• Published 14th Jun 2020
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My Little Pokémon - Amarvax

The world of Pokemon and the world of My Little Pony cross paths.

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A bridal terror

Sinnoh Region, day. Right near Daybreak Town.

At this moment, an encounter from two opposite sides will play out. One being the Mane 7 and Spike who have decided to take a visit to the Pokemon World with Ash and Goh in order to clear their minds, and the other being Team Rocket who were on their break as requested by Zecora.

"Where are we now?" Fluttershy asked as they were all travelling right near an uncharted territory.

"No idea. Sinnoh's pretty tough to navigate sometimes." Twilight looked at the map. "Where's Ash, Spike and Goh by the way?"

"They got a bit distracted at Daybreak Town." Starlight answered. "I'm sure they'll catch up eventually. But uh...it feels like we're in the middle of nowhere."

"It's a pretty nice scenery though!" Pinkie rolled about in Sinnoh's lush green plains.

"Hold on! I see something!" Rainbow Dash spoke out loud, spotting something in the distance. "It looks like...a mansion?"

"Did you say mansion?!" Rarity stood up, running over the horizon. Indeed it was. A whole mansion just sitting out there in the open. "Have a look at that!"

"A mansion just out in the fields like this?" Applejack said. "Ain't there too much space?"

"Wonder who lives here? Oh! You think it might a Poke-Billionaire?!" Twilight gasped.

"Poke-Billionaire...?" Starlight thought for a moment. She and the others pictured a human wearing a fancy suit and having an unholy amount of Pokedollars, gems, jewels, gold and all sorts of treasures with him. "Oh..."

"Only one way to find out!" Pinkie rolled down the hill, heading straight towards the mansion whilst everypony else followed.

And switching the other side, being Team Rocket, along they came for a sort of re-visit to this mansion. Especially for James.

"I don't get why we have to come back here? I thought you hated the thought of being back here?" Jessie asked.

"They say that to heal wounds, one must face the cause of the wounds in the first place." James quoted some poet from Kalos.

"Except these wounds come with a scar. And those don't heal." Meowth was shuddering, thinking of one particular person who scarred him and Team Rocket to this day.

The two groups had finally crossed paths, both reaching the entrance without them even noticing. And at the same time, both Twilight and James said the exact same word.

"We're here!"

A moment of silence filled the air. Both voices took a moment to pass through each of the character's ears. And then, a turnaround. Team Rocket looked over to the ponies and their Pokemon whilst the ponies looked over to Team Rocket. Only one outcome can come from this.

"Team Rocket?!" The ponies all exclaimed.

"Twerpettes!" so did Team Rocket.

"What are you three doing here?!" Rainbow Dash held out her Pokeball, ready to take action.

"What kind of silly question is that?! I live here! This is one of my many mansions!" James exclaimed.

"...Huh?" Rainbow Dash and everypony took a moment to pause. And in the middle of that pause, a familiar voice rang from the inside of the mansion. It sounded as if it was getting closer. The sound of footsteps moving at a running speed could only mean one thing.

"Master James!" Out of the door burst Jame's old butler, Sebastian.

"Sebastian?!" James turned around to see his butler jump through the doors as if he was flying.

"I knew I recognized that voice! It's so splendid that you've returned once more!" Sebastian, in all his ecstatic and exuberant fondness for James, picked up the young master, giving him a hug that a mother Ursaring would give to their Teddiursa.

"Eegh! C-Can't breathe!" James squirmed.

"Wait...You're saying that this guy is..." Rainbow Dash attempted to finish her sentence.

"James here is as rich as they come! His family swimming in wealth" Meowth replied.

"All that wealth and none for us! HMPH! How rude." Jessie crossed her arms.

"Well, it's not my fault!" James replied to her. "Mommy and daddy don't just give them out all willy-nilly."

"Your family's rich? You?" Rarity winced at James.

"Of course they are!" Sebastian snapped at Rarity. "Ah. Master James's family is among the richest in our world! Unparalleled wealth!"

"Him?! But he steals Pokemon with those two!" Pinkie pointed her hoof at Jessie and Meowth. "How did he get from this to...this?"

"The scope of it is larger than you think." James nodded. "Now. May I come in?"

"Of course you can! This is one of your many summer homes as well. Please do invite your friends in as well!" Sebastian had invited the Mane 7 indoors as well, believing that they and Team Rocket were chums. They weren't...Not yet at least.

"Growlithe!" And along came a second familiar face. James's first Pokemon and the Pokemon he remembers the most. His Growlithe. Or Growlie, as it's known. "Lithe!" Growlie lunged forward, tackling its beloved trainer to the ground, giving James an old-fashioned lick to the face.

"Oh! A Growlithe!" Fluttershy squeed at the Puppy Pokemon.

"Growlie, please!" James chuckled, trying to get his trusty Growlithe off of him.

"This is so bizarre...He's a completely different person right now." Twilight whispered to Applejack.

"I'll say." AJ nodded in response.

"How come you're with Team Rocket if you have all of this at your disposal" Rarity questioned, confused on why James would choose the Rocket Route instead of this.

"Yeah. I mean, I wouldn't pass out on this!" Pinkie yelled in the mansion, causing an echo to fill the room.

"All this formal society is not for me. As a child, I was forced to endure this for days on end. Taking part in numerous mundane classes and activities without having the opportunity to even enjoy my time outside. It was torture I tell you. So I ran away."

"How could you say that, Master James! Running away from home absolutely destroyed your parents, don't you remember?!"

"Last time I remember, they waited for me to return just to trick me in the end!"

"Sounds like a lot happened...And trick you? Into doing what?" Starlight asked. Her answer was quickly given when the monitors inside the mansion showcased the one person that James feared more than anything. More than a Legendary Pokemon, Ghost-Type, Dark-Type and so forth. Nothing comes close to the absolute sheer terror that haunts James's nightmares now and forever.

"It's her..." James shuddered as he looked outside to see a bunch of helicopters carrying a couch with someone sitting on the couch.

"Who?" The Mane 7 asked.


"James darling!" That horrifying voice. A voice that can send chills down anyone's spine. No matter what species they are. This was the voice of Jessebelle. Jessie's counterpart. And boy was she recognizable from that very Country-Esque accent she wields.

"We've got to get out of here! Now!" James winced, aiming to book it at lightspeed. But unfortunately, Sebastian wouldn't let that happen. Betrayed by his own butler.

"I'm sorry Master James. But I'm afraid I cannot let you leave." Sebastian had stood by the door, locking it shut. Not only that, but it had been enforced with hard steel the moment it had been locked. Even the walls and ceiling had been reinforced with steel. Steel so strong that even a Fighting-Type would have trouble breaking through. The mansion had been upgraded just for a situation like this in case James tried to escape again.

"Sebastian! How could you?!"

"It's for your own good and health, Master James! Please understand!"

"It's toxic for my health instead!"

"Wait...we're locked in?!" Twilight perked up.

"Nice going, James! You've got us all boxed in here," said Jessie.

"I didn't plan this!"

"Yoohoo!" Terror had struck. Jessebelle had made her entrance, not by the door, but instead, a secret hatch that had been built in the ceiling a few years back. They really made sure that James wouldn't escape next time. Through that hatch came Jessebelle, landing down with an umbrella.

And indeed, she really did look like Jessie's doppelganger. The biggest difference between the two was their hair colour. Jessie had more purple whilst Jessebelle was red.

"No way...There's two of them?!" Pinkie bolted her head, looking at Jessie and Jessebelle.

"James, darling! I knew you'd return again one day! Seems like fate doesn't want us to separate at all!"

"Fate can go jump in the Distortion World for all I care! This is just bad luck!"

"Who in Equestria is this? Why does she look a lot like her?" Rarity asked.

"Jessebelle. My fiance. Unfortunately." James grimaced.

"And future wife! And that future is now, my dear James!"

"Growl..." James's Growlithe snarled at the doppelganger. Jessebelle was known for not being a fan of Growlie. Especially when she tried to replace it with a Skitty when she and James were children.

"No way! You're gonna marry her? She looks just as crazy as her!" Rainbow Dash chuckled, pointing at both Jessie and Jessebelle.

"Hush you!" Jessie grabbed Rainbow Dash's face, stretching it. The two were having a face stretching fight at the moment.

"No matter how many times you try and force me, you won't have your way!" James pointed at the doppelganger.

"And no matter how many times you try and run, I'll end up having my way. You can't run forever, James darling."

"Please, Master James! Concede!" The butler got on his knees, pleading for James to accept the marriage and get this whole thing over with.

"I'd rather die!"

"Even if you somehow managed to break through the steel, my bodyguards are out there, waiting to snatch you up." And it was true. Jessebelle had 50 bodyguards waiting outside. An intimidating number for sure.

"Plan, genius!" Meowth climbed up James's shoulder.

"Come on! We've got places to be!" Applejack yelled at him.

"You're not helping!" James held his head.

"Just get it over with it!" Rarity joined in as well.

"It's no use! Submit!" Jessebelle grinned.

"Um. Maybe we can talk this out?" Fluttershy suggested.

"There's no talking out of something like this, sadly." Twilight shook her head.

"Just give an answer already, James!" Jessie was growing impatient.

"What to do...what to do..." James held his head, thinking to himself. Then...something sparked in his brain. An idea so risky which might also cause his life to end. But it was the only thing he could do. "Very well. I'll tell you this."

"Yes?" Jessebelle and Sebastian leaned forward.

"Jessebelle. I can't marry you. Because I already have another fiance."

"...Huh?" Jessebelle flinched. Those were words she didn't want to hear. Not at all. "WHO?" Her voice had been raised as she crushed her umbrella into tiny little pieces with ease, terrifying the ponies.

"The one who I've already decided to be my future bride is..." James raised his hand up, turning around to the plethora of characters behind him. "Her!" The finger pointed at one individual and one individual only.


"Hm?" Applejack took a moment to notice that James's finger was directed at her. "Wait...What?!" The Earth Pony pulled back, realizing that James referring to her.

"HER?!" Jessebelle growled.

"That's right! Jackapple!"

"Applejack!" She corrected him.


"Hold on. There's no way that A-" Applejack was about to speak about this until James shut her up by closing her mouth.

"One moment! We all need a private talk!" James grabbed everyone with haste, moving them to the next room nearby.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Applejack shouted at him.

"Please! You have to understand!" James clapped his hands together. "I've been avoiding her for years! She's been trying to force me to marry her for ages now! For this, just please pretend you're my fiance! That way, she'll have to leave me alone forever!"

"What makes you think I'm okay with this?"

"Help a trainer out. Please?"

"I mean...if it's pretending, it's not that bad, right AJ?" Pinkie said to her.

"Besides...forced marriages aren't exactly ethical. They completely go against somepony's own free will. Even if it is Team Rocket, it's for a greater good." Rarity decided to go along with it.

"You two are okay with this?!"

"I'm not exactly one for faking something. Not one bit." Twilight shook her head along with her Espeon and Minccino. "But...I also understand when somepony's being forced to do something they can't reason their way out of. Applejack. Even if it's just for a small bit, just pretend that you are and we might get out of this steel-blocked mansion."

"Mrrgh..." Applejack grumbled, not being a fan of this in the slightest. "For a small bit?"

"Just enough to get her to leave and out of my hair forever."

Applejack groaned, putting her hat over her face. "Fine. Let's get this over with...But I won't like it."

So it was. A fabricated relationship between James and Applejack. All for the sake of freedom from Jessebelle and the mansion. For the meantime, they would just have to act like they were a couple. Even though neither knew how to since they've never been in a relationship such as this. They came out of the room, seeing an agitated Jessebelle glaring at them with the look of a demon.

"So. As I was saying. Jacka- I mean Applejack...is my fiance. Happened a few weeks after our worlds crossed."

"Y-Yes..." AJ had a wide smile with her teeth clenched together. "James and I fell in love in such a short amount of time."

"What?! James, darling! How could you fall for someone else?! Not only that but a...country-ridden farm pony!"

"Country-ridden...why I outta..." Applejack growled at Jessie's Doppelganger.

"That's because it's true love! Applejack and I were bound by actual fate! The moment we met, we hit it off with ease. Right, dear?" James gave off an awkward grin, trying his very best to be convincing. He looked over at Applejack with that grin, nudging his head at her.

"R-Right...James and I have already decided to get hitched once the new year comes along. Isn't that right, honeybun." Applejack felt like screaming at the moment. But she had to endure it until Jessebelle left. Which she was hoping was now.

"As you can see, he's taken." Rarity moved in front of them. "So, run along now. Shoo."

"There won't be any shooing here! You!" Jessebelle snapped, pointing directly at Applejack out of disdain. "Think you can just steal my James from me?!"

"Steal?" Applejack pulled back.

"Well, you're wrong! I was here first, horse! He even fell in love with me first! And I bet you only got him to love you out of dirty country tactics that only a country girl would use!"

"Now I see why you can't stand her..." Applejack whispered to James.

"You can't have him. And the only way to win him back...is in battle." Jessebelle held out a Pokeball, sneering at her new declared love rival.

"Huh?! Battle?!"

"Wait! You're not leaving?!" James gulped.

"Of course not! Our marriage is the only marriage that's happening! And the one that matters the most. Besides, she's not a match for you at all. I mean look at her. Her hair's all careless and unkempt. She has freckles for Arceus's sake and not only that, who wears a cowboy hat? The style of it doesn't even match a pony at all."

"Now hold on just a sec-" Rarity attempted to speak for Applejack.

"Leave it." AJ outstretched her hoof, halting Rarity. "I've heard enough." All it took were those words from Jessebelle to get the farm pony riled up. "You wanna battle? Fine. We'll battle."

"Excellent! We'll battle for James's love! Whoever wins will be his true bride. No questions!"

"Fine by me!" Applejack narrowed her eyes with her Treecko already eyeing down Jessebelle.

"I've got a bad feeling about this." Meowth shuddered.

The battle between the two was about to begin. One for love and the other for the sake of shutting the other up.

"Now! Out you come!" Jessebelle had tossed her Pokeball into the air. Usually, the Pokemon she's seen with all the time is a Vileplume. But not this time. This time, she switched it up. She had a Gothitelle.


"This lovely little Gothitelle here was made just for you, James. In case you tried to escape, I'd have her catch you with Psychic and hold you there until we finally get married!"

"Eeek!" James quaked, moving to the back of the group.

"Lady! You're a bit too controlling! You really expect him to marry you with that attitude?" Applejack snapped at her. "All you're doing is forcing him to marry you!"

"Hmph! I'd never control my sweet precious James. You on the other hand seem like the type to do so."

"You don't know a thing about me! Ready, Treecko?"

"Treecko!" Treecko hopped off Applejack's back, landing in front of her. "Tree!"

"My dignity and will to be free are on the line here! James bit his glove.

"Lighten up, bub." Pinkie Pie patted James on the back. "There's no way Applejack is gonna lose with that face. Besides, what's the worst that could happen if she does lose?"

"Then he'll be forced to marry her of all people." Rainbow Dash replied.

"I had no idea you had it this rough, James." Fluttershy looked back at him whilst holding his Growlithe.

"Same story another side..." James sighed.

"Now...you may both begin!" Sebastian gave the order to begin the battle.

"Watch this! Gothitelle! Use Psyshock!"

"Gothi!" The Astral Body Pokemon had spread its arms out, materializing odd psychic waves to attack the Wood Gecko Pokemon.

"Treecko! Dodge and use Dragonbreath!" Applejack was looking to end this in one hit. The Grass-Type had taken off, lunging off the ground. The waves of psychic energy had grazed its tail, leaving a small bit of damage behind. The Wood Gecko Pokemon powered through it, however, holding his breath in as the waves hit the ground, kicking up a smoke cloud. With a burst of energy, Treecko exhaled, unleashing a purplish-blue wave of draconic breath that raced towards the Psychic-Type.

"Grab it with Psychic!" All of a sudden, Dragonbreath had been stopped in place with just a simple thought. Gothitelle held the attack in place with her mind alone.

"What?!" Applejack exclaimed.


"Now! Send it back!"

Gothi...telle!" The Astral Body Pokemon had manipulated the breath, redirecting all of its power right back the one who fired it in the first place. Treecko gasped, returning to the ground whilst the reflected Dragonbreath raced into the sky. It was a good call to land down.

"Now! Head in and use Pound!"

"Treecko!" Treecko bolted forward, heading straight for the opposing Pokemon. With haste, he managed to get a single hit in on Gothitelle, smashing his gecko arms on the Psychic-Type's dress-like body. But, Gothitelle didn't even budge. She just simply looked down at the smaller Pokemon.

"You call that a hit? This is a hit. Double Slap!"

"Thitelle!" Gothitelle had grabbed Treecko's tail, lifting him up to her face. Following up, the Astral Body Pokemon had used its other hand to give the Wood Gecko Pokemon a slap to the face. Ouch.

The impact of the slap let out a sound so loud that it could be heard from afar, even near Daybreak Town. Ash, Goh and Spike picked up on the sound, not thinking too much about it.

But it was called Double Slap for a reason. A second ear-shattering slap had been given to Treecko, launching him away due to how much power the final one exhibited.

"Tree!" Treecko cried out with Gothitelle's hand marks on his face.

"Treecko! Recover and use Bullet Seed!"

"Cko!" The Wood Gecko Pokemon had done just that. He opened his eyes, sliding on the ground with a quick recovery. The Grass-Type Starter then proceeded to shoot seeds towards Gothitelle, pelting the Unova-mon with lightning-fast speeds.

The seeds actually did something. One seed can't do that much, but since they hit repeatedly, they rack up damage thanks to how many there are.

"Gothitelle! Bring Treecko over with Psychic!"

"Goth!" The Astral Body Pokemon grabbed the Wood Gecko Pokemon with her mind, forcing him to fly over here as a blue light surrounded her eyes.

"Gotcha...Dragonbreath!" Applejack found an opportunity. That opportunity was hitting Gothitelle with a devastating move whilst up close.

"Tree!" Treecko held his breath in, drawing in that hidden dragon energy from within.

"Eek! Throw it away, Gothitelle!" Gothitelle had used Psychic to send Treecko back, but that wouldn't stop Dragonbreath. By exhaling from his mouth, Treecko had unleashed Dragonbreath whilst flying through the air. Gothitelle gasped, covering her eyes and getting down, fearing Dragonbreath. But just simply covering her eyes wouldn't protect her as Dragonbreath made contact, causing an explosion of blue and purple flames.

And just like that, a single Dragonbreath had taken out Gothitelle, causing it to faint.


"No! Not my Gothitelle!" Jessebelle wailed in shock and terror.

"G-Gothitelle is unable to battle. Which means that Treecko is the victor."

"Yes! Great work, Treecko!" Applejack jumped for joy.


"YES! I'M FREE!" James got on his knees, screaming into the sky with happiness fueling his heart and soul.

"Not yet!" Jessebelle smashed her foot on the floor. "I won't let anyone have you, James!" She suddenly pulled out a whip, completely forgetting about the deal. The whip had wrapped around James, trapping his entire torso area.

"EEK!" James squealed as Jessebelle was dragging his entire body.

"Hey! What about our deal?!" Applejack bellowed at her.

"No deals in love, pony! Hohohoho!" Jessebelle had kicked through the steel door, having enough strength to break it.

"You ain't getting away!" Applejack took matters into her own hooves. She dug into her saddle-bag, searching for her lasso. She held the piece of rope in her mouth, tossing it right at James's leg. The lasso spun around the trainer's leg, trapping him in it. Now he had two objects wrapped around him, attempting to pull him to one side.

"Ow-Ow-OW!" James yelped as he felt like he was being torn apart.

"Let go!" Jessebelle strained.

"You let go!" so did Applejack.

"Boys! Don't just stand there! Help me!" Jessebelle yelled at her bodyguards. They all nodded, assisting Jessebelle by holding each other and her to add some extra manpower to it.

"Girls! Help me out here!" Applejack requested help from her friends. They nodded as well, assisting Applejack by using their mouths whilst Twilight, Rarity and Starlight used their magic. Even their Pokemon joined in.

It soon became a great struggle for James. Both sides giving it 100% of their strength. Jessebelle's side was actually winning due to amount of people supporting her, completely outnumbering Applejack's group. Even Jessie and Meowth had joined in.

"LET GO!" Jessebelle snarled.

"YOU LET GO!" Applejack growled back at her.

"Is this it...?" James felt his final moments coming to him. "It must be. Goodbye. I've lived a happy life with some great friends alongside me." He was ready to accept his end. Through the corner of his eye, he could see a bright light shining down on him. With that light came angels who flew down from above. And standing at the top was Arceus himself, waiting for James to join him.

"Growl!" His Growlithe on the other hand wasn't ready to let that happen. The Puppy Pokemon had run over to Jessebelle's side, biting on her dress.

"Eeep! Get this mutt off of me!" Jessebellle shrieked as Growlie was ripping her clothing apart bit by bit.

"Treecko! Dragonbreath!" Applejack had given off a destructive command. Her Pokemon jumped into the air, exhaling a mighty gust of draconic energy towards Jessebelle's group.

"W-WAIT!" Jessebelle's eyes widened, seeing the mighty dragon attack coming her way. But it was too late to move. She had been struck along with her bodyguards. Every last one of them. Knocked out. "My darling James..."

"Phew. Glad that's over with." Applejack sighed.

"Same here." James groaned, removing the whip off him. "I can finally rest easy."

"Finally. That had no reason to be that destructive." Twilight said. "Are you happy now, James?"

"Of course I'm happy! A great burden and terror has been taken off my shoulders! Finally! And it's all thanks to you, Applejack!" James felt filled with more joy than he's ever experienced. He ran over to Applejack, picking her up for a loving hug.

"O-OKay...N-No problem!" Applejack puffed her cheeks with her eyes widening. James placed her down, allowing her to finally breathe. "So I can quit this now?"

"Of course. It was only for a bit."

"Whew. Thank goodness. Didn't know if I could take another moment of that."

"But...You did seem pretty worried when James got snatched by Jessebelle. Isn't that right, Mrs James? Mwah, Mwah." Pinkie Pie taunted her as Applejack shoved her hoof in the pony's mouth.

"In any case, I'm just glad that you've got someone like her off your back." Applejack spoke to James.

"And I have you to thank for it. Glad that pretend relationship went smoothly."

"Wait." Jessebelle's voice could be heard. She had woken up once she picked up on those words. "Pretend?"

"Yikes!" James squealed. "W-What I mean to say was..."

"OH, James, darling! I knew this was just some silly game!" She jumped back up. "Now we can get hitched for real!"

"Oh no..." James gulped, slowly backing away.

"Run." Applejack whispered to him.

"Good choice. I'll see you another time Growlie! Thanks for everything, Applejack!" James made a run for it, dashing off like the wind. And of course, like old times, Jessebelle followed.

"Come back, my love!" The doppelganger chased after him in hot pursuit.

"We'll round him up. Come on, Meowth." Jessie and Meowth went along, moving at a slower pace.

"Off they go. Aw, I wish they blasted off instead." Pinkie Pie pouted.

"Today was an odd day, wasn't it?" Fluttershy uttered.

"I'll say." The young alicorn nodded. "But strangely enough...I've found all-new respect for Team Rocket."

"You have?" Rarity turned to her.

"I mean...I don't know about Jessie or Meowth. But James doesn't seem too bad. He's just...lost? I think?"

"In any case, hope he stays out of trouble." Applejack walked off.

"Aren't they always prepared for trouble?" Pinkie Pie giggled. The group were making their way back to Daybreak, planning on heading home. Along the way, Ash, Goh and Spike had come by, wondering what they were up to.

"Oh hey. James's summer home. I knew one was here." Ash looked up at the mansion in the distance.


"Wait...Ash! You knew James was rich?!" Twilight exclaimed at Ash.



"I'm tired of trying to figure you out, Ketchum." Twilight groaned as they all continued on their path home.

As Fluttershy said, it was an odd day for sure. But nothing too out of the ordinary. Adventure can be experienced in many ways, shapes and forms when it comes to the world of Pokemon. On both sides, there's bound to be something interesting occurring at the moment with its own story. But James at the moment...this part of his journey hasn't come to an end yet.

"Leave me be, you jezebel!" James exclaimed whilst running off into the sunset.

"You're not running properly!" Jessebelle whistled.

As the journey continues.

Chapter 195 End!

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