• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Pitch Perfect Power

Author's Note:

Just a few more chapters until that sacred number.

Canterlot High, the other world.

It has been 12 minutes since Twilight, Ash and Pikachu have been here ever since they passed the gateway. Their counterpart friends had pitched in to find Adagio who was roaming about. Unbeknownst to them, she was siphoning magic from other students, giving to herself as her singing voice was slowly but surely being restored. Wherever they searched, high and low, there was no sign of her. Not in the library, the classrooms or even the outside area.

"No luck. Haven't seen Adagio anywhere." Fluttershy spoke.

"She must've found a really good hiding spot then. The school's not THAT big." Rainbow Dash uttered.

"She didn't pass through the gateway already did she?!" Twilight gasped.

"If she did then she must've found a really good source of magic." Sunset Shimmer commented. Just as they said that they saw someone walk through the doors, looking drained. Actually, others were walking through with drained appearances. It was like something inside of them had been sucked away. They sat down to try and relax but they felt like something in them was missing.

"What happened?" Ash walked up to the human counterpart of Amethyst Star.


"Don't know... I was just minding my own business and all of a sudden... I felt drained." She replied, holding her head.

"Drained? Are all of you feeling the same?" Rarity looked over to the rest as they nodded in response. Their eyes had lost some colour in the process. "This has Adagio written all over it. That's for sure."

"Draining magic? If that's what she's doing... How? She can't sing anymore right?" said Rainbow.

"Maybe she's digging her nails into everyone and sucking the life out of them!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Like some sort of Siren Vampire!"

"Whatever she's doing, we have to stop her. She could be anywhere right now." Twilight said.

What Adagio was doing was gathering more magic. The more she stole from the jar, the more she was collecting. And the more her singing voice was returning to its prime. But to her, this wouldn't suffice. "All of this is great and all. But they all have weak magic laying in them. I need someone who's just bursting with magic. I'll have to head to one of the Rainbooms in order to do that. Unless..." Adagio turned to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna's office. "Oh yeah. That'll do." Adagio walked over to Luna's office first, acting like she owns the place. She opened up the door, grabbing Luna's attention.

"Hm? You. Aren't you Adagio Dazzle? What are you-" Before Luna could complete her sentence, Adagio opened up the jar, instantly absorbing all the dormant magic laying inside of Luna. Luna felt all the hidden magic in her leave her body as she was growing weak. She fell flat on her table as the sparkle and dust of magic was contained in the jar.

"Thank you so much Vice Principal Luna. I'm sure Principal Celestia wouldn't mind if I took hers as well. But first..." Adagio opened up the jar as she let the magic flow towards her. And just like that, a gigantic majority of Adagio's singing voice had been restored. It wasn't all of it, but it was almost enough. Going for the higher-ups was a genius idea. "Yes...Yes!" Adagio sang a beautiful harmony as she could feel her true self finally coming back to her. She left the room as Luna just laid there, drained.

Next was Celestia. If she could drain her next, perhaps all of her power can be restored to her in an instant. So she kicked the door opening, making Celestia jump in shock. Adagio didn't even let Celestia get a word in. She opened up the jar instantly without hesitation. The jar began to drag all of Celestia's grandiose dormant magic, putting in the jar. Celestia felt numb as she fell on the ground, knocking her over. Adagio had done it. And with such haste too. So she decided to place all that stolen magic to her.

Once the magic flowed through her body, her wish had been granted. After so many weeks...so many tries and attempts...from being stranded in the cold arctic weather to having her own sisters separate from her and being foiled by Twilight and her friends over and over again, Adagio was back to her prime. Her beautiful yet dangerous singing voice was restored once more. It took a while, but she made it. "Finally. Finally!" Siphoning all the magic was actually overflowing Adagio to an unnatural level. So unnatural that she was even growing fangs that she originally had as a siren. "Oh...how I've missed this...All that's left is revenge."

The Siren grinned as she walked out of Celestia room, ready to seal the deal with Twilight. But along the way, she continued to siphon anyone who came by, taking their magic for herself. News of this had got around. About how everyone is suddenly starting to feel numb and drained for no reason.

"You think it might be a vampire?" Someone said.

"Hope not... I hate vampires..." The other person shuddered.

The group had overheard this. Adagio could most likely be the source.

"So, she's still around somewhere. Who else could be doing it?" said Twilight.

"I think I've got a solution to all of this. Why don't we just ask Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna? They might know. I hear they have secret cameras everywhere." Rainbow Dash spoke.

"Do they?" Rarity looked around the room to spot any signs of cameras.

"But what was with that jar?" Twilight couldn't stop thinking about the jar Adagio was carrying back in the other world. It seemed like she had some big plans with it. Rainbow Dash went along to talk to Celestia and Luna, hoping to get some information on Adagio's whereabouts. When she came towards Luna's office she saw that the door had been left open. Unusual since teachers never leave it just out in the open like that.

"Vice Principal Luna? I wanted to ask you-" Rainbow entered and the first thing her eyes discovered was Luna on her table, drained as well. Dash gasped as she ran over to the weak Vice-Principal. "Are you okay?! What happened?!"

"A-Adagio...Dazzle. I... so numb." She muttered, struggling to speak full sentences. Rainbow Dash managed to pick up the words Adagio Dazzle. She got confirmation that she was behind this. And speaking of said Siren, she had made Rainbow Dash her first target of the Rainbooms. She crept up on the multi-coloured haired girl, opening the jar up. All of a sudden, Rainbow Dash could feel the magic within her flow away, exiting out of her body. Now she too felt numb. Rainbow turned around to see Adagio, standing right there with the jar in hands.

"Thanks for the magic, Rainbow Dash. I'm more satisfied with taking the magic that defeated me a while back. I'll stop by the rest of the Rainbooms and grab theirs along the way as well." Adagio laughed, exiting the room. Rainbow Dash struggled to get up. She could feel her bones wobble about as a splitting headache came to her. Now she knew how everyone else was feeling.

"Need to... get to Twilight and the others."

Adagio was making her way to the rest of the Rainbooms. With her taking all of Rainbow Dash's magic, her power was increasing evermore. In fact, she was going beyond her natural singing strength. She now had more power than she ever had, even more than she and her sisters were in the Battle of Bands.

Back to the other world, Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were sitting patiently, waiting for Ash to come back, tapping their hooves on the table.

"Where's Ash? It's almost our turn to go..." Rainbow Dash uttered.

"I really wanna try this Electric-Type combo he mentioned." Scootaloo sighed.

"You two are up next. Better choose your Pokemon quickly." Ben said walking to them.

"Um, Mr BigTime. Ash isn't back yet. Is it okay if we wait?" Scootaloo pleaded.

"Hmm... I don't know. If he's not here then you can't continue. Unless you can find a replacement in the meantime."

"Replacement?" Rainbow Dash stuck her head up, searching in the crowd. She spotted someone who would be a good fill in. "Aha! Hollow!"

Her shout grabbed the attention of the goth dressed human, turning his head to her. "Hm?"

"Could you come over here, please!" She yelled. Her call brought Hollow to him. He was the first choice she went with. Hollow was a capable trainer as well.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Well. If you don't mind. Could you please fill in for this tournament match. You see, Ash hasn't come back yet and we're up next. So could please fill in his spot?" Rainbow Dash put her hooves together and put on a pleading grin.

"Hm. I've got a lot of things I wanna do in this festival... But we still have 5 days left. So why not? I'll help."

"Yes!" Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash both jumped up. They were still in.

"Alright. Glad you've got your replacement. Now's the time for action. Your opposing team is waiting." Ben said.

Meanwhile, down in the dungeon...Chrysalis is biding her time. She still believes that Adagio will release her but she is unaware of her being in another world. So for now...all she can do is stare at a wall and toss some rocks about. "Ugh. For a land that is so vibrant and go-lucky...this dungeon is depressing." She kicked some rocks on the bars. "What is that fool Adagio doing? She'd better not be wasting time."

Back outside, the next match was about to begin. Rainbow Dash had gone with Braviary this time while Scootaloo sticks with Ponyta. Hollow had gone for his Mimikyu.

"Eugh! What is that?!" Rainbow Dash was a bit creeped out by this seemingly haunted Pikachu as she pulled out her dex.

"Mimikyu. The Disguise Pokemon. Its actual appearance is unknown. A scholar who saw what was under its rag was overwhelmed by terror and died from the shock. Its disguise made from an old rag allowed it to avoid an attack, but the impact broke the neck of the disguise. Now everyone knows it’s a Mimikyu. Mimikyu will mercilessly seek revenge on any opponent that breaks its neck."

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash jumped back a bit after hearing the dex entry, scared of Mimikyu.

"Don't worry. Mimikyu's harmless. Most of the time." Hollow said, petting his Pokemon.

"Can the opposing side please bring out their Pokemon next?" Ben pointed to the other team.

"My go is for Bouffalant!"

"Gastrodon for me!"

"My Watchog is the way to go!"

The opposing team sent out their Pokemon choices next. While this battle is about to be underway, all the way back at the other side, Adagio is becoming much more powerful and even more known to the school. Now she's not as hidden as before. She wasn't even thinking about Chrysalis right now. If anything, she forgot they were even on teaming up. Her thirst for revenge had replaced it all. Collecting magic from everyone was great and all, but Adagio wanted to try something else. The obvious choice was to finish what she started. Feeding off everyone's negativity. But she knew that the Rainbooms would get in her way. With one of them down, that knocks down the difficulty. So to make things easier without any trouble, remove all of the magic from the rest of them and gather it in the jar.

"Where are the rest of those Rainbooms?" Adagio walked around, intimidating everyone she came across. They could see her fangs bearing as they also noticed that there were scales on her arms. The amount of magic she had stolen was slowly bringing out her true Siren form. She came across the lockers where she saw Rarity passing by. It looked like she was on the hunt for Adagio currently. The siren would normally stay hidden, but she felt so powerful, who needs hiding? "Perfect."

Rarity, completely unaware of what was lurking behind her was searching around the school, only seeing more people drained. Adagio opened up the jar, ready to siphon all of Rarity's magic from her. The jar targeted Rarity, siphoning all the dormant magic in her and sending it inside. Rarity felt a shock. She turned around to see Adagio snatching her magic away.

"A-Adagio!" She stammered, falling to her knees.

"Miss me? Cause I sure did. Payback is so sweet. Now to find the rest." Adagio once again went on her way, leaving Rarity to stay drained on the floor. Rarity couldn't find the strength to walk fast enough to warn her friends, so she just sat there.

Adagio's next target, Applejack. She knew that this was going to be as easy as the rest. Well, that's what she knew anyways. In truth, Applejack wasn't alone in this. Ash, Twilight and Sunset were with her. She found them in the computer lab, obviously searching for her.

"No luck. Where could she be?" Twilight sat down on a chair, wondering. Pikachu turned around as his nose picked up Adagio's scent.

"Pika?" Once he turned his head, he saw Adagio standing there, glaring at them. "Pika-Pika!" Pikachu pointed at Adagio, turning their attention to her. Now they finally spotted her.

"There she is!" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed.

"Oh well. Cover's blown. Who cares though." Adagio had opened up the jar and let it work its magic. And it opened, Applejack could feel her magic being taken away from her.

"W-What in tarnation..?" She mumbled, feeling weak. Twilight saw her friend being drained as she then turned her attention to the jar, realising what it was doing and why Adagio had it.

"The jar! The jar is draining them!" Twilight exclaimed. "Ash, stop her!"

"Right! Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Pikachu hopped off Ash's shoulder, sending a bolt of thunder towards Adagio. The Siren felt the shock of 10,000 volts through her, making her drop the jar.

"You rat!" She grunted as her body was still recovering from the shock. Sunset thought quick on her feet, grabbing the jar away from Adagio. Applejack was luckily saved. Although a large majority of her magic had been taken away from her, making her body on the weaker side. "Give it here!" Adagio had sprouted wings, flying over to Sunset Shimmer as she picked her up.

"Hey! Put me down!" She exclaimed, struggling to get out of Adagio's grip.

"I'll be taking that back." Adagio took the Siphon Jar off her hands as she then dropped Sunset to the floor. "Just to let you know. I'm back to my true form once more. And even better, I've gone above and beyond and taken more magic than I could ever imagine. You're up next. Your magic is mine!"

"You wish!" Sunset stood back up as she looked to Twilight. The two of them were about to try and unleash their hidden magic within them. One problem. Since Rainbow Dash and Rarity are magicless now, they can't tap into that dormant magic at the moment. All of it belongs to Adagio Dazzle now.

"Nothing's happening. We can't transform. Why can't we transform?!" Twilight shook Sunset.

"I-I don't know!" Sunset replied. The two of them looked up as they saw Adagio open up the jar.

"Pikachu! Iron Tail!" Ash had stopped Adagio from taking their magic by having Pikachu jump up to intervene with an Iron Tail to the face. Twilight and Sunset saw this as an opportunity to go as they lifted up Applejack from her knees. It was now just Ash and Adagio.

"I obviously haven't left you out, Ash Ketchum. You're just as annoying as Twilight Sparkle and her friends!"

"You can stop right now, Adagio. Your sisters actually managed to turn over and be friends with the rest of us."

"Don't you bring those two up! They're nothing but traitors who want to live a life of boredom! I, on the other hand, stick to my roots and continue doing what I do best!" Adagio flew up, breaking through the ceiling as she went higher up to the skies. "And what I'll do is sing!" Adagio was getting ready to finish what she started a while ago. The remaining students looked outside to see Adagio flying in the air.

"Ugh. Another one of these?" Someone said, getting tired of Canterlot High being the target for supernatural attacks.

Adagio let out a single symphony. But what happened next, she could never anticipate. The volume of her singing caused a rupture to shake the ground and school. She had absorbed so much magic, broken past her natural limits to the point where she's too strong for her own good. This would terrify others, but not her. She is loving this new feeling. She then turned to the statue that held the gateway back to the world. If she has all this power now, she could return back there and continue her work. But revenge against Twilight had to come first.

Chapter 96 End!

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