• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,373 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 20: A New Face

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

He stood, looking out into the distance. The sand shifted slightly beneath his feet, and the waves splashed at his feet. He sighed, waiting.

Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of feet landing softly in the sand behind him. He didn’t turn around. He already knew who was there.

“Hello Abyss. How are you doing?” He felt the crunching of sand as the new arrival neared.

“I am doing fine. But I am also worried.” He felt his eyebrows raise slightly.

“Oh? What about, exactly?” He felt a small glare land on him.

“You know exactly what. After all, one doesn’t just receive a summons from Notch unless there something is wrong, or some terrible calamity is almost upon us. So why am I here?”
She asked, wanting to get to the point.

“Steve is gone.” Silence. Nothing but the sound of small waves and shifting sand could be heard.

“What?” She asked, dread and apprehension clear in her tone. Notch sighed.

“He is not dead, Abyss. He is still alive and well. But he is beyond my reach, on another world. He was transported there, by what means, I don’t know, and he remains there. I have tried to return him here, but I can't. To do so, I would have to go to the world myself, and that, I cannot do.”

“What! Why not?!” She asked. He gave her a hard look.

“You know as well as I that I can’t leave. If I were to do so, this world would die. It hurts me, but that is how it is.”

“Well, we have to do something! But what!?”

“That is why I called you here today.” She looked at him, eyes narrowed.

“What do you mean?” She inquired.

“While I myself cannot leave this world, it is possible for me to transport another being there. You are one of the most powerful beings alive. The only problem is your predicament with being trapped in the End, but I believe I have found a way around that. Leave that me.”

“Yeah.” She huffed. “Since Herobrine destroyed the End Portal all those years ago, coupled with the fact that even you don’t have the power to remake them. That’s why we have to meet here, in the Void Plane.” In response, he simply nodded.

“I don’t ask this readily of you. I just wish to help Steve.” She gave him a confused glance.

“Why? What happened?”

Notch sighed. “He is, not very well liked. I have not been able to see much, but from what I have seen, things are not going so well for him, so I…”

“I’ll do it.” Abyss interrupted. Notch looked at her with a slightly shocked expression. She gave him a hard and determined look.

“I owe him. Big time. Not only did he beat my curse, he also saved me. He had no reason to, but he saved my life, and my home. Despite what his instincts were telling him.” She sighed, looking away, garnering a look of slight confusion from Notch. She saw his expression and sighed.

“His fight, with the ender dragon. It scarred him, both physically and mentally. You weren’t there to see the nightmare’s he had. The times he woke up with a scream, sweat pouring down his head and neck. He suffers more than either of us could know, especially since the war. He’s just, really good at hiding it.”

“I know. I saw how he was pushing through, adjusting to being the last of his species. I saw his interactions with the villagers, how friendly he was, and helpful. I wish I could help him now, when I was unable to help him before. But I can’t.” Notch sighed. Looking up, he gave Abyss a serious look.

“I will tell you this now, this trans dimensional travel is very tricky and dangerous. You could very well not make it to his world, and even if you do, there’s no telling if I can bring you both back. Calling you here was a rushed notion, but now that I think about it, it might not be safe. Do you still wish to try?”

“I have a feeling you wouldn't have called me if you didn’t think I had at least a chance. So yeah, I’ll do it.” Notch sighed, but smirked.

“When can you be ready to transport?” She smirked in response.

“Whenever you are.”

* * * * *

Steve woke up in a cave.

He opened his eyes, groaning at the soreness that invaded his body. Managing to sit up, he looked around, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Putting his hand down to get to his feet, his palm met a soft, slightly warm surface. Looking down, he saw he had been laying down on a blanket. It wasn’t special, just a simple blue blanket, but it only confused Steve further. Where was he?

Thinking hard, the events of what had happened quickly came back to him. The town, the fight, his wounds. Then the ground had exploded. After that, Steve had blacked out. What could’ve caused that?

Steve got to his feet, stretching his body, which only relieved a little bit of the soreness. Popping his back, looked around the room. It seemed to be mostly barren room, with a few torches bringing light to the other-wise dark room. The only things in the room were him, and the blanket. Looking toward the entrance, he saw more light coming through the door. Sneaking forward on silent feet, he slowly made his way forward, gaze searching for anything.

Making his way forward, he walked into another room. This one, however, had a decent sized fire in the middle of room, burning away. Leaning against the wall was some supplies from what he could see, rations, a few potion flasks and weapons. Quirking an eyebrow, he was about to continue on, when he heard the sound of footsteps coming his way.

His immediate thought was to jump behind cover, but he crushed that notion. Whoever had brought him here didn’t have any evil intentions, else they would’ve tied or chained him up. They certainly wouldn’t have healed his wounds and treated his injuries.

Soon, he saw a figure make their way into the room. They were tall, perhaps a foot or two above his own height. Their black scales and claws immediately told him it was a dragon, while certain, er, assets, told him it was female. She had her wings tucked to her back, and her tail swished along the ground. Her almost glowing purple eyes looked at him as she carried some wood under her arms. Without a word, she walked to her small stockpile, dropping the wood onto it.

“You should be resting.” She spoke in a clear voice. Steve remained silent for a moment, before responding.

“Got confused when I woke up alive and not in chains. Wanted to look around.” She didn’t respond, choosing instead to go over to her food rations. Digging through them, she tossed a loaf of bread and bottle of water to him. Reaching up, he swiftly caught both items. Looking down down at them in confusion, he looked back up at the dragoness still rummaging through her rations.

“Who are you, exactly? And why did you save me?” She stopped. Steve raised his eyebrow. After a few moments of silence, she spoke without turning around.

“My name is Abyss. As to why I saved you, I don’t know. I was walking through the forest looking for some food, when I heard the sound of fighting. After a few minutes, I found you and the others fighting. You looked outnumbered, and hurt, so I made the split-second decision to help. I created a distraction and in the confusion, got you and brought you here. I treated your wounds and made sure you were still alive.”

Abyss. Steve felt it in his gut. He knew that name. But, for the life of him, he couldn’t remember. It was on the tip of his tongue for a moment, but just like that, he lost it. Taking his mind off it for the moment, he shook his head to clear it.

“Well, thank you, for helping me. I probably wouldn’t have survived the fight otherwise.”

“Yes, about that. Why are they after you? What did you do?”

Steve sighed. “To be honest, I don’t know. It’s one big mixture of jumping to conclusions, bad impressions and a couple ass-kickings.” He chuckled sitting against a wall. This got a small laugh from the dragoness.

“Sounds like one big misunderstanding.” She spoke, a certain tone Steve couldn’t place in her voice. He scoffed.

“Understatement of the frigging century, Miss Abyss.” He smirked at his play on words. Looking towards, he saw the light of day through the cave opening where Abyss had walked in from, thinking about the fight from the night before. His mind immediately went to the night of Derpy's capture and her subsequent rescue. A bad feeling rose in his gut. If they knew, if the General had told anyone, that she was his friend, and they hurt her in anyway, shape, or form, there'd be Nether to pay. He had to make sure Derpy and her daughter were okay. Standing up, he spoke to the dragoness.

“Miss, I am really thankful for your assistance. But I need to get back home. I have a few friends in the nearby town that I need to check up on, as well as weather mare to visit.” He saw her eyebrows raise.

“The nearby town. I’m just assuming, but this wouldn't happen to be the same town where those five from last night live, would it?” Already seeing where this was going, he sighed.

“Yeah, surprising as it may be, I actually made some friends down there. One of them actually was captured and hurt for being my friend. So I, just, need to make sure they are alright.” Steve said, worry clear in his eyes. Abyss sighed in exasperation.

“If that’s what you feel is necessary, I won’t stop you. But be careful. I don’t want to have to rescue you again.” She chuckled.

Steve smiled. “Thanks. I wish the best to you. Hopefully, we’ll meet again soon.” And with that, he was gone, running out the opening and down the mountain path.

* * * * *

Her smirk fell, as she sat against the wall, letting the meat in her claw fall. She sighed, rubbing a clawed hand to her face.

“He really doesn't remember me. Guess it makes sense. I didn't have this form back home, much less have the ability to talk.” She closed her eyes at the memories of their first meeting resurfaced.

* * * * *

The first thing she knew, she was laying, curled up on the ground. A stale, cold wind blew by, but she didn’t shiver. She tried to open her eyes, but they felt heavy, nearly impossible to lift. After some struggling, she opened her eyes.

Her gaze was immediately met with a tall, bipedal figure. It’s indigo eyes looked down at her, a warm smile present on its face. It wore some strange fabric, covering its body. It held a something in it’s right hand. Suddenly, in her waking memory, she recognized it.

‘An End Crystal! How did this creature make one?’

“Hey little one.” The creature spoke. It’s masculine tone informed her that this creature was a male. “Welcome back. Your home now.” Widening her eyes slightly, she looked around.

‘Home. I’m home. My curse, it’s broken! But how?’ She looked around the large, white-ish island, the towering black pillars, the end crystals sitting atop them. Everything seemed the same, so how?

“Y’know, I was worried when I did the whole resurrection thing.” The creature spoke again, drawing Abyss’s attention. “I was worried you would just become a scary dragon again. Even brought armor and potions with me.” Her mind raced.

‘Scary dragon? Wait, this creature fought my cursed form!? He was the one to destroy it! He freed me, and brought me back!’ Shakily, she got on her feet, stumbling over to Steve. He knelt down, putting out his hand. She gently placed her head against it, eyes closed. She let out a faint rumble of happiness.

He laughed. “Glad to see your happy, little one.”

‘I am happy. After so long of being cursed, I am finally free, and home again. Though I wish I could tell you this myself, kind creature.’ Looking up, her eyes made contact with the creature’s. ‘I swear, on my life, I will repay my debt to you.’

* * * * *

Abyss sighed. She wanted to follow Steve and tell him, tell him everything. But she didn’t. If he didn’t even remember her, he might think she was crazy, or some stalker. She didn’t look at all like how Steve would’ve remembered. Plus, her telecommunication crystal that Notch had given her at the portal had accidently broken when she’d landed. She didn’t have a back-up plan.

Groaning, she decided the next best plan was to wait and see what happened next.

“Hopefully something will turn up.” She muttered as she got up to stoke the fire.

* * * * *

Rainbow Dash did not want to get up. Really. It was the weekend, and she wanted to sleep in. But the incessant knocking would not go away.

Grumbling, she got up off her couch, giving a sigh. Any shout for the pegasus to “go away” were for not. Walking up to the door, she twisted the knob and threw it open.

“WHAT DO… you? Steve? What do you want?” Steve was hanging from her roof edge, fishing rod clutched firmly in his iron grip.

“Hey, Dashie, how about I meet your friends?” He said, a grin on his face.

Author's Note:

Hey, in case anyone is still confused, Abyss is the ender dragon. Anyway, I got the idea to bring her in from Dragonsboy97. Hopefully, it will work into the story.:twilightblush:

Anyway, as always, tell me what you all think in the comments. I am a little nervous at how you all will take Abyss's inclusion in the story. I just ask that you guys be patient with me. I won't let you guys down. :pinkiehappy:

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