• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Unexpected restoration

Twilight's castle, day.

"Oooh..." Pinkie Pie was currently gawking at the gateway made by Emerald Aura last night. She put her hoof through it but not her entire body since nopony was yet allowed to go through it until the call was made. "So, this is where all the important stuff will happen."

"Important is right," Twilight replied as she was currently with all of her friends. They had all assembled specifically for this gateway. "This is the only thing that connects us with Ghetsis. So it's best to be cautious."

"You haven't gone through it yet, have you?" Rainbow Dash flew over to the gateway.

"Not yet. I'm actually waiting for Princess Celestia to make an order. Besides, a bit nervous to go through there. I mean, Ghetsis and all of Team Plasma occupy the entire world."

"And it leads to some abandoned underground fort, does it?" Rarity questioned. "With a place such as that, won't there be a chance of it collapsing?"

"Probably. But it's far away from Ghetsis and his cronies so it's kinda safe to go through, isn't it?" Applejack said.

"I guess so. I mean...Princess Celestia hasn't spoken to me about it yet so we can pass through it." The young alicorn nodded. "Still a bit iffy since, you know...Ghetsis?"

"I'll head in first." Ash offered to pass through the gateway along with Pikachu.

"Be careful, Ash! Pikachu!" Pinkie Pie bellowed as Ash and Pikachu were the first ones to pass through the gateway as everyone held their breath.

Pyrestar's world.

Once passing through the gateway, Ash and Pikachu had finally entered the World of Pyrestar. A world that was clinging onto the last thread of life.

Bleak grey skies that had a thick dark fog polluting most if not all of the atmosphere, barren and rotting lands with barely any soil left. With no existence of pegasi and earth ponies, this world has been suffering for centuries and millenniums.

Very little life remains in this universe. Only the unicorns still exist. And the only other life here was all of Team Plasma, residing in Canterlot.

But, Ash and Pikachu couldn't see that as they were in an underground area instead. This run-down fort was long destroyed as it was once made by a group of ponies most likely struggling to live in these new conditions without any earth ponies or pegasi around.

By this point, every material used to build this fort had either decayed away or had fallen apart with moss around them. The little things that remain here are either on the verge of crumbling or were somehow still standing due to impressive building skills.

"So this is it...Gives me a creepy feeling." Ash commented.

"Pika." Seeing how dark it was, Pikachu lit his body up for some light, giving him and Ash a better view of this place.

"Thanks, buddy." Ash gave a thumbs-up as he further inspected the area around him. With how barren and lifeless it was with little silence, it would make sense that Team Plasma wouldn't think of coming here. Especially since it's underground.

Emerald Aura certainly chose the perfect location.

"Ash!" Pinkie Pie's head poked through the gateway as she was curious. "Did something happen?"

"Nope. Everything's alright here. It's dead silent." Ash replied.

"Oh. Okay!" Pinkie Pie jumped through the gateway as she entered next along with her Mew and Spinda.

"Oh. So it's safe, is it?" Rarity peered her head through the gateway, hearing Pinkie Pie's words. Upon having her head pass through, Rarity's beautiful and clean aura could already feel the dirty and foul aura coming from this world as she gagged and winced. "Eugh. Safe, yes. Clean, no."

"It doesn't look like any place familiar in Equestria. Have there always been underground forts?" Fluttershy flew through the gateway.

"Nothing in my books say anything about underground civilizations," Twilight spoke coming through the gateway. "Unless nopony's recorded them yet. Then again, this is an alternate universe."

"Feels alternate for sure." Pinkie Pie shuddered. "I got a bad feeling about this."

"Well. We're here now." Rainbow Dash flew through with Applejack and Starlight being the last to arrive. "Now what?"

"Duh!" Pinkie Pie already had the necessary items to build a base here. "We make a base! This'll be just like the Secret Base back at SugarCube Corner. We'll even decorate it and stuff!"

"Wait, that wasn't a joke?" Applejack said. "We're really gonna make this run-down place a base?"

"Oh yeah. Don't worry. It's gonna look way better than it is now! If we're gonna be working in the shadows and stuff like that, we need to make it feel comfortable!"

"That I can agree with." Rarity trotted to Pinkie Pie's side.

"Let's not get too attached." Twilight raised her hoof. "Remember. We're only here for reasons involving Ghetsis and Team Plasma. This is the only way we can connect with Pyrestar's world."

"We know. But some life wouldn't hurt, Twilight." Pinkie Pie squeed.


"I guess so..." Twilight nodded in agreement before her brain and eyes caught something important. The young alicorn processed the word life that Pinkie mentioned as she also looked over at Mew.

Twilight recalled the time where Pinkie Pie mentioned that Ash brought up Mewtwo. The Pokemon he believed would be able to break the supposed curse that had banished every earth pony and pegasus out there. If Mewtwo would agree to it that is.

And that's when it hit Twilight. By looking at Mew, she obviously knew that Mew was the originator of Mewtwo since he was cloned from the New Species Pokemon. And even though Mew wasn't Mewtwo, he still counts since his DNA is very present along with DNA from other Pokemon.

"Wait a minute..." Twilight gasped. "Pinkie Pie!"

"Yeah?" Pinkie looked over at Twilight.

"Your Mew! We can break the seal!"

"What seal?" Pinkie narrowed her eyes.

"You know? The seal that was put on Pyrestar's world by um...what was his name again? Grogar! You and Ash once said that Mewtwo could be the one to break the seal because of how powerful he is! Well, Mew could be that great substitute!"

"That's right." Applejack remembered. "Mew counts as Mewtwo, doesn't he?"

"They do say that the original is better than the clone," said Rarity. "Although...Mewtwo gave us a hard time..."

"This is a really lucky break! We could help Pyrestar's world at last!"

"Mew?" Mew looked confused after hearing this.

"Wait!" Twilight turned to face Ash. "Mew's stronger than Mewtwo, right, Ash?"

"Hm? Well..." Ash crossed his arms, recalling a memory from the past. "When I first saw Mew and Mewtwo they were battling each other. And they looked like they were even in power."

"Equal? That's great!" Twilight grinned.

"Was it the same Mew as this one?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nah, it was another Mew. Pinkie Pie's Mew is a different one. But, ya know, maybe all Mew's are equal in strength." Ash replied.

"Ooh...Think you can do that, Mew?" Pinkie faced her partner.

"Mew?" Mew wasn't so sure on how to exactly break a seal. Let alone one that involved magic. Even Mew wasn't sure of his own strength either since he's not really a Pokemon that battles. And his face really showed. He was just here for fun as always.

"I don't think Mew knows how to." Fluttershy noticed.

"Figures. Mew's not exactly here for important business. He's just along for the ride." Rainbow Dash commented.

"Mew!" Mew flew around as he decided to give it a try anyway since it sounded like something that would make all his friends happy. The New Species Pokemon curled up as he started concentrating his Psychic energy with a pink aura surrounding him.

"Oh! He's actually gonna do it?!" Applejack and the others gasped as they leaned in. From what Mew was doing, it looked like the seal would be broken here.

"Mew...!" The Psychic-Type kept concentrating as his pink aura was deepening with darker colours. It was clear that Mew was actually trying his best to see if he could pull off this seal breaking trick.

But, after a few seconds of focus. Mew's Psychic aura didn't actually do anything major like breaking a seal. All it did was just light up the room even more, which was fairly beautiful in its own right.


"Guess not." Spike and the others sighed. "Maybe Mewtwo is the answer."

"Oh well, we tried." Rarity shrugged as she walked off. "Anyway, let's get to work. I've already found the perfect spot to really make this place shine."

Some base setting was about to be made. This whole ancient underground fort would have a makeover. Besides, it was a bit hard to breathe in so some fixing up would be needed.

Apart from Ash, Spike, Applejack and Starlight, everyone was redecorating the fort in their own image. Given how wide it was, there was plenty of room for designing. They had mostly brought over objects from their world at their homes to make this possible.

The bleak and run-down underground fort was gradually being transformed into something that would most likely fit Equestria in the past. This world's past of course. Pyrestar's world has been so dreadful that little colour exists. So the actions of Pinkie Pie and the others brought some of that colour back.

2 hours later.

"Done and done!" Pinkie Pie declared as she had smoke and dust all over her from redecorating the underground fort. But at this point, it wasn't a fort anymore. Neither did it look like a proper base of operations. It mostly resembled a hangout spot from its appearance.

"Are ya'll satisfied now?" Applejack asked.

"Mhm." Pinkie and the others nodded in response.

"Looks good. Stands out a lot but since it's underground, Ghetsis and Team Plasma won't notice a thing." Ash commented.


"A place this moody needed something sweet." Pinkie smiled as she looked at her work which involved an overwhelming amount of pink and sort of substitute to the party cave. "But boy...making a secret base is pretty tiring."

"It looks nice but...I don't think I would let a Pokemon come here." Fluttershy said as she was looking at her spot which resembled the inside of her cottage.

"In any case, at least we have a base now," Twilight spoke as she had the most base-like setup with objects she brought in from her Pokemon Lab. "Now. Do we all know the roles of most of our Pokemon?"

"Oh, yes. Audi will be our ears. She'll be listening very carefully to anything that's nearby on the outside." Fluttershy looked at her partner.


"Luxray's got X-Ray vision, so he's gonna see through all these thick walls. Right, buddy?" Rainbow Dash went over to Luxray.


"I'll have one Slurpuff track down any odd and new scents, easy!" Pinkie chose one of her Slurpuff's.


"Good. We'll be well aware of every little thing with you three." Twilight faced all three of the Pokemon. "I think that should do it for now. Now, I think Princess Celestia should come here and decide what to do next. Or maybe she's already thought of something. We could bring Pyrestar here since this is her universe. What do you think, Starlight?"

"Uh..." Speaking of Starlight, hers' Ash, Pikachu, Axew, Spike and Applejack's attention had been drawn to something else that had just happened 10 seconds ago.

Seeing it made the 6 of them freeze. And very soon, Twilight and the others had witnessed it by facing Starlight and the others. What they were seeing was originating from the ground itself. Something truly magical and what this world needed.

From one of the carpets that Rarity had added here, there was a plant growing as the ground itself was slowly turning green. And not just one plant, multiple other plants were slowly ascending.

"Plants? Here? But I thought this world had no more fertility." Fluttershy gawked.

"It has no fertility because of the disappearance of earth ponies and for the skies the pegasi. Unless..." Twilight looked over at Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. "You four are the reason why!"

"We are?" The four of them said as Twilight was pointing at them.

"Yes! This world must be reacting to you all since you're earth pony and pegasi. Being here and interacting with this underground area must be slowly reviving the fertility in this land. And the same thing could be said about the clouds, actually."

"Oooh..." Pinkie and the others understood clearly. "That's great! So we can turn this world back to how it really was before? Super colourful and healthy?!"

"I didn't think being here could do that." Applejack looked at her hoof. "Wait. Do I even have magic?"

"Earth ponies have some type of secret magic that only responds to nature. Plus, that Rainbow magic is still in you and the rest of us." Twilight pointed out.

"Hm. That's pretty neat." Applejack actually liked the sound of that. She and her fellow earth ponies had their own type of magic exclusive to them.

"So all we have to do is just stay here and everything will return to normal?" Rarity asked.

"Not that simple. It may work for this underground area but the entire world, that'll take a lot of time for sure." Twilight shook her head. "Even if we were to bring everypony from our world here, it would still take years, centuries even to restore this world."

"Aww...It'd be so nifty if it was instant." Pinkie Pie pouted. "But we should like show Pyrestar! Can you imagine how happy she would be to see something like this?!"

"You won't have to imagine any further, Pinkie Pie." Abruptly and unanticipatedly, the pony that Pinkie Pie was talking about had shown herself, appearing behind everypony while standing in front of the gateway.

Indubitably, it was Queen Pyrestar. Alongside the arrival of Princess Celestia.

"Wah!" Pinkie Pie jumped into the arms of Ash after being startled by Pyrestar's sudden appearance.

"Oh! You're here already?" Twilight said.

"I had to come here. Back to my home." Pyrestar walked forward. "I can't believe you've actually found a way to access it at last." She gazed at the newly decorated underground base. An area she wasn't even aware of herself. And if she was, it had been so many years, her mind has probably tossed it aside by now.

"You can thank Emerald for that. She was kind enough to do all of this. Even though...she was only doing it for Cold." Twilight scrunched her face.

"We made it all soft and cosy too!" Pinkie showed off the new look. "Feels great, right?"

"It certainly does." Pyrestar nodded. "And you've even managed to bring fertile life back into this world. Something I thought I would never be able to feel or experience ever again."

"We didn't think that would happen from us just working in this one area." Rarity commented. "Although, I'm not sure I did anything since this world is flooded with unicorns, isn't it?"

"Either way, this is what I was hoping for." Pyrestar looked at the plants that had grown around the carpet. "At first, the only hope I had was that you would all bring me back to my world. But now, with this, I have greater hopes that I now believe can come true."

"You've done a splendid job of solving our gateway problem, everypony." Celestia faced Twilight and the others. "I was afraid we would be constantly trying to find the right time to catch Team Plasma when they pass through an opened gateway. But not anymore. This changes everything."

"Thank you, Princess Celestia." Twilight bowed. "That makes two gateways that connect to alternate Equestrias' right? Pyrestar and um... my Empress self?"

"Mhm." Celestia nodded. "The one that connects to the universe of Empress Twilight has a higher risk since that one is out in the open instead of this one which is more secluded."

"Oh! I got a pretty great idea that'd be hilarious!" Rainbow Dash flew up. "What if we get Emerald to send Empress Twilight's gateway underwater? When they pass through, all of her ships get all wet and go crazy with electronics and stuff and just mess up the whole invasion! Easy!"

"That does sound oddly brilliant. But she can't change gateways herself so that wouldn't work." Celestia shook her head.

"Aw...It could with the right setup and timing, ya know?" Rainbow Dash crossed her hooves.

"Either way, I'm already devising a plan to deal with that abnormal amount of ships that she apparently has. Until then, you can all work from here and alert us if there are any important Team Plasma activities."

"Sure. But uh...that might be tough since we're way underground and Team Plasma could be like super far away. I don't really know. Maybe it's close." Pinkie scratched her mane.

"We'll sort it out." Celestia offered to solve this whole distance issue. "In the meantime, keep up the good work."

"Thanks. Now that that's over with, I got work to do." Applejack turned around, facing the gateway. "Big Mac's gonna stay more silent around me if I don't make it in time."

"Oh! Same here!" Pinkie Pie shot up. "Jade and Maud are gonna go visit that Rock-Type place! I wanna check it out for myself!"

"I almost forgot to feed Eve and the others!" Twilight gasped as she quickly flew through the gateway. Soon, everyone was leaving this world one by one.

They all had their reasons. Most were planning to spend some time in this newfound base but that would have to wait until they clear a few things up first.

However, while everyone was leaving, Pyrestar was the only one not going.

"Pyrestar? Aren't you coming?" Celestia looked back at her fused self.

"No. I'd like to stay here for a bit." Pyrestar sat down.

"Alright. I'll see you back at Canterlot." Celestia said her goodbyes as she passed through the gateway. Now it was just Pyrestar.

This was her home and it had been so long since she had been here. But not as long as how much her world has suffered for countless centuries. Even before Pyrestar arrived at the still healthy Equestria, this world was the longest she resided in. A world where everything is bleak.

But, after seeing the decorated base and how there was fertility growing, the bleak world that Pyrestar had seen for so long was starting to recover all thanks to the actions of ponies she had once lost in the past.

Peace and quiet are what she wanted. And this underground base would give to her. Now, Pyrestar had even greater hopes for the future. She believed that every promise made from stopping Ghetsis to restoring her world could come true. And she has some amazing friends that can make that possible as the journey continues.

Chapter 389 End.

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