• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Double the Chaos! Return of Discord.

Author's Note:

The way Discord gets reformed in this is different from the original with it being almost the same.

Ponyville Outskirts.

Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Spike were a bit far from Ponyville, waiting around for Princess Celestia. It seemed like it was important.

"I love it when Princess Celestia comes to Ponyville! I got my hoof shined just like Rarity for the occasion. You like?" Pinkie Pie said as she showed her shiny hoof to Rarity.

"I most certainly do." Rarity replied, looking herself in the hoof mirror.

"I'm surprised she's not here yet." Twilight said.

"I wonder what's taking so long?" Spike was getting impatient.

"And where are Applejack and Fluttershy?" She continued.

"Fluttershy's detained helping Applejack with a mishap at Sweet Apple Acres. They'll be alone." Rarity answered.

"I still don't get why the princess would be so late?" Spike replied.

"She's bringing an important. That could be part of it." Twilight speculated. Had to be somepony big.

"A visitor who's important and slow.." Rainbow Dash sighed. Rarity came in to pitch in on who it could it be.

"Maybe. It's somepony so terribly important she still had more terribly important things to do before she got here."

Spike looked over and saw exactly who that important visitor was. And not one they wanted to see.

"Maybe the visitor has a deer antler, a goat leg, a batwing and a snake tail." Spike worriedly said whilst tugging on Twilight's tail, pointing at what he saw.

"Yeah right. That's Discord." Twilight found it ridiculous.

"Why in the wide, wide world of Equestria would Princess Celestia bring along someone like that." Rarity even found it ludicrous. She wouldn't do that, would she?

"M-M-Maybe you should ask her?" Spike pointed once more. Celestia had arrived in Ponyville. And like Spike said... the visitor fit that description perfectly.

It WAS Discord.

Twilight walked up to the Princess, a bit on the nervous side here.

"With all due respect princess... HOW COULD YOU BRING DISCORD HERE?! Ahem... your majesty."

"I'm fully aware that the last time Discord was here, he created serious havoc."

"If by serious havoc, you mean turning Ponyville into the chaos capital of the world." Rainbow Dash was not up for this.

"And tricking us all into being the opposite of our true selves." Rarity followed.

"And making yummy delicious chocolate milk rain all over the place without a single drop of whipped cream to go with it anywhere in sight! NOT A SINGLE GULLET!" Pinkie Pie yelled.

"Yes, I understand. But I have use for Discord's magic if it can be reformed to serve good instead of evil. This is why I've bought Discord here. Because I believe you are the ponies who can help him do just that. And he serves a great counter for the Rift."

"This will never work! This is a disaster! There'll be double the chaos! How will ever control him?! We're DOOMED!" Spike was panicking the most out of all of them.

"Need I remind you that you are the ponies who turned him back into stone like this in the first place?"

"I suppose we can just use the Elements of Harmony against him again if he gets out of hand." Twilight said.

"Uhh, we probably need a volunteer to run away from here right away to get them. I'll do it!" Spike was ready to book it until Celestia had stopped him.

"No need Spike. I have them right here. The guards placed down the chest, containing the Elements of Harmony. "And I've cast a spell so that Discord can't take them or hide them again. Now, where is Fluttershy? I believe she may know best how to begin reforming Discord?"

"Hey, guys. What are you- WHAT IS THAT?!" Ash arrived and saw Discord for the first time. He had no idea what amalgamation of creatures he was looking at.


"This Ash. Is Discord. Lord of Chaos. And big trouble." Twilight explained.

"Ash. I have a question. Do you think you could help with reforming Discord?" Celestia asked.


"Ash? I don't think Ash knows what kind of problem Discord is. He's a handful. He won't be able to handle Discord's crazy reality-warping and manipulating hijinks." Twilight said.

"Well, it can't be too bad." Ash surprisingly replied, not worried.

"Huh?! How come!"

"I've experienced some Pokemon similar to this thing. A lot really."

"Then I am sure you, Fluttershy and everypony else can successfully reform him. Your bond with your Pikachu and your love for Pokemon shows much you understand creatures."

"You can count on us Celestia!"


"This is a disaster waiting to happen." Spike said.

Behind some trees, Cold Colt and Emerald Aura were spying on them, seeing Discord.

"Oh, so that's Discord? Man, he is freaky looking. What is he even meant to be?" Cold Colt whispered.

"No idea. But we gotta see this. If we're gonna be living in Ponyville, we'd better see what everypony gets to, especially them. Always doing something wild." Emerald quietly responded. They were sent here to live as residents by the Rift. Despite everypony knowing who they are by now, especially Emerald Aura, they weren't just going to casually live in public. The Rift had made a hideout for them, right underneath SugarCube Corner of all places.

Pikachu was playing with Celestia's Ralts, Passion as they waited for Fluttershy to return. Ash observed Discord, having no idea what it is. He's seen some weird Pokemon that are hard to describe from first glance, but nothing like this.

"What even is this guy? He's got all kinds of parts on him."

"Well, Ash. He's a Draconequus." Celestia said.

"Dracon-new-quest?" Ash didn't know how to pronounce it properly. It was word new to him and he had never heard of a creature like that ever.

"It is confusing in every category. But, that summarizes Discord up perfectly. Pure chaos and disharmony."

"Oh. So this guy used to cause trouble?"

"You have no idea..." Rainbow Dash said. Fluttershy and Applejack had arrived to the area, finally.

"So they're gonna use her to reform him?" Cold Colt said.

"Apparently. This is how the original timeline went, minus the Pokemon. So if I'm right... then there's a chance that Discord's gonna find out about The Rift and things are gonna skyrocket." Emerald responded. They weren't the only ones spying. Team Rocket were snooping around as well.

"That thing causes chaos?" Jessie said.

"It certainly is a jumble of junk isn't it?" James followed.

"It looks like it some mook just smashed a bunch of creatures together." Meowth finished.


"Shh! They look like you're about to do something." Jessie saw Celestia leave as they were left with Discord.

"Okay, ponies. Guess it's time to get started. Let's just hope this releasing spell works."

"Or, let's not." Spike replied to Twilight, hiding behind her.

"We'd best keep our elements on at all times till further notice." They had all equipped their elements, ready to free him. All of the elements shined, letting out a pulse representing their symbols as a rainbow travelled from each of them. Twilight's eyes shined as the rainbow surrounded the petrified Discord. Cracks formed from head to hoof. Light broke through, revealing parts of him returning as he was finally free once again.

Discord was back.

He let out a roar that soon turned into a yawn.

"Well, it's about time somepony got me out of that prison block. What a relief." He said as he snapped his fingers, transforming an innocent little Hoppip into a big burly beast that broke the ground underneath it. The girls had gasped at the sight.

"What do you think you're doing?" Twilight said to him. Discord was stretching about, already up to no good.

"Why stretching of course? When you're a creature of chaos, stone bodysuits aren't your typical go-to fashion choice." He kept stretching as he snapped his fingers once more. This time turning a cute little bunny into a menacing monster.

"Make that bunny cute again! Now!" Pinke demanded.

"Oh, he's adorable the way he is." Discord had scratched the bunny's chin as the transformed animal tried to take a bite out of the Lord of Chaos. "You know what else is adorable? You ponies truly believe you can reform me. And that you're putting your faith in this one here to make it happen. Along with some newcomer from the other side and his electric rodent. Makes me want to pinch your little horsey cheeks." He said having a magnifying glass that extended his eye on them as he then turned into a granny figure, pinching her little cheeks.

"How did you know about that?" Twilight asked.

"Being turned to stone doesn't keep me from hearing every word Celestia says. Although I admit it makes rolling my eyes a challenge." He took out his own eyes and rolled them as he emerged from the ground with his eyes returning back to him. "Now to be honest. I'm really a fan of this whole crossing worlds debacle. This Rift fellow is a big fan of mine. I can appreciate his work." Discord said whilst dressed up as a fan at a game with a flag and a number one fan foam finger that said 'Go Rift.'

"Of course a guy like you would like this!" Rainbow Dash yelled at him.

"Wha? How rude. Am I not allowed to appreciate fine art when I see it?"

"Listen here buster. If you don't want us to turn you back into stone, you'll zap those animals back the way they were pronto!" Twilight threatened him.

"Oh, you wouldn't dare turn me back to stone and risk disappointing your PRECIOUS Princess." Discord then teleported to Pikachu, examining him. "I must say, these Pokemon creatures have my interest. They're quite the conundrum."

"Pika.." Pikachu was a bit weirded out by Discord.

"And this young one here. Taking charge of these Pokemon creatures."

"So... this is what you really are?" Ash said.

"Well of course. The full showcase." Discord picked Ash up as he placed him on a throne. "I heard about your daring tales on how you helped save Canterlot, twice. Somepony should feel proud of themselves don't you think?"

"Leave Ash out of this Discord!" Fluttershy said as she flew up to him.

"What's the fuss? Your friend here intrigues me."

"I-He does?"

"Well of course. According to him, he's encountered beings like me before. Sounds to me like you know a thing or two about Chaos."

"Yeah it's true I do. The Pokemon I've encountered are sometimes mischievous. Mostly mythicals. So this Discord guy doesn't bother me too much, ya know."

"Seriously Ash?! What did you even go through?!" Rainbow Dash said.

"At least somepony can see that I am tolerable to be around. Now, how about you, Fluttershy?"

"I can tolerate you as well if I try hard enough. But first, you need to turn that bunny and that Hoppip back to normal! You think you can treat poor defenseless creatures like that and get away with it. You best watch your step buster! Or I'll give you... 'The Stare.'" This was a direct threat from a serious Fluttershy.

"The Stare. Oh no, please. Not that. Anything but your disapproving eyeballs." Discord was faking it, acting like that would even phase him. He laughed mocking the stare as Fluttershy intensified it.

"Oh no! No, no, no stop!" It looked like it was actually working. "Stop! I can't take it anymore! I'll do whatever you say because... BAHAHAHA! Hilarious!" It was just him faking it again.

"If it turns out we need to use the elements against you, I'm sure we can convince Princess Celestia it was a good reason." Twilight said.

"I suppose that's correct." Discord returned the Hoppip and Bunny back to normal, but he had also secretly made some beavers change nature. "Ooopsie. Well. It looks like I know where I'll be crashing while I'm being 'reformed.' With you Fluttershy." He teleported her to him, rubbing her head.

"Oh, dear." Fluttershy stammered. As the group, along with Discord, all left, Team Rocket, Cold Colt and Emerald Aura had stopped eavesdropping.

"They gotta reform that?!" Meowth said.

"If you think about it... if we get out hands on that Discord thing, we'll be changing the game like the Rift itself!" Jessie replied.

"That is if we can contain it." James retorted.

At Fluttershy's place, Discord had made himself comfortable by laying on the couch.

"He may be horrible, that doesn't mean we have to act the same way. We should at least try to be hospitable. You don't mind giving up your favorite spot on the couch, do you Angel Bunny?" Fluttershy said. Angel ran to the Lord of Chaos, trying to get him off the couch by pulling his lizard legs. "Oh. I'm sorry about Angel. Are you alright?" Fluttershy's kindness was really showing.

"Oh yes. Thank you, Fluttershy for your concern. If only your pony friends could be as considerate."

"Don't listen to him Fluttershy. He's just trying to drive a wedge between us like he always does." Rainbow Dash said.

"Now why in the world would I ever try to do a thing like that?"

"So we can't unite and use the Elements of Harmony against you, that's why!"

"I never thought of that."

"You big liar!"

"Now look who's a liar. Anyone can plainly see that I'm not BIG at all." He had shrunk himself down to size. He returned back to normal size as he ended up breaking a lamp.

He fixed it by replacing it with a strange lamp that was him in a tutu and it was all cracked. "There. all better."

"I can't watch." Applejack placed her hat over her face as the others walked out.

"We'll be outside." Dash said.

"You sure you're okay with this?" Twilight was severely worried for her friend.

"I know it's not gonna be easy, but Princess Celestia is counting on me. And I think I actually know what to do."

"You do?"

"I think the key is to befriend him. Being kind to him and letting him be my houseguest is probably the best way to do that."

"And you really think that'll work?"

"I think it's worth a try."

"Okay. But if you need us, all you need to do is whisper 'help' and we'll be back here with our elements. So watch that goat-legged step of yours, pal!"

"What? Look at me. I'm practically reformed already." He said, wearing a posh outfit. Fluttershy closed the door as the rest of them were all outside.

"She's really alright with him staying there?" Rarity blurted.

"That's what she said."

"Personally, I think we should come up with a backup plan. In case this whole 'befriending' business doesn't work out." Rainbow Dash suggested.

"Rainbow Dash is right. This is Discord we're talking about girls. It wouldn't be a bad idea to have another trick up ourselves."

"That's true Rarity. Ash. Can you get your Z-Ring just in case?" Twilight said.

"No need."


"What?!" They all said.

"Ash, what is it with you being all cool about this?!" Rainbow Dash yelled.

"Ash, darling. Have you really experienced someone like Discord before?"

"Yeah... so many times. Me and Pikachu have gotten used to chaos." It was true. This mostly happened with Mythical Pokemon since they are known to be tricksters and have similar abilities like Discord. "Besides. Have some faith in Fluttershy. If she can snap those controlled Weavile's out of it with a simple talk and bonded with Pokemon in one day. I'd say she has it under control."


"Oh Ash, you and Fluttershy are the same." Applejack facehoofed.

Back inside, Discord had gotten an idea that concerned the other world.

"You know. I would like to take a trip. A visit even!"

"A visit?"

"Yes. To the other side. All these little beasties have me interested. It wouldn't hurt to see other places now, wouldn't it? Being trapped in stone for a long time makes you miss out on some potential sights that you may never get to see."

"I guess so. We can go and visit."

"Excellent!" Discord snapped his fingers as he was in a tourist outfit along with Fluttershy having shades on her head. "We'll collect some Poke-Souvenirs along the way too."

Their first stop, Jubilife City. The largest city in the Sinnoh Region. Fluttershy had toured Discord around as he caused chaos wherever he went. First, turning a Shinx's tail into a wrecking ball, then making a trainer's Pokeball gain a tongue, licking it and finally, turning a Heracross into a Quadro-legged giant that hunted down any Bulbasaur's it came across.


"Oopsie. Sorry about that. Guess this new world has me all excited. I just can't control all of it!"

"Well, please try and calm it down. This is Ash and Pikachu's homeworld."

"Oh, speaking of the two!" Discord snapped Ash and Pikachu here as they looked like they were previously laying down.

"Hm? What are we doing in Jubilife?"

"Oh, Ash. I hope you don't mind, but Discord really wants to know about your world. I think this is a good place to start reforming him don't you?" Fluttershy said.

"Hmm. I guess so. If that's the case then I can show him around."

"No need. I've already gotten a good scope of things." Discord said with his eye towering over Jubilife. "I must say, the creatures here are one of a kind. My personal favorite has to be those Ghost-Types. They know how to cause some quality chaos." Discord teleported to a trainer who was feeding her Munchlax. "Hello there. Mind telling me what this one is and what they do?"

"Uhh.. this is my Munchlax. And it has an insatiable appetite." The confused trainer said.

"Does it now? Let's see how insatiable." Discord turned the ground beneath them into vanilla frosting. Munchlax took a dive, eating the ground itself.

"What the?!" The trainer yelled confused. Munchlax was mowing through the vanilla ground like nothing.

"Discord! It'll devour the whole ground with nothing left at this point." Fluttershy said, looking upset at him.

"Come now, Fluttershy. It's in its nature. Besides, look how happy it is." Munchlax was super happy, eating away with no signs of slowing down.

"That may be true. But everyone else isn't too fond of it. They need something to walk on."

"Oh alright." Discord returned the ground back to normal as Muchlax's teeth made contact with hard concrete. Discord then teleported a bowl that had paper of all things in it as he was eating away. "You know, with all these Pokemon, the creativity is endless."

"Seems like you really enjoy chaos don't you?" Ash said.

"Of course. It's in my nature. I am a being of pure chaos. Without it I don't know what I would be."

"Maybe that's it!"

"What is?"

"Well, since it's your nature you can't help but do it. You just love doing what makes you happy don't you?"

"Hm. You do raise a good point Ash." Fluttershy replied. Maybe we should try giving you some space to let you be yourself actually."

"Really? Oh, thank you. The two of you are so understanding, unlike your pony friends."

"Hey! Don't talk bad about them like that!"

"Well, of course, you'd stand up for them. That's why you are the Element of Kindness after all. Now, where's a good spot for me to cut loose?"

Back at Ponyville, Golden Oak Library.

"That's weird. The spell I had in mind isn't in here. Spike, where are the other books I asked you to pull?"

"Right here Twilight."

"I really wanna have a reforming spell up and running pronto." She was cycling and scrolling through each of the books.

"But what if he makes the Elements of Harmony disappear like he did last time."

"Princess Celestia cast a spell protecting them remember. Uh oh." She dropped them all, not being able to find the spell.

"What's wrong?"

"Princess Celestia didn't cast a spell protecting our books. Everywhere I thought I'd find the reforming spell..." Pages were missing from the books.

Discord had just finished eating his bowl of Paper as he was in his comfortable space. And by that, he was at Lake Verity, home to the various Pokemon and Uxie, where everything was topsy turvy and he was relaxing whilst the Pokemon were flying about all of a sudden with streams of sweets in the sky. Even the ones who couldn't fly.

"I hope I'm not overdoing it now. I found this place to be more akin to me."

"Oh no. You just need some space to be yourself that's all. But um, could you please let the Pokemon down if you would?"

"Really? But look at how much fun they're having." The Pokemon, just like the Munchlax before were also having fun. Strangely enough, it seemed like most Pokemon aren't too bothered by this.

"They really are..."

Back at Ponyville, Twilight went to Fluttershy's cottage but found out she wasn't there.

"Fluttershy? She's not here. Oh no... What if Discord has done something awful to her! What if she's being held as a prisoner for fun!" Twilight was starting to worry and overthink. We have to find her Spike. Get the girls quickly!"

"Aye, Aye, Twilight!"

"Oh Fluttershy, please be safe."

She was safe. In fact, since Ash said that it was just his nature, things have been going swimmingly. Although the sight from a distance will look to anyone who passes by and see the lake just randomly spinning about.

"Well so far, this has been a joy. What's next on our Pokemon Tour?"

"Actually Discord. Since we've made great progress so far, why don't we show everypony else how much you've improved. We can bring them here if you don't mind."

"No problem, Fluttershy. We can get started right away." Discord snapped his fingers, bringing them all here instantly.

"Wha- Fluttershy! You're alright!"

"Hello, Twilight, everypony. Yes, I am alright."

"This chump better not have tried any funny business here!" Rainbow Dash said as she and the others took a moment to realise what was going on around them. "What the hay is this?!"

"This is just Discord having his free space. Everyone needs to be in a zone where they feel comfortable and themselves. And Discord is just experiencing that right now."

"Exactly Fluttershy. And I must say, this is equivalent to how much fun I've in a thousand years."

"Comfortable? Look at the place! It's all topsy-turvy and spinning around!" Rarity yelled. "And those poor little darlings are flying about."

"Actually, they like it."

They all looked at Fluttershy, confused about what she said.

"They do?"

"Yes. Though I'm not sure why actually. I guess it's their preference."

"Hehehahahaha!" Ash began laughing with Pikachu as they were sitting on a floating rock.

"What's so funny, Ash?" Rainbow asked.

"This is pretty fun ya know." Ash was standing atop a rock as he grabbed a hold of a Psyduck, flying about with him.

"I can't believe that he's enjoying himself. What did you do to our Ash?!" Rarity threatened Discord.

"Discord hasn't done anything to Ash. He's just enjoying himself along with Pikachu."

"He is?" They all said.

"Yes. It's not fitting to jump to conclusions."

"Urgh, Fluttershy! You're just gonna let him use his chaos magic all willy-nilly like this?" Rainbow was getting frustrated.

"Yes. I'm going to let him do what he loves. Because that's what friends do." Those words hit Discord a bit.

"We're friends?"

"Why of course. Even with the inclusion of the Rift, I've never seen everything so lively. And the Pokemon are enjoying themselves. Why you even made that Munchlax happy for a bit. And look at how happy Ash and Pikachu are."

"I've never really had a friend before..."

"Well, now you do."

"And by that logic, I guess you and I are friends as well. I haven't had this much chaotic fun since Hoopa." Ash also joined in, patting Discord's back.


"...If Fluttershy and Ash can see the fun in it. Then I'll try and see it too."Pinkie Pie said.

"Pinkie?" Twilight said. Pinkie Pie hopped on a sweet trail as it took her on a ride. Some Nosepasses joined her on the stream. Pikachu hopped on her mane, joining her on the ride.

"They actually are enjoying themselves..." Discord was a bit surprised really. He had never expected an outcome like this. Usually, everypony just freaks out or gets confused when his chaos kicks in.

"Come on girls! This is actually all kinds of fun!" Pinkie Pie said as she grabbed Applejack and Spike, bringing them on the stream. Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Twilight were starstruck. They were actually enjoying this.

"I don't believe my stars."

"I'm with you AJ." Dashie replied to her.

"But how? I thought this would be too much to handle?" Twilight asked Fluttershy.

"At first I thought so, but then Ash told me about his nature."

"His nature?"

"I realised that I can't change someone for who they are. I can obviously make them have better manners and be a better pony or Draconequus. But if they're happy with who they are, then why try and stop that? If he's happy, then why not let him be happy." Not only did Fluttershy learn something new but so did Twilight.

"Who they are..." She quietly said.

"I don't know about this. This is still a bit out of hand." Rainbow was still skeptical about all of this.

"Don't worry Rainbow. I can get him to put it all back to normal soon. Right now. Why don't you join in on the fun?" A Mothim had flown over to Fluttershy, flying around her. "You can bring out Rufflet and Whirlipede."

"Hnngrh... fine." Rainbow sent out Rufflet and Whirlipede. Rufflet immediately went to attack the first Pokemon he saw. Whirlipede rolled on the streams. They were enjoying themselves in their own ways. Rarity could get behind it a little bit. She did see the streams as a bit on the fabulous side. Twilight wanted to talk to Ash on how he came to figure this out.

"Ash. How did you manage to figure Discord out and have him be.. well.. friends with you?"

"That's easy. It's all because of Mew."

"Mew? Really?"

"Yep. Mew and Discord are almost the same. And Hoopa too if I wanna include him. They both love to mess around because that's what makes them happy. Mew is the last of its kind. The other Mews evolved into Pokemon we know today.
So it wants to have fun with everyone. Even if that means transforming into them to trick them into thinking they're another Pokemon. They just want a good time. Sure it can go overboard, but that's why they need friends to let them know when things are going too far."

"Wow. I never took into consideration on what you've been through for all these years. You have so much experience on this kind of stuff."

"Doesn't he?" Discord teleported to Ash.

"But I'm still pretty judgemental on your magic Discord. I know how you can use it to be extra-crafty."

"Foh. How rude."

"Well, of course, he's crafty Twilight," Fluttershy said. "I already know how he is, that's why I'm doing my best to gain his trust. Like a true friend."

"That's true."

"Come on Twilight. Join in on the fun if you want."


"I'll pass. But all of this has made me learn something. I've learned that we shouldn't judge anypony on who they are based on what they do or change them for who they are. I guess chaos is fine when others are happy."

"You said it."


"Well, Discord. I guess you're kinda okay. I can tolerate you. If they see good in you then I will too."

"Excellent. Group hug!" Discord grew huge hands, pulling them all in for a hug."

"I am truly amazed by what I've seen." Celestia had arrived, learning of what just happened via royal spy.

"Princess Celestia!"

"To be honest. I did not expect the outcome to be solved by this. By accepting Discord's nature whilst still teaching him how to improve is a well thought out lesson that even I forgot about. Fluttershy, Ash, Pikachu. You three have proven that you can accept anypony or Pokemon for who they are. The way you see the good in everyone truly is admirable."

"I suppose I have learned something myself today. These three are the first REAL friends I've ever had.."

"And we're going to keep it that way Discord." Fluttershy said with a smile.

"I'll leave the Elements with you... just in case." Celestia whispered to Twilight.

"Alright! I wanna try something new! Discord. Any ideas?" Ash was raring to have some more fun.

"Glad you asked." Discord made it so that all the Pokemon were giant-sized to ride on. Befriending Discord seemed impossible at first, but thanks to both Kindness and carefreeness, a new and chaotic friend was made this day.

A friend who is equal to that of the Rift. After all, to get rid of boredom, we all need a little Discord in our lives.

Chapter 36 End.

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