• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,373 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 67: Playing Catch-Up (Part 2)

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Steve stood beside the table in Celestia’s quarters. The Solar Diarch, Braeburn, and the Testificate he know knew was named Martha sat around the table while Abyss chose to stand nearby.

“Okay,” Steve began. “I got a lot of questions running through my head right now. So, first off.” He turned to the dragoness. “How are you doing, Abyss? Sorry if I haven’t had the opportunity to visit, I’ve been a bit busy lately.”

The dragoness gave him a deadpan look. “Oh me? I’m doing great. Just been worried sick about you getting hurt. Not only that, but a being that shouldn’t be here is now here, so there’s that too. Overall, not too much going on with me, thanks for asking.”

“Why were you worried about me?” The Crafter asked in confusion.

“Because a few nights ago, I felt the Nightmare aura in you suddenly flare up. Given that the last time something like that happened was when we fought Herobrine, I figured you were in trouble.”

Steve shrugged. “Eh, less so me in trouble, and more a friend of mine that was. It’s a long story. Anyways, I’m surprised that you managed to sense my transformation at all.”

Abyss gave him a look of disbelief. “Steve, do you have any idea at all how powerful your aura is when you activate your, whatever it is, Nightmare Form, you called it?”

The Crafter shook his head. “Uh, not really. I mean, I kinda figured that I had a presence of sorts, but I didn’t think it was that powerful.”

Celestia let out a small chuckle. “Clearly, you underestimate your strength, Steve. Luna and I could sense your presence all the way from Canterlot.”

“Ah.” He commented lamely. Shaking his head, he turned to Martha and the stallion beside her, Braeburn. “So, Martha.” The Testificate perked up when her name was spoken. “How in the world are you here?”

“Oh. I fell through the portal, your Majesty.”

Steve stared at her with a blank expression on his face for a few moments before speaking. “Okay, firstly, what? And second, don’t call me your Majesty, please.”

She quickly nodded. “Okay your Highness.”

“That’s,” He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. Sighing, he focused his gaze back on Martha. “That’s not what I meant. Don’t call me your Majesty, or your Highness, or anything like that, okay?”

“Oh, um, okay. What should I call you, then?”

He shrugged. “Just call me Steve. Everyone else does.”

She nodded. “Got it. Anyways, to answer your question, I fell through this portal that was in the middle of the forest. It was only after I talked with Abyss that I found out that it was actually Notch who had made the portal.”

Steve furrowed his eyebrows. “Notch? Why did he make a portal to this world?”

The Testificate shrugged. “I don’t know. All I know is that I fell through his portal by accident and was spit out in the forest. After walking for a while, I ended up meeting Braeburn, who was kind enough to take me back to his house. It wasn’t too long afterwards that Abyss found me. We talked for a while, and when she said that she needed to go to some place called Canterlot, me and Braeburn volunteered to go with her. And, well, here we are.”

Steve turned to look at Abyss. “Why did you need to come here?”

The dragoness sighed and pointed to Celestia. “Because I needed to warn her.”

This got the alicorn’s attention. The Solar Diarch immediately stood, her furrowed gaze focused on Abyss. “Warn me of what?”

“That you need to be careful. I’m not sure why Notch opened the portal, but I do know this. If she,” Abyss pointed at Martha. “Can come through, then there’s a chance other things can as well. Things that are far less friendly, and a lot more deadly.”

Steve’s eyes widened in realization. “The mobs.” He breathed, tone horrified.

Abyss nodded. “Yeah. And if enough of them can get through…”

“Then they’ll start to spawn here.” Steve finished.

“What?” Celestia inquired, gaze switching between Steve and Abyss. Her expression made it clear she wanted answers. Steve, being more knowledgeable on the subject, answered.

“Celestia, I’ve fought two terrible, bloody wars against the mobs, during which my forces killed hundreds, perhaps even thousands of them. But despite this, they continue to endure, even to this day, I’m assuming. They are a plague, a virus that can never truly be destroyed. If they come here…” He hesitated for a moment, shaking his head. “Well, let’s hope that never happens. If Notch is half as competent as I know he is, then he’ll make sure that not one single mob comes through.”

“Well, I hope you’re right, Steve.” Abyss spoke. “Because if he doesn’t, and the mobs come here, to Equestria.” The dragoness sighed and shook her head before glancing at Celestia. “Then this world will be lost.”

A heavy silence enveloped the room. No one spoke, the weight of what they’d just heard rendering them speechless. Steve sat back against a nearby wall and sighed before taking a quick look at the other occupants of the room.

The stallion, Braeburn, looked sad, but also confused, and Steve couldn’t help but feel bad for the pony. From what he’d gathered, the stallion was a normal pony, who lived and worked like any other Equestrian. He shouldn’t have been one of the first to know that his world was potentially in mortal danger, and yet, there he was.

Martha fared no better. She had a dejected look on her face as she wrung her hands. She looked like she wanted to say something, but everytime her mouth opened, she hesitated, before shaking her head and closing her mouth again. Her gaze wandered around the room before landing on Braeburn and, upon seeing the expression on his face, carefully wrapped an arm around his barrel. He flinched slightly on the initial contact, but settled into her hug a moment later, nuzzling his head against her side.

Celestia looked, well, she had an expression of calm on her face, implying that the news had barely fazed her, but Steve knew better. He’d worn such a face many times during the wars, and during his time as king. He knew that, whatever it was she was feeling, she didn’t want anyone to see it.

“What can we do?” The Solar Diarch spoke, drawing the attention of everyone in the room. Her gaze was on Steve and Abyss, and her voice, despite the calm exterior, shook. “What can we do to prevent this?”

“For now? Nothing.” Abyss answered truthfully, though Steve wanted to slap her upside the head for her lack of tact.

Celestia’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she let out a laugh of disbelief. “What?”

Abyss shrugged. “Nothing. Until I detect another portal open up, there’s nothing Steve or I can do.”

“She’s right.” Steve reluctantly agreed. “Even with Nightmare Steve’s powers, all I can do is kill any mobs that manage to get through. Sure, he has the ability to sense magic or whatever it is Abyss can do, but since I never felt anything like what she’s talking about, I don’t think I have nearly as big a range as she does.”

‘Alas, you are correct, Steve.’ The Nightmare spoke up. ‘At best, I can detect a magical aura from a few dozen yards away, but that’s it.’

‘Got it, thanks.’ Steve responded.

“So, all we can do for now is prepare. If a portal opens up, Abyss will sense it and we’ll both go shut it down.” Seeing from her expression that Celestia wasn’t satisfied with his answer, Steve gave her a small smile. “But hey, that’s only on the off-chance that Notch let's any of those monsters through. He hates mobs as much as I do, so there’s almost no chance of them ever actually getting through.”

“But there is still a chance.” Celestia spoke solemnly, more to herself than to Abyss and Steve.

“Yes.” The Crafter spoke, nodding with a solemn expression on his face. “There is.” Sighing, his gaze fell to the floor, taking a moment to study the clean tiled floor before he glanced back up at the Solar Diarch sitting across the room from him. “Look, Celestia, right now, I don’t know what to do. I wish that there was something, some good, substantial news that I could tell you right now, to reassure you that everything’s gonna be alright. But I don’t. I don’t know.” The Crafter sighed. “All I know is that if those, things, ever show their face in this world, I’ll make them wish that they’d never been born. I will hunt them down, and put every single one of them to the sword.”

Celestia shook her head. “Steve, you service is greatly appreciated. Trust me, it is. But I cannot ask that of anypony, let alone you.”

He smirked. “Well, good thing I’m not a pony.” His words roused a small chuckle from the pale alicorn.

Abyss, on the other hand, groaned as she face-palmed. “Steve, what are you doing?”

“What?” The Crafter inquired, eyebrows furrowed.

The dragoness glared at him. “Look, I know for a fact that you’re tired of fighting, and I completely understand why. So, pray tell, why are you willingly throwing yourself back into the fray?”

“Abyss, you and I are the only ones who really know what the mobs are and how to kill them. As much as I’ve grown tired of fighting, the last thing I’m going to do make it someone else’s problem to fight them.”

“And I get that, I really do. What I don’t get is why you seem so intent on making sure you’re at the front, leading the fight against them. No one is expecting that from you!”

“Those things killed everyone I loved, Abyss!” Steve replied in a loud voice. “My friends, my family, my people! I at least owe it to them to make sure the mobs never harm anyone ever again!” Steve, realizing that he was now nearly yelling, took a few deep breaths to calm himself before continuing. “I made a promise, a long time ago, that I would help everyone I could. And I never break my promises.” He sighed. “Besides, what am I supposed to do otherwise? Just stand back and watch others give their lives to fight monsters they shouldn’t even know exist? No.” The Crafter stated, shaking his head. “I’ve already watched one race die. I’ll be damned before I watch a second one suffer the same fate.”

Abyss’ face had fallen, eyes boring into the tiled floor beneath her feet. After a few moments, she spoke, voice emotionless.

“Well, what if you die, Steve?”

The Crafter flinched as though he’d been struck. “What?”

The dragoness’ gaze met Steve’s. “What if you die? You’re not invincible, Steve. You are strong, and brave, and one of the best fighters I’ve ever met. But you can still be killed. So what if one day, you go off to battle, and you don’t come back? What then? How do you think your friends would feel? Derpy, Dinky, Trench, me? How would we feel?”

“I don’t want to die, Abyss, obviously! I don’t want to make you guys sad!” Steve spoke, his exasperated voice beginning to morph into one of frustration. “But if it comes down to either my friends dying, or me dying, you know what I’ll choose! Enough people have sacrificed themselves for me! I’m tired of it! I’m tired of people giving their lives to save mine when I never deserved it! I tried my best to become worthy of their sacrifice, and look where that’s got me! Where that got them!” Hot tears began to pour down Steve’s cheeks, though he didn’t acknowledge them. “In the end, everyone I loved died, leaving only me, the one they all died for! I know it’s selfish, but I don’t want to have to deal with the pain of losing those I love and care for again! I’d rather die than do that!” He yelled, teeth clenched tight. Sighing, he fell back against the wall behind him, taking a few deep breaths to calm himself as he pressed his hands to his face. “I can’t. I can’t go through that again. If I were to die in battle, I’d at least know that I’d gone out protecting those I care about. But if anyone else were to die facing the mobs, then their death would be on me.”

Abyss shook her head. “Steve, you’re not responsible for the portals, nor the mobs. How in the world would it be your fault?”

The Crafter lifted his head, his gaze meeting hers. “Because when you have what I have, when you can do what I can, but you don’t, and then the bad stuff happens, it happens because of you. And I don’t need that on my conscience, Abyss. I really don’t.” Sighing, he shook his head. “I tried my best to save everyone. I did everything I could, and it wasn’t enough to save my world. I only hope that my best is enough to save this one, if the need arises. Because I’m not sure what I’ll do if it’s not.”

Author's Note:

Wow, this was posted a bit earlier than expected. Yay me!
Again, this a bit of a filler chapter. For those of you craving a bit more action, just be patient with me. I'll get there soon.
Also, bit of bad news. My data plan with my phone company went a bit wonky, so my unlimited data, as well as my hotspot, which I use for my computer, is going to be offline for the forseeable future. This means I'll be on a lot less than normal until I can get everything situated, which also means that the next few chapters will probably be delayed. (Which is the main reason I wanted to get this one out so soon.) Sorry for the inconvience.
Anyways, thank you all for reading and be sure to let me know what you all think in the comments.

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