• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 4: Quite a Shock

Author's Note:

Hi, how y'all doing today. Fun Fact: A group of crows is called a murder, but a group of humans is called a throng. The more ya know. And I know I haven’t been presenting the characters as I should, but I only barely started watching the show, so it’s a work in progress. Don’t sue me.

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Rumble, rumble, rumble. Steve’s ears picked up the distant, but ever-growing sound. Quirking an eyebrow, he snapped his journal shut and shoved in his inventory, turning his gaze in the direction he heard the noise from. His eyes were immediately met with a rising cloud of dust.

Donning a look of confusion, he scooched closer to the edge of the town hall’s roof, eyes squinting to see what was causing the cloud as it approached. As it drew nearer, he began to make out details.

“Is that… cows? Oh, it's a…!”


Steve flinched backwards at the unbearably loud scream, putting one hand over his ear as he scowled in the direction where the scream had come from. Shaking his head, he got to his feet, ready to jump in and impede the stampede (heh). However, it became apparent that any action on his part was unnecessary, as a pony Steve recognized, AJ or something, if his memory was correct, was suddenly running alongside the herd, shouting loudly at the herd. On the opposite side, a small brown and white dog was running along side, barking excessively. Much to Steve’s surprise, the unlikely duo managed to stop the stampede. It was moments later that Steve, as he watched, learned a horrible, terrible truth.

Cows were sentient beings. AJ was currently talking to the cows about something, probably about why they were running amok, and they were responding. And the realization Steve had moments later made him stare blankly into space as his thoughts took over.

“They are sentient beings. I can’t and won’t kill sentient creatures unless they wish to kill me, and those cows are definitely thinking beings. Well, looks like beef’s off the list. I can live with that. Hopefully pigs and chicken aren’t in the same boat”

(As he finds out later, they are, in fact, “in the same boat”)

He looked down on the slowly dispersing crowd, watching as they celebrated, and heard their talk of holding a town-wide presentation for some award, honestly, he stopped listening. Returning to his thoughts, he contemplated his actions when the stampede was about to reach the town. This was the town that had quite literally ran him out. He didn’t owe them a thing. But despite that, he was about to jump right in, no cares about anything else.

“Heh, guess old habits die hard.” he chuckled, laying his head against the roof. His small smile slowly turned into a frown. He stared into the sky, glaring at nothing. Gritting his teeth, he let out an irritated sigh.

“Why did they never even give me a chance?” he muttered angrily to himself. “They took one look at me and decided that I was a monster. Why!? What did I do to them!?”

Taking a deep breath to calm his gathering rage, he eventually found the anger dispersing.

“Nevermind. Screw it. I’m heading in early.” Getting up, he equipped his fishing rod and began to make his way out of town. That was his plan, at least. By the time he was out of town and almost to the forest his invisibility had worn out. He didn’t bother replacing it. At this point, the only pony he had to worry about was that striped pony that lived in the Everfree, the potion master. She talked to herself in rhymes, which annoyed Steve to no end whenever he saw her. Luckily for him, she didn’t know he existed, as far as he knew, so no issues there.

Suddenly, Steve had the feeling he was being watched. Turning his head to the side, his heart immediately started racing at what his gaze came across.

To his utter shock, a yellow pony with probably the pinkest mane in existence, second only to the Pink Demon, stood only a few feet to his left, her cyan blue eyes widened in terror as the sight of, presumably, him. She didn’t move, apparently frozen in fear.

Thinking fast, Steve did the first thing that came to mind. He lifted one hand and waved, while grinning a nervous grin. The effect was immediate. Upon seeing that he was friendly, the pony greeted him and invites him inside for tea. And thus that was how Steve made his first friend in this world.

Yeah, that wasn't very believable, was it? In actuality, the mare instead fainted and collapsed muzzle first into the dirt. Steve flinched slightly at the thud and sighed. Looking at the prone pony, Steve sighed, then proceeded to continue walking, not willing to bother with the mare.

“She’ll be fine. No doubt, someone will be along soon enough and …?” Steve stopped, as the light over his head was very suddenly snuffed out, shadowing him.

“Wait a minute.” Steve muttered quietly to himself. The next moment, he heard a crackle that sounded dreadenly familiar. Then, his nerves erupted in pain, as electricity shot through him, snaking its way to every inch of his body, making him let out a scream of agonizing pain.
Heavy Damage Received - 10 damage. 10 Health remaining.

Steve fell to his knees, mouth open in a wordless scream, his voice cutting out. He then collapsed to the floor, the electrocution having overwhelmed him and nearly knocked him unconscious.

“Hah, I got the ape! Knocked him clean out!”, a familiar, raspy voice sounded out from above him. Even with his still-recovering senses, Steve could hear the sound of hoof-steps to his right, slowly coming around. He groaned, still awake, struggling past the slowly fading pain. His efforts were rewarded by a buck to his side, sending him rolling.
Damage Received - 3 Damage. 7 Health remaining.
Crying out in pain, Steve rolled onto his back, huffing out tremulous breaths.
“Hah, not so tough now, are you?”, Rainbow Dash boasted, a smirk present on her muzzle.
“Fuck you.” Pant, pant. “Bitch.”, Steve managed to get out. Her smirk fell, as did the hoof she raised, smacking Steve across the face. Hard.
Damage Received - 1 Damage. 6 Health remaining.
“Watch your mouth, you stupid ape!”, she snarled.
“Make me.” Steve muttered out, the pain nearly gone. Just a little more. Her frown deepened, and her hoof raised, ready for another hit. Just as it came down, Steve, quick as he could, reached out his arm, and gripped her leg.
“My turn.” He stated darkly. Her eyes widened.
Square: Smash
Whirling, he slammed the pegasus into the floor, then let go as he shot to his feet.
Square (Hold): Uppercut
X: Jump
Triangle (Hold): Roundhouse Kick
Just as Rainbow Dash had gotten back to her feet, Steve caught her right in the chin with a vicious uppercut. In mid-air, he leapt up, then hit her with a roundhouse kick, sending her right back into the dirt. Landing in a crouch, Steve put his hand to his mouth and coughed hoarsely, making him double over a bit. Spitting out a bit of blood that had collecting, he wiped his mouth.
As he did so, Rainbow Dash groaned, getting back on her hooves. Upon seeing her adversary still up, she growled, readied herself, then launched herself at Steve.
Square: Punch
Before she could dodge, Steve clocked her in the muzzle, sending her flying away and landing on her back. Steve readied himself for another fight. And waited. And waited.
After a few moments of waiting and the mare not moving, Steve started hesitantly moving over to her. When he reached her, he expected a surprise attack, or something, but nothing. He knelt down and pressed a finger to her neck.
“Hmm, still has a pulse.”, Steve muttered to himself. She was just knocked out, much like she’d tried to do to him earlier. Sighing, he stood.
L1 (Hold): Potion Select: Healing Potion (Level 1)
Health Restored - 6 points. 12 Health remaining.
Gulping down the red liquid, he felt the oh-so familiar warmth fill his chest, healing the injuries he’d sustained. Pocketing the bottle, he looked at the unconscious mare. Sighing and grumbling to himself, he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. Walking over to the cottage, he stopped to pick up the other unconscious pegasus, tucking her under his shoulder, before stepping into the cottage. (Hey, the door was unlocked!)
Upon entering the cottage, he was greeted by the sight of dozens upon dozens of animals. Like, there was so many, it was straight up ridiculous. There were birds and dogs and cats and deer. There was a freaking bear in the back. Steve felt lucky it didn’t straight up attack him. Without a word, Steve gently laid the yellow mare on the couch, then unceremoniously dropped Rainbow Dash onto the floor. With that, Steve left, muttering a half-hearted “Your welcome.” before leaving the cottage and closing the door behind him.

* * * * *

Closing the door to his home behind him, Steve let out a sigh as he collapsed against the door, slowly sliding to the floor. Getting to his feet, went over to one of his chest, grabbing some supplies to brew up some healing potions. Upon looking inside, he was shocked at how low his supplies were getting. Only three glistering melons remained, and the blaze powder, used to brew strength potions and power brewing stands, was almost non-existent, at a whopping total of 1. He face-palmed, silently reprimanding himself for never packing for long trips.
Sighing, walked over to his bed, eager to rest his aching body.
“I need supplies.”

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