• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Today you are my friend

It has been 18 hours since the rift crossed the two worlds over. Things have calmed down now. However, Celestia still has no idea what to make of all of this. The rift us harmless but it ended up scrambling everything else. As she sat on her throne, she could feel something in the air. This feeling felt like a divine presence was near.

And with a sudden flash of golden light appearing, the princess looked up at it. Out from it emerged the Alpha Pokemon Arceus. Celestia was taken back by its appearance. It was just as majestic looking as her.

"Who are you?" She asked. But she was not afraid. It was almost as if the presence of Arceus was enough to make any pony, human or pokemon be calm.

"I am Arceus. I am the one who rules the world on the other side. I assume you are the same?" The Pokémon Deity asked.

"No. I only rule one country. Equestria. But you are the ruler of your world? The one that is mixed with ours?"

"Yes. That rift has made both our worlds connected. This is not the first time it has appeared in other worlds."

"Other worlds?"

"Yes. This mysterious force has been in countless other worlds. Worlds where men in blue and red fly across the skies, where creatures move faster than sound itself, where wizards dominate the world. And now it has come to us."

"So this force has been present everywhere else. But why does it do this then?"

"From what I can tell, it seems that it does this to see what the outcome would be if the work different universes became one. Almost like entertainment to it. After it is done, the two worlds return to normal and it leaves."

"So it is completely harmless. That is good to know. Everypony won't have to worry about anything." Celestia was relieved to hear that this force and rift won't really cause any damage to anyone. "So how long will it last?"

"Unknown. For that he first worlds it lasted over a year, and then later it varied from days, weeks and months in other worlds. The force seems to have some sort of enjoyment level. If it is not satisfied, it returns the worlds to normal."

"I see. Well then, I appreciate your visit, Arceus."

"I wish both of our worlds good luck." And just like that, Arceus left through a wormhole, returning to his domain.

"This could be good actually. Everypony could build new bonds with these new species. I can already tell a new kind of friendship is about to be born."

Meanwhile, in Ponyville, everyone but Fluttershy is aware of this otherworldly connection. Humans were falling from the sky, screaming for their lives but were lucky to have some Pegasi catch them. Grass-type Pokemon have already made the Everfree Forest their home along with normal types roaming Ponyville. Ash, Pikachu and Twilight arrived back in Ponyville to see what is happening on the other side. Ash had just got done changing out of his pajamas and into his closest clothes nearby, his Sinnoh clothing.

"Look at all the Pokémon here. And all these ponies." Ash took a good look at all of Ponyville. It was all just as vibrant as the other regions. Though it was a bit jumbled up currently.

"Alright. Spike should have gathered everyone by now." Twilight said. And just like that Spike came running back to Twilight. "Spike. Did you get the rest of the girls?"

"Sorry Twilight. They're all kinda occupied at the moment. You know... with all of this going on. But I haven't gone to Fluttershy yet, she might be available."

"Of course! Fluttershy loves animals! She'll definitely love Pokemon as well!" Twilight yelled with confidence.

"Fluttershy?" Ash wondered as he, Twilight, Pikachu and Spike headed to Fluttershy's Cottage. She was the only one unaware of the events happening outside. Being occupied with Angel will do that.

Twilight knocked on her cottage door to get her out. "Fluttershy! Are you in there?"

"Oh yes. I'm coming Twilight." Fluttershy opened her door, stepping out of her cottage. The first thing she saw was Pikachu. Which made her gasp in joy instantly. "Oh my goodness!" She rushed over to Pikachu who was on his friend's shoulder. "You are so cute! I've never seen anything like you before!" Pikachu was taken aback by how excited she was. He hadn't seen this much excitement for him back when he was a movie star.

"Uh, this is my partner Pikachu. And you're Fluttershy?" Ash said to the excited pegasus.

"Oh really? Well, he's so amazing. What is he?" Fluttershy put her hooves on his red cheek sacs, rubbing them. Pikachu was a bit sensitive there, so in response, he let out a surge of electricity that hit Ash, Twilight, Spike and Fluttershy, shocking them.

"GGGGHHHHGHH!" That was the sound they all made.

"I should warn you, he's sensitive there so be careful." They were all full of smoke with their hair and mane being puffed up. Fluttershy didn't mind this at all.

"Amazing. Electricity comes out of it?" Twilight said. "I've never seen anything like that before, even from the Everfree Forest."

"That's because Pikachu and every other Pokemon can do many things. Many things." Once Twilight heard this she now wanted to learn more about Pokemon. They might be some form of magic she's never seen before. "Anyways. Nice to meet ya Fluttershy. I'm Ash. And you've already met my friend Pikachu."

"Oh yes yes. It's wonderful to meet you too. You have an interesting friend here. And you look different yourself. Are you a new breed of monkey?"

"Fluttershy. We were hoping you'd be able to communicate with the rest of the Pokémon that are h-" Before Twilight could even finish her sentence, Fluttershy got more excited by the word "rest".

"There's more?! Oh my! How did I almost miss out on this?! Let's go!" Fluttershy flew off, heading towards Ponyville.

"She seems upbeat and energetic." Ash seems said to the two.

"Not normally. She's mostly very shy, hence her name. But once she sees an animal or any creature she gets all giddy. After all, animals are her speciality."

In Ponyville, Fluttershy gazed at all the Pokémon that were there. "Wow. Look at all of them. They all look like normal animals.. but different." She zoomed over to a Cherrim, picking it up. "You're like a flower!" The Cherrim smiled back at her. She then moved to a Mareep, hugging its wool."You're so fluffy! Fluffier than other sheep!" Ash saw her hugging the wool Pokemon and shouted out. "Fluttershy! Don't hug its wool! Its-" Fluttershy was shocked by the Mareep. Second time this has happened to her today. "Its fleece is charged with static electricity," Ash explained, but it was too late. She kept moving on to the next Pokemon, left and right. "You're like a crocodile! A vine! A firefly! A giraffe! Oh, this is just wonderful! This beats the gala any day!" She couldn't contain her excitement. All of the beasties all over the place for her to see.

"Well, shes obviously busy right now. Spike, I'm afraid we are on our own for this one." That's when Mayor Mare arrived to give one of her speeches.
"Everypony please! May I have your attention. All ponies gathered up to hear another one of the mayor's speeches. "I can already tell you are all confused. After all, these new creatures are everywhere. But rest assured, after much consideration and spectating.. they are all completely harmless. Isn't that right you?" She was looking down at a Lillipup she had befriended earlier, petting it. "So as of now. I'd advise everypony to try and get along with these creatures."

"I second that!" Fluttershy yelled from far back in the crowd.

"Good. That is all for today!" Mayor Mare closed the speech as everypony then decided to get along with both the humans and Pokemon.

"Wait did she just call us creatures?" A male trainer said.

"Well. It seems that it's all going well. We still have to check up on the rest of the girls. I wonder how Pinkie is doing." As Twilight said that, hordes of cupcakes, sweets and all sorts of pastries came flying out of Sugarcube Corner with a pony being buried underneath them.

"Thank you." The stallion said.

"Pinkie. Have you just been doing this all day?" Pinkie Pie popped out of the pastry shop, standing on the pile of sweets.

"With some help actually!" Pinkie said pointing inside. In were Slurpuffs making all sorts of desserts for Sugarcube Corner.

"Check out all those Slurpuffs."

"Is that what they're called? I just call them Sweet Sniffers." Pinkie Pie hopped bad inside as Twilight and the gang followed in.

"So they helped you make all of this? Faster than you can normally do."

"It's no surprise. Slurpuff's are always used in kitchens by pastry chefs. Their nose is super sensitive, so they can tell when a dessert is baked to perfection." Ash said, explaining Slurpuffs abilities and traits.

"Really now? Ah, man. I bet they could sniff out some gems." Spike replied to Ash.

"Anyways! Who are you?" Pinkie hopped over to the new face, Ash Ketchum.

"This is Ash, Pinkie. He and his partner Pikachu and the rest of these uh... Slurpuffs come from another world. In their world, these creatures are known as Pocket Monsters. Or Pokemon for short. That rift caused both of our worlds to cross paths."

"Rift? What rift?" Pinkie said as she popped out of a package, eating a cupcake.

"You mean you didn't recognize that huge rift that is all across the world?! What are you doing?!" Twilight yelled.

"I was just making cakes for someone who ordered some. Then all of a sudden, this super-fast light came out of nowhere and just went. That's all I know."

"I'm surprised you could see something that fast. Well, you're obviously fine. We'll leave you to it."

"Wait! I haven't had the opportunity to make friends with you!" Pinkie jumped over to Ash. "I bet we can have LOADS of fun!"

"Well. Sounds good to me. I wanna explore this world more. And I can show you guys my world as well."

"Wonderful! Let's throw a party to celebrate our new otherworld friends! How many are there anyway?"

"All of them. The rift is kind of a gateway." Twilight explained.

"Hm. If it's all of them... then this party is gonna have to be much bigger than usual. Gigantic! This might take a few days, but it'll be worth it in the end!"

"I can't wait! Can you Pikachu?"


"Hey, Twilight. I wanna see more of your world. I bet there's lots of cool stuff ahead."

"I don't know if you think they'd be cool but sure. Follow me, Ketchum."

Meanwhile in the Everfree Forest. The bushes were rumbling as a long pink hair stood out of them.

"Jessie, you're crushing me with your leg!"

"Suck it up, James! I need some time to recover from that flash."

"Well hurry it up! You two are stepping on my tail!"


The three infamous members of Team Rocket have also entered this world. Jessie, James and Meowth. Along with their Wobbufet.

"Where even are we? This place gives me the creeps." Jessie held herself as she could fee, the chill of the forest run through her. Unbeknownst to them, something was lurking behind them.

Timberwolves. Five of them in total. James and Meowth turned around to see the wood body wolves.

"Methinks we're in their territory?"

"Right you are James." The two of them gulped as the Timberwolves lunged at them. They took off, leaving Jessie in the dust, screaming.

"Where are you two going?!" Jessie turned around to see the creatures behind her as she then screamed for her life and followed her two teammates. The Timberwolves chased them down, but they couldn't keep up with Team Rocket's hilarious speed. Soon the two of them found a hut as they quickly rushed in it. They took some time to breathe as they let out a deep sigh.

"Phew. I've never seen Pokemon look so fierce yet so fragile looking." James said, laying back on a wall.

"Check this out. This must be some crazy lady's hut. This just spells voodoo all over." Meowth said, looking at the hut of Zecora, who they were unaware of.

"This pot looks like it's just here aesthetic. I bet she's not that crazy." Jessie sat down on a table, crushing the bottles as a chain reaction occurred with colourful explosions. It all blew up in their faces.

"Alright! No time to fool around! We need to figure out where we are! Our wonderful vacation.. ruined without warning! James! Meowth! We're getting out of this creep land."

"Well now, what have we here? Unknown creatures who have appeared." A rhyming voice came from the entrance. Zecora, the owner of this hut had just returned.

"Must be trainers. Meowth, talk to it and tell it to skedaddle." Jesse commanded.

"It is you that must leave this place, or the Everfree Forest will seal your fate."

"Holy smokes! You can talk like me! That can't be right actually." Meowth took some time to wonder. Jessie, James. I don't think we're in the same world anymore.

"Oh, so you are visitors from another world. That would explain the rift that whirls."

"We don't have time for these silly rhymes! Where are we?!" Jessie yelled, expecting an answer.

"I'm pretty sure, the rhyming zebra has already explained that we are in the Everfree Forest apparently. Wait, Meowth? Another world?"

"Yeah. That sudden flash must've sent us all the way here. Don't know how though."

"Well, I don't want to stick around any longer. Everything about this hut and forest is just uncomfortable. Well, thank you for your patronage, miss zebra. But I'm afraid we must be leaving." James smiled as they exited the hut, but heard the howling of Timberwolves. Back in they went. "Well.. we'll stay for a while."

Meanwhile, all the way in the Unova region. The Ursa minor had landed in Castelia City. It had just woken up from all the noise from the city. Panic ensued and people started running as this big cosmic bear was loose. Officer Jenny had arrived in the commotion, seeing the Ursa Minor.

"What is that?!" Jenny said.

"It's the Ursa Minor! Run for it! Some ponies who were set here were also running. With no Twilight here currently, how is this big threat going to be taken down?

Chapter 2 End.

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