• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream: Synopsis Part 1

Hey guys. Long time no see, right?

Yeah. Sorry for the.... like two years? I think? of no writing, but honestly, I just can't seem to swing it (okay, I may say that lackadaisically but honestly, it hurt me far more than I care to mention to not continue this story). Still though, there's a lot I had planned for this story that just, never came to fruition, and honestly, it seemed a waste to not at least say it. So, here, after everything else, is the first part of the synopsis of everything I'd planned for this story before Writer's Block took me for the last time.

Mind you, some of these are taken straight from the doc, so be prepared. If it says "Fill in later" I can assure you it will not be filled in later

[The events of the story and its Cancelled sequel have already happened. Everything said here takes place after. However, for those who don't remember, here's a refresher for where we'd last left off.]

Discord had returned. After a brief fight at Canterlot Castle that left Steve injured and Abyss and Onyx incapacitated, the Crafter left for Ponyville, where Discord had went. After a small cut away to a certain Nightmare, Steve is granted a vision of dozens of Minecraftians in a bar, singing and drinking and eating jovially. After a brief moment of song, Discord makes Steve an offer to bring his race back. After a few moments of talk, Discord reveals something very shocking to the Crafter. That his soul is half his, and half Herobrine's.

Section Title: Discord
-Steve refuses to believe it. Rage overtakes him and he attacks the draconequues. (Have him talk as well, since he would. Wordless rage isn't his thing)
-The two duke it out, destroying several buildings
-(Blah, blah, blah, fighting and shit. Fill in later)
-Throughout whole fight, Discord only gets a few cuts, while Steve loses 12 17 15 16 health. Eats food for regen.
-Discord taunts and shit, disappears. Steve heads to main square. Chocolate rain starts pouring. (DRAMA)
-Steve reveals that he figured out he immune to Discord's bullshit.
-Blah blah, talking, posturing. Fill in later.
-They start to fight once again, but Discord starts using his magic to harm Steve indirectly. (Arrow Rain MUTHA FUCKA)
-Steve returns fire, harming the Chaos lord even more.
-Steve is losing the fight. He realizes this, and starts fighting harder.
-Steve hits 0 HP.
-He awakens in a sort of void realm, where the Elements of Harmony, now strange, almost-vapor-like creatures, greet him.
-Tell him how he's the first being capable of harnessing all six Elements because fuck-if-I-know.
-Imbues him with magic shit, and send him back.
-Proceed with magical ass-kicking of Biblical proportions.
-Steve uses all his 'Harmonic magic' to curb-stomp Discord before sealing his ass in stone. Steve then passes out.

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