• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A Hollow Showcase

Canterlot Castle.

Celestia had just gotten back from a daily decree concerning other decrees. Her Ralts Passion had been waiting for her to get back all day.

"Hello, Passion. I'm back. Sorry I was gone for so long."


"Princess Celestia. The human from the other side has arrived." A guard said.

"Excellent. I have a feeling he'll make an excellent Tutor to the little ones. I want this world to embrace Pokemon even more. If you would be so kind. Please direct him to the main class."

"Understood." The guard left the room, heading to this newcomer who would teach the young ones. A man by the name of Hollow. From first glance, he looked like trouble. His sharp eyes, black and gothic clothing make him uncomfortable to be around. It didn't help that he had an intimidating name and a Scrafty, a Dark-type with black sunglasses on. And Dark-types don't get the best reputation.

But Celestia had trusted this man thanks to Passion being able to sense what kind of person he is.

"Hollow. Your tutoring begins. Princess Celestia ordered that we guide you to the classes." The guard said to him. He led the trainer to the class filled with colts and fillies who were ready to learn. The moment he entered the room, they had all frozen at the sight of him. Some hid behind their chairs, shaking.

"Hello, hello kids. My name is Hollow. I'm here to teach you all about Pokeballs and Regional forms." He was talking like any normal person would but his looks were still making the kids a bit terrified."Hm. Not really getting any responses. Okay, no problem. We can still get this lesson started. I can start off by showing you one of my partners. Come out." Getting out one his Pokeballs he let out his Pokemon, Delphox.

This was enough to grab their attention, as the little ones gawked at the Fox Pokemon.

"Wow... look at how pretty it is." A filly said.

"Why does it have a stick though?" A colt followed.

"I see you're already interested. This is Delphox. A Fire and Psychic-type. And if you're wondering what the stick is all about... that is actually a flaming branch which is used for psychic visions. Gazing into the fire can make it see into the future." Hollow explained.


"Now that I have your attention, what say we discuss Pokeballs."

"Yeah yeah!" They were a little less scared of him now. He didn't seem like he would do anything dangerous to them.

"Okay. I'll start off with this." Hollow pulled out of his pocket a Great Ball. "This is a Great Ball. Similar to the red and white Pokeball, this one has a higher chance of catching a Pokemon. In fact, certain Pokeballs have better catch rates depending on the location, the Pokemon or even the weight."

"So what would count as the best Pokeball, Mr Hollow?" A young pegasus asked.

"The best? Well, the Master Ball is the peak Pokeball. It can catch a Pokemon without fail, no matter what."


"Problem is... they are incredibly rare. Only one guy has ever owned one fully and that is a guy named Sullivan, a fisherman. When I came across him, apparently he had a master ball ready to catch a Whiscash named Nero... but the Whiscash ate it. So it's gone." All the children laughed at that small story about the Master Ball and the Whiscash.

"Mr Hollow. How were the Pokeballs made?"

"How were they made? Well, it all began in the Johto Region. People discovered this by using Apricorns found in trees. They cut and carved them out while placing a special device inside of them. This allows the Pokeball to function, otherwise, it would just normal fruit. Although over time, Pokeballs have been mechanically made like the ones over at the Devon Corporation or Silph Co."

"So, how long ago was that?"

"Pretty long ago. 1925 was when the first Pokeball was made. Although that number of year might seem a bit long compared to this world huh?"


"Well, I've already talked about how they were made and when they were created. Anypony got any questions."

"I got one! What's the point of a Pokeball? That Ash kid has his own Pokemon and he's never in a ball. Always outside."

"Ash Ketchum from Kanto? Oh, I know of him. Well, some Pokemon don't prefer being inside their Pokeballs... but the main reason for their existence is mostly due to a Pokemon known as Primeape."

"Primeape?" They all said.

"Yeah. Primeapes are known for their intense rage. They are always angry no matter what and because of this, even humans who owned a Primeape were attacked by them. This was the case for other Pokemon but it was mainly Primeapes that caused the creation of the Pokeball. They were made to make sure that humans can keep them without any risk at all. Essentially making it so that they can train with their Pokemon without too much danger."

"Woah. So all of that just for one Pokemon?"

"Yes. Some Pokemon can be pretty dangerous you know. Now, I've explained the history of it. Let's move on to one other lesson. And this will be the last one for today. Regional Forms."

"Regional Forms?" All of them said.

"Yes. Certain Pokemon have alternate forms and looks depending on what region they're in. This is caused when certain Pokemon adapt to the habitats of the region they're in. Even their types change."

"Oooh! So do they like grow big or something?!" A rambunctious unicorn said.

"Well no not really. They mostly stay the same size...But they do increase in weight. An example of an original form to a regional form can be of this. Come out Linoone." He sent out a Linoone, the original form from Hoenn. "This little guy is Linoone. This is what they originally look like. A normal type and just standard. But that's nothing compared to it's regional form. Its Galarian form."

"What's that like?"

"Dark and Normal. Its look is all kinds of different. It gains black patterns instead and has an extra evolution that the original line doesn't have. Although, I still love my Linoone the way he is."

"Wow. Pokemon are so strange..."

"That's the beauty of them, my little pony. It's the mystery they hold that makes them so wonderful. Now, I wanna excite you all. Back to the topic of Pokeballs... why don't we go out and try catching some Pokemon?"

"No way! You'd actually take us out to catch some? But we're not Pokemon trainers. Some of us haven't even registered for the Pokemon League. We're too young."

"Don't worry about it. Catching Pokemon doesn't really have an age limit. Before we go, I need to know your names so I don't lose track of any of you."

After a few minutes of introducing everypony, they were ready to go out. The first location they went over to was Saddle Lake. Tons of Water-types dwelled there since Water-Type Pokemon have the most Pokemon out of all 18 types. There, the fillies and colts were given pokeballs to use. Specifically quick balls. Effective on the first go.

The little ponies started catching away as a lot of them were not very good at it. The Water-Types simply dove down into the lake, avoiding them. Hollow watched this as he saw some of them get successful catches but not much. Then from the distance, he saw a familiar well-known face to others.

"Look at that. Ash Ketchum!"

"Hm? Oh hey! What's going on here?" Ash and Pikachu walked over to see what this catching spree was all about.

"Well, I'm just letting the boys and girls catch Pokemon. Though they don't seem to be good at throwing Pokeballs. Can't blame them. This is all new territory. My name is Hollow. I'm right now working at Canterlot to teach these kids." Hollow explained.

"Oh, so now humans can teach here? Sweet. I would like to do that, though I don't think I'm qualified as a teacher."

"Pikachu.." As the catching went on, that one rambunctious unicorn from before was about to try something insane. The unicorn was named Sunrise Sprint, an orange unicorn with a mane that can only be described as aloof. And right now he was using a fellow colt as bait to draw in the Pokemon.

"Come on.. take the bait!" He said.

"Sunrise! Knock it off!" His fellow classmate said he was being dipped in water. Sunrise was a bit of a wild one. He tends to think outside of the box but in extreme ways. Ways that he thinks gets things done faster.

"Sunrise. Would you let go of him already?" Another pony said.

"Fine." Sunrise placed him back on land. These Pokemon are too timid. They keep diving back down if anypony gets too close.

"Drawing in Pokemon are tough. Usually, they come to you out of instinct but some are on the more shy side." Hollow said.

"Feh. Well, I wanna catch a Pokemon already."

"Give it time Sunrise."

One pony was exempt from the group, hiding actually. A young blue earth pony by the name of Dew Drop. She had a bit of a fear of Pokemon. They were new to her and seemed to be everywhere in the world right now. She has a phobia of animals. Ash noticed the cowering pony as Pikachu went over to her.


"Eeep!" She screamed as she hid up a tree, fearing Pikachu as he got close.

"What's wrong with her? She seems scared." Ash asked.

"No idea. I think she might have a fear of Pokemon. Dew Drop! You can come down it's okay!" Hollow said.

"..." Dew Drop was shaking in the tree as she made leaves fall down.

"Come on! Pikachu won't hurt ya. He's a great guy to be around."


Dew Drop looked down at the Electric Mouse Pokemon and found him to have a cuteness factor. But that didn't stop her from still being afraid.

"I'm afraid it might s-shock me!"

"Pikachu won't shock you. They're quite friendly you know. You can trust me." Ash said to her. Dew Drop looked down as she thought about it for a second. She slowly slid down as she picked up a twig, moving it near Pikachu.

"Pika." Pikachu looked at the twig as he poked it with his tiny little mouse hands. Dew Drop smiled a little bit as she went closer to Pikachu. Even if she was afraid, no harm in getting a little bit closer to the cuter ones.

"See? Pikachu's harmless once you get to know him."

"I guess so." The little filly quietly said.

"That is going to be my next lesson tomorrow. Teaching them about cute and intimidating Pokemon and how you don't need to always catch cute Pokemon. The more burly and serious ones can be caught as well." Hollow replied.

Sunrise had used a small bit of magic to pull up a Pokemon. But he was only able to do so because the Pokemon was super light. A Horsea to be exact.

"Finally! Alright! Get in the Pokeball!" He tossed the quick ball, but Horsea suddenly smacked the Pokeball back into his face. "Oof!" He was knocked back as the Horsea went back into the lake. "Why that little-"

"Hah! Maybe you shouldn't talk to them like that." A pony said to him, laughing at what just happened.

"Feh. Just caught me off guard." Sunrise tried to act cool about it.

After some catching, the colts and fillies had placed their pokeballs near Hollow as he examined how many were truly caught.

"24 in total. Not bad. Though it did take a while." The pokeballs were sitting there until...

They were snatched by a large net. Only one reason behind that. That signature Meowth Balloon.

"Yoink! What's yours is ours now!" Jessie said.

"TEAM ROCKET!" Ash yelled.


"Sorry to make this short Twerp! But we've got places to be! But we'll be back for that Pikachu! Don't worry!"

"That won't happen! Pikachu! Thunderbolt!" Pikachu charged up a thunderbolt, sending it towards them. However, from underneath the ballon came out Wobbuffet who used Counter to send it back. They had ended up using Wobbuffet as a weapon in case they tried to stop them like always.

"Hah! Juked you out!" Meowth said.

"They won't get far. Delphox! Come out and use Mystical Fire!" Hollow tossed Delphox up who used Mystical Fire in midair. Wobbuffet was ready to counter even this one.

"Pikachu! Electroweb!" Pikachu joined in by using Electroweb. The Mystical Fire distracted Wobbufet whilst the electroweb hit the balloon.

"Cheap shot!" James bellowed. The balloon was sent crashing down on the ground. Team Rocket had jumped out of the destroyed balloon, aggravated.

"You're going to regret that. Go!" Jessie was about to toss a Pokeball.. but she remembered something. When they had their final time in Alola and the two worlds collided, they never bought a Pokemon along with them. As such... they had none of their Pokemon with them. "Uh oh."

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

"Delphox! Shadow Ball!"


"Del...Phox! Both attacks raced forward, striking Team Rocket head-on, as it sent them off into the sky.

"You know the next time we plan a snag. Let's not forget the backup." Jessie sighed.

"On the plus side, this is the fastest we've been defeated in a long while. So it shows we haven't lost our groove yet." James followed.

"I don't think that's the positive." Meowth finished.


"We're blasting off again!"

"Man, they're just as persistent as me." Ash said.

THAT WAS AWESOME!" Sunrise yelled as the other little ponies cheered.

"At least the kids got a great show." Hollow replied. The day was coming to an end. Hollow was to return with the children as they were to head home as well. "Thanks for the help, Ash. Nice meeting you today."

"No problem, Hollow. Good luck teaching these kids." They shook hands, saying goodbye to each other as they went their separate ways.

When Ash returned, he saw Applejack and Spike a bit on the tired side. "Woah. What happened to you two?"

"Timberwolves... Becoming Applejack's assistant. Damsel!" Spike said, trying to catch his breath.

"Okay then."


Over at the realm where The Rift dwells.

"If I'm not mistaken. What follows next is the return of Discord correct?" Obsidian said.

"You mean that weird combination of multiple creatures? Oh yeah... he did get freed from stone in the original timeline didn't he?" Emerald replied.

"If he returns, then that means double the chaos. What do you say, Rift?"

"We will let history play out for this one. Discord will make things interesting with the inclusion of Pokemon. I am already aware that he knows of my existence. In the meantime... Emerald Aura. Cold Colt. I want you two to live in Ponyville."


Chapter 35 End.

Author's Note:

The character Hollow is actually a requested character. He seemed like a fully-fledged Pokemon character so he fit in perfectly. Thanks to GamePlayer 64.

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