• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,391 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 13: Lost and Found (Part 1)

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

“These muffins are dangerously tasty. I’m serious. These can end world hunger, they're so good.” Steve muttered aloud. His grey-furred companion, who sat beside him on her roof, laughed and took another bite out of her blueberry muffin.

“Have you ever thought of making a living selling these? I bet you could. Imagine it, ponies coming from all over just to try your muffins.” Derpy hummed in thought.

“No, I don’t think I could. I was never that good at business and numbers. Besides, I make more than enough as a weather-mare. I just like making them myself. After all, Ponyville already has one amazing baker. It doesn’t need another.” Steve chuckled at her response.

“You know, you may not have everything, but you for sure have something other ponies could never dream of having.” Derpy looked at him in confusion.

“What’s that?”

“Humility. Back in my world, I saw many of my kind fall because of their pride. Back there, having too much pride was a deadly flaw. But here, your kind can be as proud as you want. There’s no need to check both ways before you leave your home, in fear you may be killed. There’s no need to constantly carry around swords and bows because there’s always enemies around. But even then, you have humility. You feel good at your accomplishments, but you don’t let it go to your head. And, that, Derpy, is an admirable trait. I wish my people were like you.” Derpy was stunned into silence. She stared at Steve’s invisible form. Finally, after a few moments, she spoke.

“Do you want to go home? Back to your world?” The question shocked Steve. Snapping his head towards his friend, he saw her eyes had filled with sadness at the prospect. Steve didn’t speak for a moment as he considered the question.

“... No. I don’t.” Her eyes filled with shock and confusion.

“What? But, but why. What about your family. What about the friends you have back in your world?” She couldn’t see it, but Steve visibly flinched. He forgot that he hadn’t told her.

“Derpy, I, well, there’s no easy way to say this, really. But, there isn’t anyone in my world for me to go home to.” His eyes began to sting as he memories of what happened, his fight with Herobrine, resurfaced. Tears slowly began to fall. Derpy’s eyes widened.

“There was a fight. Against this, very bad man. He was strong, so strong, and merciless. It took everything I had, and eventually, I defeated him. But by that time, it was too late. By then everyone was, gone, just gone. I’m the only one left, Derpy. So there’s no reason for me to go home, is there?” Suddenly, Steve felt something grab his side, Looking down, he found Derpy was clutched against him, tears falling from her eyes as well.

Calmly, he let the tears fall as he gently stroked her mane, letting her, and himself cry, tears soaking up his transparent shirt.

He wasn't sure how long the two of them sat like that, tears dripping onto the roof and into his shirt, but he didn't care. He was content to let her cry, as long as she needed to. She'd given him the chance no-one else in this town had. He owed her this much.

Eventually the tears stopped. Sniffling a bit, she stepped away and wiped her eyes with a hoof.

“Sorry for dirtying your shirt.” She mumbled.

“Don't be. Trust me, this shirt has been through way worse than anything you can dish out.”, Steve chuckled. She laughed.

“I can believe that, from what you've told me. But still, are you sure you want to stay here? Are you really sure?” Steve could pick up on the concern in her voice.

“I know you’re worried. Trust me, I am too. I won’t lie, I was close to saying “Fuck this town” and just leaving, hoping for a better life somewhere else. Or maybe I would exact some vengeance on the town. Not my best thoughts, but that’s what was going through my mind. But you and Zecora helped me see past the town’s actions against me, and mine against them.” Steve frowned slightly. “Except for Rainbow Dash. I still have a bit of a grudge with her, all things considered.” Derpy winced at the implications behind those words but reassured herself

“Yeah. I’ll bet it hurt a bit when she hit you, huh?” Steve sighed.

“A bit, but the lightning strike was much worse.” A sudden sound of coughing came from his side. Snapping his head to the right, he saw Derpy was coughing, rather harshly. Patting her firmly on the back, she stopped after a few moments.

“Sorry about that. Just, what do you mean lightning strike?!” She asked loudly. Steve raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“Uh, yeah, what’s so bad about that? I mean, sure it hurt like the Nether, but what about that?” Her eyes were wide in shock and disbelief.

“That’s illegal! Using lightning against a sentient being is a crime punishable by 3 year’s jail time or a 5,000 bit fine, last I checked!” Steve’s eyes grew wide in surprise.

“Oh. I was not aware of that.”

“I can’t believe it! That bucking crip!” Derpy growled. Steve edged away from her, surprised by her sudden mood swing. He began to placatingly pet her mane, hoping the action would calm her down. It seemed to work as her growling began to be replaced by purring. After a few minutes, she finally calmed down.

“Relax. Just relax. One way or another, she’ll get her just desserts. By my hand or anothers.” Derpy sighed.

“I know. It just angers me that she would do something like that. In the last few weeks since we met, I’ve gotten to know a lot about you, even if you insist on using your invisibility whenever I’m around. I feel like we’ve become great friends since then.” She huffed. “She was lucky it only injured you. If you had actually died from it, well, the punishment would be a lot more severe.” Steve nodded at her statement. Looking up he searched the road for any nearby guards. Seeing none, he sighed as the reasons for coming into town today came into the forefront of his mind. Letting the hand still petting Derpy fall, he stood.

“I have to get going, Derpy. While I hate to cut the only relaxation time I’ve had in months short, I have errands to run. Same time, next week?” She simply laughed and nodded. Steve jumped off onto a nearby roof and set off, while Derpy picked up the empty plate and walked back inside her home.

Unfortunately, both beings were unaware of the pair of eyes watching them from afar.

* * * * *

Steve firmly grasped the apple he’d plucked from the apple tree. Stuffing it in his inventory, along with the other two, he steadily picked another three from his position on a high branch. He’d been doing this every so often, taking, er, obtaining, apples from Applejack’s place of residence, Sweet Apple Acres. He thought it a little cliche her name was so closely related to both her mark, and what she did for a living. The idea made him chuckle a little whenever he thought about it.

Regardless of the strange name plague that seemed to engulf the town, he was having a rather peaceful time, just sitting alone in the tree, peace and quiet abundant. He even managed to avoid those three devils that attracted trouble like it was their middle name. It was truly peaceful.

“Get back here! You’re gonna pay for what you did to those guards!”

At least until she showed up. Steve had been so peaceful that he didn’t even notice that his invisibility had worn away. He opened his eyes to see a pair of cyan blue hooves about to smash his skull. Barely having time to react, he only just managed to roll off the tree branch to avoid the attack. He’d started running immediately, Rainbow Crash (a fun little nickname he’d thought of after the Poison Joke incident Zecora had told him about) following close behind.

Circle: Dodge

Steve rolled, avoiding another one of her attacks as he ran weaved through the apple trees, hoping the constant weaving would deter her, but he was proven wrong, the actions doing little to slow her down. It was when the pair came to a small opening in the grove did she strike. Steve felt her hooves slam into his back, sending him rolling.

Damage Received - 2 damage. 18 health remaining.

Steve shot to his feet, facing his opponent. She glared at him with angry magenta eyes, lips pulled up in a snarl. Suddenly, she shot forward.

Circle: Dodge

Triangle (Hold): Roundhouse Kick

Steve sidestepped the attack, whirling his body around with his leg outstretched. His foot slammed into her skull in a powerful roundhouse kick. She flew forward, smacking her muzzle into the dirt. Shaking her head, she took to the air, hovering just out of Steve’s reach. Suddenly flying in close, she threw a quick punch, followed by a kick from her back leg.

Circle: Block

Circle: Dodge

Square: Punch

Steve put up an arm, blocking her punch, then twisted his body to dodge her kick. Using the momentum from the twist, he whirled around, punching her straight in the jaw. She fell, landing on her back. Steve backpedalled to avoid retaliation.

Suddenly, she jumped into the air, a raging fire burning in her eyes. Her wings flared out. She shot at Steve with enough speed to create a small shockwave as she slammed into him. Hard.

Damage Received - 4 damage. 14 health remaining.

Steve sailed through the air, before slamming into a tree. Falling to his knees, he got up, only to find the pegasus in his face.

Circle: Block

Circle: Block

Circle: Block

Circle: Block

Circle: Block

Circle: Dodge

Steve hurriedly blocked her attacks, Dash’s attack speed having suddenly increased. He was unable to attack as everytime he did so, she was already attacking. Rolling backwards, Steve summoned every ounce of strength in his body, wanting to end this fight already.

L2 and R2: Special (Multi-Punch)

Leaping forward, Steve punched her straight in the muzzle. Before she could react, he threw three punches at incredible speeds, all hitting his opponent hard. He jabbed her hard in the side of her head. Pulling back his fist, he sent it upward, knocking Dash into the air. Jumping up, he brought both his fists up, then slammed them down with every ounce of strength in his body.

She crashed into the floor with enough force to create a deep impression in the dirt. Steve landed in a slight crouch, before walking over to his aggressor. Kneeling down, he put two fingers against her neck. It took a moment, but he felt a pulse, signifying she was just unconscious. Sighing, Steve pulled out his lone Regeneration Potion and gulped half of it down, before pouring the rest down the mare’s throat. Stuffing the empty bottle in his inventory, he walked off, heading back towards town.

* * * * *

Steve leapt across another rooftop, a bad feeling present in his gut. Usually, he had the guards to worry about, but strangely enough, there were no guards. Like, at all. It was highly suspicious. Keeping a wary eye out, he leapt across a alley.

Only to stop when he heard a noise come from within the alley down below. Poking his head over, he leapt into the darkness, his feet barely making a sound as he landed. Cupping his ear, he listened, and heard in again. It sounded like, crying?

Walking further in, he looked all around, searching for the source of the noise. His efforts were rewarded when he spotted a shockingly familiar filly sitting next to a dumpster, crying her eyes out.

“Dinky? What are you doing here?” Steve asked, concern heavy in his voice. The little filly looked up, her eyes catching sight of the tall being before her. Normally, she would be terrified, but she recognized that voice. That kind, concerned voice.

“Steve? Is that you?” She mumbled out, eyes wide, tears still falling. At his nod, her face fell. Steve, thinking he was the cause of the action, flinched.

“Dinky, I…” He was unable to finish his sentence as the young pony launched herself at him, latching onto his torso, sobs starting anew.

“Woah, Dinky, what’s wrong? What happened?” Steve asked, quietly stroking her mane with one arm while the other held her.

“They took her! They took Mommy! Why did they take my mommy?!” SHe cried out, her voice slightly garbled from her sobs. Steve’s stomach dropped.

“Who? Who took her?” Steve asked, hurriedly.

“The guards! The General! They took my Mom!” She answered.

Steve sat there, with the crying child in his arms, eye’s wide in shock. Steve felt a familiar emotion fill his body, starting from his heart and expanding outwards. Dread.

“Oh no.”

Author's Note:

Hey, cliffhanger. My very first. Maybe I will go to join the greats. :pinkiecrazy:
Anyways, hope you like the chapter. Tell me what you all think in the comments.

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