• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Short: Pinkie Pie and the weary Mew

Author's Note:

A neat little fact about Normal-Types I just learned. The reason they're called Normal-Types is that they are nothing but Normal.

Since they can learn the most amount of moves outside their types and the creator of the Pokemon Universe Arceus is a Normal-Type who can become any type at will which explains why every Normal Pokemon have so much variety in moves, it's safe to say that they are Abnormal.

To us, that's strange but the Pokemon World, it's just normal.

Ponyville, night.

"I'm gonna clock out soon." Pinkie yawned. "Boy...Winter does take a lot out of you doesn't it?"

"Does it?" Jade turned to Pinkie.

"Oh, right. You don't get tired, Jade. Lucky. I wish I could stay up forever without getting tired." Pinkie returned her Slurpuff's to their Poke Balls whilst Spinda slept in her mane.

"Speaking of which... Mayor Mare made me the official lookout for Ponyville."

"She did?!" Pinkie shot up.

"Mhm. Since I can't ever fall asleep, I've been tasked with being a lookout every single night. And Cold to an extent."

"That's great, Jade!" Pinkie hugged the jade-coloured pony. "Look at you moving up in the world already! And you've only been around for a few months."

"Hm." Jade nodded.

"Good to know that somepony as brave as you is keeping us safe at night. We don't have to worry about a thing."

"Yeah. But uh... I might have trouble when encountering any invading Pokemon."

"Why's that?"

"I don't exactly have a Pokemon of my own, Pinkie. Everypony has at least one."

"Oooh..." Pinkie thought for a bit." I guess you are kinda Pokemon-less. Tell ya what! I'll give you one of my Slurpuff's to help you out." Out of her mane, Pinkie pulled out a Poke Ball. "Just toss him out and he'll help you take care of anything."

"Thanks, Pinkie." Jade took the Poke Ball. "Well. I'm off on Night duty. See you in the morning." Jade went outside to patrol the midnight streets of Ponyville whilst Pinkie wished her good luck.

Outside the snowy landscape of Ponyville, Jade put on some goggles along with a scarf. It was just her, Slurpuff, Cold Colt and a random Noctowl in the silent night.

Like always, there'll be a Pokemon approaching this town guaranteed. It has been happening so frequently over these past months that Ponyville has accepted it as a normal occurrence. Although, the Pokemon arriving today was one who has been here before. But they weren't in good shape.

That Pokemon was none other than Mew.

The same Mew that came to Ponyville, tricked them all into thinking that Rayquaza had arrived by transforming into it and ended up having a fun time with Pinkie Pie. Even if it was short-lived.

But Mew wasn't in its usual state at the moment. It was drained, weary and weak.

All due to Ghetsis. The same day Mew arrived at Ponyville was also the same day Ghetsis and Team Plasma found it. They had used a DNA mixer to drain the New Species Pokemon of all its energy just to give it to Ghetsis's Hydreigon, who now has access to a multitude of moves.

As such, they threw away the Mythical Pokemon like trash, leaving Mew to wander the world in a weakened state. Mew could barely fly or even transform into any other Pokemon. Over the past few months of it wandering Equestria, it had come across many obstacles that it struggled to overcome.

During the Storm Behemoth event, Mew barely survived at that one instance. If it wasn't for a cave being nearby, the already drained Psychic-Type would've met its end with all those powerful pulses going off.

Mew had even come across some Ultra Beasts that were roaming the world thanks to Team Plasma opening up random wormholes. But Mew managed to survive those as well.

Eventually, it arrived at Ponyville once more. Mew had a long journey, going through a multitude of adventures that weren't very kind to the Mythical Pokemon. But now that it was here in a friendly area, it believed that it was safe now. And due to all that journeying, Mew had fainted.

"Hm?" Jade was the first to notice the fainted Pokemon arriving at Ponyville in horrible condition. Not only that, but Mew was a bit malnourished.

It had barely been able to eat due to all the running it's been doing. Jade being influenced by her friends had decided to help the poor little thing, seeing how tattered up Mew was. The pegasus picked the Mythical Pokemon up from the ground with her hooves, seeing how damaged it was.

"What Pokemon is this...?" She said to herself. But right now, that wasn't important. The Rift Pony brought Mew indoors where it was warmer. She was completely unaware of this Mew's relation with Pinkie Pie.

Returning indoors, Jade could see that Pinkie wasn't asleep just yet. She still had a few things to clean up before she heads to bed. Hearing Jade enter made Pinkie turn her attention to the door.

"Jade? Done already? That was fast. You must be super good at your job."

"No, Pinkie. Look at this." Jade showed Pinkie Pie the fainted mythical Pokemon in her hooves. The moment Pinkie Pie's eyes locked onto Mew, she recognized it in a heartbeat.

"Mew?!" Pinkie gasped.

"Mew?" Jade raised an eyebrow.

Pinkie out of instinct grabbed Mew out of Jade's hooves, worried about her friend. "Mew! Are you alright?!"

"You know this Pokemon?"

"Mhm. Mew came over to Ponyville one day to have some fun. We become pretty good friends in a short amount of time too. Poor Mew...What happened?"

"Mew..." The New Species Pokemon was actually waking up due to the warmth of SugarCube Corners indoors. "Mew?" The Mythical Pokemon had spotted an old friend in the form of Pinkie as its eyes opened up.

"Ah, Mew!" Pinkie smiled. "Are you okay?!"

"Mew..." The Mythical Pokemon was happy to see its friend right in front of it. In response, Mew had licked Pinkie's face, making her giggle.

"You look really beat up! What happened, Mew?"

"Mew..." Mew couldn't exactly explain it to her since it can only say its name like every other Pokemon.

Except, since Mew is the ancestor of every earth-dwelling Pokemon, it has the power to turn into one Pokemon that can communicate. The New Species Pokemon transformed itself into Chatot.

"Tot...Hungry..." Instead of explaining the situation to Pinkie Pie, Mew just wanted food. It was starving after all. And due to its hunger, it couldn't stay as a Chatot for long. "Mew..."

"Hungry?!" Pinkie shot up. "You need something to eat!" She dashed off, searching for some leftover food for Mew to consume.

Mew was in luck. Some food from Hearth's Warming and Christmas was still around. And they hadn't gone bad yet, thankfully. Pinkie grabbed the slice of cake, bringing it over to the New Species Pokemon.

"Here, Mew. Eat up."

"Mew..." The Mythical Pokemon took a single bite out of the cake, tasting its sumptuous and astringent sweetness. "Mew." Already being a fan of this cake, Mew dug in, going to town on the delicacy as Pinkie and Jade watched.

"Thank goodness..." Pinkie let out a sigh of relief. "Still...I wonder what really happened to Mew before it came here?"

"Maybe it was attacked by something," Jade replied. "Probably another Pokemon."

"Yeah, probably."

"Mew!" Mew had some frosting on its face with its strength slowly returning to it. Even if Ghetsis stole its energy for Hydreigon, Mew could still replenish it. It just needed something to eat to get it back on track. "Mew! Mew!"

The New Species Pokemon had finished up the cake, prompting Pinkie to bring a second one for it to snack down on. Pinkie wanted to take care of Mew, but she had to get to bed still due to her exhaustion.

"Mrrgh... Jade. Can you take things from here? I'm too tired to stay up."

"I will. You can count on me, Pinkie." Jade nodded.

"Thanks." Pinkie returned to her room, leaving everything to Jade now. The Rift Pony watched Mew devour through the leftover cake, gradually returning to its energetic self.

Time had passed. Mew finished up all the leftovers in one night due to it enjoying SugarCube Corner's food. And all the while, Jade watched the entire thing go down.

But it went beyond that. Mew ended up eating everything. Not just the leftovers. Mew may be a small Pokemon but it eats like a Snorlax. After all, it is the ancestor of most Pokemon.

The morning had arrived. Mr and Mrs Cake came down to see that their entire fridge had been ransacked. They assumed Pinkie Pie or Spinda woke up late at night for a midnight snack, but once they spotted the Mythical Pokemon laying on its back, rubbing its belly, it was pretty clear who did it.

"Oh my..." Mrs Cake gawked.

"D-Did that thing do this?" Mr Cake pointed his hoof at Mew.

"Sure did." Jade nodded.

"Oh!" Pinkie Pie rushed down the stairs in a hurry, just to see Mew. "Is Mew doing okay?!"

"Perfectly fine." Jade poked the full belly of the New Species Pokemon.

"Mew!" Mew felt like it was being tickled by Jade as it giggled.

"Oh! That's a relief! You sure are a great lookout Jade. Both indoors and outdoors." Pinkie bounced over to the Mythical Pokemon.

"Mew!" With its energy being back to its usual hyper self, Mew flew up, hugging Pinkie Pie on the face. "Mew!"

"Why am I not surprised you know this thing, Pinkie?" Mrs Cake sighed.

"Are you feeling great now, Mew?" Pinkie asked.

"Mew!" The Psychic-Type nodded enthusiastically. In fact, Mew was so hyper now that it wanted to play around with Pinkie Pie like how they did in their first encounter.

"Wanna play around again, huh? Wish granted!" Pinkie held me up Mew as if it was her own child. With the two of them on the same wavelength, they were bound to have some fun for the rest of the day.

"Hold on...This thing won't cause a lot of damage indoors, will it?" Mr Cake gulped, knowing how dangerous Pokemon can be.

"Ah don't worry. Mew's harmless. Other than the fact that it can turn into any Pokemon out there whether they're super big or super small like Pikachu or even Wailord. But other than that, harmless."

"...R-Right..." Mrs Cake shuddered.

"I know! How about you play with Pound Cake and Pump-"

"NO!" Both Mr and Mrs Cake shouted, interrupting Pinkie Pie.

"Uh...Maybe it's not a good idea to let them hang around with that kind of Pokemon." Mr Cake winced.

"Why not? They have Plusle and Minun who have electricity with them."

"Yes but... They can't transform into other Pokemon that could tear this entire place apart in a just a few seconds..." Mrs Cake thought about a Wailord being inside of SugarCube Corner as she shuddered. She and her husband were thinking of the worst possible outcomes.

"No need to worry. Mew won't go that far. Right, Mew?" Pinkie rubbed Mew's cheeks.


"Just...keep it out of trouble...The smaller ones are the craftier ones..." Mr Cake sighed.

"You're gonna love Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake, Mew! They're a blast to be around!" Pinkie brought the New Species Pokemon along to the Cake Twins to give them some playtime.

Once they got there, fears starting swelling up in Mr and Mrs Cake's heads, but Jade reassured them that Pinkie Pie has got this.

Mew flew around the Cake Twins, seeing how it was alright to be visible around them due to their relation with Pinkie. After all, Mew is a Pokemon that will only show itself to someone pure of heart. Hence why Ash and Pikachu have come across Mew frequently in the past.

And with Pinkie Pie being in the same room as the Cake Twins, it was no wonder why the New Species Pokemon showed itself.

To spice things up, Mew decided to transform itself into a Lilligant for one reason. Lilligant's garland that's on its head is capable of giving off a relaxing effect. As such, it was soothing to the babies, giving the newfound bliss that they would normally feel when they age up. So this was essentially an early experience.

Wanting to spice things up, even more, Mew then transformed into a Wigglytuff next.

Now, this raised red flags for Pinkie Pie since the last time she encountered a Wigglytuff it almost trapped her and almost everypony in Ponyville in its unnaturally sticky fur. But there was no need to worry since Mew could just change back.

Mew used Wigglytuff's soft and elastic fur to entertain the babies along with Plusle and Minun. And speaking of those two, the duo of Pokemon used their electricity to interact with Wigglytuff's super-soft fur by giving it an extra fluff.

As if Wigglytuff wasn't already a huggable Pokemon. The four of them went up to Mew's Wigglytuff body, hugging it and every soft and fluffy part there was. As always, they got trapped, but they can be freed thankfully.

Mew had managed to keep the twins occupied by transforming into a multitude of Pokemon that they found great enjoyment with. From the delicious juice of a Shuckle to the harmonizing sound of a Chimecho's echoing chime, Mew seemed to be the perfect Pokemon for babies.

Eventually, Mew felt ready to head back out there in the world. Although, it was sad to say goodbye to Pinkie Pie and the others.


"Aw, you're leaving again?" Pinkie pouted.

"Mew." The New Species Pokemon nodded.

"Well...I guess you do have a lot to do, huh?"

"If you don't want to say goodbye to Mew, why don't you just catch it?" Jade asked.

"Hm? Well, I shouldn't really. Mew seems to enjoy being free. From what I can tell, Mew's the adventurous type. Like Ash. It wouldn't feel right keeping it here. Right, Mew?"

"Mew!" The Mythical Pokemon agreed with Pinkie Pie 100%. The two understood each other since they both have playful natures. Even though Mew had decided to continue roaming the world, it wouldn't mind Pinkie Pie being its trainer.

"You take care out there, Mew! Stay out of trouble, okay?"

"Mew!" And with that, they said their goodbyes as the ancestor of all Pokemon flew up into the skies, leaving behind psychic sparkles that fell from above like rain, meshing well with the snow.

With Mew now being rejuvenated thanks to Jade and Pinkie Pie, the Mythical Pokemon can continue its endless adventure throughout both worlds as it always has. The enjoyment it felt made it forget about what Ghetsis did to it. However, there's a chance another threat might endanger Mew, but the New Species Pokemon will be ready to tackle it as the journey continues.

Chapter 244 End.

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