• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 17: First Meetings, Once Again

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Steve was kinda fucked. Not, like that he was going to die, at least not yet, but he knew trouble was in the horizon when that stupid death squad came on the scene.

Steve had been walking through the forest, minding his own business, after a long day of watching the town residents, when he suddenly heard the sound of yelling and barking from somewhere in the foliage. After a few minutes of running, he eventually came upon the source of the noise.

Three Timberwolves were surrounding a large rock. They jumped and clawed, trying their best to get on it. Their prize, was something Steve had never seen before. It stood at the same height as a pony, if a little taller. Their body was covered in brown fur, with large, feathered wings. Instead of hooves and a muzzle, however, this creature had a claws and a large beak. Frankly, it looked like someone took four animals and just threw ‘em together. As Steve watched from the tree’s, this creature was keeping from the edge, and shouting for help, looking around in terror. Steve wondered why the creature simply didn’t fly away, but he saw it’s right wing hanging limply by its side.

Steve groaned. It’s freaking wing was broken. It couldn’t fly.

D-Pad Up: Sword

Steve sighed, unsheathing his sword.

“Great, so much for a peaceful night.” He muttered. Calmly walking forward, he was silent. The wolves were too busy with their prey to take notice, but the creature took notice almost immediately, eyes widening upon making contact with Steve’s form. Steve’s gaze met with the creature’s and he nodded. Looking back at his opponents, he saw they still hadn’t noticed him.

“Oh, well, their mistake.” He chuckled.

X (Hold) +Square (Hold): Sword Slam

Leaping high, Steve brought his blade up, before slamming it down into the back of a Timberwolf. The monster crumbled on impact. The shockwave knocked the other two to either side.

Triangle: Kick

Square: Slash

X: Jump

Not allowing them time to recover, Steve immediately kicked one hard in the side. Leaping off that wolf, he launched at the other, slashing his sword across it’s torso. Jumping off that one, he landed back in between the two. Flourishing his blade, his eyes focused on his opponents.

“You guys got one chance! Leave now, and you might just live! How about it?!” Steve yelled at the top of his lungs. Zecora had told him that really loud noises scared Timberwolves off most of the time. Seems like she was right, as both wolves gave whimpers and ran off into the forest, leaving the two beings alone. Smirking, Steve turned to look at the creature on top of the rock.

The creature’s beak had formed a small smile.

“Thank you.” It spoke, informing Steve it was a male. “I thought I was a goner for a moment.”

“No problem. Quick question, the Nether are you, exactly?” The creature blinked, then responded.

“I’m a griffon. Never seen one before?” Steve simply shook his head as his gaze drifted over the griffon. It took a moment, but Steve realized something. The griffon, unlike before, had his wings both tucked against his body. His wing was never broken. So why didn’t he fly while he had the chance?

Steve felt his sense flare as he became aware of two other beings, slowly approaching from behind him. He clenched his hand, tightening his grip on his sword. Suddenly, Steve felt the familiar sensation of something speeding at his back.

X: Jump

Triangle (Hold): Roundhouse Kick

Steve jumped up, flipping in mid air. The being that had attempted to blindside him passed underneath. Twisting his body, Steve brought his leg around, managing to clobber whatever it was, eliciting a shout of pain. Landing in a roll, Steve backpedaled, gaze looking at the two new arrivals with narrowed eyes.

The first was large, standing at around the same height as an enderman. It was broad-shouldered, with a thick muscle mass. It had a muzzle, with two teeth jutting out from it’s lower jaw. A pair of large horns sat upon its head. It was shrouded in armor and wielded a huge battle-axe.

The other, the one he had kicked into the ground, was back on her feet. She looked like a pony, but had orange, cat-like pupils, and had leathery wings instead of the normal feathered ones. He could make out a pair of sharp fangs hanging from her upper gums. She wore a dark purple chestplate. They walked forward, nearing Steve. As they did so, the griffon joined them, walking beside his obvious comrades.

“Wow!”, the griffon spoke loudly. “You, my friend have some amazing reflexes. I almost thought Aura here was gonna knock you flat. But you just barely avoided her attack in time, not to mention giving her a whopper in the side. Nice!”

“Shut it, Riz. I thought he was too distracted. Didn’t know it would backfire like that.” The vampire pony, Aura, grumbled, rubbing her side.

“Nog thought that was funny.” The large, brute creature spoke, it’s quiet voice coming quite unexpectedly from it’s large form.

“See, Aura, even Nog thought it was funny!” The griffon, Riz, laughed. Still laughing, he turned back in Steve’s direction, only to see said Crafter calmly walking away from the trio. Not running, just walking off.

“Hey!” He yelled, bringing everyone’s attention to him. Steve stopped and turned his head to lazily look at the irritated griffon.

“What do you want Mismatch? I’m busy.” The response made all three of their mouths drop open in a gasp. Riz’s eyes narrowed in a glare and his teeth grit.

“What did you call, monkey?!” He said in a loud, angry voice. Steve sighed in barely hidden annoyance, something that made the trio bristle.

“Forgive me, but I’ve known the lot of you for about ten minutes and I’ve already been attacked by the vampire pony and I’ve heard nothing close to an apology.” The vampire pony growled.

“It’s thestral, you racist! Call me a vampony again and I’ll knock your teeth in!” Steve narrowed his gaze.

“Hey, don’t get snippy with me bitch. Not my problem you look like an off-brand Dracula.” She yelled and leapt forward, only for Nog’s large arm to come around grab her shoulder, gently but firmly. Steve looked up into the creature’s gray eyes. Steve felt something envelop him briefly, like the wind was trying to grab him, but he easily shook it off as his imagination. Until, he saw the large form’s eyes widen.

“You are strong, creature. You have strong heart and will.” Suddenly, he lifted his war-axe and crossed it across his body, before letting it fall back to his side. This garnered a look of confusion from Steve and two looks of shock from his companions. They all looked at Steve with a look of awe, and a slight hint of nervousness.

“Aura, Rizworth, must go. Time up.” The large creature’s buddies nodded slowly, before, just like that they ran off into the forest.

Steve looked at where the three beings had disappeared into the forest, staring as a million thoughts swirled through his head. Shaking his head to clear it, he shrugged, then continued on his way.

* * * * *

“Guys, I think we need to better prepare ourselves for next time.” Aura spoke, gently sipping her hard cider. Her companions all muttered sounds of agreement as they guzzled their drinks, trying to drown their embarrassment. Riz flopped his chin onto the table of the bar and sighed.

“Y’know, when Princess Sunbutt actually activated the Black Claw Initiative and called all of us, I figured it would be something simple, something her pansy guards couldn’t handle themselves. But that thing means business.”

“Yeah,” Aura said, “he took care of the Timberwolves like it was second nature. It’s definitely not gonna be easy to capture that monkey. What about you Nog? What about it made you see it as worthy of such a sign of respect?” She asked, looking up at the minotaur. Nog didn’t respond immediately, seemingly deep in thought. After a few moment, he spoke.

“Creature immune to Intimidation. Easily broke through.” This sentence made both pony and griffon freeze. Nog had the ability to use a very specific spell, called Intimidation, how, he never told. When Nog used it on a being, sentient or not, it caused them to experience their deepest and darkest fears.

Usually, the recipient would collapse in terror, allowing for their easy capture. If the being had a strong enough will, they could fight the spell and break free. To have the spell break, and easily, by what Nog said, showed the creature, whatever it was, had an impossible strong will. That demonstrated the power and heart of this, being.

“Things just got a whole more complicated guys.” Aura spoke softly, garnering the nods of her compatriots.

“We’re gonna need a plan. And weapons.” Riz spoke.

“And we should probably wait for Thorn, too. When he gets here, taking that thing down will be a whole lot easier.” Riz chuckled.

“Yeah. I thought bringing a dragon into this thing was overkill, but that was before I met that thing.” Nog simply nodded, not really listening, thinking about what the Princess had asked of him when he’d been briefed on their mission.

“I have a request to ask of you, Sir Nog. I only ask you not tell your coworkers, until it comes time to.” Nog raised an eyebrow, but nodded.

She sighed. “When you find, and capture the creature, I ask that, if given the opportunity you end the life of the being.” Nog took a step back in surprise. Sure, he’d killed before, but this was the “Pretty, Perfect, Peaceful Princess of Equestria."

“I don’t ask this easily. But this creature has wounded many of my guards, hospitalized four, and hurt my sister. It is simply too dangerous to keep alive. I don’t like resorting to killing, but I feel like it’s one of the few options left. Do you accept?”

Nog hesitated, but nodded his head. She smiled softly, and slightly bowed her head.

“Thank you. I look forward to your success.”

* * * * *

Steve sat in Derpy’s home, resting on a chair. Dinky lay in his lap, dozing peacefully. He smiled down at the filly, before setting the book they’d been reading over the couch arm and gently picking up the small pony, being careful not to wake her. Walking into her room, he laid her in her bed and covered with her blanket. Kissing her forehead, as per Derpy’s instructions, he walked out and closed her door.

Derpy had something come up at the Ponyville Weather Factory while Steve was there visiting. She’d been hesitant to leave, but at Steve’s insistence that the both of them would be fine, she had started giving out some hastily explained instructions. Steve had chuckled at her franticness, before reminding her that he’d taken care of himself just fine for years. They’d be fine. She had smiled at Steve, before flying out the door, literally.

Now, with Dinky asleep, which was strange, considering it was still early, he simply sat back in his chair, reading a book called “Ponies and Prejudice.” Derpy had recommended it to him, saying it was a “classic.” Steve had to say, he was rather enjoying it. The concept, the drama, the family dynamic. It interested him.

Sure, others liked the fast-paced adventure stories. But Steve, who always went on adventures and lived a fast-paced life, didn’t want to read those. He enjoyed reading about the other aspect of living, where peace was abundant and people could afford to worry about family drama and such. It gave him a warm feeling inside.

Steve, picking up his book, slowly walked up to the living room window, looking out onto the mostly empty road, a smile on his face.

The smile remained, until a dark shadow that covered the street snuffed out the sunlight.

Author's Note:

Hey, in honor of the SAT's I'm probably gonna bomb, have a chapter!:rainbowlaugh:
So yeah, the Black Claw make their first appearence, but don't worry, they'll show up a lot more later. Hopefully, Steve will be ready.
And what of Celestia's request? Will Nog get the chance, or will he end up getting his butt kicked like all the rest?
Will Steve be able to defeat Thorn, the last member of the Black Claw? Only time will tell.

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