just to hold this massive dream together! You will have to stop it! I truly wish I did not have to ask this of you!"

"No need to worry. We'll help you out!" Ash tightened his gloves.


"Just leave it to us!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed as they were all ready to help stop the Tantabus.

The Tantabus had passed through multiple houses, turning them into sentient monstrosities in the process. One of these monster houses had Filthy Rich within its grasp.

"Please! I'll pay you anything!" Filthy Rich yelped, holding out a bit. But the monster just roared at him anyways.

"Iron Tail!"

"Chu-Pika!" Pikachu slammed an Iron Tail on the house's arm, freeing Filthy Rich whilst Rainbow Dash caught him.

"I got you! Altaria! Dragon Pulse!"

Altaria knocked down one of the sentient homes, toppling it over whilst the ponies inside made a run for it.

A Flabébé was about to be devoured by one of the homes until Fluttershy dreamt of herself as a Vampire Fruit Bat. She rushed in, biting the hand of the house which made it squirm, freeing the Single Bloom Pokemon.

Applejack held down a carnivorous plant her rope, restraining it from eating a pony. That's when she noticed her big brother cornered by a bunch of rabid muffins. "Oh, no! Big Mac! You can do anything in a dream remember?!"

Big Mac just remembered when AJ reminded him. He thought big as he dreamt of himself as an Alicorn. He even had the regalia to match. "Wheeee!" He took the skies, blowing away the muffins while soaring.

The Tantabus took it a step further. Somepony actually remembered the Storm Behemoth so the Tantabus took advantage of that. The 500ft behemoth had returned, letting out its thunderous roar once more.

"Aw, this thing again?! Who's dreaming of it?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Amethyst Star squeed as she hid in the shadows, knowing that it was indeed her that was dreaming about it. It was originally supposed to be a dream where she defeats it by herself, but with the shared dream, that wasn't happening.

"Leave this to me! Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Ash pointed at the behemoth.

"PIKA...CHU!" Pikachu gathered up the same amount of electricity it had when it once destroyed the behemoth. It blasted the sentient electrical surge with high amounts of volts, dispersing its body into nothing.

"Uh...you might want to take a look at this, everypony." Twilight's jaw dropped as she and the others noticed something unexpected. The Tantabus had managed to slice open the sky, revealing a gateway to the real world. "Eve! Psybeam!" Both Twilight and her Espeon unloaded a combination of magic and psychic energy beams towards the Tantabus, managing to drive it away from the gateway.

Luna poured a ton of her magic into the gateway, closing it off. " Hurry, my friends!" Luna strained. Rainbow Dash and her Braviary and Altaria chased after the Tantabus which was zooming off.

"Braviary! Superpower! Altaria! Dragon Pulse!" She commanded them both. Braviary attempted to smash its wings onto the Tantabus, but it went right through. The same for Dragon Pulse. Just phased through the manifestation of darkness. "What the?!"

"Riolu! Dream big!" Ash commanded.

"Rio!" Riolu nodded in response. "Rio..." The Emanation Pokemon was pouring all of its power into what he desired the most. And just like that, in a burst of aura, Riolu had dreamt himself being a Lucario. "LUCARIO!"

"Awesome! Use Aura Sphere!"

Lucario dreamt of it being able to use its signature move. It blasted a ball of aura towards the Tantabus. The Aura Sphere managed to affect the Tantabus due to Aura being able to make contact with any form of magic. But that wasn't enough to stop the Tantabus.

The manifestation of darkness took it one step further again. It noticed that a Dragon Pulse was being fired at it by Altaria again. So it took the Dragon Pulse for itself, infecting it. Before everypony knew it, a Dragon made out of the Dragon Pulse had been created.

"That's actually pretty awesome." Rainbow Dash was impressed.

"Please, we need your help too!" Fluttershy ran to the other ponies.

"Fluttershy's right! We've all got to work together to stop it from escaping!" Twilight said, blasting at the Dragon while attempting to stop the Tantabus at the same time.

"But how can we help? Nopony in Ponyville has your magic or your speed!" exclaimed Mr Cake.

"That's true...in Ponyville!" Rainbow Dash replied.

"This ain't Ponyville! Plus you got Pokemon with you! So dream big with them!" Applejack bellowed.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac smoke, chasing down the muffins from earlier by shooting at them.

"And not just any! This is your dream! Anything you can do in your dreams, you can do now!" Twilight said.

Spike snapped his fingers, imagining himself as a buff dragon in armour. "Well, if you're gonna dream, might as well dream big, right?" Spike hopped onto the back of Derpy and Wooper. Hi-yah!"

"AUDINO!" All of a sudden, Fluttershy's Audino had become super-sized as she picked her trainer up. That's when everypony finally decided to pitch in with their own dreams to combat the Tantabus.

"Ash! I know you can do better than that!" Twilight bellowed at Ash.

"Huh? What do you mean, Twilight?"

"You have the largest dream out of anypony here! Dream of what you really want to be! Dream like you've never dreamt before!"

"Oh, I got ya!" Ash then poured all of his thought into his biggest dream. A dream that never changed from day one of his Pokemon journey. "My dream...is to become a Pokemon Master!" And so it was. Ash dreamt of himself as a master. He gained a cape that had the initials 'Master behind it' as he also appeared to grow in size, having an older appearance akin to that of an adult. And the extra mile of his dream went a bit further. He dreamt of not just the Pokemon he's owned throughout his life, but every Legendary and Mythical Pokemon he met on his journeys so far. "Nice." His voice was a bit deeper due to his age. Funny enough, he didn't actually dream of the age part or the Legendaries of Mythicals. Only the cape. He looked back to see the Pokemon behind him. "Aw sweet, I got a cape!" Ash only cared about the cape.

"Woah. What are those?!" Rainbow Dash pulled back, seeing some Pokemon she had never seen before.

"Don't worry about it! Everyone! Scatter!" Ash commanded the Pokemon to scatter about and help everyone. Rayquaza tore a falling building that was about to crush a young pony. Spike moved in with Derpy and Wooper, slashing the Tantabus who was about to make another getaway. Just then, Reshiram and Zekrom blasted the Tantabus with pure plasma by combining both their Fire and Electric attacks. Filthy Rich was riding on a wave of bits, unloading a barrage of them on the Tantabus.

Audino had cut off the Tantabus's next escape by blasting it with a Hyper Beam along with Dragonite assisting. Scootaloo dreamt of her having huge wings way too big for her to even have. She flew up, flapping her wings and sending a powerful air current to blow away the Tantabus.

Rainbow Dash dreamt of herself as the Power Pony she used to be that one time. Zap. Alongside her was Zekrom who she was riding on. She and her Pokemon had flown up, including Luxio and Whirlipede who can't even fly, but in the Dream World, they can. They all flew over to the Tantabus, spinning around with enough speed to create a tornado that brought it down to ground level.

Arceus, Dialga, Palkia and Giratina had held the Tantabus down together. Arceus utilized his Zap Plate, changing his typing into Electric as he paralyzed the Tantabus in place. Dialga unleashed its signature move Roar of TIme which sent a blast that could distort time itself. Palkia followed suit by using Spacial Rend. It slashed through the Tantabus, splitting space in half.

There was still the issue of the sentient Dragon Pulse. But that was dealt with thanks Twilight, who made her Espeon fire Hyper Beam towards the Dragon Pulse. Giratina joined in to help Twilight by using its own Dragon Pulse. They each ended up obliterating the sentient Pokemon move.

Ash's Charizard was carrying Sweetie Belle on its back as a ride. "Blast it away Charizard!" Sweetie Belle commanded. Charizard used the move Dragon Rage to bombard the Tantabus with a shockwave of pure draconic rage.

All of Ash's Pokemon had gone wild on the Tantabus. Whether they were hitting it from afar with ranged moves or just getting up close and personal. Infernape had knocked the Tantabus across Ponyville with a Mach Punch whilst Greninja, who now became Ash-Greninja, sent it back towards Infernape. They were making a team effort as Applejack's Treecko joined in with Ash's Sceptile and the Legendary Pokemon Reshiram. They both utilized their strongest attacks which were Leaf Blade, Dragon Breath and Blue Flare.

Luna's Darkrai flew into the dream world, blasting an Ice Beam at the Tantabus, attempting to freeze it. It looked like it was actually managing to freeze the manifestation of darkness.

"It's working!" bellowed Rainbow Dash!

"But it's not enough!" Twilight pointed out as the Tantabus blew the Pokemon away from it.

"Ho-Oh! Sacred Fire! Pikachu! Thunderbolt" Ash, who was on Ho-Oh's back, commanded Pikachu and the Rainbow Pokemon to unleash both a bolt of thunder and a mystical fire that engulfed the Tantabus. It did some damage, but the Tantabus was still up and healthy. "No, good huh?"


"Then do more! This is a dream, remember?" Pinkie Pie was on a huge army of massive Slurpuffs.

Twilight looked around to spot Rayquaza up in the air. She had some knowledge about the guardian of the sky as she flew on its back. "Rayquaza! Get it!" Twilight pointed her hoof at the Tantabus, commanding the Sky High Pokemon. Rayquaza soared up into the air, dashing towards the Tantabus at high speeds with its signature move, Dragon Ascent. The Tantabus rose up from the smoke, creating an even larger gateway that it was about to escape from.

Lucario and Gengar both used Aura Sphere and Night Shade to prevent the Tantabus from making its escape. Each time it attempted to make a getaway, it was getting closer to succeeding. Applejack dreamt of herself as her Mistress Mare-velous. Another Power Pony. She used her lasso to pull the Tantabus away from the entrance to the real world. Rarity's Leavanny along with Ash's each stitched up the gateway, closing it off.

The Legendary Birds and Legendary Dogs simultaneously poured Fire, Water and Electric attacks onto the fleeing Tantabus who was getting closer and closer to escaping.

Fluttershy was on the head of Giratina as they were both making their way towards the ominous wisp. Whilst everyone kept on trying their best to stop the Tantabus, Luna was straining like crazy.

"I cannot hold this dream together much longer! Equestria will fall because of me!" Luna was starting to tear up from her own guilt. It was at that moment, the Tantabus grew in size, blowing away all the ponies and Pokemon that were near it.

"Am I crazy, or did it just get even bigger after Luna said that?" Spike gulped.

"I think it's feeding off your guilt, Princess Luna!" Twilight theorized.

"If that is so, then perhaps that is how it grew strong enough to escape in the first place!" strained Luna.

"Say what now?!" Applejack who was on Reshiram's back replied. Just then, the Tantabus was slowly taking the form of an alicorn. It even gained the horn of one, tearing a hole through the Dream World.

"I created the Tantabus to give myself the same nightmare every night...to punish myself for the evil I caused as Nightmare Moon!"

"But why would you do that?!" Fluttershy asked. The Tantabus's alicorn transformation was reaching its peak.

"To make sure I never forgave myself for how much Equestria suffered because of me! But it seems I have not learned my lesson, for now, I have only made you suffer more!" Luna's guilt reached its limit. And so did the Tantabus. It had become a full-on alicorn, gaining enough power to finally enter the real world.

"But that means you might just be the key to stopping all this!" Twilight ran up to her.

"Luna! You've gotta overcome your own guilt! If you keep on feeling bad about what you did long ago, then you'll be able to stop it! You have to leave it in the past!" Ash exclaimed.


"How can I forgive myself? I am no better now than I was then. My creation is about to turn the world into a living nightmare!"

" But look at what you're doing! Nightmare Moon would've wanted the Tantabus to turn Equestria into a nightmare! You're doing everything you can to stop it! Don't you see? That proves you're not the same pony you were then! Everypony who knows you know that Nightmare Moon is in the past! We all trust you, Luna! Do you trust us enough to believe we're right?" Twilight said as the wind was blowing aggressively throughout the world. The Tantabus's body was halfway through the gateway.

"I do." Luna gave off a soft smile. And that single saying followed with the smile was enough to tip the Tantabus away from the gateway. Luna had finally overcome her guilt, destroying the Tantabus in the process. The Tantabus roared as it felt its entire essence being minimised into nothingness. A single part of it, which was the alicorn part, came out of the diminishing Tantabus as it floated towards its creator. The Alicorn Tantabus trotted to Luna, merging with the princess of the night, restoring her true power. "Thank you. Thank you all."

And just like that, the last thing they all saw was a flash of light, showing that the dream was finally coming to an end.

The morning was here. The sun's up and shining as always. Twilight gasped, waking up finally. "Luna did it!" Her voice made everyone else wake up with them having the exact same realization of Princess Luna's victory. But they couldn't cheer since they just woke up. So all they could do was yawn.

"She sure did! Only... I'm not exactly sure what she did." Applejack placed her hat back on her head.

"Luna created the Tantabus to punish herself! The worse she felt, the more power it had! But once she finally forgave herself for what Nightmare Moon did..." Twilight explained.

"Poof!" Spike finished the explanation.

"Sshh!" Fluttershy hushed them. She looked down to show everypony that Luna was fast asleep with Darkrai hovering over her.

"Huh. Wonder what she's dreaming about now." Spike wondered.

"Something that can put her mind at ease," Darkrai replied. He picked her up gently, making sure that she wouldn't be woken up. "It's about time we took our leave. Thank you all for helping." Darkrai took his leave with Luna by phasing through the shadows and dragging her along.

"By the way, Ash. What were some of those Pokemon you dreamt of? I recognize some of them because you own them, but the others looked freaky and alien-like." Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, that? No idea. I just dreamt of being a Pokemon Master with a cool cape. Man, I want a cape like that.."


"Riolu..." Riolu realized that he was no longer a Lucario in his dream. Oh well. He's gonna have to wait for that day to come.

"I think I'm good for a second nap..." Twilight curled up into her bed, deciding to sleep once more.

It was an eventful night, especially in the Dream World. With the Tantabus defeated, Luna can finally be at peace with all the guilt that was weighing her down, gone, as the journey continues.

Chapter 159 End!

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