• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Studio Rush

Author's Note:

Yesterday was Ash's birthday. Happy birthday, Ketchum.

Pegalysium. Big Sky. Afternoon.

Visiting Big Sky in Pegalysium were Ash, Pikachu, Rarity, Fluttershy and Audino. And their guide was none other than Garnet. They were brought to the big casino city in the sky and this time with nothing to ruin it for them. No secret societies and no attacking Unowns. At least, not in standard Pegalysium.

"About time we get to spend some quality time here in Pegalysium. Especially in a place such as Big Sky. It reminds me of Las Pegasus too." Rarity said.

"Mhm. Technically speaking, this is my first time being here without having to worry about anything." Garnet spoke. "I've always wanted to come to Big Sky and now I can thanks to the friendship I have with Prince Shooting Star."

"Really? How?" Fluttershy asked.


"Look at this!" Garnet's eyes flared as she revealed the massive bags of money she was carrying with her. Enough quillbits to spend in this place. "I'm rich right now! It's the reward I chose when we helped save Pegalysium. It was all so worth it. I already used some of it to buy things that I've been missing out on...now I can go all out on this place!"

"Ah, not too all out." Rarity slid over. "This is a casino spot after all...one big mistake and all of that money you hold will vanish in a heartbeat."

"Relax. I know that. I got too cocky last time I had a lot of quillbits. But I won't make the same mistake again. I'll keep a chunk of it and win big too. Nothing's going to stop me from shooting for what I want! No doubt!" Garnet was confident in her skills.

"That's the spirit, Garnet!" Ash encouraged her.


"Ash!" Rarity hopped onto Ash's back, whispering in his ear. "It's wonderful that you encourage others but this is one topic that might not need your stupendous pep talking. Especially with something that can have devastating results..."

"Huh? Really? Ash asked, unaware of the dangers that came with casino areas. "How come?"

"Oh, you're so innocent, Ash. Let's keep it that way." Rarity shook her head, loving Ash's obliviousness to many things but also worrying about him.

"By the way. Ash. Are you feeling comfortable with being out here?" Garnet questioned. "I mean, look at you. Compared to every living thing in Pegalysium, you stand out the most. Even the Pokemon look more natural than you."

"Hm?" Ash looked at himself before also looking at his surroundings. There was truth to Garnet's words as the pegasi here in Big Sky couldn't help but look at Ash directly. A human was by far the most bizarre thing to them even when Pokemon are involved. "I guess so..."

"Oh! You could use the pony disguise that Discord gave you." Fluttershy recommended. "You don't use it that much."

"Haven't found any reason to. Only used a bit when coming to Pegalysium for the first time too." Ash scratched his hair. "I guess I could use it for sneaky purposes only but...Ah, I don't think I need to hide my true form."

"You'd be easier on the eyes if you did keep that form..." Sombra commented while also insulting Ash at the same time, hiding within him instead of showing himself to all of Pegalysium.

"As if you're any more charming to look at, sir." Rarity snapped back at Sombra after his insult to Ash. She gave a cocky smirk while Sombra merely narrowed at her.

"So this place has some games, right? Let's check them out them." Ash already set his sights on the various games that could be played here in Big Sky.

"Go ahead. There's a little something for everyone. But since you love excitement so much...how about you try the Studio Rush?" Garnet suggested one game they could try.

"Studio Rush"? Ash repeated.

"Mm. I've heard about it but never been there. Too frantic and energetic for me. There's this massive studio that's underneath Big Sky. Almost as big as it too. It's also a racing attraction so there's that."

"Under the studio huh...well, I know what I'm doing first!" Ash's eyes shined like stars as this casino game was already a must-do for him.

"Pikachu!" The same went for Pikachu. They wasted no time, immediately scurrying off to find this studio that allows races.

"Oh! Wait for me, please!" Fluttershy flew after them, trying to keep pace as she was also eager about this racing studio lying underneath Big Sky itself. Audino followed soon after.

"Dino! Audino!"

"I suppose it will be just you and I, Garnet. At least I can make sure you don't make any mistakes here." Rarity faced her fellow fashion enthusiast.

"Sure-sure. Now let's hurry. I have a lot to do." Garnet fluttered off with Rarity following her. Both sides were off to entertain themselves.

Underneath Big Sky.

Garnet was right. There was indeed a massive studio in the form of a racetrack underneath the city. Upon arriving, Ash, Pikachu, Fluttershy and Audino saw the racetrack was a metropolis of skyscrapers filled to the brim with equipment for producing films. This was technology that Equestria had not yet reached, only experienced thanks to the Pokemon World. This place was also similar to one of the other areas located at Big Sky that shared a similar theme.

"Oho! Nice!" Ash admired the racetrack. "They've got stuff to film here? Is it all real?"

"I didn't think Pegalysium would have something like this." Fluttershy gawked.

"We don't. At least, not yet." Just then, someone had replied to them, grabbing their attention. Ash, Pikachu and Fluttershy promptly turned around to see a pegasus descending in their direction. "But thank you for noticing."

"Oh, not yet?" Ash then faced the massive racetrack once more. "Wait so then..."

"All a proof of concept." The pink pony answered. "Juneheart's the name. And I see that you've caught interest in my game. It's great that I got it from you three famous figures."

"You know about us?" Fluttershy responded.

Everypony here in Pegalysium does, of course. King Paramount and Queen Luminary spread the news. From the attack of the Indigo Alliance and the wiping of our memories. You've helped keep us safe despite being from below."

"Oh, that makes sense. Well, nice to meet you, Juneheart." Fluttershy held her hoof out. "So, you made this racetrack?"

"Obviously not. It was built. But I came up with the idea. Or...at least my friend did." Juneheart shook back. "It's all pre-cursor to what Pegalysium could have in the future. My friend Nimbus was the one who pictured it all. He's to thank for this.

"Oooh. So he pictured a film studio in the future, huh?" Ash uttered. "Nice stuff."

"Isn't it?" Juneheart laughed. "He shared this concept with me, so I made it into a reality. Not too shabby, is it?"

"It's massive too. How long does this thing go?" Ash asked, pointing at the racetrack, trying to find an end.

"It's almost as big as Big Sky itself." Juneheart walked up to Ash. "Racing on it would take you at least 8 minutes to finish. But if you were to walk around it as if it were a normal studio, it would take you...." She started thinking about the correct time for finishing this whole track with a walk. "30 minutes. Maybe more."

"Yikes. It's that big is it..." Ash's jaw dropped before grinning. "All the more reason for us to race on it.

"Glad to hear it." Juneheart flapped her wings with excitement before having her face turn red. "You two will be the first to race. I've been waiting for this..."

"First to race it? Nopony's raced it before?" Fluttershy then took in those words, realizing that there may be more to this racetrack than its existence. "Garnet said that it was too frantic for her."

"Uhh well..." A sigh met with Juneheart's mouth as she regrettably lowered her head. "That's because it's only been used by the workers who were testing it out. It went instantly fast in the beginning. Much shorter than the 8-minute mark that it has now. It might not be as extreme as it was before and that's a good thing! To some."

"So how come no one's been here yet?" Ash asked.

"Believe it or not, it's new. The Studio Racetrack had been finished 5 days ago. Much faster than it should've been finished. The workers were stunned too."

"5 days ago!?" Ash and Fluttershy exclaimed, surprised that something this massive took such little time to make. "H-How?!"

"Do you all have super speed?!" Ash was hoping that was the case, believing that the pegasi in Pegalysium could move and work at speeds equal to Rainbow Dash's Sonic Rainboom.

"That would be exciting. But no. It's the Unown." Juneheart revealed before flying over to the snack bar for those who would watch the race. Upon hearing the name of the Unown, Ash, Pikachu, Fluttershy and Audino already knew what to expect.

Juneheart had opened one of the cabinets containing candy bars, revealing the Symbol Pokemon hiding within them, levitating the candy bars. There were indeed Unown here, but it wasn't too surprising as more of them had a presence here in Pegalysium. Four of them in total were within the cabinet, trying to eat the sweets in the bars.

"I don't think you four can eat without a mouth." Juneheart laughed as the Unown flew out. "Here they are. The Pokemon responsible for the short time."

"Yeah, that makes sense." Ash nodded with his arms crossed. "Those Unown can do awesome stuff when they're together."


"Thanks to these funny-looking guys, we finished the racetrack faster than expected. I planned to make its grand opening next year, but it's far too early now."

"I'm surprised you have Unown with you. Did you catch them?" Fluttershy asked. "Oh, wait. No Poke Balls."

"They came to me." Juneheart then pulled the four Unown that fittingly spelt the letter four, hugging them. "I met then just 2 months weeks ago when I was afraid that I couldn't fulfil Nimbus' wishes. I was a bit down on my luck then. And that's when they came to me. I don't know how they knew honestly..."

"The Unown can do that." Ash walked over. "They can sense everyone's feelings and always help them. They knew in a heartbeat."

"Oh, is that so?"

"Exactly so. Your friend Nimbus must be so happy to know about this!" Fluttershy bellowed with excitement.

"He is. Well, he would be." Juneheart lowered her head. "Unfortunately, I haven't heard from him since those 2 months. But if he were here, then he'd be thrilled to the core. I know I am. And I definitely need to know just how great it can be by having a race with it. And you two can help me with that."

"That's why we're here. Let's get this race going!" Ash pumped his fist.


"Just one teensy-tiny problem." Juneheart halted Ash, using her wing feathers to mimic a finger pinch. "The ride's um...not suitable for humans. The Wing Vehicles I didn't expect any humans to ever use it honestly."

"Darn." Ash lowered his head in disappointment.

"But...That can be changed." Juneheart already knew that this little setback could be fixed. And she had the four Pokemon fit for the job. "Unown. Go."

The Unown would sort it out as the four of them concentrated Hidden Power onto the racetrack, specifically the vehicles meant to move along them. With ease and the power to alter reality, one of the vehicles had been altered just for Ash's build. And it didn't even take a minute.

"There. That will do," said Juneheart as the makeover was complete. "Now, you can get going."

"Sweet! Thanks, Juneheart." Without wasting any time, Ash immediately hopped into the seat of these Wing-Shaped vehicles with Pikachu resting on his head. Fluttershy sat in the seat right next to Ash with Audino staying back. She preferred to watch.

Once inside, Juneheart had strapped them in for safety measures before backing up. The sound of the racetrack starting up could be heard as the lights had been turned on. It was time.

"8 minutes total. These vehicles are made so that anyone can easily control them."Juneheart explained. "Nimbus wanted everyone to try this ride out so you don't have to worry about struggling with it. Good luck you two."

"Right. Let's make it a good one, Fluttershy." Ash gave a thumbs up to his friend from Equestria.


"You too, Ash!"

"Alright! Everything's ready..." Juneheart rubbed her hooves together as a countdown had already begun via the sounds of beeping. The flashing lights from the street lamps helped with that 5-second countdown. "Now go!"

The race had begun.

The two of them grabbed onto the vehicles as their own arm motions allowed them to control them. It was indeed easy for anyone to use as they were surprised by this method of driving. This was also their first time driving something as well as the two wing-shaped vehicles started accelerating.

The Wing Vehicles immediately went down a slope that already boosted the acceleration. Ash held onto his hat whilst Pikachu gripped Ash's shoulder. The slope had given the momentum they needed as they had then attempted drifting the vehicles with their next path being a turning pathway. It would be their first time too.

And it certainly proved to be fairly tricky. Ash grit his teeth, gripping onto the Wing Vehicle with extra force as he managed to drift it. Fluttershy did the same, but she managed to pull it off via fearful instinct. Anything worked out as the vehicle drifted either way. They both made the turn as they were then greeted with the sights of the race with a closer view.

Juneheart, or technically, had a clear vision of future technology. At least, technology that would take a few centuries for this world to ever reach. There was a rough concept for TV screens lined up in a perfect rectangular line, reflecting Ash, Pikachu and Fluttershy in it. There was even artwork about potential shows that could be made on these screens one day.

"Oh, what does this do?" Ash noticed how the Wing Vehicles had something else going for it. A could be found right in front of the cockpit. Ash took a gamble with it, pressing it. And immediately when pressing it, Ash's Wing Vehicle suddenly took flight, finally acting like a wing. "Oooh!"


"Ash! Pikachu?!" Fluttershy gasped as the vehicle had more than just the capability to take flight. Once it was in the air, it had accelerated, zooming through the air while also leaving behind a mildly strong wind pressure. By doing this, Ash unintentionally had gone up to one of the higher pathways of the raceway that could only be accessed via this feature.

"Yeahahahaha!" Ash was clearly having a great time with this. So was Pikachu as the vehicle landed on the upper pathway with Fluttershy being at the bottom. Ash had also taken the lead by using that button.

"Oh! It's time for me to keep up. I hope I can." Fluttershy scrunched her face before looking at the button in front of her. Soon, she ended up forcing the vehicle to take flight and accelerate as well. She closed her eyes as her mane was blowing in the wind gracefully from it.

But, despite the rush, it allowed her to catch up to Ash. However, she had just missed the upper pathway, causing the pegasus to remain on the lower path instead. But she was still neck and neck with Ash. With how varying this raceway seemed to be with paths so far, it was only a matter of time until they came across obstacles. And they certainly did.

Right in front of them, large DVD discs, concepts of them at least made with plastic, had been sprung up from thin circles on the raceway's floors. The three of them grimaced as the speed they had previously utilized would result in them approaching the discs much faster than they were hoping for.

Now was a good time to start dodging as they moved their arms around to frantically move the vehicles. Ash managed to avoid the first one just barely as the vehicle had chipped the side of the disc. After avoiding it, he had to try and avoid the rest.

Fluttershy moved hers to the side sooner while also feeling the rocking of the vehicle as she now regretted not bringing any safety gear. Even though it was not necessary for this. Ash and Fluttershy moved the Wing Vehicles past the DVD discs that appeared and were also moving from side to side.

It was certainly challenging moving them from side to side. Ash ended up crashing into one of the discs, shattering it in the process. It was revealed that the discs were not harmful at all, however, they could slow someone down. And Ash's vehicle was certainly slowed down. He tried pressing that same button for a boost, only to find out that it was flashing a blue light with a small bar filling up. It was recharging.

"Guess I'll have to speed up another way." Ash could not use the boost right now. He gripped onto the vehicle tighter, building up his acceleration.

As for Fluttershy, she managed to avoid the discs that stood in her way. There weren't that many of them so those that had been cleared. However, next, Fluttershy could see that the loop was the next obstacle to overcome. "Uh...I'll go the other way!" She chose not to go on the loop as she moved the Wing Vehicle to the side. By doing so, she went down another slope that brought her to the lower parts of the raceway.

And by heading there, she had come across an entrance that certainly wouldn't be allowed. She passed through the entrance as it had brought her to a changing room, filled with the expected objects such as clothes and makeup. Fluttershy's speed within this room caused her to accidentally receive some of these clothes. A hat had dropped onto her head, a very stylish one as well.

The room also acted as an obstacle with the clothes being moved around by a machine. Fluttershys' face had been powered while some lipstick was also added to her lips. She closed her eyes from the powder while also being given a dress that surprisingly fit her well. All of it kept pace with the speed she was moving at as this room also had a built-in camera that immediately took Fluttershy's picture once her appearance had been altered.

She left the room, still feeling somewhat perplexed. However, she was having a fun time during all of this as she laughed with absolute enjoyment in her heart. The same went for Ash, as to be expected.

He took the loop route, instantly shooting his eyes towards this spiralling path while accelerating towards it. "Here I go!" He exclaimed as he moved up the loop. By doing so, Ash's acceleration helped him overcome this obstacle as he and Pikachu let out excited cries when moving in a circular position. They were upside down for a few seconds before getting back on a straight path.

The loop also acted as a speed boost, allowing Ash to take the lead. Despite racing through different pathways, Ash and Fluttershy would come across the same obstacle. And from what they could tell, they looked to be wind tunnels.

The wind tunnels were unavoidable and necessary as their vehicles had been pulled towards them. Upon reaching them, they could feel the increased turbulence along with the wind blowing in their faces. Ash's hat almost fell off, only for Pikachu to keep it safe for him.

The Wing Vehicles moved left and right erratically when on these wind tunnels, but they certainly helped for some speed increase as Ash ended up landing his vehicle on a ramp right after getting past the tunnel.

Fluttershy did not come across a ramp. Instead, she came across an upwards slope that would take her to the top, getting her back on the standard path. Soon, she and Ash were about to finish the first lap. And they were certainly all for doing it again.

They simultaneously laughed while passing the first lap, having the time of their lives right now. Audino cheered along as Juneheart was happy to see this. Seeing that the ride was successful in how it functioned, she started thinking about Nimbus at this moment.

"Nimbus, I wish you were here to see this. How happy it would make you..." She spoke to herself but Audino could hear her clearly. She pictured Nimbus in her mind, thinking back to when the idea of this raceway was conjured up. A conversation that happened 2 months ago before Nimbus' departure.

"Juneheart. Look at this. Can you yell what this is?" Nimbus showed her the drawing of a studio. Something that was strikingly new to Juneheart and technically any pegasus in Pegalysium.

"A complete mess. What is that thing?" Juneheart had no idea what she was looking at.

"I dreamt about it once. A place where entertainment can be pushed higher. We won't have to rely on sports, casinos or anything else to keep us entertained. But those are fun too."

"It does look...somewhat exciting. What do you call it anyway?"

"I was thinking of making it a raceway. And it'll be called a studio. Neat, right? I hope I can make it happen. And have it make sense to boot."

"It does now." Back to the present after she stopped thinking about the past and saw how Nimbus' dream had come true. The only downside was that it was hard to tell if he would be here to see it. But, she did have a glimmer of hope for it.

"If it gets popular enough...everypony's going to come here. I know it." Juneheart said. "And maybe then...he'll come back to me."

After thinking about the past, her friend and the future, Juneheart continued to watch the race. And fittingly, as she mentioned how everypony could come here, this race and the speed it was moving at started attracting other ponies. The pegasi nearby noticed Ash, Pikachu and Fluttershy racing on this bizarre raceway of a concept they had never seen before. They couldn't help but stop as Juneheart gasped upon seeing pegasi arrive.

"What is that thing?" An old pegasus asked while on Sky Wheelchair.

"Don't know...but it looks interesting, doesn't it?" Another one spoke as the appeal of this raceway and the theme around it was appealing to the eyes. This confirmed that Nimbus had the right idea of what the future entertainment for Pegalysium could be.

More pegasi showed up to watch this race, unaware of who was winning this. But they didn't care. It was fun to watch. Pegasi love speed and this was something to definitely get them hooked as Ash and Fluttershy had used the boost once more to accelerate. Soon, the pegasi were getting entertained with their voices rising.

The picture of Fluttershy going through the dressing room had been sent out via the nearby photo booth of this studio-themed raceway with Audino taking them out. Audino saw her trainer in this alternate style, chuckling at it. "Audi! Audino!"

Soon, cheers were starting to fill the scene as well. Music to Juneheart's ears as this raceway had received its attractors at last. Juneheart was hoping that it could only go up from here.

Big Sky Casino.

"Gah..." Meanwhile, at the casino, Garnet's face was slumped on a table with quillbits surrounding her. Something had happened to cause this.

"That was a close one." Rarity sighed. "You almost lost all of it. I warned you about this, Garnet. These types of places are as double-sided as a Morpeko."

"I was gonna use those quillbits to buy more dresses. At least 50 of them. Now I can only buy maybe...25."

"Ah, don't feel so bad, darling. "Rarity patted Garnet on the back. "I can make you some dresses back home for free. Or just give you some pre-existing ones I made."


"Really. You and Sweetie Belle enjoyed putting them on that one time, so why not? Now let's just get away from...this." Rarity looked at the culprit responsible for almost costing Garnet everything. A machine that was a hybrid between a slot machine and a poker game. Truly a terrifying combination.

"Maybe one more go?" Garnet raised her head, already tempted to try again. That is until Rarity pulled her back with her magic. Garnet circled up with a scrunched face as she was being pulled away.

"Let's go, Garnet."

Studio Raceway.

Meanwhile, the race had finished. Those 8 minutes were up and Ash and Fluttershy managed to tie as both their pathways were effective. Fluttershy's gentle and safe route while Ash's wild and extreme route resulted in an equal pace.

"Hmmm...Might need some tweaking if both sides can win at the same time." Juneheart could see that there were still some adjustments needed for this raceway. "But either way...I'm glad it was a success. Ash. Fluttershy. Pikachu. Thank you so much for helping me in this."

"No problem. Hey, we should do this again sometime." Ash replied.

"Maybe with more competitors. That could be fun. I saw so many pathways that could be taken with it." said Fluttershy.

"That's the idea. Come to think of it..." Juneheart then turned to see the rest of the ponies who had shown up to watch this race. The answer was staring her right in the face. "Who else wants a go?"

"Oh, me!" One pegasus blurted out, flying in front of the rest of them. Only for another one to do the same. And another. And two more. Three more. Ten more.

"I'd like one!" Just like that, there were others who were interested in trying this race out. There were more Wing Vehicles for everyone here."

"Okay! But there can only be 8 of you on board so hold on!" Juneheart slowed them down as she needed to choose among the many volunteers. "Unown. Go ahead and tweak it, please." She turned her head to the Unown, asking them to make the adjustments. The Unown were off to do just that.

As for Ash, Pikachu, Fluttershy and Audino, they could leaven ow. They had their fun. But they certainly wouldn't forget this place and a visit to it would be due another time.

"That was a blast, Fluttershy. Now I wanna try everything else here." Ash laughed.

"Maybe you need someone to teach you that, Ash. This place has somethings more complicated than this raceway." She replied.

"Really? How complicated?"

"Um...I'll let Rarity tell you."

"Well, anyway. I should also get ready for tomorrow. I've been invited by Celestia and Luna for some training."

"You three train together?"

"For the first time. It's all about that Harmony Phenomenon after all." He raised his finger while explaining. "It's still so similar to the Bond Phenomenon in some way and they want my help. Plus the teachers from the Pokemon School since they're extra strong. Hope I get to battle some of them like old times!" He got giddy thinking about it.


"I wonder what my Harmony Phenomenon is like." Fluttershy pondered before taking the Mega Stone out of her mane. It had her all so curious as she was leaning more towards the Mega Evolution side. "Do you think I could come over tomorrow and try out with that training?"

"Sure thing. I just gotta see what everyone else has." Ash grinned, too excited at the endless possibilities of everyone in Equestria having their own unique forms for their Pokemon. Only two of them had been seen, meaning that it was a long way to go to see all of them. But that was all the more exciting.

They had fun today. But there was more to come tomorrow. And potentially the day after tomorrow. And so on and so forth. But that was only natural in this world and the Pokemon World. The possibilities are always increasing and being discovered with no signs of stopping as the journey continues.

Chapter 777 End.

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