• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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An Alpha Victory

Unova Region. Nimbasa City. Nimbasa Food Resort. Late Afternoon.

Alpha Snorlax and Alpha Munchlax. Two Alpha Pokemon that had managed to wreak havoc just for the sake of consuming as much food as they can. They had arrived at the food resort, already causing some destruction without any care. In an attempt to stop them, Siebold of the Kalos Elite 4 along with Twilight, Sunset and Pinkie challenged the two Normal-Types.

Siebold was handling Snorlax elsewhere with his Blastoise. But Twilight and her friends were overwhelmed by Munchlax's insane strength as an Alpha, causing the ceiling rubble to come crashing down on them as Munchlax then left them promptly.

"Munch...!" Munchlax approached one of the trainers who was holding a plate of food. The trainer looked back and forth at his plate of food before throwing it in Munchlax's general direction. "Munch!" Munchlax opened its mouth, devouring not only the food but the plate as well.

"Oh, maybe we can calm it down that way. It's probably just incredibly famished." One trainer tried looking at the bright side, holding out a bar of chocolate to Munchlax. "It's just one big misunderstanding and-"

"Lax!" In a flash, Munchlax had not only consumed the chocolate bar in one go, but Munchlax also started ripping the tables, cabinets walls to find other food and or ingredients to scarf down. It was not being peaceful at all as the trainer pulled herself back.

"B-Braix...!" Braixen managed to protect her friends via a close-call Psybeam. She groaned as she had then pushed the rubble away with everyone in one piece. "Braixen..."

"Thanks, Braixen." Grateful for her partner saving her friends, Sunset gave Braixen a well-deserved pat. "But boy...That Munchlax is something else...I know you said Alpha Pokemon were strong but..."

"I didn't account for the smaller Pokemon either," said Twilight, opening the bag to see Zorua absolutely mortified. "They're just as dangerous."

"Twilight...I'm scared!" Zoru whimpered.

"It's okay, Zorua. You're okay." Twilight comforted her partner. "If we could barely handle that Munchlax...Then what about Snorlax?"

"Oh! Twilight! You've got an Alpha of your own, remember?!" Pinkie held Twilight's shoulders. "Your Rapidash! AlphaDash!"


"Yeah! Trademark." Pinkie Pie winked, giving Rapidash a nickname for being an Alpha Rapidash. "If anyone's stronger than that Munchlax, it's your Rapidash. You can deal with it that way."

"You're right but..." Twilight sighed, looking down. "Rapidash still doesn't trust me. Or even like me. Not sure if I can do much with her."

"It's worth a shot anyway. And I'm going to keep trying until that Munchlax is weak enough." Sunset Shimmer thought otherwise in the face of this culinary crisis.

"Scyther!" Scyther and the other Pokemon from other trainers had been knocked aside as if they were ragdolls as Munchlax then went for the food made by the trainers. If there was one upside to all of this, it was that Munchlax would rather focus on the food rather than the people and Pokemon. But it won't be shy to attack them if they got in its way.

Whether it was them being young trainers or not that into Pokemon Battling, it was safe to say that Alpha Munchlax was one kind of Pokemon that they were not expecting. Possibly a result of the past meeting the present but not in the best way possible.

Seeing how freakishly strong Munchlax was, everyone kept their distance or tried leaving without alerting the Big Eater Pokemon. Munchlax had then used Double-Edge on a door, breaking into the storage room where more ingredients could be found.

"You're right. I should at least try. Zorua?" TWilight looked at Zorua, hoping that she would battle her. But Zorua was too scared to do so. "Alright then..." Seeing that her partner was too scared, Twilight resorted to her second and current strongest Pokemon. "Please help us! Rapidash!"

"Rapidash!" Alpha Rapidash ended up emerging after all. And upon her arrival, she let out a mighty neigh. The neigh of an alpha. And with this alpha cry, it alerted Alpha Munchlax

Much like ordinary Pokemon, when one performs an alpha call, an equally powerful Pokemon must respond. Or in this case, Alpha Pokemon respond to each other's calls. "Munch?"

"Rapidash! Please, we need your help right now!" Twilight ran up to the Fire Horse Pokemon, pleading to her. "This could be our first battle together. I need you to help me stop Munchlax. And I guess Snorlax if it comes down to it. Can you help?"

"Dash..." Rapidash looked down at Twilight, not giving much of a response. Twilight's heart was beating as she was hoping that Rapidash would say yes. And from that moment of silence, it looked like that wouldn't be the case as Rapidash gave an unimpressed expression.

"Please, Rapidash?" But that all changed once Zorua spoke. After hearing Zorua's plea, Rapidash turned to face Munchlax, stomping her hoof.


"Great! She's gonna help!" Pinkie Pie excitedly yelled.

"But it wasn't with my plea..." Twilight sighed. Once again, Rapidash only responded to Zorua's wishes instead of her Twilight's. But if it meant that Rapidash would take action, then, for now, it was good enough.


"Rapidash...!" Rapidash started approaching Munchlax with hoofsteps. Her hoofsteps left fire behind, causing flaming hoofprints to emerge.

"Lax? Munchlax!" In response, Munchlax felt brave enough to attack this much larger Alpha Pokemon. By using Bulldoze, of course. It stomped on the floor, releasing the golden shockwaves from it.

"Look out, Rapidash!" Twilight cried out as a warning. However, instead of moving out of the way, Rapidash stood there as if she was fearless in front of a super-effective move.

And she was. Plus, Alpha Rapidash had the strength to back it up. She immediately stomped on the floor by using her hooves instead of a Pokemon Move. But that was enough to create a shockwave strong enough to cancel out Munchlax's Bulldoze. Everyone looked in awe as Bulldoze had been destroyed just like that. Even Munchlax.

Rapidash asserted her dominance by looking down at Munchlax with a raised head, allowing her flames to intensify as they blended with the orange glow of the late afternoon sun.

"Amazing!" Twilight marvelled at the Fire Horse Pokemon's strength. "Rapidash, you're amazing! Okay then! U-"

"Dash!" But Rapidash wouldn't let Twilight give her any commands, cutting her off. "Rapidash!" Rapidash finally attacked, using her signature Dragon Pulse. Thanks to the perk of being an Alpha Pokemon, she had access to this move that no other Rapidash could obtain. Rapidash's opened mouth allowed Dragon Pulse to emerge as it raced towards the Big Eater Pokemon.

"Munch!" Munchlax, being the slow Pokemon that it is, couldn't evade in time. Dragon Pulse was a clear hit, crashing into the Normal-Type. "Munch!"

"We're not out of it yet! Braixen, help Rapidash and use Fire Spin!"

"Brai...Xen!" Braixen jumped over Rapidash, giving her assistance to her fellow Fire-Type. She held her stick out, unleashing a spiral of flames that also gave her ample air-time. After being hit by a good Dragon Pulse, Braixen's Fire Spin landed, adding to that damage.


"Rapidash." Rapidash had suddenly shoved Braixen out of the way whilst she was midair, causing her to fall over. The Fire Horse Pokemon made herself the star of this before anyone else before galloping at the Big Eater Pokemon.


"Hey! What gives?!" Sunset Shimmer exclaimed, catching Braixen was she was shoved aside.

"Rapidash!" Rapidash then turned to Sunset Shimmer and Braixen, giving off an aggressive neigh that intimidated them. It was very clear that Rapidash did not want any help. She wanted to be the one to shine and any assistance would be shoved to the side.

"Munch..." Munchlax felt dizzy from Fire Spin and befuddled from Dragon Pulse. Despite all of that, Alpha Munchlax's durability was truly shining. Whether it was the durability of the Munchlax species or the Alpha strength. But the damage would only increase as Rapidash had appeared in front of it. "Munchlax?"

"Rapidash!" Rapidash stopped in front of Munchlax, using the strongest move she had. Fire Blast. Right at point-blank range too. A fiery explosion happened on the spot, damaging the floor of the cooking arena and allowing a loud sound to come through.

"Lax!" Munchlax certainly felt that one. Its durability meant nothing in the face of another Alpha Pokemon. As if it were a ball, Munchlax rolled on the ground, crashing into one of the tables with flames trailing out of its body. "M-Munch..."

"Twilight! Now's your chance!" Pinkie Pie shouted. "Catch Munchlax!"

"Oh, right!" Twilight dug into her skirt pocket for the first Poke Ball she managed to touch. And right on time as Rapidash wasn't done with Munchlax, trotting over to the Big Eater Pokemon while it was done. Twilight found a Heavy Ball. Perfect for Munchlax, which was heavy even for a baby Pokemon. "Please work!"

She launched the Heavy Ball as it flew past Rapidash. Rapidash stopped for a moment once she saw the ball fly past her. Munchlax looked over as the Heavy Ball struck its head. It had shrunk it, turning its body into a body light before entering the ball. And once it dropped, the shaking had begun as Twilight held her breath.

1...2...3...Gotcha! Munchlax was caught!"

"Hoh..." Twilight felt relieved. Alpha Munchlax was no longer a problem. The trainers also felt relief from that. But it wasn't complete relief as Alpha Snorlax was still out there.

"Glad that's over with." Sunset sighed along with her Braixen. "Great work, Braixen. And great work for catching Munchlax too, Twilight."

"I caught it but...I didn't do much." Twilight felt disappointed that she didn't do most of the work. It didn't show much of her skills as a Pokemon Trainer, especially with Alpha Rapidash dealing most of the damage. Twilight then sent Rapidash back to her Poke Ball, wishing that she could've done more than just throw a ball.

"Hey, at least Munchlax's been caught right?" Pinkie held her shoulder. "All that's left is Snorlax. I'm sure Siebold's got that under control. Then we can catch that one too!"

With Munchlax sorted out, everyone in the cooking arena was safe. But the destruction made by the events would have to be cleaned up. Until Snorlax was dealt with that is. Speaking of Snorlax, the rumbling it was making continued to echo throughout the resort.

Right now, Snorlax was charging through doors and walls by running in a linear path, grabbing all the nearby food that it could. It had previously lost Siebold and Blastoise, wandering the food resort. As for Siebold and Blastoise, it wasn't that hard for them to track down Snorlax. All they had to do was follow the trail of destruction that it had made.

Siebold picked up some of the rubble, looking at the Snorlax-shaped holes made in the walls. Snorlax's dust trail had also been made as a great indicator of where it had gone. "It won't get far. Especially as a Snorlax. Plus, there's our ace in the hole..."

The ace in the hole referred to the meals that Siebold had made earlier just to draw Alpha Snorlax in. They were still there. And by far, they attracted Snorlax the most. The Sleeping Pokemon ran in the direction of the scent, wanting the luxurious delicacy that Siebold had crafted.

And after breaking through enough dors and walls and scaring off others, Snorlax found itself at its destination. There laid the meals that Siebold had made as Snorlax started drooling. "Snorlax!" Snorlax rushed over to the plates, gawking over the wonderful delicacies as the nearby chefs hid silently from Snorlax's terrifying wrath. Just the sheer size of it as an Alpha was enough to keep them at bay.

Siebold thought right. He and his Blastoise after following the trail of destruction, found Snorlax going for the food that he made. Luckily, there were so many of them and their sizes were large enough to keep Snorlax occupied for some time.

"Off guard as always." Siebold's eyes narrowed. He preferred to catch Snorlax with its guard down. much like their first encounter today. And with all that food being consumed, Snorlax was most definitely off guard. "Hydro Pump!"

"Blastoise..!" Blastoise struck while the iron was hot, unloading powerful blasts of water at a high volume. Right when Snorlax was feasting away, it was met with those two powerful cannons in the back. Snorlax was highly vulnerable as the rest of the unconsumed food had been dropped with Snorlax falling over, crashing through the table the food originally sat on.

However, despite this heavy attack, moments later, Snorlax got back up with its red glowing eyes only intensifying with its rage increasing. "Snorlax!" It unleashed a haunting roar once it got up, breaking the wall behind it as the employees here continued to hide as to not make themselves visible.

"Unbelievable..." Siebold gawked. "Even after all that, you can still stand. Hmph. Alpha Pokemon are certainly powerful, aren't they Blastoise?"


"But..." Siebold then held his arm out, removing the sleeve from his clothes. From it, a Mega Ring had been revealed. Arriving after following the destruction made by Snorlax were Twilight, Sunset and Pinkie as they could see that Siebold and Blastoise were still active. As to be expected from an Elite 4 Member.

"Siebold! I caught Munchlax!" Twilight blurted out, alerting the expert chef.

"Good. I had faith in aspiring trainers such as yourself. But you should stand back for this." Siebold then revealed some sort of headpiece that had a keystone within it. Specifically, the Blastoisnite. With perfect aim, the head pace had landed on Blastoise's head.

"Snorlax!" Snorlax approached Blastoise, ready to ram into it with Giga Impact. At the same time, Siebold had tapped onto the Mega Ring, causing the Mega Evolution process to begin.

"You're strong! But what is an Alpha to a Mega?! Blastoise! Mega Evolve!" Siebold shouted, raising his arm as the golden lights of Mega Evolution flared. Twilight and the others watched in awe. Twilight and Pinkie were seeing Mega Evolution for the first time and it took them back as blue rays came out of the Blastoisnite, meeting with the golden lights to form the Mega Evolution Symbol.

The explosion of Mega Energy had pushed Snorlax back while it was using Giga Impact, causing its attack to fail. And emerging out of the energy was Mega Blastoise.


"W-What was that...?" Twilight gawked.

"Mega Evolution. Observe! Blastoise! Power-Up Punch!"

"Blast!" Blastoise approached the Sleeping Pokemon with its hard arms glowing. Snorlax was met with Blastoise's Power-Up Punch, resulting in a swift smack to the face that stunned the Normal-Type. Blastoise's physical strength had also increased thanks to this attack.


"Once more!"

"Blastoise!" Blastoise delivered a second blow to Snorlax, this time, it was an upwards attack that almost knocked Snorlax on its back.

"S-Snor!" Snorlax managed to retain its balance before going for Hammer Arm, throwing its own Fighting-Type move. An overhead smash came to Blastoise's head. However, Blastoise did not stagger at all. Snorlax went for another Hammer Arm, only for Blastoise to catch it.

"Useless! Your overwhelming strength is outclassed by the power of Mega Evolution! Skull Bash!"

"Blas...!" Blastoise tucked its head in before putting all of its built-up physical strength into that one spot. With unbridled force, it had smashed its head onto Snorlax's head. "Toise!" The impact of it broke some nearby glass including chipping Twilight's glasses as well, causing her to jump in shock.

"Snorlax...!" Snorlax cried out, staggering and almost falling ver with its disorganized movements. Snorlax then opened its mouth, unleashing Hyper Beam.

"Finish it with Hydro Pump!"

"Blastoise!" To finish this all off, Blastoise had unleashed Hydro Pump from its larger cannon with greater strength than before. And the strength truly showed once it broke through Hyper Beam, overpowering it and consuming Snorlax. Snorlax had been overwhelmed by the blast of water, being shot through the already destroyed wall.

With water dripping everywhere and this room being a mess, Snorlax had fallen over. That final blow was the deciding outcome. Alpha Snorlax had fainted. "Snorlax..."

"That's that." Siebold pulled his sleeve back on as Mega Evolution for Blastoise had come to an end. The employees could come out at last without having to worry about Snorlax attacking it. "Looks like you won't be catching Alpha Snorlax, Twilight."

"R-Right. Not that I would've deserved it..." Twilight mumbled, looking to the side. Now that Snorlax and Munchlax had been taken care of, the Alpha instincts from Snorlax had faded away. Now, it was completely asleep instead of being on the move.

1 Hour Later.

Major repairs were being done to the resort. Thankfully, not all of it had been destroyed. But all those walls, the doors and the cooking station were in terrible shape. The doors were also non-existent at this point. Snorlax would be sent somewhere else to rest as ordered by Siebold. Mainly a Pokemon Center first and then everything else would be dealt with afterwards. The contest at the resort had been postponed thanks to the destroyed cooking station.

"Thank you for your help, you three," said Siebold to the girls. "I suppose I was wrong to worry about you for a scenario as dangerous as this. You were capable enough to handle yourselves."

"Thank you, Siebold." Sunset Shimmer giggled. "It was an honour to help an Elite 4 Member too."

"I don't know about that..." Twilight scratched her hair.

"Are you still upset about Snorlax?" Siebold turned to Twilight, acknowledging her disappointment

"Not just that. I couldn't get Rapidash to listen to me. She did all the work while I just caught Munchlax. Snorlax would've been the same thing maybe. I don't know what I'm doing wrong as a Pokemon Trainer..." She saw herself as a poor Pokemon Trainer at the moment with n signs of improving. According to her.

"Twilight." But Siebold had something to share with her. "You're an upstart Pokemon Trainer, aren't you? None of this would be easy from the beginning. This may sound simple, but improving yourself is the way to go. Only when you learn to grow yourself in various ways that you can excel at, will Rapidash not only listen to you but trust you. Then, there will be no Pokemon, Alpha or not, that will be too difficult for you to handle. Whether it be in battle, or your own heart."

"My heart?"

"Like many Trainers that I've seen, I can sense a strong heart from you. Keep that strength inside of you and become greater than ever." Siebold smirked, giving a reassuring look to her. "Your friends will be there to help you if you are ever stuck."

"R-Right! Thank you, Siebold!" Twilight felt at peace with the Kalos Elite 4 Member's words. Advice from a high-level Pokemon Trainer is always a benefit for young trainers. Especially those new to the Pokemon World.

"Should we get going now?" asked Sunset Shimmer.

"I think so. Plus uh..." Pinkie Pie scrunched her face, looking over at the burly lady from before who intimidated her. However, that intimidation quickly subsided after the Munchlax and Snorlax attack happened. The lady looked over, eyeing Pinkie Pie down as it had returned soon after. "I don't think me and her are gonna enjoy each other's company for long."

"I'll have a chat with her. In the meantime, take care of yourselves. But..there is another upside to this, Twilight." Siebold had one last thing to share.


"You may have not caught Alpha Snorlax, but you did catch Alpha Munchlax, didn't you? Evolve your Munchlax and an Alpha Snorlax will stand before you."

"Oh! You're right!" Twilight gasped. "Why didn't I think of that before?! That makes things easy! Thought it would've been nice to have both but...works out in the end, doesn't it?"

"I'm still hungry though..." Spike commented, popping his head out of the bag as Zorua had already eaten all of the Pokemon Food inside of her bag. Spike hadn't eaten yet. Only in the morning.

"Oh, sorry." A flustered Twilight Sparke chuckled before she and her friends departed from the food resort and Nimbasa City overall. Thankfully, they were in the Unova Region, so a gateway to their world would be over at Eindoak Town for them.

The Human World. Twilight's Home. Nightfall.

After a long trip, she had finally returned home. And upon returning, Twilight felt all that stress fade away. Food for Spike had been given out and right after that, Twilight brought Rapidash back to her usual spot. Right at the back of the house where she could rest peacefully.

But there would be a third Pokemon that would now reside in this house. One that had a large appetite. "Okay. Come on out." Twilight held out the Heavy Ball, summoning Munchlax to the scene.


"Okay...Alpha Munchlax." Twilight sighed, kneeling to face the Big Eater Pokemon. "A-Are you gonna listen to me?" Naturally, Twilight wanted to know what Munchlax thought about her. It was an Alpha Pokemon after all. A different disposition from its normal species.

"Munch...Munchlax." Munchlax replied before opening its mouth, keeping it open for a bit. Twilight raised an eyebrow, unsure of what kind of response this was.

"I don't get it...What does that mean?"

"Munch-Munch." Munchlax then pointed at its mouth

"Oh! You want food!" She gasped, quickly standing up. "That makes sense! Phew! At least that's a start." Twilight was relieved. Even as an Alpha, Munchlax kept its natural instincts. And after being caught by Twilight and no longer a Wild Pokemon, Munchlax certainly mellowed out.

This made Twilight incredibly happy. She had a third Pokemon and one that would listen to her. That made it two that would listen and trust her but one who wouldn't. At least, not yet. "Yes!" Feeling successful, Twilight pumped her fist before hitting her elbow on the couter. "Ow!"

She whimpered before laughing afterwards, knowing that was the result of success making her body act frantically. Twilight was hoping that she could keep this up. There were other Alpha Pokemon out there. And with inspiration from her friends and now an Elite 4 Member, she would make sure to try and catch them all as the journey continues.

Chapter 707 End.

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