• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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One in the same

Unova. Virbank City. Virbank Complex Guest Room. Afternoon.

"Achoo!" Over at the Virbank City Complex, Rarity and Sweetie Belle had been brought to the hospital after receiving a harsh chilling attack from Froslass. "So cold..." Sweetie Belle shuddered as the hospital's nurse had a Growlithe that was warming them up.

"Luckily, since it's summer the cold won't last much longer," Roxie commented. "You'll be fine."

"Stay here for a few minutes or so and we'll let you go." The nurse said before leaving the room, allowing her Growlithe to stay behind.

"Pheromosa...That Froslass has some nerve taking her away." Rarity sat up on the bed, furiously using her magic to grip the sheets. Pheromosa had been taken by Froslass, who was responsible for the heap of snow in PokeStar Studios. Rarity could only think about Pheromosa's status. She was most definitely going to be one of Froslass' many frozen prey in whatever chilling area she was residing in.

"A bit of a wonder that she only froze Pheromosa. "Alberto commented.

"Yeah, you've got a point there. She didn't freeze any of us back when she showed up last night. My Pokemon are still fine and warm too." Roxie added, noticing that Alberto had a point. "She didn't even try. So why your Pheromosa?"

"I don't know but...I need to get her back as soon as I can. She did something to Pheromosa, and I just can't avoid it."

"There's a reason why she took only Pheromosa..." Abruptly, someone had replied to Rarity. There was someone else in the room that no one had noticed or even seen at all. They all had collective gasps, turning to face the one who uttered those words. Sitting next to the window was the sudden appearance of a lady.

A lady with green hair and crimson eyes. Eerily similar to the one who Yuki met all those years ago in the harsh snowstorm and brought about the two halves.

"W-What the...where'd you come from?" Roxie stammered as she certainly wasn't here before.

"A reason why she took only Pheromosa?" But Rarity didn't care about how or when she got here. Pheromosa was only on her mind and anything relating to her was crucial at this very moment.

"Yes, yes." The lady rubbed her hands together as she was wearing gloves. However, her fingernails were so sharp that they pierced through the gloves, showing off the red tips. "With such overwhelming power that is greater than any other Froslass, it's a mystery why only Pheromosa was taken and not anyone else, right?"

"Who are you exactly?" Baron Alberto questioned.

"What's the reason. Please, I need to know." Rarity pleaded.

"The reason...do you recall one of those dex entries about Froslass? I expect you to know it the most." The eerie lady then shifted her eyes at Alberto, referring to how his home region was Sinnoh.

"We do. Froslass takes her prey when they're frozen and brings them back to her mountain. That's it, right?" Sweetie Belle answered.

"That one is obvious. But the other is of a tale."

"Ah. Of course. The Tale about Froslass." Alberto added. "It's about the soul of a woman lost on a snowy mountain possessed an icicle, becoming that Pokemon. They say that the Froslass population for Snorunt greatly increased because of her."

"Really? I thought it was because she passed on." Roxie scratched her hair, thinking of another Froslass tale.

"It's the same thing." Alberto shrugged.

"Are you saying that has something to do with Pheromosa being taken away? But why?"

"That's because Froslass and Pheromosa are one in the same. At least, those two specifically."

"One in the same?!" They all collectively exclaimed. Judging by what the lady had said, this could only mean one thing.

"That's right. The soul of that woman who perished in the mountains and was reborn as a Froslass still wanders this world with a hollow and cold heart. At least, that side of her. My purple-maned pony. Your Pheromosa is the opposite of that, isn't she?"

"Of course she is! My Pheromosa is genuine and has a kind heart. She's in no way like that Froslass who took her. Unless..." It was all coming together for Rarity. By taking the words of this mysterious lady and the hints that were thrown her way, the unicorn had concluded on one outcome. "You're saying that my Froslass and Pheromosa...are the same Pokemon? No. The same human?"

"You catch on fast, my little pony."

"You're kidding?! Right?!" Roxie's guitar almost fell off. "No way that's possible! It's one girl in two bodies?!"

"Believe me...sharing bodies with a Pokemon isn't impossible. I should know. Sadly." Alberto grumbled as he had an experience with his body becoming that of a Pokemon. Fittingly, his own Pokemon, Lickilicky.

"But why those two? Froslass makes sense but Pheromosa?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"That girl is not originally from this world. She comes from another world, another space if you will. That girl came here to visit, but it soon turned into a nightmare when she was forced away from the place she could call home."

"Another space...Ultra Space!" Rarity already knew about Ultra Space. Pheromosa's connection to Froslass was starting to add up.

"One of them is vengeful after all these years, pining to return home while the other one has found peace and made a new home. The question is...which one of them will end up as the true version?" The lady gave a bad omen. "That girl aims to be complete once again. On this special day, her true self will return and potentially as an even vengeful force than she was previously. Unless...That change."

"It will change! Rarity removed the bed sheets with her magic. "All of this talk about two halves, worlds and revenge is enough now. I know one thing. If she's planning to make herself whole, I refuse to let Pheromosa be a part of a revenge story. Not one bit. I'll find Froslass and resolve this."

"How exactly?" Alberto asked. "There aren't many distinct Froslass besides their shiny variants. Finding the right chilly mountainside with the right Froslass could lead to us stepping into the wrong one and making us unwanted trespassers."

"That's why I have my friends. I have an accessory back home that Pheromosa wears. Pinkie Pie's Slurpuff will sniff her out that way." The fashionista hopped out of her bed. "And as for Froslass...I believe I understand it clearly."

"You do?" Sweetie Belle replied.

"It's somewhat similar to one of those movies I was cast in. A lost soul that's been searching for a way to make himself whole. Froslass and Pheromosa are one soul in two bodies. If it's possible, I'll make it so that this split personality debacle gets solved before it gets out of hoof.

"You're saying you're actually gonna go through with this merging thing?" Roxie scratched her mane. "How's that gonna work?"

"Not sure. We'll find out when we get there. If not, there's always another option available. Whatever this girl's name is, it's clear that her spirit isn't truly satisfied. Pheromosa is that girl and I can tell that she was wonderful in her time. A shame what happened to her."

"So, we're gonna stop and help Froslass at the same time. Got it." Sweetie Belle squeed.

"Thank you so much for telling us this. Who are you by the way?" Rarity asked the crimson-eyed lady. But the moment everyone turned away, she was gone. Without a whisper or any form of sound, the lady vanished. She was nowhere to be found, becoming a greater mystery than before.

"What the?! Where'd she go?!" Roxie navigated her head around. "Did you see her, Growlithe?"

"Growlithe." Growlithe shook its head. No one saw her.

"It doesn't matter now. What matters is saving Pheromosa. And to an extent Froslass. Will you help us, Roxie?" Rarity requested.

"Sure, sure. That's what a teacher does for their students, right? But, we're friends so friends do this too, ya know." Roxie laughed.

"Ahem." Baron Alberto cleared his throat. "Clearly, you're not forgetting someone, are you?" He flashed his eyes.

"You wanna help too? Why?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You wanna brag about beating Froslass, don't you? You know that not everyone's gonna be there to see it, right?" Roxie pouted at Alberto.

"Even so, it will still be the truth." He crossed his arms. "Though...I do wish that a crowd would show up there to see my victory."

"Wait for us, Pheromosa. And the same goes for you too, Froslass." Rarity's determination burned with great passion that was enough to melt the ice that Froslass had left behind. Eventually, the cold will subside under the Summer Sun, but even with a cold, Rarity would press on.

Sinnoh. Route 217. Near Snowpoint City. Late Afternoon.

Route 217 End. Snow blows down from Sinnoh's greatest landmark, Mt. Coronet and grows into a harsh, ceaseless blizzard. It was a pure white tundra.

Thanks to Pinkie Pie and her Slurpuff, when sniffing out a necklace that Pheromosa would wear sometimes, they were able to track Pheromosa and Froslass' location with Slurpuff taking the lead. Rarity and her sister made sure to wear some scarves and hats just to show up at Route 217. However, Froslass' lair wouldn't be out in the open.

"Slur. Slurpuff." Slurpuff aimed his head to the ground.

"Sounds like Slurpuff's sniffed her out underneath." Pinkie Pie bounced over to where Slurpuff had stopped. "Might even be way away from Snowpoint City."

"Ah, so that Froslass chooses a location near civilization and makes her hideout underground." Alberto deduced, wearing too many jackets to protect him from the cold and to prepare for Froslass. "Clever."

"It doesn't matter where she puts her hideout. Pinkie Pie. I need you and Mew to start digging." Rarity requested.

"You got it! Mew. Let's try...Excadrill or Dugtrio. Whichever one you like."

"Mew-Mew!" Mew saluted before then transforming into an Excadrill, relying on those powerful claws. "Excadrill! Exca-Exca!" By using Excadrill's claws, Mew began burrowing as Slurpuff stayed behind him. It was off to the underground as the moon was starting to come into view, peering through the misty clouds.

"Phero...Mosa?" Speaking of Pheromosa, after being frozen up for a while now, she awoke with the top of the ice around her head melting away. Her vision was no longer immobile. The Lissome Pokemon flashed her eyes, blinking to get adjusted to things.

Instantly, Pheromosa noticed a drastic change in scenery compared to what she recalled. Everything was less chaotic now. Now, she was within a cave, but this cave had an equally perplexing sight that wasn't chaotic but rather haunting.

In front of her, a mass array of people and Pokemon could be seen. Lined up in a perfect line, these people and Pokemon were all in a worse condition than Pheromosa. They were completely frozen solid while also having faces of despair in them. Looking t them made Pheromosa think that she could hear their screams even with zero movements.

Naturally, Pheromosa was horrified by this sight. However, the longer she looked at these frozen people and Pokemon, the more her memory was being triggered. It was mainly the people that triggered another part of her memory. When looking at them, she recognized their clothing.

These clothes belonged to an older time, which was thousands of years ago. And much like how seeing that specific Froslass made her remember her original form before the split, these people reminded her of the village that was located at the Alabaster Icelands. These were them. After all of these years, their bodies had been frozen up.

"Phe?!" Familiar faces of the people that she once used to live with before being forced away by them. But seeing them in this state was unpleasant, even with that history.

"Froslass." Froslass hovered to Pheromosa once she was awake, alerting her other half. It was all clear to Pheromosa now. While Froslass had perfect recollection of everything that had happened ever since that chilling day, Pheromosa was only just now regaining those lost memories.

The memories that the mysterious green-haired-crimson-eyed lady had sealed away only worked on Pheromosa. But unlike Pheromosa, a Froslass never forgets. The entire species always remembers.

"Mosa?" Pheromosa called out a familiar name that she remembered. The name that they both shared. The girl from Ultra Space, Yuki.

"It's good that you remember me." And just like that, all of a sudden, Froslass began using telepathy. "At long last, I can reunite with myself. But do you remember everything else?" Hearing this form of telepathy, deep inside of Pheromosa's mind, she started speaking with language as well, but only in her head. However, Froslass had used Psychic to dig into her other half's mind just to listen to her.

"I remember. I remember what happened on that day back in the mountains. I froze up. We both froze up."

"We did. We would've perished forever there if it weren't for that witch." Froslass flew over, circling the LIssome Pokemon. "She saved us that day and told us that we had a chance to meet up again one day once we were split. That day has come. I sensed you nearby just yesterday and missed you. But now, I have you. We have us."

"But these statues...aren't these of our friends from long ago? Why would you keep them like this? And is this the icelands that we used to live at?" Pheromosa asked.

"Friends? They aren't our friends. After everything we went through, they would dare try and force us out. Even go as far as to attack us." Froslass backed away as the visage of a cold-hearted Yuki who had soulless eyes came into view with a transparent appearance. Meanwhile, Pheromosa had the opposite, retaining Yuki's gentle and lively eyes. "How could you call them friends still?"

"It was my fault. Our fault. We should've known the dangers of coming to their world since we were from another space. But...since we didn't we caused them so much trouble that they didn't deserve. I wish I did something about it earlier. None of this would've happened."

"Don't you dare say that. Were we deserving of that cruel fate in the mountains? Had it not been for that witch, we would've probably had-" But just then, Froslass was cut off as she heard something.

The sound of the ground shaking and drilling as well. Mew was close by, using the power of Excadrill to move through the underground.

"What was that? Is someone there?" Froslass uttered as the sounds were only getting closer.

"That must be Rarity!" Pheromosa instantly thought about Rarity. That was the only possibility in her mind.

"I'll deal with them. Or rather, they'll deal with them." Froslass suddenly turned to the statues of the frozen people and Pokemon, using Psychic. With the sheer power of Psychic, she managed to shatter the ice and after thousands of years of being stuck in an icy prison, the people and Pokemon from the old village had been freed.

But not in great condition. Their bodies were all light blue now after being frozen for so long. Their legs and every single limb felt numb and stiff. Groans came from them as they could still let out some noise but they were only grunts and groans. But they could barely speak, acting like zombies as their legs started moving, trembling. Ordered by Froslass, they went straight to the source of the noise.

"What have you done with them?!" Pheromosa gasped. "You didn't have to do this!"

"That Witch gave me the power to exact my revenge. And I did. On all those who betrayed me and it felt good too. But I'm jealous of that part of myself. That part was allowed to go home and meet with the others. I should've gone there. That's my one regret from taking the witch's offer."

"Hm? Hold on a sec!" Roxie halted everyone, causing Mew to stop drilling. During their venture through the underground cave system, Roxie heard and felt something coming nearby. Everyone stopped to take in the atmosphere and see what Roxie had sensed.

Two noises were heard. Footsteps and groans. These came from the thousand-year-old people and Pokemon who have not aged at all thanks to their icy prisons. Once they came into view, Rarity and the others saw their sluggish and eerie walks as their pupils were nowhere to be seen either.

"Zombies?!" Rarity and Baron Alberto shouted out what they were seeing.

"Ice Zombies! Sweet!" Pinkie Pie, Sweetie Belle and Roxie's eyes lit up, thinking ahead of just ordinary zombies. The groans got louder as the Cold Humans and Pokemon locked onto the group, seeing them as the enemy. They stopped for a moment with their bodies beginning to twitch even harder than before. They were unable to get their original movements back but under Froslass' control, they were able to get adjusted to these new ones.

Their groans became louder as suddenly, they expelled chilling waves of ice from their body, covering this part of the underground cave system. The Pokemon were unable to use their attacks, but they could certainly expel ice still as a means of attacking.

"Yikes!" Pinkie Pie's mane and tail stood up upon seeing this terrifying wave of ice coming this way.

"Toxicroak! Come out and use Protect!" Roxie thought fast, digging into her pockets before then lobbing a Poke Ball, almost falling over.

"Toxicroak!" The second Toxicroak emerged, it knew what to do. It put both its arms out once it landed in front of Mew and everyone. A large barrier of energy had been formed in the nick of time, blocking the incoming streams of ice. The ice streams crashed into the barrier, negated completely. However, they left some collateral damage. The ice was so potent that the walls immediately froze over. Some snow had even formed from it, sending a cruel breeze through.

"They're so pale and blue!" Alberto grimaced. "I've never heard of someone leaving Froslass' cave!"

"That means she's nearby." Rarity was ready to press on, using her magic to hold out a Poke Ball. Out of it came her Lopunny, who had physical strength close to Pheromosa.


"Wait, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle halted her sister, already knowing what she was up to. "We don't have to hurt them! Look at them!"

"Hm?" Rarity took a moment to look at the people and Pokemon. She already knew they were blue, but it was only now that she could see how they were truly feeling. Despite their zombie-like movements, they took some time to try and cover themselves. Their arms struggled to move from one spot as they shivered, holding their shoulders.

After all these years, they were still alive but they were struggling to go on with the state they were in. The harsh ice from Froslass could finish them off before they could have the chance to do anything else besides moving in a jagged way.

"Right." Rarity lowered her head. "I'll leave them to you then. I'll go after Pheromosa." Rarity would try and avoid them as she hopped onto Lopunny's back. Sweetie Belle and Phione did the same, wanting to come along. "Give them some warmth if you can. Lopunny, go!"

"Lopun!" Lopunny started hopping away. Compared to Pheromosa, she was almost identical to her. From physical strength to even the speed she moved at. Or in this case, the length she was able to jump at as immediately, Lopunny stepped on their heads to get ahead.

"Apologies!" Rarity apologized to the Cold People and Pokemon when Lopunny jumped on each of their heads to get head. They felt a bit perplexed afterwards.

"Now that she's gone ahead, how does one deal with them without doing any harm?" Alberto suggested. "Because I'm thinking the opposite."

"Rare said to try and thaw them out The best option's the summer sun. So, we just bring them up to the surface and it'll be peachy." Roxie replied as they started moving again, using the snow to their advantage. This time, they exuded snow from their bodies, sending them in droves.

"I've got something better! Mew! Transform!"

"Exca! "Going from an Excadrill to another Pokemon, Mew switched into the perfect Pokemon that he could think of for this situation. A Fire-Type would do. The second the snow waves approached, Mew got in front of them, having his body engulfed in a flare of light before the waves hit him.

"Infernape!" He emerged out of the smoke as an Infernape as the snow had melted within his presence.

"Nice pick! Infernape! You can jump around this place with that body! Go, Mew! Thaw them out with Infernape's flames!"

"Fernape!" Mew would use Infernape's hair as the main source of thawing them out. However, the Cold Zombies wouldn't make it easy for them. They then used the ice from the walls as it was confirmed they had the ability to manipulate the cold in this horrible condition. But that was only possible because of Froslass. Vast numbers of ice shards came flying out of the walls that had already been frozen, appearing in each direction.

"Toxicroak, Drain Punch!"

"Lickilicky! Use Power Whip!"

"Toxic!" Toxicroak croaked, harnessing energy in its arms before them swinging some punches at the incoming shards. Lickilicky had used its tongue, covering it in a verdant aura before then swinging it like a violent whip, hitting away the shards whilst Mew pulled them close to him, making sure that Infernape's flaming hair would act as a campfire. It was all up to them in this part of the underground.

"Lopun!" As for Rarity and Lopunny, they showed up with Lopunny kicking the large rocket entrance down with her powerful legs. Unfortunately for Froslass, appointing frozen bodies ended up leaving some trails of ice and snow that led these two right to her home.

"Phero? Pheromo!" Pheromosa was ecstatic to see her friends again once those walls were shattered.

"Pheromosa! Don't worry, we're here, darling!"

"Froslass...!" Froslass growled as Rarity hopped off Lopunny. Froslass was displeased by this. Using those frozen people and Pokemon was a failure. But that only made sense considering they were in horrible conditions after keeping them frozen for thousands of years.

"Froslass! We need to talk." Rarity shouted Froslass name, making the Snow Land Pokemon twitch. She then walked forward, nudging her head to Lopunny which was a sign for her to go and free Pheromosa.

"Lopunnny." But the second Lopunny walked over, Froslass had used Psychic, dragging Pheromosa and her icy prison towards her, preventing Lopunny from getting close. "Lopun?"

"Fros! Froslaaaaaassss!" Refusing to let her other half go, Froslass let out a disdainful cry towards the both of them that now only caused another snowstorm, but also rattled their ears and the cave.

"Ugh!" Rarity attempted to power through it this time, using some magic coating to protect herself as her hooves slid on the ground. Sweetie Belle and Phione were almost blown away, but Lopunny managed to grab them both by wrapping her ear around them.

"Phe! Phero!" Pheromosa screamed at Froslass, pleading with her to stop. After all, Pheromosa and Froslass were on in the same and to an extent, it felt like Pheromosa was attacking her best friends.

"I need answers immediately!" Rarity put her hoof up over her face while trying to move forward in this snowstorm. "I heard everything already. Especially the most from that strange green-haired lady."

"Fros?" Hearing that description made Froslass gasp for a split second. The Witch had been brought up once more.

"You two are one girl, right? Suddenly split into two and become different Pokemon. Pheromosa and Froslass." Rarity continued. "Vengeful and kind is what I know of this separate existence. Pheromosa. Did you know about this?"

"Mosa." Pheromosa didn't at first, but now she remembered it all.

"No matter. What matters is that I solve this. You're aiming to become whole again. To become the girl you used to be in the past. And that's by merging with Pheromosa, correct?"

"Froslass." Froslass nodded in confirmation.

"But, you don't have a way of doing that, do you?" Rarity smirked, making Froslass twitch. She was right. Froslass didn't have a way to make her and Pheromosa whole again, neither was she sure that they could return to being Yuki together. They may no longer be one body and one soul.


"Hmph. Figures. There probably is a way for that to happen. The Pokemon World is massive and endless after all." Rarity chucked. "But, even if you do find a way, I won't let your complete self overtake Pheromosa. That sweet side of her is something that should not be taken away from anything. You can agree with that, Froslass. You used to be like that when the two of you were one being."

"Fros...Froslass!" Froslass was starting to get annoyed by Rarity's words while Pheromosa smiled at the speech she gave.

"At the end of the day, Pheromosa is practically fully alive. But you're a Ghost, aren't you?" Rarity's smirk turned into a frown as she put on a serious face. "You're the progenitor of most Froslass that exist. And you come with a grudge. If anything, you're just a vengeful spirit at the moment."

"Lass!" Froslass bellowed before then using Shadow Ball, summoning a blob of shadows, lunging it at Rarity at full force.

"Lopunny!" Only for Lopunny to get in the way, using her immunity to Ghost to her advantage. She smashed apart the blob of shadows, preventing it from reaching Rarity.

"Who does she think she is?!" Froslass spoke to Pheromosa with some mild telepathy once again.

"But it's true!" Pheromosa interjected. "Rarity's words are harsh, but she's here to help. I promise!"

"How can this marshmallow help me? The only one who helped me was the witch and this pony is just being a nuisance! She's close to you, isn't she? I was a fool to be as kind as I was. It made me weak. As a Froslass, I don't have that weakness...and it made me stronger. If only I had this back in the past. But now, I can stand up and get rid of anyone who would try and wrong me or ruin everything for me!"

"Wait, don't!"

"Froslass!" Froslass continued to attack, running out of patience for Rarity. Her power surged as it was certainly greater than any Froslass that Rarity had seen so far.

"She's not listening, Rarity!"

"No way to talk her through it now it seems. Lopunny!" Rarity wasted no time since right now, Froslass was beyond the point of talking. She took out one of her Mega Accessories that was for two of her Pokemon. Lopunny, in this case. Rarity unveiled the pendant from her mane as she smoothly put it around her neck. "Respond to the keystone, Lopunny!"

"Lopunny!" Lopunny cried out as Rarity also used her magic to activate the power of the keystone. Both of them. Two massive lights flared out of these Mega Stones from both the Trainer and the Pokemon. At the same time, Froslass had used Shadow Ball, sending two of them in Lopunny's direction.

"Mega Evolve!" Rarity exclaimed as the moment the blobs f shadows appeared, the aura of Mega Evolution had prevented them from going any further. The energy of Mega Evolution blew away the blobs as Mega Lopunny had arrived.



"But Rarity! Mega Lopunny can't do anything to Froslass! She's a Ghost-Type!" Sweetie Belle uttered as some of Lopunny's strongest moves would have any effect on Froslass. She would be immune.

"True...but you see, Sweetie Belle. Mega Lopunny has Scrappy. Which allows her to attack Ghost-Types! Go! High Jump Kick!"

"Lopun!" One of the greatest benefits of Mega Lopunny. Her ability to hit Ghost-Types, which was a big threat to Froslass as it meant that High Jump Kick would target her Ice-Type weakness.

"Lass?! Froslass!" Froslass growled before using Psychic, unleashing a blast of invisible energy. Lopunny kicked right the blast, using her increased strength to push through. But after barely breaking through it, she couldn't reach Froslass as she descended.

"Lass!" Froslass followed up by using Blizzard, sending a potent storm of ice towards the Rabbit Pokemon.

"Lopunny! Focus Punch!"

"Punny!" Lopunny focused all of her power into her ear, charging it before then thrusting it. She managed to blow away the snowstorm with strong wind pressure from her ear thrust. This surprised Froslass as some of the pressure came her way.


"Lopun!" Lopunny approached Froslass once more, this time, using the walls and the entire cave to start bouncing from wall to wall.

"Froslass!" Froslass twitched as she flew over at Lopunny, using Payback by channelling some dark energy in her arms. She and Lopunny clashed in the air with Bounce and Payback. At the same time, Sweetie Belle saw a chance to free Pheromosa while Rarity was distracting Froslass.

"Here goes. Phione. Try freeing her with...w-what moves do you know? I mean, any attack will break this ice, anyway."

"Phione. Phi...!" Phione knew Supersonic, generating odd soundwaves from her body which were certainly powerful enough to only rattle Sweetie Belle and Pheromosa's ears, but also shatter the ice.

"Lass?!" Froslass gasped, seeing that Pheromosa had been freed thanks to this distraction.

"You'd best focus on your opponent! Now, Lopunny! High Jump Kick!"

"Lopunny!" With that slight distraction, Lopunny had struck. Her leg had smashed into Froslass' body, sending her flying to the ground.

"F-Froslaaaaass!" Froslass screamed after being hit by a super-effective attack. She tumbled when crashing to the ground as Lopunny stuck a stylish landing.


"F-Fros!" Froslass bumped into a wall, slumping on it. She shook her head before having her pupils dilate, showing visible and utter anger towards Rarity and Lopunny.

"We can stop this now!" Rarity bellowed. "Frankly, I don't want to battle you in the first place. I only wanted to talk to you. After all, you may be a Froslass, but there's a part of you in there that is reminiscent of Pheromosa, even if a grudge has taken you over.


"Battling you feels like battling her, to be honest. And I wouldn't want to greatly harm Pheromosa. So let's stop this, Froslass and not make it hard on all of us."

"Froslass...!" Froslass' anger said otherwise as she banged her arm on the ground, floating back up.

"No? That other half of her didn't even know who I was even if she and Pheromosa are the same. My words just won't reach her, will they? But your words can, Pheromosa."


"You are her. And she is you. If you can...please try and come to terms with yourself. Whatever you can do!"

"Phi! Phione!" Phione cried out, passing on a message to Sweetie Belle that she would soon relay.

"I think that's best!" Sweetie Belle replied. "Phione says that Froslass is too vengeful to see past anything. Pheromosa's the only one she'll listen to."

"Then, go, Pheromosa. Do your best."

"Mosa." Pheromosa was already doing that from the start, taking to Froslass to try and reason with her. Their conversation had failed before but now, Pheromosa wanted to give it a second try. "Phero!" She shouted out the name of who they once were. Yuki.

"Froslass...?!" Froslass looked over at her other half. Yet again, they spoke to each other through their minds. "Trying to talk me out of it again? Especially with what that friend of yours did."

"You attacked her first. But, I understand. Even after a thousand years, you're still so mad. Me."

"Of course I am! But...why is it that I received something as long and arduous as this existence, while you received the better outcome? You were allowed to return home...and you even returned to this world. All of it is just so frustrating!" Froslass showcased her rage some more unleashing a powerful Psychic wave. Pheromosa grumbled while Lopunny held onto the others. Rubble flew everywhere from this pressure.

"You still want to g home, don't you?"

"I do! But this is my new home now. For years, I've been waiting for that day when our two halves would meet again. And I was hoping that I could become whole again, but emerge as a stronger Yuki than before. But that last part isn't going to happen. Instead, my other half just so happens to be against me. I just feel incomplete now. I got my revenge on those who wronged me, so why is this the one thing I can't fix."

"That's because you can't. Even if the witch gave you this powerful body. That anger you hold isn't going to help put you at ease!"

"And you're at ease, I presume?" Froslass scoffed.

"I am at ease. That's because...I did something that our true self did. I managed to not only return home but find a new one that I can proudly stay at. Living with Rarity and the others changed everything for me."


"I left Ultra Space again. Just like in the past. But this time, I'm not too keen on heading back. And I won't have a reason to. Because here...I'm loved. We're loved."

"Loved? How long is it going to take until they turn on you? When they fear you?"

"Rarity won't. They won't. Everyone in this world and back in the other world at Equestria won't ever turn on me. Even if something terrible were to happen, they'd be there for me. A lot has happened over the years. For both of us. You were stuck here in this cave while I was stuck at Ultra Space. In the end, we went back to square one. Even appearing in the same area where the old village used to be. But not anymore."

"You're talking nonsense! How am I supposed to feel complete now, huh?!"

"You don't have to merge with me to become complete. You can just come with me." Pheromosa suddenly held her arm out. "We're one in the same. We can feel complete by being with each other. Sure, we may not return as Yuki. But we'll always be Yuki in spirit, even with these new bodies."

"Even after everything...you kept up this much hope? Why? How?"

"It's what we're like. Back at Ultra Space, I had hopes that I would venture out there. And when reborn as an Ultra Beast, I kept that hope up once more. That's how it's always been. And living in Equestria taught me that hope is stronger than I ever imagined. That Witch brought us both back in different forms. And told us that we'd meet again. But she never said how it would end if we met."

"Hope. I had some hope that those villagers weren't being serious about what they did. Should I even think about it or even reach for it?"

"I did. And besides...you kept them around, didn't you? They're still alive. If all my adventures with my friends have taught me something, it's that there's always a chance to fix at least something."

"Tch.And you'd think they'd forgive me? I don't think so." Froslass turned around, putting her hand over her face. "I can't possibly find new friends anymore. Not with how I am now. They used to be my friends but...it's all been shattered like ice."

"They probably won't forgive you at all. They're probably scared even when they snap back. But you can have new friends too." Pheromosa turned to face Rarity and the others. "My friends are your friends deep down. But...they're more to friends than me. Rarity and everyone are like my family. And even so, I still have some friends I wish to see again back at Ultra Space. So as long as I have them by me, I can stay strong without having to change myself. This is how I grow stronger."

"You...You...!" Everything that Froslass was hearing made her growl constantly. But, after hearing everything from Pheromosa, Froslass knew deep down that at the end of the day, this was who she truly was. "Curse that witch..." She started crying as her tears turned into ice. The Snow Land Pokemon tried hiding her face, but it was no use.

"Come here." The Lissome Pokemon walked over to her other half once Froslass descended, weeping. Pheromosa then held Froslass, hugging her. "Let those tears flow. I know I would. We're the same after all."

"Are we? I used to be like you but now..." Froslass whimpered.

"You still are. But even those that stay strong have weak moments. So no need to worry." Pheromosa comforted Froslass, patting her on the back. She allowed Froslass to cry on her for as long as she could. Froslass lost the will to fight. And the will to sustain her burning grudge. It had fizzled out from the cold.



"Wow. W-What did she say?" Sweetie Belle wondered s she could tell it was powerful.

"Pheromosa knows what to say. That's all I can answer, Sweetie Belle." Rarity walked over as Sweetie Belle looked at Phione, asking her to try and relay a message. "Froslass."

"F-Froslass?" Froslass looked up at Rarity with her frozen tears breaking once they hit the ground.

"At the end of the day, you are just like her deep down. Grudge or not. Whoever you two were back in the past, I can safely say that I met her in different lights. But it looks like your heart stayed the same with those tears."


"Let's put it all to an end. You may not return as that one singular being..." Rarity then held out a Poke Ball in front of Froslass. "But you can always be with your other half forever. Back home with us."


"Froslass." Struck in the heart, Froslass had seen kindness yet again after years of solitude and only feeling hate. Thanks to Pheromosa, that burning hatred had diminished. She then held her arm out, gently touching the Poke Ball as this was her big chance to be with herself yet again. The ball shrunk her down, pulling the Snow Land Pokemon in before dropping and shaking.

1...2...3...Gotcha! Froslass was caught.

Pheromosa was the one to pick up the Poke Ball. By her own will and seeing others use this item, Pheromsoa managed to send Froslass out. "Phero."


"Welcome to the family, Froslass. Great to have you." Rarity said. "But you were always here, weren't you?"

"Pheromosa!" Excited that it had been resolved, Pheromosa used her long arms to grab everyone, pulling them in and delivering a big group hug. "Mosa-Mosa!"

"Oof! Pheromosa!" Sweetie Belle cried out.

"We have a lot to do back home. And a lot to show. You're welcome there, my friend."


"Oh. What about the frozen people and Pokemon? What are we gonna do about that?"

"Ah-" Rarity, Pheromosa and Froslass passed. "That's a...good question. They are going to be greatly confused once they snap out of it. But, nothing a few words can't fix. There's also PokeStar Studios to deal with."

"Lass...." Froslass twiddled her fingers, realizing the mess she had made while everyone simply laughed.

"Gaaaaah!" Meanwhile, the people and Pokemon had been thawed out after so many years of being frozen. Thanks to Mew using Infernape's flames, the moment they were thawed out, they had a reasonable reaction to being free and seeing the light of day for over a thousand years. "Aaaah!"

"Daaah!" They all started freaking out, having multiple feelings and emotions rush through them, trying to process everything.

"Ooh. That's a problem." Pinkie Pie scrunched her face. "So uh...now that they're free...how are they gonna get round in this new world?"

"Hm-hm. Leave that to me." Alberto smirked. "I can sort things out for them in a jiffy."

"Where am I?!" One of them grabbed Pinkie Pie, picking her up, deserving answers as she was also unaware of what kind of creature she was looking at when gazing at Pinkie Pie.

"Sounds like someone needs some food to refresh." Pinkie Pie giggled. "I'll deal with that when we get home. How do you guys feel about cupcakes?"

Yuki had returned at last. Pheromosa and Froslass were two pairs that made this complete entity. Even with these new bodies, she was still the same person but in different bodies. And with Rarity catching Froslass, she was now a part of the group. The family. In a way, it was like she was always there thanks to Pheromosa. And with her other half and new friends to help her get through everything, a new future was made for Froslass.

The crimson-eyed lady with green hair looked down at the hole that Mew had burrowed, smiling afterwards. She was still so mysterious as she backed away, slowly vanishing into the mist of the snow.

"Well done. But this won't be the last time you all have to face the past."

As the journey continues.

Chapter 827 End.

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