• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Connections to Ghetsis! The Master approaches

Kalos. Arche Valley. Day.

"I'm tied to Arceus now?" Sci-Twi had been hit with a striking revelation. The Arceus Pendant around her neck wasn't an ordinary accessory. "Uh...that doesn't mean what I think it means, right?"

"Yeah. What does it mean?" Pinkie Pie asked as everyone was curious. Ever since her pony counterpart gave it to her after receiving it from the mysterious witch back at Dahara City, the importance of this pendant had skyrocketed, especially since they were currently at a sacred land that was tied greatly to the Alpha Pokemon himself. Arceus.

"For starters...the fact that you're wearing it means that you're eligible to connect with Arceus," Meray added. "Truth is, not anyone can just put on the pendant."

"Not anyone, you say? Why's that?" Bertha questioned.

"It's the same reason why finding Arche Valley is so difficult and even reaching it is filled with mystical protection. Those that wear Arceus Pendants are judged by Arceus himself." Baraz lifted his pendant. "Anyone who tries to wear it that isn't eligible will find that the pendant suddenly shrunk or even receive a burn. It might even go through you. Either way, it's not easy."

"It'll go through your body?!" Everyone gasped as they were thinking of a far more gruesome action when Baraz mentioned that.

"Uh...He meant phasing through you." Meray corrected them as it wasn't as serious as they thought it would be.

"So I'm accepted by Arceus...that's nice." Sci-Twi smiled, feeling some sort of achievement now that she knew how these pendants could be worn specifically. "I didn't know Arceus trusted me."

"But you definitely didn't receive it from anyone here. We have records about each Arceus Pendant that's been made here at Arche Valley. Making the pendant isn't easy either..." Baraz pondered.

"How come? Anyone can copy this pendant, right?" Hilbert asked, seeing that the Arceus symbol was simply to replicate and make into a pendant.

"Anyone can make a pendant that has Arceus' symbol on it. But not everyone can make these specific pendants." Meray held out her pendant. "These special pendants are made under special requirements and objects. It may look like gold but it's something entirely different."

"Diamond?!" Ash, Hilbert and Rainbow Dash said in unison, already coming up with the first material they could think about.

"Pearl?!" Pinkie Pie, Sci-Twi and Hilda gave their own guesses on what this material could be since it wasn't gold at all.

"How about Platinum?" Bertha gave her guess as she was the last one to speak.

"Uh no...It's a material that doesn't exist on earth. Even we don't know the name but all we know is that it's the same material that's on Arceus' body." Meray explained. "Because of that, not everyone here at Arche Valley wears them, as you can see. But they're still worthy of wearing them."

"This also means Arceus trusts you," Baraz added. "That's not a small thing, you know."

"That's pretty obvious. She's just as great as her counterpart. She's got something with Arceus too." Ash complimented Sci-Twi, knowing that Arceus would've trusted her long ago.

"Oh well..." Naturally, she enjoyed that compliment, blushing from it while twirling her mane.

"But more importantly. Who was that lady anyway?" Meray asked, wanting answers about this mysterious lady who was in possession of such a special material. "No one else should be able to have something so rare."

"We're all thinking it's a witch our friends have been seeing so far." Pinkie Pie answered, flailing her hooves around to make herself seem menacing, but she only came across as silly. "She's been going around being a weird but not actually evil enchantress."

"A witch?" Baraz and Meray repeated before looking at each other. When they heard mention of a witch that's when they nodded in unison. "Hm. Makes sense."

"You're going with that so easily?" Hilda squinted her eyes as Baraz and Meray accepted the answer. If it was hard to explain then a witch or even a wizard would be the resolute answer to it.

"In any case, keep that pendant safe with you. Because right now, you're connected to Arceus to the point where you can potentially hear its voice." Baraz added.

"Come to think of it..." Twilight thought for a moment, looking at her pendant. "I think I've been hearing voices in this pendant recently. It was when I first got it and even when I was asleep. Is that Arceus?"

"You did? What did Arceus tell you?" Meray questioned.

"Uhh...It was hard to hear since it was so quiet but all I heard was something about Pokemon. I couldn't hear it all too well, sadly. I've never even heard Arceus' voice before now that I think about it."

"Well then, if you want to hear Arceus, we can solve that. And you came to the right place for that." Meray offered to help Sci-Twi. Since she had the Arceus Pendant, she could hear Arceus' voice now. But it was too faint to fully process as of now.

"Oooh. Am I going to meditate or something?" Sci-Twi's eyes lit up as she walked beside Meray. "I bet that's it!"

"Not really. It won't take long but we'll show you a simple way to hear Arceus' voice and tell you more about what the pendant can do. Since you have one of them, you can do more than just hear Arceus."

"I gotta see this!" Ash followed them. "I bet you're talking about Arceus' light, right?"


"As for me..." Rainbow Dash rubbed her hooves together, wondering what she could do in the meanwhile. Arche Valley was relatively small and was so shielded from everywhere else that the Pokemon Festival did not come here. So, her options were limited. "I got it! Hoopa. You can summon any Pokemon, can't you?"

"Hoopa can!" Hoopa saluted. "Except that wishing one but Hoopa will try and find it."

"Yeah, yeah. Forget about Jirachi for a bit. Can you do us a favour? I need you to summon some Pokemon for me, just so I can battle them. How's that sound?" The pegasus flew up to Hoopa, nudging him as she wanted to improve herself. And with Hoopa's ability to bring out any Pokemon with his rings, that wish could be granted.

"If you're going to train, please do it outside Arche Valley," Baraz asked. "Keeping it safe is our top priority. Hoopa, don't cause too much trouble, okay?"

"You're already thinking about trying the same thing, aren't you?" Hilda immediately focused her attention on Hilbert, who had a similar idea as Rainbow Dash.

"You already know it. It's pretty fitting that my protege would have the same idea as me."

"I'm not your protege..." Rainbow Dash grumbled, greatly regretting losing to Hilbert as now she was constantly being referred to as his student. "And that's just a coincidence. Anyone else would have something similar in mind."

"You kids go on and have your fun. I'll take a gander at this place some more." Bertha would go and do her own, solely here at Arche Valley.

Even if there wasn't a Pokemon Festival here, there were still options. Everyone went their separate ways to do what they wanted to do. Some would practice, others were learning within this town and some would channel the power of the Alpha Pokemon via a mystical pendant. But there was one final individual that was entering the picture.

An individual who was just arriving here, but had to go through the hard way to reach Arche Valley. Sent here by the Rift, it was none other than Galaxy Master.

Outside Arche Valley.

"What a ferocious storm!" Speaking of Galaxy Master, the second he set foot on Arche Valley grounds, at least close to them, he was met with a devastating storm. The clouds remained a natural azure colour but the storm was akin to that of a gloomy dark-clouded atmosphere. "He finds himself face to face with this great storm that blocks him from reaching Arche Valley. The heroes hold on tight, thinking of a way around this!" He narrated his and Pikachu's own predicament once again.

"P-Pika...!" Pikachu held tightly onto Galaxy Master's cape as the storm was pushing them back. Galaxy Master gripped onto a tree, digging his claws into them to try and maintain his position.

"So...these are the defences keeping me from Arche Valley...!" Galaxy Master growled as his voice was being drowned out by the storm. While he had the strength to hold on, it wasn't enough as the storm was still succeeding. The tree was even starting to be pulled out of the ground by Galaxy Master's grip.

"Not sure why the Rift wants me here...but if it's for its health and restoration, I'll do what I must! Now is a good time for to fight back against the fearsome winds!" Galaxy Master held his hand up while his legs were leaving the ground from the intense winds. "Let's retaliate! With a wind pressure greater than this storm! Straight from the heavenly azure skies! Come to me!

"Star...Raptor!" Descending from the clouds with a mighty soaring speed was none other than the Predator Pokemon Staraptor. But it wasn't alone. It was joined by other Flying-Types. Pidgeot, Swellow, Unfeazant and Talonflame had arrived to assist Galaxy Master.

"As the five Masters of the Air, fight back against the wind! Flap your wings my Avian Allies!"

"Pidgeot!" Pidgeot and all the other Flying-Types started flapping their wings in unison. They used a form of Tailwind that would help fight back against the storm. And with their perfect coordination with rhythmic wingbeats, they were able to kick up a powerful turbulent whirlwind.

This greatly changed the moment of things as the pressure of the storm was heading the other away, freeing Galaxy Master and Pikachu from their predicament.

"Phew...many thanks, my Feathered Friends." Galaxy Master took a deep sigh while Pikachu was utterly relieved. "However, there's more to come. I know it. Arche Valley won't be easy for any of us once we go further. You should all return now."

"Star! Staraptor!"

"What's this? You wish to join me and go ahead and try to spot the valley. Even though you're aware of the dangers?" Galaxy Master translated, even understanding Pokemon speech. "Hmmm...it's risky but risk is what we're all about. I trust you Cawing Comrades. Go ahead and survey the skies. I'll join you what the help of Charizard!" He then held his arm up, summoning another Pokemon.

From the skies, another airborne Pokemon had arrived, swooping down with a flaming tail. It was none other than his Charizard. He did a stylish backflip before getting on Charizard's back. "Let's go ahead!"

With all of his Flying-Types by his side, they were ready to continue advancing towards Arche Valley. Why? The Rift hadn't given him a reason but that could be found out once he ends up reaching this sacred valley.

Arche Valley.

Over at the Arche Valley Library, Twilight, who was looking at these rare books that tell secrets of the Pokemon World that not many others know, was starting to think about something.

"No, no, no. That can't be true." Twilight shook her head as she was currently thinking about how it could be possible that Ghetsis' alter ego is that mysterious witch that's been showing up recently around her friends. After learning about the innate powers the people with crimson eyes and green hair possessed, Ghetsis was the descendant of that clan and was the only current member that possessed magic.

"But what if it is?" Twilight was having second thoughts, thinking about it deeply. "He's already increased his capabilities by absorbing the magic of another King Sombra. It would make sense that he'd form his own alter ego eventually. But why would it be a witch? And why is that witch helping us?"


"Aaah...it's starting to make my head hurt. Only one thing to do. Wait for her to show up again. Whenever that is. Or could I do something else?" Twilight started to think about it. Her capabilities weren't limited any more thanks to her possession of Rift Magic. She could do a lot more than she previously could.

Knowing this, Twilight decided to experiment with something, focusing on the mysterious witch. Finding the witch would be difficult unless there was something to track her footprints. Twilight used her magic to create a projection that would show footprints. Usually, on a solid floor, this would be impossible to see and even more so outside unless there were footprints left behind.

She then revealed her own hoofprints as they obviously related to her. Twilight also saw Eve's hoofprints. But she went a step further, focusing on two footprints. After spotting those footprints, she used the further extent of her Rift Magic to detect whose footprints they belonged to.

Her senses went off as they focused on the librarian. These were her footprints. After seeing that her new form of magic could not only reveal footprints but also detect who it belongs to, Twilight found the right spell.

"Oh yeah. This'll work no doubt." The Princess of Friendship nodded in approval. She had a way to find the witch. If she ever shows up again and vanishes, Twilight would simply use this spell on the grounds that she stood on. "But first, I need to keep reading these. This is all too good!"

Arche Valley Garden.

A scruffy bed of moss-covered grass is flanked by aromatic shrubs. A pond was built in the front right of the garden, terraced, large, and filled to the brim with Aquatic Pokemon life. The flowers and plants are trying to take all the attention in this garden, and succeeding to a large extent too; they're fighting an eternal competition for the best spots.

This was Arche Valley's beautiful garden that was flourishing. That was yet another beautiful thing that this valley possessed. Here, Sci-Twi was brought over to discover the things she could do with the pendant.

"One of the things you can do with that emanate the light of Arceus. Just like this." Meray held out her hand, releasing a golden glow. This glow was pure and even divine, radiating a soft aura with it. "You should be able to do it casually, even if the glow is faint. Just try it."

"Okay. Like this?" Twilight held both her hands out. Naturally, the pendant responded to her. Mainly her heart. Twilight felt her heart warm up as out of her hands, a small but bright glow of divine light had shown itself. It was as simple as that.

"There you go!" Meray applauded. "Arceus is always around us so you never have to worry about trying to get it right multiple times if he's guiding you.

"Oooh. So Arceus is always helping me without me knowing or seeing?"

"That's right. A semblance of Arceus can be sensed anywhere. Now that you can let out that light, try using it on a Pokemon. The Light of Arceus can be used for many things. It can be used to soothe Pokemon or even hold them back if things go awry. Is there a Pokemon you want to try it out on?" Baraz asked.

"Hmm...I know!" Twilight dug into her pockets, taking out a Poke Ball. "There's one Pokemon I wish to get along with a lot more, but that's pretty difficult. But if Arceus' light can soothe her, then maybe that'll change. Please, come out. Rapidash."

"Rapidash!" Alpha Rapidash had emerged as Baraz and Meray were taken back by the sheer size of this Rapidash.

"Okay. So I just hold it up to them, right?" Twilight went up to Alpha Rapidash. Rapidash was already looking away from her the second she approached. "Guh...Rapidash. Come on."

"That Rapidash is surprisingly large, isn't it?" Meray spoke to Baraz as they couldn't ignore the sheer size of this Rapidash, which was bigger than any Rapidash they've seen.

"But, maybe this will work." Twilight held her hands out, allowing the Light of Arceus to show itself. She closed her eyes as the light latched onto Rapidash's body.

It did its job. The light soothed Rapidash, putting her at ease. However, it didn't warm her up to Twilight at all. Twilight was hoping that was the case, only for Rapidash to sit down. But she did enjoy the light either way.

"Aw...I thought that would work." Twilight sighed, lowering her hand.

"The Light of Arceus is mainly used to calm certain Pokemon down or even relax them." Baraz walked up. "In some cases, it'll let the Pokemon warm up to you but not in this case."

"Bummer." Twilight pouted.

"There's more to learn. We're just getting started." Baraz held his hand out, exuding a powerful flare of light that made Twilight gawk. It amazed her that thinks to this pendant, she could do so much more.

"I'm ready!"

Outside Arche Valley.

Meanwhile, Hoopa used his ring to bring out some Pokemon for Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash requested some strong Pokemon and thus, Hoopa brought out a Machamp, Bouffalant and a Pyroar.

"Whirlipede! Rollout!" And right now, Rainbow Dash was already initiating a battle with one of them. Whirlipede took off, rolling towards Pyroar.

"Pyroar!" Pyroar fought back by using Flamethrower, shooting out a stream of flames to try and push back Whirlipede. Whirlipede spun as fast as he could, having enough strength to power through the Flamethrower. And with this amazing speed, he had crashed into Pyroar, dealing super-effective damage. "Py!"

"Okay! Altaria, use Moonblast!"

"Taria!" By gathering the power of the moon, Altaria unleashed a pink sphere directly at Machamp. Machamp retaliated by using Dynamic Punch, knocking the Moonblast away. Altaria gasped as the blast almost hit her, passing by.

"Go, Luxray! Wild Charge!"

"Lux!" As for Luxray, he was going for Bouffalant, charging in with a crackling aura of electricity behind it. Bouffalant responded by using Head Smash, crashing with Luxray in a head-on collision.

Rainbow Dash knew that the final Gym Battle would be the hardest one out of all of them. If she wanted to make it into the Equestria League, she had to get strong enough so that the final Gym Leader wouldn't be a colossal blockade. Practice makes perfect after all.

"Good work, Rainbow Dash." Bertha applauded Rainbow Dash's efforts, seeing how hard she was working. Her Pokemon were going back and forth with these opposing Pokemon that Hoopa had brought over. Noticeably, these Pokemon were also enjoying themselves even if they had been summoned out of nowhere.

There was a speedy momentum with Luxray and Bouffalant's clash that sent sparks everywhere as well as some recoil damage. Luxray quickly swapped places with Whirlipede, going for Pyroar next with Discharge. As for Whirlipede, he would roll towards Bouffalant with Steamroller. Pyroar's Flamethrower would ferociously fight back against the Discharge while Altaria was evading Machamp's attacks by swiftly flying through the skies, taking the aerial advantage.

Pinkie Pie cheered for Rainbow Dash, encouraging her to seize victory and improve to new heights. Hilbert still saw her as his protege as this was making him tear up, even if Rainbow Dash didn't want to be seen as such.

But during this fierce training session, something had occurred from afar. It was far away, but noticeable from this distance. A loud sound boomed through the area as a pillar of light shot into the air. This grabbed everyone's attention, forcing the training to come to a halt.

"What was that?!" Hilda stood up.

"That came from up north," Bertha observed the direction of the explosive light as the trees were blowing. "It might be one of those challenges that come with trying to reach Arche Valley."

"Oooh. Someone got unlucky then." Hilbert shook his head.

"Are they alright?!" Pinkie Pie was worried about whoever was caught in that since Arche Valley had protection that would fight back and test whoever would try and approach this sacred ground.

"What about my training?!" Rainbow Dash cried out as everyone else was heading over to investigate what caused that sound and if the individual in question was alright. "Ah, fine. I'll continue later."

They all went over to the north part of these outskirts as Pyroar, Machamp and Bouffalant were all sent back by Hoopa's ring. They had done enough now. As for the source of that explosion, the only ones that were trying to reach Arche Valley that would come across these challenges were none other than Galaxy Master and his Pokemon.

He and his Pokemon were currently struggling against a thunderstorm that was being shot from the ground instead of the sky. Truly, this place was bizarre to do that. His Flying-Types were narrowly trying to evade the lightning bolts that were flying out, but that was tricky as another storm had kicked up here.

"Great Galaxies! This place is relentless! Is this what someone has to go through if they want to reach Arche Valley?!" Galaxy Master exclaimed as Pidgeot and Talonflame had been shot by the lightning bolts, falling from the sky. "Ah! Talonflame! Pidgeot!"

This thunderstorm was only getting more and more ferocious with each passing second. Galaxy Master held his hand out, returning Pidgeot and Talonflame as they disappeared into stardust.

"Only one thing to do about this. Pikachu! Go!"

"Pika!" Pikachu would take it from here. Since there was electricity going around, it would make sense for him to deal with this. And he did so by allowing the bolts to hit him. Pikachu would personally absorb the electricity. The ferocity of the bolts had been sucked by Pikachu as they were gravitating towards him, sensing a great ordeal of electricity. "Pikachu!"

Thanks to Pikachu's efforts, the lightning bolts had been absorbed and kept away from Galaxy Master and the rest of his friends. Pikachu got a good fill too, pumping himself up with this increase in electricity. This allowed his friends to fly past this area as Pikachu would follow them from below, absorbing more electricity along the way.

Eventually, they managed to leave that area and avoid the ferocious thunderstorm thanks to Pikachu. But now that they were getting further, the obstacles were getting harder as Galaxy Master and his Pokemon descended.

"Thank you, my electrifying friend. All of you. Return, for now." Galaxy Master called back his Flying-Types. That meant all of them including his Charizard. "We couldn't see it even from that height. This valley truly is great protected. But we won't give up."


"Whatever comes next, we'll have the ally to help us through it."

"Pika. Pka?!" But just then, right after Pikachu agreed with Galaxy Master, he suddenly took on a serious stance. Pikachu sensed someone approaching.

"Hm?! You sense someone nearby, Pikachu?!" Galaxy Master was also alert, looking to the south of this direction. He too could sense someone approaching. Multiple footsteps could be heard as well as a wing beat. It was hard to say if it would be a friend or foe who approaches through those large bushes.

But that would soon be discovered as the first one to step out of the bushes was none other than Rainbow Dash. And when Rainbow Dash emerged, so did everyone else.

"Hm? What the...?" Rainbow Dash stopped in place once she spotted the colourful character in front of her. Galaxy Master and Rainbow Dash stared each other down and soon everyone else looked at this character and his Pikachu.

An encounter between this group had occurred at least. When looking at him, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash immediately knew who this was. Whatever happened next was bound to lead to something that the Rift could not ignore. If anything, knowing that they were coming to Arche Valley was the Rift's reason for sending him here.

And all of it was just for the sake of taking revenge on Ash.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 857 End.

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