• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Return of Lunar Ire

Complete and total darkness.

That was all Luna could see for a while. But not forever. Eventually, her eyes were starting to open after so long. However, they weren't opening up to reality or a sunny blue sky. Or even the night sky.

Instead, Luna's eyes woke up to see what seemed to be a strange space where there was an endless flow of aether and cosmic energy flying about. In fact, this was similar to what Celestia saw when she opened her eyes after a disastrous event.

Her Mindscape.

And Luna remembered Celestia mentioning it when she herself was unconscious.

"This place...isn't it...?" Luna wondered.

"Your Mindscape, Luna." A voice replied to her. Just like her older sister, a voice spoke to her while in her Mindscape. And that voice belonged to an unknown entity whose true form cannot be conceived. So it takes the form of someone they love.

However, this was different from what happened to Celestia when she was almost destroyed by Ghetsis. Instead of that unknown entity who seems to share some similarity to the Rift, a familiar figure appeared who used to be Luna once. But it wasn't Nightmare Moon.

It was Lunar Ire.

"You...!" Luna gasped. "You're the result of the Sorrowful Rage Magic!"

"Ah, so you do remember me..." Lunar Ire flew over to Luna leaving behind a dark crimson trail of magic. "I thought I was merely a fabrication to you. Consigned to oblivion for so many months."

"Why are you coming to me now in my conscious?"

"Don't you remember? Your attempt to escape from Empress Twilight resulted in harsh injuries. Being forced down by heavy gravity that damaged your wings and bones as well...And yet you escaped."

"I remember." Luna nodded. "Everything that occurred at that separate universe that was connected to Skyblue Shine's home. And Darkrai stood tall to defend me."

"He certainly did...But it wasn't him who saved you. It was that Musharna creature." Lunar Ire flew around Luna. "If it hadn't had used Teleport, the outcome would've been less than pleasant. Besides, there was no chance of you defeating her. Not even your Darkrai could stand up to Empress Twilight."

"Darkrai! Is Darkrai alright?!"

"He's certainly in a better state than you. He'll recover. But you...perhaps not as well."

"W-What do you mean?"

"You've taken more damage than you've ever felt in your entire life...It's why you're still unconscious. You can thank your Pokemon for being such wonderful helpers, correct?"

"Yes...I owe them so much for being there for me."

"Ah, but that's the thing. At this point, Pokemon are all that you can rely on..."


"They are all that you have to defend yourself from any high threat that exists out there..." Lunar Ire flew through Luna. "You and so many of Equestria's inhabitants have become very dependent on these creatures to the point where you can barely defend yourselves..."

"That is not true!" Luna bellowed as she followed the movements of Lunar Ire who was moving around like a wisp. "I can still defend myself, even without my Pokemon!"

"Perhaps in the original timeline...but not in this timeline. Any Pokemon...even the small and adorable ones are capable of destroying you at any moment. And should I even mention the incoming invasion of Empress Twilight Sparkle? Or the one all of Equestria fears. Ghetsis. Do you believe you are powerful enough to stand up and defend yourself against threats such as these?"

"N-No..." Luna herself was honest and knew where she was compared to other powerful beings. "Empress Twilight, Mewtwo and Eternatus made that very clear.

"And even the ones you love can suffer as well. You recall when Ghetsis almost ended the life of your sister?" She whispered into Luna's ear. "At Saddle-Arabia, that could've been the end of Celestia for good if Cobalion hadn't shown up. Even your sister relies on Pokemon to protect her. As do all ponies nowadays. And you're not strong enough to even compare to these Pocket Monsters, let alone hold a candle to them. Unless...you were to find a power that could match them hoof to hoof."

"What are you...saying?"

"Accept me, Luna." Lunar Ire hovered above Luna. "Accept your true power and embrace the Sorrowful Rage Magic."

"Absolutely not! You're just like Nightmare Moon, after all!"

"Oh, I'm nothing like Nightmare Moon..." Lunar Ire appeared around Luna with multiples of herself showing. "Nightmare Moon was just the entity formed by your jealousy and bitterness. Absolutely trivial. Whereas I am beyond that. Something much more."

"How are you different in any way? Sister told me that you would consume me in the end. The only thing different about you and Nightmare Moon is that you can never fade away!"

"That's the point. Nightmare Moon is weak and can be cast away forever. But I am eternal. I will always be apart of you from beginning to end. I am your true power. Everything that you hold from within but have yet to unleash. But if you can accept me and embrace what you truly wield, who cares what threats may come your way?"

"My true power?" Luna looked at her hoof as the words of Lunar Ire were fairly persuasive and tempting. She wasn't sure to accept this since it might be a repeat of Nightmare Moon but a bit different. And Celestia did warn her. But Luna truly does want to get stronger. Not just with Pokemon. But by herself as well.

"You want to protect those that you love, don't you? I can help you with that. So...what will it be, Luna?"

The Arcane Sea. 3:20.

The Pure Liquid Milotic was still showing aggression towards the Royal Unova as it was facing off against Drake's Salamence and Ash's Gengar who was now a living being of electricity after diving into the water of the Arcane Seas.

"Guess we've got no choice. Gengar! Crash into Milotic repeatedly!" Ash commanded from the window on the premium cabin as Drake heard Ash's commands, realizing that this was his Gengar.

"Gar!" Gengar moved at lightning speeds as it entered Milotic with its sparking body. Milotic couldn't react to Gengar's absurd speed since it was now as fast as lightning. As such, it was hit as electricity flowed through the Tender Pokemon's body as an electric aura came out of Milotic.

"𝓛𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓬!" The Tender Pokemon cried as it was getting shocked constantly by Gengar.

"Excellent work, Ash," Drake said under his breath. Salamence! Thunder Fang!"

"Mence!" Also having electricity on its side, Salamence charged in with its fangs sparking with volts of electricity as Salamence went straight for Milotic's tailfin. Salamence's fangs bit onto Milotic, adding extra damage as Thunder Fang mixed with Gengar's electricity.

"Is it enough?!" Scootaloo leaned forward to see if Milotic would go down after an attack that powerful.

"𝓛𝓸...𝓜𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓬!" But to everyone's surprise, Milotic still didn't faint even after being attacked by constant Electric attacks. It would not go down. The Tender Pokemon then retaliated by using Twister as it spun its long liquid body around.

"Gengar?!" Since Gengar was still inside of Milotic and Salamence's teeth were still on its tail, they were both being swung about by Milotic's circular movements.


Milotic spun around at a faster pace this time as the Twister hadn't come out yet. Instead, Milotic was building it up while messing with Gengar and Salamence. The Tender Pokemon's plan was simple. Make Gengar and Salamence dizzy and attack them with Twister at the right time.

Both Gengar and Salamence were caught up in Milotic's spinning as they were already getting dizzy because of Milotic's sudden speed increase.

"Get out of there, Gengar!"

"Gen!" Gengar used its lightning speed to fly out of Milotic's body. However, all that spinning had befuddled the Shadow Pokemon as it was now wobbling about. "Gengar..."

The same can be said for Salamence who was flung off Milotic's tailfin. Salamence wasn't as dizzy as Gengar but it was definitely a bit woozy. "Mence...Sala..."

Now that Gengar and Salamence were dizzy and off of Milotic, the Tender Pokemon decided to unleash its charged up Twister. Once it did, instead of firing the move, it became the Twister itself as a Tornado-covered Liquid Milotic was now heading straight for Gengar, Salamence and the Royal Unova.

"If that Twister hits we're done for!" Pinkie Pie hushed as she was trying to keep her Sonic Voice in check.

"That' why it's not gonna hit! If Milotic's spinning, then we'll spin too!" Ash grinned.

"What? What are you on about, Ash?" Twilight turned to him.

"Watch this! Gengar! Let's spin around too!"

"Gar!" Gengar nodded in understanding. Mimicking Milotic, Gengar started to spin around as well. But Gengar was much faster than Milotic because of its lightning-like body.

The Shadow Pokemon spun its entire body around as it caused a different reaction as opposed to Milotic's Twister. Instead, Gengar was creating an electric tornado from its lightning-fast spinning.

Sparks were flying out of the Lightning Tornado as Gengar was now approaching Milotic's Twister. An inevitable clash was about to happen while Salamence flew back to avoid this.

The two tornadoes ended up clashing against each other. Normally, when two tornadoes collide, they merge into a single tornado. But that wasn't happening yet. Instead, both tornadoes were locked in a struggle, spinning against each other with sparks flying out. Both Pokemon were fighting for dominance at this point.

The tornadoes themselves were enough to affect the area around them as the waters of the Arcane Sea were either being blown away by Twister or electrocuted by Gengar's spinning lightning.

Milotic looked like it was winning the clash as the Twister was starting to push Gengar's lightning back a bit. But not by much. Gengar was holding on.

"Hang on, Gengar!" The CMC yelled.

"Perhaps some assistance is needed. Salamence! Distract Milotic with Dragon Rush!"

"Sala!" Responding to its trainer, streams of a bright blue aura start to form around Salamence's body as it then grew to cover most of its body, with a black shadowy aura inside the bright blue aura as it expanded. With the aura growing, Salamence ascended into the sky, aiming for a dive attack from above.

And at full-force, Salamence charged in, leaving a shockwave behind as it was aiming straight for the Twister that Milotic was in while trying to avoid hitting Gengar.

"𝓜𝓲𝓵𝓸𝓽𝓲𝓬?!" Milotic looked up to notice that Salamence was right above it, diving down at high speeds with Dragon Rush. Obviously, Milotic was a little bit occupied with Gengar, trying to push its lightning tornado back, so it couldn't do anything about the incoming Dragon Rush. All Milotic could do was spin and look up.

Thankfully, because its body was pure water, Dragon Rush would just go straight through. However, Milotic was still surprised by the approaching Salamence to a point where it lost focus as Salamence passed through Milotic. Milotic was startled as it actually thought that Dragon Rush would connect but it didn't.

"Gar!" And with that one moment of lost concentration, Gengar capitalized on the situation by advancing onto Milotic who was still surprised by Salamence's charge.

With the loss of focus, Milotic was hit by the lightning tornado as well as being pulled into it. Now Milotic was the one being spun around as its liquid body was also being shocked by volts of electricity at the same time, repeatedly.

This was more than just super-effective damage being dealt as Gengar had released all of the electrical energy from within its new sparking body. And with a sudden burst of energy, Gengar ended the lightning tornado as it blew up, rocketing Milotic back and even affecting Salamence a small bit.

Some of the remaining thunderbolts almost hit the Royal Unova, but they just missed, saving everyone from immediate danger.

"Gen...Gengar...!" After an attack, that powerful, Gengar was spent. So spent that when the lightning and smoke cleared, it was revealed that the Shadow Pokemon had returned to its original form. Seem that all the electricity around it had been used in that one final attack. "Gen?"

"Gengar's form is gone!" Twilight noticed. "Was it all in that one lightning tornado?"

"Excellent work. Return, Salamence." Drake returned his Salamence, praising his partner. "Get yourself some rest."

"Milotic..." Milotic had fainted after an attack that powerful. But not only did it cause Milotic to faint, but all the electricity had also destroyed its liquid body, reverting the Tender Pokemon to its original form and size as Milotic woke up one second later. "Tic? Milotic?"

"Milotic's back to normal too. Guess this magic goes away if something big happens to the Pokemon." Scootaloo said as Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom nodded.

"Woohoo! Victory!" Pinkie Pie popped some confetti, trying not to raise her voice. She really wanted to yell at the top of her lungs though.

"Awesome job, Gengar!" Ash said to his partner who flew back to the premium cabin.



"A Pure Liquid Milotic! What do you think we should call it?!" Fluttershy squeed.

"Pure Liquid Milotic...?" Coco suggested.

"Oh. That's good. I like that." Fluttershy nodded.

"Electrified Gengar sounds good. Doesn't it pal?" Ash fist-bumped Gengar.


Everything had calmed down, for now. The passengers could let out a sigh of relief as the potential destruction of the Royal Unova had been averted thankfully. Pinkie Pie threw a short celebratory party while maintaining her Sonic Voice from just booming out. It was a bit of torture that she couldn't cut loose with her usual bellowing. But since Gengar returned to normal, perhaps the Sonic Voice will run out eventually. Now the cruise could continue while exploring the vast wonders of the Arcane Sea.

In the meanwhile, Team Rocket, who were apart of the cruise, had witnessed the entire thing occur. From the Pure Liquid Milotic to the Electrified Gengar, they were taken aback and stunned the most.

"Hey...Did you see that?" Jessie's eyes widened as she pointed out.

"Seen it we have," James nodded. "Seems the captain wasn't bluffing when he said these waters were unpredictable."

"You know what this means, right?" Meowth turned to both his teammates.

"What?" Jessie and James each said.

"This whole ocean's hiding some pretty unique looking Pokemon! That pretty Milotic and Gengar sure ain't look normal but we could still recognize them."

"Mhm." Both of them nodded.

"Just imagine what would happen if we brought some of those Equestria-filled Pokemon back to the boss? That might be better than the twerp's Pikachu!"

"Nothing's better than the twerp's Pikachu. But a Pokemon influenced by Equestrian magic is still a score!" Jessie got giddy.

"Hold on." James scratched his head. "It isn't permanent though. That Milotic and Gengar went straight back to normal, remember?"

"Oh yeah." Jessie put her finger on her chin. "Drat. That'll be an issue. But they only returned after Gengar spent all that electricity and Milotic was knocked out, right?"

"Then we just make sure they don't do much, see?" Meowth grinned. "Problem solved!"

"Indeed! Now how are we going to get out there and grab some?" James looked outside the window.

"Both of you start building a boat pronto. I want to catch myself an Equestrian Pokemon. But it has to be pretty like that Milotic!"

"What about my catch?!" James pointed at himself.

"You can get whatever you want." Jessie waved her finger. "Now let's get to work! I still have that Super Rod with me!"


As Team Rocket were making plans to snag themselves a Special Equestrian Pokemon, another Team was currently in this ship such as them. But it was only one individual instead of 3 or 4.

Watching from the Vitaly deck, wearing a long trench coat, was a Team Plasma Grunt, who chad their hat off so that they weren't that obvious.

He had snuck onboard the ship and had grown a great interest in the knowledge of Pokemon Magic combining with Equestrian Magic. All the while, having a secret camera and microphone placed in his trench coat, courtesy of Colress. He had gotten everything so far. From the Ocean Gate, the Arcane Sea and how it influences the Pokemon here.

All of this was in the name of Ghetsis and further plans to overtake Equestria.

Canterlot Nursing Room. 4:00.

"Ah!" Luna gasped as she had woken up after being in her Mindscape and meeting with Lunar Ire. She was currently in the bed of the Canterlot Nursing Room after what had happened.

"Oh, Princess Luna! You're awake!" The nurse said as she went up to Luna.

"I...oh." Luna looked around her, realizing where she was as some bed sheets were on her. She could already feel different after waking up. Like something was wrong. And she knew what it was because of her small interaction with Lunar Ire in her Mindscape. "My bones and wings...they're broken aren't they?"

"They're um...Not in the best condition. We've had our Chansey's try and heal you, but things haven't been going smoothly so far." The Nurse pointed her hoof over at her Chansey.

"Chan." Speaking of Chansey, Heal Pulse and Aromatherapy were being used, but nothing was working. However, it had worked on Darkrai and Frillish who had also been hurt by Empress Twilight, as they were both sat on the Nursing Room bed as well.

"We've seen damage taken to bones and wings before. But not on this scale." The nurse shook her head. "It's almost as if gravity was pushing down onto them."

"You're not wrong..." Luna sighed.

"We're not sure how long it will take for you to recover. It might take many months or more. But you can still utilize your magic and your front hooves a bit."

"I see..." Luna nodded as she knew she was already in a poor state at this point. But as she looked down, she noticed a familiar entity right beside her in the form of a floating head

Lunar Ire of course, who was a floating head like a wisp.

"How pitiful...To be in a state such as this..." Lunar Ire spoke into Luna's ear.

"Why are you here?" Luna whispered.

"Have no worry. I am merely staying by your side in the meantime. Until you accept me that is."

"You chose to come out while I am in this condition?"

"You will need me. You may not accept me for the time being, but I can still give you an ounce of my strength. After all, you were the one who forced me to come out."

"Me? How? I didn't-"

"Ah, isn't it obvious? It's your rage, Luna. Your rage against Empress Twilight. The one who had put you in this horrible state, to begin with. Similar to how you summoned me when Ghetsis horribly injured your sister, remember?"

"So that's how you appear..."

"I will suffice you with spare power in your current state. Unless...you want to be back to full strength and accept me, that is?"

"Bribe me all you want. I won't accept you and transform into...that. I'll wait and recover."

"And you're certain that is a wise idea? The nurse herself said it would take many months or more...And the invasion is in only 2 months. You'll still be an actionless pony by that time. Defenceless against her empire...And what are your Pokemon going to do? They're certainly not enough to stand against her, after all, let alone an entire empire. Unless you were to use my boundless strength to gain the greatest advantage."

"I told you... I don't need you!" Luna bellowed as it startled the nurse, Chansey, Darkrai and Frillish.

"Uh...Are you alright, Princess Luna?" The nurse asked.

"Hm? I-I-I'm fine!" Luna stammered.

"You can deny me all you want..." Lunar Ire was starting to fade away. "But you'll need me eventually. And you can't avoid that." The manifestation of Luna's sadness and rage had faded away, for now.

Luna could now relax with nothing bothering her. But this wasn't how she wanted to relax. She wanted to do it during the Pokemon Festival with her family. But that wasn't happening. Her sister and parents hadn't returned to Canterlot yet to see what has become of their youngest member of the family.

But her Pokemon were there for her as Musharna came flying into the room, latching onto Luna's head. "Musha!"

"Musharna?" Luna looked up at the Drowsing Pokemon.

"She was the one who brought us to safety," Darkrai spoke. "She used Teleport at the very last moment."

"I know. Using Teleport to save us all was brilliant. Thank you so much, Musharna."


"Have my sister, mother and father returned yet?"

"Not yet." Darkrai shook his head. "They're probably still somewhere else in the festival. They have no idea what has happened to you."

"I see. Well, when they return, I can tell them everything we've learnt from our time in the other universe. And what we've seen."

"You don't seem too bothered by your broken wings and hooves."

"I am actually distraught by it but...I can't let it get to me. Or else she'll show up again." Luna was referring to Lunar Ire.


"It's nothing. You, Musharna and Frillish can go. You've recovered better than me anyway."

"We're still a bit injured so we'll have to wait a few more hours until we're back to full strength. But we'll stay here beside you."


"Thank you all so much. But what do I do now? In the state that I'm in now, I cannot perform my duties as a princess."

"You won't have to." Pyrestar suddenly walked into the room. "I'll take that position for you. I've already been raising the sun and moon more frequently as of late."


"You stay here and leave everything else to Celestia and me. We will handle everything while you recover."

"Thank you. But I can still use my magic. My ability to lower and raise the moon might still be present."

"Maybe. But I will still do the favour of controlling the moon. However...you did say you would tell your family about what you've learnt and seen in the other universe. How about you inform me first?"

"Oh, right!" Luna nodded. "Well...where do I begin?"

Luna began to tell Pyrestar everything. From where the gateway to the other universe was located, Empress Twilight, her big sister Celestia and her current status along with Cadence and Luna and more, based on what the other universe's Celestia told her.

The Pokemon Festival's first week was coming to an end and will soon transition into the second week. Both sides have different stories with different outcome and events. But they're just beginning as the journey continues.

Chapter 343 End.

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