• Published 3rd Feb 2019
  • 20,372 Views, 3,201 Comments

A Crafter's Dream (Discontinued) - ruthim345

It'd been years. Years since the war. Steve was the only one left. Everyone else was gone. He lived, he fought. Rinse, repeat. All he wants is a second chance. And now, he'll get his chance.

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A Crafter's Dream Ch. 44: Escape from Canterlot (Part 1)

Now, without further ado, I present,

A Crafter’s Dream

Circle: Block

Square: Slash

Steve raised his blade, barely managing to block the sword that swung towards his face. Pushing the blade aside, he whirled around and swung, knocking the guard he was battling sideways. Turning back around, Steve found himself face to face with three guards, who all lunged at him simultaneously.

Square (Hold): Whirlwind

Unfortunately for them, the Crafter had very fast reflexes. Quickly gripping his sword handle with both hands, he spun himself around, sword outstretched. The diamond blade swiftly clobbered the three guards, sending them to the floor. Putting a stop to his spin, Steve glanced to his right to see Trench holding his own, punching a guard across the face, making them stumble back. Another punch knocked them unconscious.

The Crafter grinned, before his instincts flared up, warning him of an incoming attack. Whirling around, he didn't even have time to blink before a gray pegasus guard body-slammed him, sending the both of them rolling.

Damage Received - 2 damage. 18 health remaining.

Triangle: Kick

Square: Slash

Upon landing on his back, Steve immediately kicked the guard off of him. Rolling backwards onto his feet, he leapt towards the guard, swiping his sword and knocking the pegasus unconscious. Raising his blade, he whirled around, only to see every guard either knocked out or groaning in pain on the ground. Letting out a sigh of relief, he let his blade drop as he relaxed his stance.

“Finally.” He muttered, stretching his back, causing a loud pop sound. Steve gave a small groan. “Yep, definitely gonna feel that one in the morning.”

“You alright?” He heard Trench ask.

The Crafter waved the question off. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’ve taken way worse hits. Anyway, we should get going before backup arrives.” Trench gave a silent nod of agreement. With that, the duo started to run off, only to be stopped by a strained voice coming from the group of fallen guards.

“Why?” At the question, both stallion and Crafter stopped in their tracks and turned around to find the source of the voice. They quickly found it.

Among the group of defeated guards, a pegasus was trying to get to his feet. His legs shook and his body quivered from the effort. He looked at them with narrowed eyes, teeth grit in pain.

“Why what?” Trench asked, giving the pegasus a confused expression.

“Why are you doing this General Trench? You m-made a vow to serve the crown, to serve Equestria and its ponies with y-your life, just like the rest of the guard.” Buckling from the pain, the pegasus fell to his knees, panting heavily. Groaning, he gave Trench a hard glare. “We were s-supposed to be comrades. Friends. B-brothers. Why did y-you throw that all away? Why did you betray us?”

Silence reigned in the hall, save for the small, pained breaths drawn by the pegasus. Trench’s gaze softened slightly in understanding. After thinking for a few moments, he responded.

“I did swear to serve the Princesses, and to protect the citizens of Equestria. And I will continue to do so until either my death, or I am relieved of service.” Trench paused as he took a breath. “But I also want to do what’s right. Steve here has been wronged time and again by our kind. He should be honored as a hero, but instead he’s being treated like a criminal. I want to make it right, and if that means breaking a few rules, or even all of them, then so be it. I hope ponies will understand that one day.” Letting out a small sigh, Trench turned to Steve. “C’mon, we should keep moving.” With that, the stallion quickly trotted off, the Crafter jogging close behind.

The duo traveled in silence for a few minutes, before Steve spoke.

“Thank you Trench.”

His companion gave him a curious look as he responded. “What for?”

“For helping me. You’re risking a lot by doing so. Your position, your job, heck, even your life are on the line. But you still helped me when you didn’t have to, when no one else would. So thank you.”

The stallion grinned. “No problem Steve.”

Steve smirked back, only for the smile to fade when he heard the sound of creaking wood coming from just ahead of them. Snapping his gaze forward, his eyes widened when he saw that a door had opened a short distance away. Out of it stepped two figures.

The first was a familiar looking white stallion, sporting a dark blue mane with streaks of cyan blue running through it. Steve’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped as he recognized the stallion. It was Shining Armor.

The second was a pink mare. Steve thought she was a unicorn at first, due to the large pink horn on her head, but then he saw she had a pair of pink and violet feathered wings on her torso, meaning she was an alicorn. Her mane was a mixture of pink, purple and a cream color. The duo turned and froze when their gaze landed on the forms of Steve and Trench. Steve gave a small smile and waved.

“Hey. How are you two doing?”

Shining immediately jumped in front of his female companion, horn glowing blue. “Halt creature!!”

Steve took a step back as he raised his sword slightly, getting into a light fighting stance. “Hold up Shining! I don’t want to fight you!”

The stallion’s gaze narrowed. “How do you know my name?” He looked over at Trench. “And you, soldier! State your name and rank!”

Trench gave a small sigh as he responded. “I am General Trench Digger, of the 37th Platoon. Hello Captain Armor. Hello Princess Cadenza.”

“What?” Steve asked, confused. “There’s another Princess? How many do you guys freaking have?”

“Silent, creature!” Shining barked. “You will not speak unless spoken to!”

Steve gave a scoff. “Geez. When I met you the first time, you were much less of an asshole.”

“First time?” The pink alicorn, apparently named Cadenza, inquired, stepping past her companion. “When did you first meet?”

Steve pondered for a moment on how to best answer her question before responding. “It’s a bit of a long story. Just know that he and I have met, technically.” He turned to Shining. “Look dude, I know you may hate me right now…”

“Hate is too weak a word, creature.” The stallion spat. “You have hospitalized dozens of my guards, all good mares and stallions.”

“Because you sent them after me.” Steve interjected. “You can’t blame me for defending myself. And let me ask you this. How many have died in the attempts to capture me? None. Sure, I’ve given bruises, I’ve dealt out scars, I’ve broken bones. But you can’t say that I’ve killed a single one of your men, despite having plenty of opportunities and reason to do so.” Taking a deep breath, he rubbed his face with a hand. “I’m not the monster you all seem to think I am. I never wanted to hurt any of you.”

There was silence for a few moments, before it was finally broken by the pink mare, Cadenza.

“I believe you.” Those three simple words caused Steve to jerk back slightly, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“What?” He asked in disbelief.

“I believe you.” She said again, taking a step forward. “I have always been able to discern truth from lies. It’s necessary as the Princess of Love. I know you’re not lying.” She gave a sort of sad sigh as her horn began to glow. “Even so, you have hurt a lot of guards, some of which I consider close friends. That can't simply be swept under a rug. Regardless of your intentions, I’m afraid you will have to come with us.”

D-Pad Up: Sword

D-Pad Left: Fishing Rod

Taking a moment to glance around, Steve saw a large window over to his right. Sighing, he sheathed his sword, replacing it with his fishing rod.

“Of course. Well, I’m afraid I can’t let that happen. You see, I’m not really a big fan of being punished for something that isn’t my fault. So,”

X (Hold): Rod Zip

In one swift motion, Steve latched the hook of his rod on the window sill while simultaneously grabbing Trench with his free arm. Pulling hard, the pair sailed towards the window.

“I think we’ll just take our leave!” Only milliseconds later, they burst through the window, sending shattered glass falling onto the floor twenty feet beneath them. Tightening his grip on the fishing rod, he gritted his teeth in determination while Trench gave a cry of panic from the sudden movement. Still latched to the window sill, Steve swung down to the ground, Trench still in tow. Upon landing, he flicked the rod, releasing the hook and quickly reeling it in.

D-Pad Left: Fishing Rod

Quickly putting his fishing rod away, Steve set Trench down on his slightly shaky hooves.

“Come on! Let’s get moving!” He shouted. Just as he did so, there was a cry from above.

“After them!!” The words were followed shortly by bolts of magic shooting down at them

“That’s our cue!!” Steve yelled, grabbing Trench by his torso and lifting him above his head before sprinting off, zooming down the hall. They came to a corner, forcing Steve to twist sideways, sliding along the smooth floor before taking off again. Unfortunately, the duo quickly saw a platoon of guards on the other end of the hallway, a good distance away. Upon seeing the Crafter and his companion, they immediately began rushing towards them, weapons and horns at the ready.

Steve grit his teeth as his brain rushed to come up with a plan. However, his thoughts were interrupted by Trench.

“Steve, look! There’s a kitchen up ahead. Those always have a dumbwaiter!”

Looking ahead, Steve saw a set of double doors only about 10 feet in front of them. Just above it was a sign that read “Guest Kitchen.” Grinning at their luck, Steve veered over to the side, crashing through the doors with a loud “Bang!” Setting Trench down, the Crafter immediately set to work blockading the door, grabbing whatever he could use to impede access. Just in time too, as only moments later, the guards reached the doors and pushed against them, only stopped by two wooden crates and Steve’s superior strength. Trench aided him by stacking a wide variety of stuff in front of the doors. A table, cupboards, even a large metal rectangle he called a fridge, all were used to block up the doorway. Eventually, the duo lost sight of the doors themselves, there was so much stuff.

Grinning at their work, Steve spoke. “That should hold them. Now where’s that dumbwaiter?”

“Oh!” Trench exclaimed. “I think I saw it when I was grabbing that fridge.” The stallion looked around before he spotted his prize. “There it is!” He cried out, pointing at what appeared to be a wood panel in the wall, with two buttons on one side. Running over to it with Steve following, Trench hurriedly grabbed the latch and pulled, revealing a metal platform.

"That's our way out of here?" Steve asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Seems like it'll be a tight fit."

"We'll make it work. Besides, it's either this, or dealing with the guards."

Steve glanced back at the pile that currently blocked the door, eyes widening slightly when he saw the pile beginning to move, showing the duo didn't have a whole lot of time. He let out a groan as he gave Trench a sideways glance.

"Fine. You first though."

Author's Note:

I am so, so, so sorry that this chapter was so late. Work kicked my ass this last week and I was having trouble finding time to write. Again, I'm very sorry, and I should be back to my regular schedule, at some point. :applecry:

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