• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,392 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 6: Beyond Reality

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

“Well, this is new.” Steve muttered to himself, looking around the dark expanse, eyes struggling to see in the darkness. Looking all around, he couldn’t make anything out, the darkness was too thick.

“Wish I had a freaking light on me.” he sighed. To his surprise, a torch appeared in his hand, cutting through the darkness. Looking in shock at the item, Steve had an idea.

“Man, I’m hungry. Wish I had a cake.” Just like before, a large, very delicious-looking cake appeared on the ground in front of him. That confirmed his theory.

“I’m in a dream”, he said aloud, looking into the emptiness the torch had revealed. “Makes sense. The last thing I remember is going to sleep. But I’ve never had dreams where I was so, lucid.” Steve waved a hand in front of his face, a look of confusing present on his face.

Footsteps. Steve whirled around, instinctively reaching over his shoulder for a sword that wasn’t there. Giving a sigh of frustration, Steve called out.

“I wish I had a sword.” Nothing. “Oh come on!! You were working earlier!” Steve yelled angrily. Sighing, Steve swapped the torch to his left hand, freeing up his dominant hand. Then he waited, listening to the footsteps as they drew closer, eyes searching for the owner.

Soon, something started making its way out of the darkness. What it was made Steve’s heart stop and his blood go cold.

It was bipedal, and exactly Steve’s height. It wore a ragged and torn blue shirt and dark jeans. Scars ran up every inch of skin this thing exposed. It eyes, though. Those were what scared Steve. They were pure, glowing white. They lit up the darkness. It was this single factor that sent a chill down his spine. There was only one creature in the world that looked like that.


The figure stopped moving when Steve spoke, now standing only a short distance away. The figure stood still, staring eerily looking at Steve, not uttering a word. The two looked at each other, silence reigning.

“What do you want Herobrine!!?”, Steve yelled angrily, pulling back his fist and getting into a defensive stance. In response, he disappears. Steve immediately whirled around, expecting the white, soulless eyes to be there. But they weren’t.

“You wish for a chance.”, spoke a deep, gravelly voice. Steve’s head snapped to the left, where the voice had come from. Nothing.

“You will never get one.” The voice came from his right. Steve whirled around, only to see that there was still nothing there. Growling, Steve tightened the grip on the torch.

“You are a monster in their eyes. A beast. They are correct.”, the voice taunted.

“Shut up!!” Steve yelled, his voice was quickly smothered by the darkness. Eyes looking all around, he started slowly backing up, hands shaking slightly.

“You know you don’t deserve redemption. Not after everything you’ve done.” Steve felt his back hit something solid. His stomach dropped. Slowly turning, hie gaze was met by the burning white light from Herobrine’s eyes. Suddenly, Steve felt all the air sucked out of his lungs, like he was drowning. He couldn’t move.

The light grew, soon overcoming the darkness, cutting out all of Steve’s senses. There was a single thought that ran through his head, which quickly formed into a single word that left his lips.


Steve felt his body loosen and the drowning feeling leave. He could move again. Backing away, he shook his head, clearing it. Looking up, he saw Herobrine. His eyes had dimmed slightly. He stood in a slightly hunched position, as if in pain.

Square: Punch

Taking advantage, Steve growled, stepped forward and punched his opponent hard in the face. Herobrine stumbled back, seemingly unable to fight back.

Square: Punch

“I may be a monster!” Steve yelled, laying a haymaker to Herobrine’s cheek. “I may not deserve redemption!”

Square: Punch

Another punch. “But I sure as hell won’t stop trying. Those ponies can hate me for all their worth!”

Square (Hold): Uppercut

Steve uppercutted his enemy, knocking Herobrine to the floor. He knelt next to him, bringing up his fists.

“But I’ve got a promise to keep. And I always keep my promises.” As soon as Steve brought his fists down, Herobrine exploded in a blast of light. Steve’s vision went white as he knew no more.

* * * * *

Steve’s eyes fluttered, then opened, only for them to squint at the bright light. Slapping a hand to his face, he wiped his eyes, then sat up. Looking all around, Steve found himself in the middle of a large, grassy field. Sparse trees jutted from the ground. Getting to his feet, he started walking, eyes looking for anything out of the ordinary.

“I’m probably still in a dream. There’s no way I’d fall asleep outside in the middle of nowhere.”, he muttered. Suddenly, Steve felt his stomach clench and his heart began to race. Whirling around, he saw something very strange.

The sky had darkened slightly. Then, before his very eyes, the sky rippled like it had turned to water. It was slow at first, then it progressively got more and more intense. Suddenly, there was a clap of thunder and a flash of light, causing Steve to cover his eyes. When he looked, to his horror, a familiar being had appeared, one he’d fought a while back. Ducking behind a nearby tree, his narrowed gaze followed the horse as she slowly descended. It was when she finally touched the ground when he realized she looked different from he last fought her.

Her fur wasn’t black anymore. Instead, it was a dark, midnight blue. (Yes, there’s a difference!) She didn’t have her armor, with the exception of her weird, metal boots. Her astral mane seemed different, but Steve couldn't figure out why. Her eyes, however, those caught his attention. The cruelty and malice was gone, replaced with a calm and collectiveness he’d never seen before. In all honesty, that scared him a bit. He’d rather much rather face an emotionally unstable opponent, as they were more likely to make mistakes in a fight, than one that could think clearly.

Utterly confused, Steve ducked behind the tree. He wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t have any weapons or supplies and Nightmare Moon was a tough cookie to beat.

“Where hast thou gone?” He heard her mutter. Taking a deep breath, Steve did the one thing he really didn’t want to do. Face her.

Coming out from behind the tree, Steve saw she had her back to him. Slowly walking, his footsteps made the grass crinkle slightly beneath his feet. She must’ve heard this because she turned towards him, her expression changing to one of confusion upon her seeing him.

Not a word was spoken as Steve slowly approached her, stopping a few feet away, fists clenched in apprehension. After a few minutes, which felt like hours, Steve spoke.

“What are you doing here?”, he inquired, not bothering to hide the anger in his tone. This seemed to catch her off guard, as she took a step back in shock.

“We, sensed a terrible nightmare. We, I, came to relieve the recipient.”, she spoke softly, eyes searching every inch of Steve’s figure.

“You’ve done so. Now, leave, Nightmare Moon. I’m in no mood to fight you again.” At this, Nightmare’s eyes widened.

“Thou hast fought Nightmare Moon?!” she asked incredulously. This caused Steve’s angry expression to drop a little in confusion. Did she not remember their little spat?

“What, did I hit you a little too hard? Yeah, we fought. Also, how the Nether are you in my freaking dream? You seem a little too real for my imagination.” Steve questioned.

“Tis my birthright. We have the ability to enter anypony’s dream that we wish.”, Nightmare Moon explained.

“Well that’s just fan-fucking-tastic. You ponies bother me in the day, now your royal ass will bother me in my dreams. Just what I always wanted!” Steve exclaimed sarcastically. Nightmare narrowed her eyes at his tone.

“Fix your tone creature. I will not stand for any disrespect from thee.”, she snarled.

“Watch yourself, bitch. I beat your ass once, I can do it again.” Steve warned, getting into a fighting stance. In response, she lowered herself into a semi-crouch, tilting her head in Steve’s direction. Immediately, Steve took off running, heading straight for his opponent.

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

Steve weaved through two magic blasts she fired at him. Jumping over a third, he brought back his fist, going on the offensive.

Square x 4: Punch Combo

Triangle (Hold): Roundhouse Kick

Hammering down a blow, Steve knocked her head downward. Leaning to his right, he threw two quick jabs, both catching her in the muzzle. Then he knocked her right in the chin with a heavy punch. To finish it, he twisted his body, catching her in the cheek with a roundhouse kick, sending her to her knees. Jumping back, Steve smirked at the injured horse.

“C’mon. You were much harder to beat last time.” Unfortunately, this was most definitely the wrong thing to say. Nightmare’s horn flickered briefly and Steve felt something slam into his side, sending him careening through the air before slamming into the ground. He rolled for a short distance, finally coming to a stop on his back.

Damage Received: - 5 damage. 15 health remaining.

Getting to his feet, Steve glanced at the already-recovered horse. She was on her feet, horn glowing, eyes narrowed in Steve’s direction.

Circle: Dodge

Steve rolled to the side, just a large blast of magic scorched the ground where he’d been.

Circle: Dodge

Circle: Dodge

He ducked under two more blasts as he took cover behind a tree. Peeking out from behind the tree, he shot his head back just in time to avoid another blast, one that nearly knocked the poor tree to the ground. Groaning in frustration, Steve’s mind raced to think of a plan. Suddenly, he heard something. It sounded like a Vooop! Kinda like an Enderman.

Suddenly, darkness shrouded him. Looking up, his face was met with a very angry Nightmare Moon, her horn glowing a dark blue.

Circle: Dodge

Steve rolled out from under the tree, just as a blast of fire burned away at the tree. Backpedaling, he tried to get some distance from his opponent, only for a blast of magic to hit him in the back, knocking him to the floor.

Damage Received: - 3. 12 health remaining

Rolling onto his back, his gaze met Nightmare Moon’s. Her eyes were blazing with anger and annoyance. Steve tried to get on his feet, but he couldn’t feel his legs. She must’ve used a spell or something to keep him from running. Glaring up at her, his lips were pulled into an angry snarl. Suddenly, Steve’s gaze flickered up for a split second when something caught his eye. What that something was almost put a smile on his face.

“Dost thou have any final words?” Nightmare Moon inquired. Steve smirked.

“Yeah. Heads up.” Before she could even ponder those words, 500 pounds of solid wood slammed into her skull. She poofed in a cloud of dust and was promptly ejected from Steve’s dream. (She would soon awake with a killer headache.)

She was too focused on Steve to realize at the time, but her magic blasts and burning of the tree trunk had removed any and all stability it had. It was simply a stroke of luck that it fell in his direction, something Steve was very thankful for. That new rendition of Nightmare Moon was much stronger than he’d anticipated. He had no problem admitting he was woefully unprepared for the fight.

As Steve laid on the grass, the sky started to fade. Steve sat up in surprise, looking around the field. Everything was slowly fading to white.

“Oh, I must be waking up. Wonder if I’ll remember any of this.” Steve muttered to himself as everything faded out.

* * * * *

The next thing Steve knew, he woke up in his bed. Sitting up, he looked around the room. There were his furnaces, chugging away, smelting the ores he’d collected from a mining expedition. In the far corner of the room stood his brewing stand. Nearby, there were his chests, filled with supplies. Sighing, he laid back in his bed, pulling the covers to his chin.

“Guess I do remember.”, he chuckled, before sleep took him.

Author's Note:

Hey, thanks for reading. If you have any ideas for where the story should go, or if you have any thoughts for events to take place, please comment them. Yes, I actually read the comments you guys put down. :twilightblush:

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