• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Show your smile

Slateport City's Pokemon Center.

Adagio has arrived to remove the threat that is Blissey. As long as Blissey is here, it can negate Adagio's influence on others due to its egg. Adagio's mission is to make sure that Nurse Joy and her Pokemon are out of the picture. Her, Nurse Joy and Blissey are the only ones in the Pokemon Center at the moment after all, so its just Adagio and them. She sang a single song that emanated green magic, floating towards Blissey

This green sound wave was made to make a Pokemon disobedient and lazy. And if Blissey ignores orders and starts loafing around, then it won't be able to get in Adagio's way anymore. And it did just that. The melody that Adagio gave off affected Blissey, making it a victim to Adagio's influence. However, it didn't immediately turn Blissey. Instead, what ended up happening was Blissey attempting to fight back against the melody. The Happiness Pokemon got on the floor, holding its head as it was doing its very best to overcome this.

"Blissey?! What's wrong?!" Nurse Joy kneeled down to her fellow helper, seeing it struggle. To Adagio's surprise, Blissey's happiness was actually counteracting the negativity she generates.

"What's with this Pokemon?" Adagio grit her teeth. "How can it resist it?" A second melody was sung towards Blissey, hitting it. This made the struggle harder for the Happiness Pokemon as its positivity was slipping away. Nurse Joy realized that Adagio was causing this and decided to put a stop to it.

"Stop it!" Nurse Joy got up, putting her arms out to try and stop the incoming sound wave. The third one made contact with Nurse Joy as she took the hit. Now she was under Adagio's influence, which wasn't what the siren was planning.

"Tch. What an annoyance. Oh, well. At least the Nurse is out of the way. Now I can deal with you." Adagio walked forward, shoving Nurse Joy aside. She looked down at Blissey who was still struggling to push back the negativity that was trying to consume her. "I can't have you get in the way of my plans you...whatever you're meant to be. Have fun being disobedient to your trainer~" The siren cackled, delivering one more melody that did the trick. Blissey's exuberant happiness had finally been overtaken. The biggest threat to her had been dealt with, meaning that Adagio can cause as much negativity as she wants and feed on it all. And Slateport is already a populated area with tons of people and ponies just waiting to become bitter.

But all of that was unbeknownst to Pinkie Pie, who was too busy admiring the Slateport City's Oceanic Museum. She came across the section with Water-Type Pokemon as she definitely came across some pretty neat exhibits.

"Oooh." She pressed her face on the glass, looking at Lumineon and how it radiates it neon luminescent light. "Aaah." She then turned her attention to a Greninja that was silently meditating whilst a ton of water pours on its head. "Some pretty neat Water-Types here. If I was a Gym-Leader, I'd maybe choose water....nah." Pinkie bounced away, heading to the next exhibit. As she was exploring the Oceanic Museum, she came across something that was new to the museum but highly popular. An exhibit about Kyogre. The Sea Basin Pokemon. A Pokemon that once appeared at the Pokemon House, and one that she's actually seen before. But this image of Kyogre was different from its usual appearance. From the looks of it, Kyogre has these strange lines around it with new patterns instead of the usual red. "Oh, Kyogre! But...what's that stuff around it?"

"That's Kyogre's Primal Form. Primal Kyogre as it is known." She got her answer. The one who answered her was the janitor who worked here.

"Primal Kyogre? What's so different about this one?"

"Primal Kyogre is...how do I put this. Kyogre's true form. This is caused by Primal Reversion."

"Primal Reversion?"

"Mhm. It's an ancient transformation that restores a Pokemon's true powers as it absorbs the energy of nature to greatly increase its power. Kyogre can already cause storms and raise sea levels, but through Primal Reversion, it can go above and beyond. It often clashes with Groudon."

"Oooh. So Kyogre's much more powerful when its got those glowy things on it. Can all Pokemon do that?"

"Well, that's a mystery for another day. Who knows. There might be some Pokemon out there who have primal forms but have yet to be unleashed. But that's what makes the world of Pokemon interesting, wouldn't you agree, my little pony?"

"Yeah! Pokemon keep on getting better the more I learn about them! I've gotta show Jade this!" Pinkie decided to bring Jade along, by bouncing towards the direction of the exit. Jade had been absent for a while after the whole Secret Power thing, so Pinkie was curious about where she could be right now.

Where Jade actually was, she was returning to Slateport to warn Pinkie Pie about Adagio. But once she got there, she saw that everyone on the outside had been hit by Adagio. Their emotions had turned negative as the Pokemon around them started loafing around, disobeying their trainers. And this time, there was no Blissey to right everything due to Adagio giving the same effect to the Happiness Pokemon.

"Where's Pinkie?" Jade was worried for her friend. Her voice and tone didn't sound like a worried pony, but she generally was.

"Your pink pony pal went in there. The Oceanic Museum." said the man from earlier who told them about Secret Bases pointed at the Oceanic Museum. "I don't know what's going on, but everyone's a bit nasty all of a sudden."


"Who?" The man responded.

"I have to get to Pinkie." Jade made a run for it. As quickly as she could. As she was running further into Slateport, she barged through the crowd of bitter people and ponies, pushing them aside. The Pokemon that were loafing about were also blocking certain pathways to various parts of Slateport. Jade realized that running past them wouldn't be that easy due to some Pokemon being heavier than others. So for once, Jade had used her wings by taking to the skies.

Adagio, who was revelling in all of this by feeding off their negativity, noticed Jade flying towards the Oceanic Museum in a hurry. Adagio was looking for Pinkie Pie next, so if Jade was dashing over there, then Pinkie must be in the museum according to Adagio's thoughts. "So that's where the pink one is, eh?" The siren giggled. "If I can make the most cheery, happy-go-lucky pony of Twilight's friendship group bitter, I've practically already created a huge hole in their bond.

Pinkie, who was still making her way to the exit was unaware of the events occurring outside. She was taking a while due to the Oceanic Museum being pretty big, so it's easy to get lost while inside. But she could actually hear what was going on outside at Slateport. She could hear arguing and bellows constantly being thrown about. Pinkie could recognize an argument from a mile away as she knew something was wrong. "That can't be right. Who's not putting up their happy face?!" Pinkie decided to put a stop this. She couldn't let anyone be unhappy, not even for a minute. But as she was zooming through the Oceanic Museum, she and Jade ended up meeting each other by Pinkie crashing into her friend. She recovered to see her on top of her pegasus pal. "Oh, Jade! There you are!"

"Pinkie. I need to tell you something."

"No time! Somepony's not feeling all to chippy at the moment and there's an argument going on. I've got to put a stop to this at once!"

"But Pinkie. It's Adagio doing it."

"Hah? Adagio? The pony with the big messy hair and singing?"

"My hair isn't messy, it's creative, thank you very much." Speaking of Adagio, there she was. She had followed Jade inside, using her as an opportunity to get to Pinkie Pie.

"Adagio?!" Pinkie perked up.

"The one and only." She smirked. "I thought I'd come by here and do what I do best."

"Do what you do best?"

"Pinkie. She's feeding off everyone's negativity from the outside." Jade explained, pointing her hoof at Adagio.

"Huh? She's what?! You can't just do that!"

"Oh, but I can. No matter who it is, I can turn anyone bitter with just a song. But now, I don't even need to put in a ton of effort due to how much power I've gained. All I need is a single hum and everyone's all negative. Including you. Especially you."

"You're not gonna make me moody with your melody. Nuh-uh!" Pinkie shook her head.

"Nuh-uh? What are you 10? This'll be easier than I thought." Adagio was about to sing towards Pinkie Pie, but Jade, realizing that her friend could be influenced next, got in the way of Adagio's song. Since her body being made out of cosmic energy meant that the song had been cancelled out, evaporating into ash. "Ugh! Again?!" Adagio stomped her hoof down.

"Pinkie Pie. It's not safe to be here right now." Jade turned to Pinkie Pie. "Go."


"I don't know what it is. But I have the urge to keep you safe out of harm's way. Is this another form of emotion and friendship?"

"It sure is! You're protecting me!" Pinkie Pie hugged Jade. "Oh, right. Leaving! But will you be okay, Jade?"

"I think so. I don't know what it is, but her magic can't affect me."

"Yeah...that's an inconvenience," Adagio growled. "You know, just because I can't get you doesn't mean that stops me from getting everyone else."

"Try and catch me then!" Pinkie giggled, taking off as she dashed past Adagio.

"Hey!" Adagio turned around but Pinkie was long gone. She was about to follow, but Jade got in her way, blocking her. "Move over!"

"No. I can't let you get to my friend." Jade slowly shook her head.

"In that case, I'll force you to move." Adagio switched things up. Instead of using her magic to influence, she was now about to utilize it for destructive means. A bit of the magic she obtained from the siphoning jar still remained in her, so she could act offensively with song. "She bellowed a melody towards Jade and this time, it did something. The magic still didn't do much due to Jade being a Rift Pony, but the amount of power put behind the song was enough to finally make contact. This caused Jade to get on the ground, covering her ears with her hooves. Adagio continued to assault Jade by constantly singing at her with destructive sound waves. Each time she sang, the ground beneath them was starting to crack. And as long as everyone was negative on the outside, it would continue to fuel Adagio even more. Jade wasn't getting hurt by this, but it was holding her down. But she had to stay here in order to ensure Pinkie's safety.

As for Pinkie Pie, once she finally exited the Oceanic Museum, she could see the damage that Adagio has done. Loafing Pokemon ignoring their trainers, humans and ponies bickering against each other, it was something that Pinkie would never want to see. The only ones not affected were Captain Stern, the man who sold decorations for Secret Bases and some members of the Pokemon Fan Club.

"This is a disaster!" Pinkie exclaimed. "We all shouldn't be like this. Not on a visit trip!" Pinkie even saw Nurse Joy and her Blissey affected by this. Blissey was just laying on its back, relaxing like it didn't have an important job to perform. And Nurse Joy couldn't be bothered to heal a Pokemon at the moment. And she was lashing out against a trainer.

"Ugh...You know, you have potions. Why don't you use them instead of coming to me every time?!" Nurse Joy slammed her fist on the table, scaring the young trainer who was carrying his fainted Poochyena.

"S-Sorry." He replied, whimpering.

"Give me that." Nurse Joy still did her job anyways by grabbing Poochyena from the boy's hands, with aggression and force even. Pinkie could see that this was getting out of hoof. This had to stop immediately.

"There's only one thing left to do..." Pinkie was about to do what she does best. Make everyone smile again. This was a tall order though. The population here was larger than Ponyville. So she had to work at her absolute best and peak performance. "Let's put a smile on those faces...with these!" Pinkie went up to a human who was grumbling. He was both moody and hungry at the same time. Pinkie had a solution for that. She shoved the cupcake in his mouth, feeding that upset stomach. The man took a moment to taste the cupcake, feeling its pastry goodness in his mouth.

"Mmm...This is what a cupcake tastes like?! I've been missing out!" He's never eaten a cupcake before, surprisingly. Due to Pinkie feeding him, Adagio's influence had faded away from him. And due to that, the amount of negativity Adagio was being fueled with had fallen by 1%. She couldn't feel it since it was so minuscule, but she lost something for sure. Pinkie's job to reinvigorate their spirits continued on. She went up to two young siblings who were always at odds against each other, but Adagio had just made it worse. To fix this, Pinkie Pie decided to sacrifice some of the Secret Base decorations she had bought and lend them to the brother and sister instead. She gave both of them a Marill and a Jigglypuff doll, satisfying both of their wants and needs as these Pokemon were equally as adorable.

"Let's see. Who's next? Aha!" Pinkie went over to an even larger group this time. To fix this, she took out one of the Poke Dolls, holding a Charizard. "Hey! Look at this!" She grabbed their attention as the group turned to Pinkie. "Look at me. I'm Charizard. I'm a big strong looking Pokemon that can breathe fire and fly but I'm not a Dragon, even though I look like one." She was moving the mouth of the Charizard up like it was speaking. It caused a chuckle out of the younger members of the disgruntled group. She continued by getting out a Snorlax. "And I'm Snorlax. I'm the biggest inconvenience ever. I'm always blocking your way by being so lazy. I'll never move. Unless you feed me of course." The younger members were free from Adagio's influence, but the older ones were a bit trickier to get to. But Pinkie was prepared for this. "Put a smile on those faces with this!" She took out the balloons from the decoration box, blowing on them. As she pumped up the balloon, it formed the shape of a Snorlax. Even matching the size of Snorlax. She sent the Snorlax balloon to the older group as it pressed against them. It got a small chuckle out of them as the feeling of this balloon was Pinkie made. Meaning that it was softer than a normal balloon. Adagio's magic was also leaving them as well.

Soon, Pinkie went across the entirety of Slateport, putting a smile on everyone's faces as she was on the move. And due to this, Adagio could finally feel her power diminishing. All the negativity she was absorbing was fading away. She had now lost a large percentage of it all. This caused her to stop attacking Jade who was still on the floor.

"What the? What's going on?!" She looked at her hooves, realizing the power she had been absorbing was slipping away from her. "Did that Blissey get back to normal or something!" The siren decided to see what was going on outside. This gave Jade time to finally relax after that sound barrage. Adagio went outside to see that it wasn't Blissey who was doing this. It was Pinkie Pie instead. In the span 4 minutes, Pinkie Pie had transformed this entire place into a party city. Decorations were everywhere with balloons of Pokemon floating around that Pinkie made. She laid out some food of all kinds for everyone to try and chow down on. She was giving out Pokemon dolls to the younger kids, giving them something to take home. The man who sold the decorations was racking up money due to Pinkie convincing them to buy some and make their own Secret Bases. Nurse Joy had even returned to normal thanks to Pinkie's efforts. And thankfully, since Nurse Joy is basically Blissey in human form, she knew exactly how to deal with her disobedient Pokemon. She made Blissey feel guilty about not making everyone happy. Even if a Pokemon is disobedient, they still stick to their guts, what they love to do and their purpose. So, Joy got through to Blissey, causing her to quit her loafing, thus eradicating another piece of Adagio's influence. "WHAT?!"

"Hey, Adagio! Join the party!" Pinkie waved at Adagio was she was being carried by some members of the Pokemon Fan Club who deemed her a brand new member.

Adagio was blown back. All that progress. Gone. And it wasn't even Blissey this time. But she did end up getting foiled by another pink creature for the second time in a row. The siren pulled her hair in frustration, unable to comprehend how this was even possible. She came to the conclusion that she couldn't do anything now. Pinkie can just fix the problem at any point if she tries this again. And Blissey's back to its normal strength, and Adagio knows how that'll end. The best option? Leave Slateport and try something else. So she did just that. Adagio galloped away, making her retreat as she had been defeated a second time.

"Oh well. She's missing out." Pinkie giggled. She spotted her pal Jade walk out of the museum, gazing at the party. "Ooh! Jade!" She dashed over to her emotionless friend. "Glad you're okay! You're just in time too! The party's still young!"

"You managed to fix it, Pinkie?" Jade was surprised even though she didn't sound surprised.

"Yup! It was a cinch. Not even a struggle." Pinkie Pie bragged. "But, I guess we should kind of warn everypony else that Adagio's running around, huh?"

"Probably. I'm not sure everypony else has the same talent as you, Pinkie."

"Oh, stop! You're making me blush, Jade! Hey! Before we go and warn the others, let's enjoy the party a bit longer!"

Adagio's plans had been foiled a second time in a row. By another pink creature as well. But she wasn't one to give up so easily. After all, her stubbornness is only rivalled by Ash. Pinkie Pie had given a great example as to why she's great at what she does and why she has her Cutie Mark. The visit to the Pokemon world can continue to flow with joy thanks to her efforts. But Adagio wasn't about to let it flow on. Her revenge against Twilight and her friends was still burning within. Wherever she goes next and whoever of the 6 she finds, she'll do whatever it takes to break that friendship into pieces, as the journey continues.

Chapter 147 End!

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