• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,392 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 22: Running

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Rumble, rumble, rumble.

“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.” Steve said to himself as he ran along the forest path, ground rumbling beneath his feet. He quickly glanced behind him to see a few dozens ponies all running behind him, the source of the rumbling. They all continued to run, ignorant of the invisible Crafter running only a few feet ahead of them.

It took him by surprise that the collective running was giving enough force to actually cause a mini earthquake, but frankly, it wasn't the weirdest thing he’d ever seen. He’d once seen two snake chickens have the world's longest staring contest. Few things are stranger than that.

He heard the sounds of them coming closer, bit by bit. Slowing down, just a tiny bit, he swerved and twisted his body to avoid coming in contact with any pony that came close as he merged with the horde. He looked all around for Rainbow Dash, hoping he could speak to the mare for a few moments, just to confirm a few things. She wasn’t in the front, much to his surprise. With her being a speed demon, he figured she would be at or near the front, considering the rope he’d seen around her wings. But she wasn’t.

Turning his head, he was shocked to see her near the back of the group, glaring to the orange pony at her side, who Steve recognized as Applejack. Furrowing his eyebrows, he slowed down again, until he was by AJ’s side. Leaning over, he firmly jabbed her side with a palm, making her stumble quite a bit. She almost fell but recovered, unfortunately losing several feet of distance from Rainbow Dash.

Dash looked back at her competitor in confusion. Up until she felt a poke to her side from an invisible source.

“Hey, Rainbow.” Steve spoke, making Dash gain a look of understanding and irritation.

“Steve, is that you? What are you doing here?! And were you the reason AJ almost fell right now?!”

He sighed, looking around to make sure that no one else was looking at them. “In order, yes, obviously, I needed to talk to you, and yes. I just needed her away from you so we could talk for a sec. We need to hurry before she catches up.”

She grumbled, but complied. “Fine, what is it?”

“First off, I checked in at Sugarcube Corner, it’s mostly clear right now, so it should be fine for our meeting. Second off, what the Nether are you doing way here at the back!?” Steve said loudly, causing Dash to look up in shock, finally realizing how behind she was. “C’mon, you’re one of the fastest mares I know! You’re better than this! You can’t get last!” She gritted her teeth in determination.

“You’re right! I’ve been so focused on beating Applejack, I was gonna lose the race! Not anymore!” She looked at her companion. “Thanks Steve!” With that, she sped up, quickly pushing through the group, eventually coming up to the front, Applejack coming close behind.

Steve smirked as his friend quickly grew further from him. Slowing down, he watched as the group of ponies quickly left his sight.

D-Pad Left: Fishing Rod

X (Hold): Rod Zip

Pulling out his fishing rod, he hooked the branch of a nearby tree, yanking himself onto it. Putting away his rod, he ran off in the direction of town.

* * * * *

After a good ten minutes, he made it to the place where the finish line was located. It looked like the race had already ended. They had all gathered together and were kind of, bowing, in the direction of a, rather strange creature.

It stood much taller than the surrounding ponies. He was reminded of Luna, with both horns and wings, only this one had a clear, white fur with white feathered wings and a beautiful blue, pink and green mane, which seemed to sparkle. She had a warm smile on her muzzle and she wore some type of golden crown and necklace, along with the golden boots. Her purple-ish eyes were filled with kindness and reassurance as she looked over the bowing ponies.

After a single word, the ponies rose, all stood back as the pegacorn walked over to a familiar purple unicorn, Twilight Sparkle. Two white guards in gold armor came and stood by the newcomers side.

They talked for a bit, as Applejack and Rainbow Dash both stood alongside Twilight as they conversed, Steve being too far away to hear their conversation. Steve felt his skin tingle as his invisibility wear off. He looked down at his arm, sighing at seeing it visible. Looking back up, he saw he was far enough away that he hadn’t been spotted yet.

“Well, better head to Sugarcube corner. I’ll probably get there before..?” Steve was interrupted as he felt something wrap around his arm. Snapping his gaze back down, he saw a corded rope with a hook on the end had wrapped around his upper right arm,the rest of the cord trailing off behind him.

“What the..?” Steve didn’t get the chance to finish his sentence before he was roughly tugged back off the branch, landing hard on his back.

Damage Received - 2 damage. 18 health remaining.

He didn’t have the chance to get up before he was forcefully tugged forward, sliding along the ground. He bounced along tree roots and crashed into trees along the way, the rope showing no signs of coming loose on it’s own. He furiously tried to remove the rope, but with the combined jarring of being pulled and the tough material, he remained stuck as he was dragged through the forest.

D-Pad Up: Sword

Steve managed to unsheathe his sword. Bringing it up, he slashed down at the cord, severing it in one blow. Getting up, he hurriedly unwrapped the rope from his arm, throwing it to the ground. As he was dusting himself off, he heard the sound of rustling. After only a few moments, the source of the noise soon made themselves known, upon which Steve let out an irritated groan.

It was the Mix-match gang. Nog even had the end of the rope coiled up in his grip, slinging it over his shoulder. They were in the same armor and wielded the same weapons they had when he’d fought them a few days prior. With the exception of Thorn, who had a piece of armor covering his jaw, probably because of the bad hit he’d gotten from Steve during said fight. He also held a large javelin in his left hand.

“Uh, hi.” Riz spoke first, looking at Steve with a small grin. “Did not expect you to break out of the rope so easily.” He rubbed the back of his head with a claw.

Steve looked at them with an incredulous look. “After everything you’ve seen me do, you expected a simple rope to hold me? Seriously?”

“Well, it wasn’t a simple rope. It was enchanted to be hard to break. Even had a seeking feature to aid in capturing out targets.” Aura huffed. “Seems like that didn’t work either.”

“Well, it got you here.” Thorn stepped forward, punching his open palm as a grin took over his features. “Now we can get this over with.”

Steve scoffed. “Uh, lizard boy, have you been paying attention at all? I’ve been more than holding my own with every fight I’ve gotten into. Granted, you almost had me in that last fight, but 1. You caught me off-guard, and 2. You had five people fighting me. Now we’re on even ground, and there’s only four of you. You really think you guys can win?”

Thorn’s grin got wider. “Who said we were the only one’s here?”

Steve eyes widened, and he took a stepback. Just as he did so, shapes formed in the nearby foliage. They seemed like shadows, there, but at the same time, not there. Then, there was a flash of light, and suddenly, about two dozen guards appeared, all with their weapons and horns (for the unicorns) pointing directly at him. He took a step back.

“Hah.” Thorn laughed. “Seems like you can’t detect a good Concealment spell.” The group walked forward, brandishing their weapons. “Now, I’m gonna make this real easy for you.” He pointed his javelin at Steve. “You, can give up, drop your weapons, and surrender to us! Or,” He said, gesturing to the guards. “You can die, right here, right now! Your choice!”

Steve kept his sword aloft as he eyed his opponents. There was about 20 of them, not including the Mix-match gang. He had only snagged a diamond chestplate and boots when he’d left home, having other things on his mind at the time. Not only that, a quick check of his inventory informed him he only had two potions of Healing, as well as a potion of Invisibility, but that wouldn’t do much, given their counter to it. Sighing, he slowly let his blade and head drop.

He couldn’t tell, but every other creature there et out a collective, silent sigh of relief. Thorn brought a large chain up in his hand.

“Drop your weapons, and get on your knees.” Steve stopped, before lifting his head to look at Thorn, a fire in his eyes. He smirked and let out a humorless laugh.

“Not on your life, asshole.” He raised his blade, pulling it back as he dropped into a fighting stance.

Thorn snarled. “Have it your way, monkey.” He turned to the guards and his group. “Take him down.” And with that, the fight was under way.

X (Hold) + Square (Hold): Sword Slam

Leaping up, he slammed his sword into the ground, knocking any nearby guards to the ground.

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

Square: Slash

Triangle (Hold): Roundhouse Kick

He rolled under a bolt of magic, then side-stepped another. He slashed his sword, smacking the thestral, Aura, sideways. Spinning on his heels, he swung his leg into an attacking guard with a vicious roundhouse kick. Suddenly, he felt something rushing towards his back.

Circle + Square: Counter

Steve whirled around to see a Nog’s war-axe about to cut him it two. Bringing his blade up, he feinted to the side, letting the axe slam into the dirt. Spinning, he sliced his blade into his arm, causing blood to spurt out. He roared, then slammed his fist into Steve, sending him flying back.

Damage Received - 2 damage. 16 health remaining.

Rolling back, Steve stayed on his feet. Groaning, he back-pedaled, slipping on his chestplate and boots.

Armor equipped - Diamond Chestplate. Max Health increased to 28.

Armor equipped - Diamond Boots. Max Health increased to 31.

Feeling the familiar coolness of his armor, he got back into his fighting stance. Nog was hurriedly bandaging his wound while everyone else was slowly edging forward. He smirked, then leapt forward.

“Bring it on!”

* * * * *

Square: Slash

Steve slashed his sword again, sending another guard to the floor, knocked out.

Circle: Block

He let out a tired sigh as he blocked another spear attack,sending the earth pony rolling back. Stepping back, he looked around at his handiwork, seeing the guards either unconscious or too hurt to move. But it had taken a lot out of him. Sure he didn’t get tired, but he sure as Nether could get out of breath, and that’s what he was after taking down almost twenty, fully trained and armored guards. Even Aura and Riz, two members of the Mix-match group, were lying beaten on the forest floor, cuts and bruises covering them.

There were three guards, one unicorn and two earth ponies left standing, as well as Thorn and Nog. Every one of them were covered in injuries. Steve stumbled back, taking a moment to check himself.

Health remaining - 14.

He wasn’t doing to well himself. However, all things considered, he was pretty proud he was still standing. Taking a deep breath, he raised his blade and made his way forward, ready to continue the fight.

“Halt!” The single word, shouted by Nog, caused all movement to stop. The three guards looked back at the large form, while Steve looked with confusion on his face. Nog walked forward, war-axe clutched in his grip. He made his way to Steve, eventually stopping just in front of the guards.

“Retreat.” The single word caused a stir among the remaining guards, as well as Thorn. Steve took a step back in surprise.

“What?” He asked the creature, eyes narrowed.

“Retreat. Guards, carry allies. We retreat.” They got the idea, beginning to pick up their fallen comrades with all the strength they had left, helping the hurt ones to their feet while carrying the unconscious ones.

Nog held his axe in a defensive stance. It took Steve a moment to figure out why; Nog was making sure the guards made it out, by making sure that Steve couldn’t attack them without having to take him on first. Steve sheathed his blade, but remained on guard.

“I will not attack those that cannot defend themselves.” He stated simply. Thorn scoffed.

“Oh, would you look at that, a monster with honor.” Steve turned to look at Thorn.

“Maybe you’re right. Maybe I am a monster. But I have more honor and more of a conscious than most of the guards I’ve fought.”

Thorn growled. “How would you know?!”

“Ask General Trench what happened the night of the attack.” And with that, Steve turned away, and ran off into the forest.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! Tell me what all y'all think in the comments!:pinkiehappy:

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