• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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Pure Light of Hope

Equestria. Canterlot. The Pokemon Festival. Day.

Piercing the clouds and reaching higher through the stars was the clash of two forces. Matter and Antimatter. Only one would win this struggle and guarantee the fate of the Golden Stairway.

Having their bodies pushed to the limit and receiving an infinite flow of energy from Victini, Ash and all who could make this stairway possible would be slowed down by the Antimatter waves. And upon meeting with these waves, each of them would feel a second sensation. Aside from Victini's Infinite Energy, the Antimatter was something to worry about. Not just from how it was fighting against the natural matter, but by how it threatened everyone else.

Moments later, once the stairway reached a higher point, that was when Luna felt a rough and horrific sensation go through her. It made the Princess of the Night squirm as red and black energy crackled out of her body. "Ngh!"

"What is this?!" Cadence would soon receive the same treatment as everyone else. The signature energy of Antimatter would fly out of them as if they were all flashlights.

"It's the Antimatter! It's reaching us!" Celestia replied before having her wings rustle from the crackle of Antimatter.

Is this what it feels like?!" A strained Twilight uttered as the grass ground beneath them was starting to erode and vanish from the Antimatter. "It's horrible!"

"But they're being helped by Victini's energy...! How come it's pushing back?!" Iris couldn't understand it. Surely, with Victini's help, they should easily bypass the Antimatter. But that was not the case. Instead, the Antimatter was so potent that it ended up affecting Victini as well.

"T-Tini...!" When sharing his power with everyone, Victini would suffer the same pain. He would cry out as even he wasn't exempt from this. This disastrous shock of Antimatter would throw his concentration off course as well as Phione, who was the crux of all of this

"The last time we used it, Victini's own energy was added into the mix! That must be why the Antimatter is so powerful!" Celestia deduced. "Victini's Infinite Energy is a part of the Golden Stairway now!"

"So it's using that infinite power against us?! How?!" Shooting Star questioned. "Does it have sentience or something?!"

Feeling the Antimatter course through their bodies, much like the changelings, it would affect them all in various ways. Immediately, one of the effects kicked in. The world seemed to spin around them and a sharp, throbbing pain took hold of them. The Antimatter went as far as to disrupt their vision, attempting to throw them off balance. Panic slowly took over as, for a moment, a way out of this pain began to seem more and more unrealistic. And yet, they persisted.

"Having a tough time staying still here..." Applejack groaned, feeling tipsy and off balance. At any moment, she could drop down and decrease the power of the Golden Stairway's construction process.

They paused for a brief moment, contemplating all they had fought for and all they could lose if they gave up now. Tried as they might it seemed impossible to relax completely. They were unable to block out the pain entirely. On any other day, they probably would've gone to bed and rested to make sure they'd heal well and fast, but not today. Today was a day of pushing the limits. Especially when dealing with Antimatter.

The most prominent effect was how some of them started coughing as if they were falling ill. Jade Skies suddenly coughed out of nowhere before nearly losing her grip on Cold Colts' hooves. Celestia would try and take deep breaths to resist the violent energy but it wasn't an easy task.

"I'm not sure...I can keep it up for much longer..." Chrysalis whimpered as it looked like she would give out before anyone else. And how could she not especially with what she's been through? The throbbing pain from her various injuries was enough to disorient her. Hazy, confused and weak in her knees they felt as if she could collapse under her own weight at any moment, diminishing the progress and the struggle against the Antimatter.

"Audino!" However, there was someone to regulate them. And that someone was Audino. Fluttershy's Audino. The Hearing Pokemon would generate a Heal Pulse, sending that signature and beautiful green pulse. As if they were all being held in a mother's warm embrace, Heal Pulse would join in on the energetic struggle.

"Fluttershy!" Ash cried out, turning his head to face the pegasus and her Pokemon. Not only was Audino here, but she was in her Mega Evolved State to boot.

"Are you all okay?!" Fluttershy asked. "You just seemed like you were in severe pain and all of this...what is this anyway?"

"We might feel fine now that you're here," Twilight added as the calming aura of Heal Pulse combined with Victini's Infinite Energy would keep the pain at a minimum. But it was still horrible to fight against. There was also the issue of how it dealt with the entire world and the Pokemon World. They could already see the ripples in the sky and the tears that were coming from it.

"Audino...!" Audino would growl, trying her best to push her Heal Pulse to its limits. The Antimatter would sense Audino's presence, seeking out all possible threats that would try and deny it. The red and black ripples would vibrate while slowly trying to reach Audino. "Dino?!" Audino could see them. She wasn't exempt from this either since she was interacting with Ash's group.

Seeing that they were still struggling, Fluttershy tried thinking of a way to give them a boost aside from healing. That's when she realized that there was one possible way to help them. Fairy Magic.

Cadence mainly made up the crux of the Fairy Magic portion while Sylveon had only recently pitched in. But Cadence wasn't the only one here with access to Fairy Magic. The pegasus would look at her hooves before deciding on the right thing to do. She would add her own magic into the mix, flying and touching Ash's back.

"Don't come close, Fluttershy! It'll latch onto you as well!" Twilight gasped upon witnessing Fluttershy's inclusion. She hoped that Fluttershy wouldn't have to deal with this but alas, her own will said otherwise.

"I can add in my magic too. I have Fairy Magic after all." Fluttershy replied, going along with it despite knowing the harm that this could bring her. Immediately after joining in, her wings felt weak, making her whimper. "Even if this hurts...I trust in Audi and Bayleef."

"Bay!" And then there was Bayleef. The Leaf Pokemon's Fate-Changing Ability would be a great addition to this. They needed all the help they could get. Sensing another threat to the struggle, Antimatter bolts would flash out of thin air, nearly hitting Bayleef. "Bay?!"

"Raboot!" Raboot would kick Bayleef out of the way with a swift Quick Attack. It was a close shave as the Antimatter bolt nearly grazed her. But it did graze Raboot, harming the side of his ear. "Ra!"

"Bay!" But it was a necessary risk as Bayleef was still standing. Knowing that Raboot protected her, Bayleef wouldn't waste time, running straight towards the unified circle. Mainly, the two who were giving the most power to the stairway. Phione and Victini.

Everyone nearby who could only watch were praying for their success while keeping their distance from the Antimatter. Shining Armor would be the one to keep watch over them while Aegislash was the protector. His King's Shield would be up and ready, prepared for any destructive Antimatter waves that could get too close.

"If it has Victini's energy in it...then we just have to go beyond it!" Ash exclaimed, figuring that the only way to beat the Antimatter was to outpace it. A further increase of Victini's own Infinity Energy was needed.

"But how!?" Luna questioned. Victini was the only one who could grant that possibility because of the boundless energy he possessed and yet he was being harmed by the Antimatter.

"The stairway exists as a sign of unified powers from all sides...Which means that it's flowing with both Infinity Energy and Magic." Darkrai observed while holding Hoopa and Meloetta close to him. "Fluttershy can join in because she has some of it. Then by that logic...we can add our strength as well."

"Us too?" Hoopa looked up at Darkrai.

"That's right. Take it!" Darkrai would enact his plan, adding his own energy into the mix. In this case, it was Darkness. He used Dark Pulse on Phione, adding a brand new form of power to the construction of the stairway. Phione's body was practically a vacuum by this point, soaking in the different forms of energy while using Arceus' light as the focal point.

"Phione...!" This was taxing to the Sea Drifter Pokemon for obvious reasons. However, Phione would just try and power through it even if all of this was stellar for her tiny body. The darkness from Darkrai's energy would then show itself, pushing back against the Antimatter.

Of course, thanks to Victini's power, Phione could regulate the newly added element, keeping it stable and active as well as the Fairy Magic being its natural weakness.

"It's working?!" Cadence gasped. "But I thought we needed specific forces to make it possible!"

"It's just like how Victin's power was added to the mix. The Fairy Magic is still Infinity Energy. And so is any other type along with Aura. Since this is Arceus' power, Infinity Energy in its entirety might be on the table." Celestia theorized. "Keep at it then! You can share your Infinity Energy with Phione! We can regulate all of it!"

Very soon, under Celestia's command, Hoopa would do the same, sharing his Infinity Energy. That was another power added into the mix. Next was Meloetta as the streams of energy would keep coming. Audino definitely had to join in, using her respective Fairy Magic and pouring it all into Phione while still keeping up Heal Pulse. Soon, all of her fellow Pokemon would chime in.

Espeon, Raboot, Sceptile and Pheromosa would add their power now that they were healed up at last. They couldn't waste this energy that they'd recovered. Streams of colours from each side would fly in, adding to the large pile of energies. By this point, the Golden Stairway had gone beyond the natural limitations of what it needed. And that was for the better.

Was it enough? The Antimatters reaction would answer that. It was potent but it was still not enough. The Antimatter would still fight back, relying on Victini's Infinite Power to make this possible. This unification of elements endangered everyone else who joined in. But they were all willing to take this risk. They could care less if the Antimatter would harm them greatly. So as long as they finish this stairway to the best of their abilities

Ash closed his eyes as the Antimatter started wrapping out of his arm from how aggressively it was spreading. He had already suffered a lot of pain today and this was only adding to the list of injuries. But his fiery passion to never give up let him stay in this, knowing what was on the line.

"Pika...Chuuu!" And of course, Pikachu was there to help. Pikachu's Electric Infinity Energy was added. But it didn't stop there. From all sides, more and more different sources would fly in.

Luna felt a familiar force nearby. That force was none other than Nightmare Moon. She turned around to see her alter-ego adding her respective magic which was a deviation from what Luna usually uses. Even Nightmare Moon could chime in. After all, she and Luna had made peace.

Spike, Sweetie Belle and Iris had the opportunity to send out all of their Pokemon instead of being held back by the unity circle. And once they did, they would have all of them share their power. Dragon Infinity Energy came pouring in in great numbers as well as Steel and an extra helping of Electric Energy. Sweetie Belle had a great balance of different types, making her fill plentiful.

Those nearby would use either their magic or their Infinity Energy. Whichever sources they could utilize. So as long as it powers up the group and stops the Antimatter, they would give everything they had. And why could forget Kyurem? The Boundary Pokemon gave them a triple helping of Infinity Energy. Fire, Electric and Ice. And of course, the Fire and Electricity would come together to make Plasma, making it a quadruple helping.

By this point, all 18 Types had been added. Dragon, Ghost Flying, Poison, Bug, Water, Rock, Grass, Electric, Ice, Normal, Fire, Fighting, Steel, Ground, Psychic and Fairy.

"Thanks, everyone." The amount of happiness that Ash and the others felt from seeing so many familiar faces help out was stellar. And this beautiful unity of so many faces and types had culminated in an ever-increasing power that was practically endless if more were to join.

And there was one extra touch of magic. Sombra's magic. Not even Sombra was exempt from adding his magic inside. And with that last touch, the Antimatter couldn't keep them all at bay. Too many of them were flooding in at rapid speeds. Victini would feel the pushback of the Antimatter, allowing him to express more of his strength while he had the chance.

"Phione!" Phione would then make her strongest cry yet. That was the decisive moment. The fusion of all forms of power, no matter where they came from, would unleash an even greater familiar power.

The Pure Light of Arceus. A pillar of Arceus' light would shoot up faster than anyone could even witness, piercing through the particles of Antimatter that threatened to tear everything apart until there was nothing left. All that had been torn up would be restored as the stairway would speed up as well.

The Antimatter, unable to fight back, would be purged. And as for the Golden Stairway, it finally reached a critical point. And at that critical point, a star would appear that would soon expand and explode.

This star would unleash an aurora from its supernova explosion before then parting the cosmic skies themselves. Space was affected once more, but for a different and better reason. A reason that didn't need any investigating from superior forces.

A Galaxy would appear at the end of the stairway as the open part of space was purely white. It was as if a door to the further reaches and hidden parts of the universe had been opened up. Arceus' light particles would fly out of this while hole and the galaxy.

At long last, The Golden Stairway was complete. In all of its glory, the silhouette of Arceus would then flash for a moment before fading away. It was done. They could rest.

"Phione..." Finally finishing the construction of the stairway, Phione could lower her power, taking a deep breath.

"She said it's completed..." Darkrai translated. "Which means..."

"They did it. Oh, they finally did it!" Shining Armor's eyes shot open once the truth had been revealed. The moment they were all waiting for had come. The pathway to Jirachi was completed.

And of course, it called for a rousing applause from every. Their future had been secured thanks to the existence of this stairway. For a moment there, it looked like their future would slip away thanks to what Bittersweet unleashed, but that was no longer the case.

Hugs, jumps and all kinds f movements would go around as people celebrated under the beautiful Sun of Equestria. The skies were clear but they also had the existence of the Galaxy and the White Passageway that could be seen even from Earth.

"Oh yeah! Victory! Second time in a row!" Ash pumped his fist into the air, declaring a second victory.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu would be in sync, raising his fist alongside Ash. Twilight would raise her hoof as everyone here would raise their respective limbs to resound their upbeat victory and joy.

"Hahahaha!" Twilight laughed more than she had ever laughed in her life. It was also the most she's ever had to struggle but the payoff was absolutely worth it. In fact, this was the biggest payoff imaginable. Granted, it wasn't completed yet since they haven't gone up the stairway at all but the fact still remained. They have come so far. Done so much. Gone through so much. And with the completion of the Golden Stairway, they will continue to do so.

"Let everyone know about this..." Celestia wished for everyone across both worlds to learn about the full creation of the Golden Stairway. It was definitely needed considering how so many wished for its completion. And their wishes had been granted at last.

The news would certainly get out there as soon as possible. And even better, it was during the Pokemon Festival so that would elevate the joy. Granted, there was still the issue of all the destruction that had been caused by the Dread League, but that would be sorted, of course.

Just then, with his fist in the air, Ash would suddenly blackout, dropping to the ground. He was truly exhausted and the limit-breaking energy along with all the Antimatter was enough to take him out of commission. Twilight would drop next along with Applejack, Celestia, Luna, Zecora and everyone else that put in the most effort to make this possible.

"Pika-pi?!" Pikachu gasped when Ash fell. He would then see so many of his friends just pass out, falling in different directions at different times. How could they not pass out from this? If anything, they needed this more than ever. But this blackout that they all suffered certainly wouldn't be over very soon. Not at all.

As for Opal Vivacity and Bittersweet, when turning to find them, Kyurem would see that they were no longer there. Their bodies had vanished with the only trace being a crater. Most likely, they had combusted just as they said they would. No matter what, they would've left either way.

2 days later.

Two days had passed since then. And everything had simmered down at last. The Dread League had retreated, leaving an impact just like they promised but also failing to keep the stairway from being built.

By now, everyone knew about the stairway. The news was shared within short hours during the day it was created. The Golden Stairway, now given multiple names in the newspaper such as the Cosmic Stairway, Star Stairway and Unity Stairway, was now an ever-existing force that had reached its end goal. The white passageway and the galaxy were there for everyone to see too.

As for those who had to put everything in their heart and soul to make this possible, they were still unconscious, resting in the hospital. Ash and the most crucial members had yet to wake up as the aftershock was truly taxing to all of them.

Shining Armor and Fluttershy appeared at the hospital as they were then joined by the rest of their friends who hadn't passed out. Specifically, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie. Their bones had healed up faster than Ash's group could.

"They're still down and out, huh? They might miss out on the rest of the Pokemon Festival at this rate." Rainbow Dash said.

"They did everything to make this possible for us. We can finally go and see Jirachi." Pinkie Pie added. "But that Antimatter looked like it really did a number on them."

"The doctor says that the Antimatter can die down eventually." Darkrai, who was lurking in the shadows as always, would speak out. "But we don't know how long that will take...We're already close to finishing this festival."

"Get well soon, everyone." Pinkie Pie prayed. "We'll throw a mega party at the end of the festival. It'll go well with the music that we'll hear."

"Let's take the time to enjoy this, okay? They would all want us to have fun at the end." Fluttershy replied, putting her hooves around Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

They would leave Ash and everyone to get the rest that they needed. Peace and quiet were necessary. Until they recover, they would wake up to a bright and happy world that was filled with even greater hope than before. And they could rest easy knowing that they were responsible for this shining future.

After all, their hopes and dreams all shined brighter than even the Sun itself.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 990 End.

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