• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,391 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

  • ...

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 7: Lightning Does Strike Twice

Now, without further adieu, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Entry 14.

It’s been a good while since I first arrived in this world. Things have been, well, in the words of a old friend of mine, “Pretty fucking insane.” I’ve been gathering intel on many of the ponies and learned a few things.

For one, their names are freaking weird. That psychotic pegasus is called Rainbow Dash. At first I thought her parents were just weirdos, but apparently, naming your kids strange-ass names is the norm. There’s Applejack, an orange pony with some decent strength on her side. Then there’s Miss Pinkamena Pie, who, as the name implies, is very, very pink.

Speaking of Miss Pie, she’s, well, there’s not really any way to explain her. I’ve written more on her and explained some theories I’ve come up with earlier. (See entry 9) But she is infinitely more perceptive to my presence than her kin. On multiple occasions the pink demon has found me, for reasons, and by which methods, I don’t know. All I know is that she thinks of me as some type of wandering spirit, due to my invisibility. This was made very clear from the fact she calls me, “Mr. Ghost.” Not the best name, but I’ve been called worse.

As it is, she hasn’t told any of her friends, which coincidentally, is the whole town. If she has, I haven’t been beaten up yet, so good for me. She has asked me on the few different times we’ve talked (which is her just talking a mile a minute while I make various grunts to answer her questions) if I wanted a party. Yeah, a bunch of ponies that had been nothing but violent with me, in an enclosed space? That screamed “BAD IDEA!” Luckily, I’ve convinced her I’ll attend her party at a “later” date.

The last thing I’ve discovered is that, the ponies. They just, aren't inherently violent. I’ve been watching them for a while now, and they are very friendly with each other. If I was a retard, I would say they are a very peaceful species. However, I know from previous encounters they are not. Rainbow Dash and her comrades made it very clear to me I am not welcome.

Anyway, that’s all for right now. I’ll write later.

  • Steve

Steve finished off the entry, threw the quill in the book, then shoved his book in his inventory. Sitting back up, he stretched his back, letting out a small groan as a small pop emanated from it. Shaking his shoulders, he looked around, giving a small sigh. Today was a relatively quiet day, something Steve didn’t really have a whole lot of in his life.


Steve’s head shot up as a rainbow blur zoomed through the main part of town, heading in the direction of Applejack’s Home, something Steve heard was called “Sweet Apple Land” or something.

“Rainbow Dash! Wait!!” Boing! Boing! Boing! Boing! Looking over the side of the roof, Steve saw the Pink Demon herself, literally bouncing her way after her friend. He just chalked it up to another one of her weird antics. Settling himself back on the roof, he pulled out a piece of bread and chomped it down, figuring that was the end of it.

Until, that is, the pair came back, Rainbow Dash pushing a large white cloud in her hooves. Steve’s brows furrowed as the memory of what happened last time she’d had a cloud resurfaced. Absentmindedly, he rubbed his chest, phantom pain making itself known.

The two came over to the front of the town hall, the same building where Steve himself was situated. As first, Steve’s heart started to race. For a moment, he thought Miss Pinkie was trying to get Rainbow Dash to electrocute him (again!) But that theory is disproved when she parks the cloud a short distance from the building. Pinkamena then starts yelling instructions for where Rainbow needs to put the cloud. After shouting her inane directions, she miraculously goes silent for a few moments. Then Rainbow bucks the cloud.


The noise shocks Steve, making him jump back and nearly draw his sword, heart pumping. Immediately after, he hears laughter.

“Oh Rainbow Dash, we startled Spike into getting the hiccups!” Pinkamena laughed. Then, he hears a young, male voice speak.

“Ha Ha, good one Pinkie -hic- Pie! You’re always pulling a fast one -hic- on me!” the voice, dubbed Spike, by what the Pink Demon had said. Leaning over the edge, Steve immediately recognized the bipedal lizard from the golden carriage. The same one that had arrived the same day he’d fought Nightmare Moon for the first time. Suddenly, Spike hiccuped again and, to Steve surprise, a breath of green fire shot out of his mouth, burning away the scroll he’d had in his hands.

“Okay, so not a lizard, a dragon. Some kind of wingless dragon.” Steve mused to himself as the watched the two ponies and dragon converse some more as he went into his thoughts.

“Apparently dragons exist here, and since those two don’t seem at all fazed by him, I’m gonna guess they’re not uncommon, though I haven’t seen any dragons, so I don’t know.” Groaning, he slapped a palm to his face as memories of the nightmare of a fight he’d had when he’d faced the Ender Dragon all those years ago came up. That fight had mentally and physically scarred him for life.


Another bolt of lightning made him jump, forcing him to stifle a yell. Glaring at the pegasus, Steve let out a frustrated sigh at being caught off guard. He faced creatures 10x more terrifying than that egocentric mare, but time and time again, he found her presence made him nervous.

He watched as the duo trotted off, giggling to themselves about something. Something about them seemed suspicious. Narrowing his gaze, he leapt over the side, landing in a roll, before swiftly following them.

* * * * *

That was, by far, the stupidest thing he’d ever had the unpleasantness of experiencing, in his entire life. Funny, but still, beyond stupid.

Turns out the thing the pair had been laughing about was the pranks they were going to do on their friends. From giving Rarity flowers that made her sneeze, to coloring Applejack’s apple’s all different colors, Steve was hating himself more and more for being anything close to afraid of these ponies. Unfortunately, he was reminded of the times they’d hurt him, badly, and his self-hate decreased.

Anyways, he stopped his stalking, er, investigations and headed back to his home. With little to do that came to the forefront of his mind, he cooked up some dinner. Putting the morsels in a large wooden bowl, he walked to his main room, where he kept his primary chest, brewing stand, bed and crafting table.

Sitting on his bed, which acted as both a bed and a chair, he leaned against the wall behind it and sighed. Looking into the plain brown bowl, a loaf of bread, an apple he’d knicked from AJ’s place a few days before, and a carrot met his eyes. Settling into the bed, he sighed and took a bite out of the loaf of bread. Bit bland.

Looking around the quiet, dimly-lit room, his chewing slowly stopped and he swallowed. He tilted his head back, letting it thunk quietly against the wall. He took a shuddering breath. Squinting his eyes shut, he tried to force back the tears that threatened to pour forth. Gritting his teeth, he spoke in a low, shuddering voice.

“I’m trying. I really am, Lily, you know that. I try every day to live up to the promise I made you. But why is it so Notch-damn hard?”, He croaked, the tears spilling down his cheeks. “I tried to do what you asked me. I really did. But I’m so damn tired of fighting. You asked me to live on, for everyone, to keep their memory alive. But how can I do that if you all were my reason for living? How can I live with that if I’m reminded every day you guys are gone?” Steve spoke, the tears spent, but the sobs continuing.

He was like that for a while, crying into his hands in his home in a new world. The only sounds present were the small crackling of torches and the quiet sobs of a scarred Crafter, a broken man.

* * * * *

“Can’t believe this is what I’ve been forced to do.” Steve muttered to himself, holding himself close to the roof of the tree home. Hoofsteps discouraged further mutterings as the owner of the home stepped back into the room, trotting over to the lit cauldron that lay directly beneath Steve. The striped pony began throwing some herbs and stuff into the pot, causing the liquid inside to change color from red to purple.

The only reason Steve was here was because he’d ran out of Blaze Powder that morning when he’d wanted to brew up a stock of Awkward Potions for uh, personal reasons, and had used the the last of his supply. If he was back home, he’d just head to the Nether, find a Blaze or two and come home, no problem. However, here it wasn’t that simple, as he’d found out when he tried to make a Nether Portal and it didn’t work. Long story.

Now he was hiding, clutched to the roof of her tree house, as he tried his best to tune out the rhyming she did when she talked. Apparently, she was a fan of talking to herself. Anyways, he’d found when brewing something, the striped pony used something called “Dust of a Fire Ruby”, which sounded a lot like a variation of Blaze Powder.

Unfortunately, when he’d infiltrated her home, by climbing through the window, she walked in from some back room Steve hadn’t known about, forcing him into the situation he was in now. If he hadn't had the foresight of drinking an Invisibility Potion, she’d have definitely seen him.

Eyes following the striped pony, he waited and waited for her to leave, letting out a silent sigh every time she threw in a new ingredient. Even worse, his invisibility was flickering, meaning it’s time limit was approaching. He’d have to be fast when he got his chance.

Eventually, after a good 20 minutes, she left to the back room, disappearing from his sight. Sighing, he dropped silently, immediately going over her supplies, all of which she’d very nicely labeled.

“Eye of newt? No. Heart’s Desire? Sounds cool, but no. Where is it?” Looking all around, he eventually found a small chest sitting on the ground with a label, “Fire Ruby Dust” Smirking in victory, he opened the chest, finding five piles of Fire Ruby Dust. Taking four of them, he quickly shoved them in his inventory. Just then, his invisible hand flickered, then appeared, signifying it’s time had expired.

“Just in time. Got to go before…” Shutting the box, Steve turned to leave, only to stop in shock. Standing there in the hallway, was the striped pony, staring at him with wide eyes. Steve swiftly reciprocated the action, eyes staring back at her in nervousness and apprehension. Taking a step back, Steve contemplated his options, eyes flickering between her and window. He quickly made a decision.

The mare opened her mouth to speak, only to be interupted as Steve yeeted his body through her window, landing with an “Oof” on the other side.

“Wait, creature!” She called out, but it was useless. Steve was already on his feet, running like the devil was on his heels. With his enhanced speed, he quickly lost sight of the hut and the pony giving chase.

* * * * *

“We are telling you Tia, this creature is not something to be taken lightly.” Luna told her sister, who sat across from her, reading some scroll.

“You told us yourself, his power and magic capabilities aren’t as strong as yours or mine.” Celestia responded, looking over the scroll at her sister with a quirked eyebrow.

“Indeed, yet we were still defeated. And that was only in the dream world. We know nothing of how powerful this creature is in reality.” Luna argued.

Celestia seemed to ponder this for a moment before giving her response.

“Very well. I shall have guards sent on patrol in Ponyville, should something else occur and the town will be warned. Is there anything else I should know about the creature?” Luna thought for a moment before responding.

“He thought we were Nightmare Moon.” At this Celestia’s eyebrows furrowed. “Nightmare Moon? Why?”

“He said he hath fought and defeated us.” As this the Sun Princesses eyes widened slightly.

“How could he have defeated her, but you could easily defeat him?”, she wondered aloud.

“That is why we recommend you not underestimate the creature.” Luna responded grimly.

Author's Note:

Hey, what's good, thanks for reading. If you have any ideas for stuff you want to see in the story, just comment them. While I only post roughly once a week, I'm on the site daily.
Also, while I chose crushed fire ruby as the replacement for Blaze Powder, many of your comments had some good ideas that I will most definitely impliment later in the story. :pinkiehappy: Thank you, all of you.

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